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Celtic Astrology

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Celtic Animal Zodiac

Celtic Animal Zodiac

According to ancient Celtic lore, every person has a Celtic totem animal. This symbolizes the main qualities of the individual, comparing them to an animal with those same qualities. The period of the Druids who were responsible for Celtic signs, was a period of history in Britain an... Read more

Celtic Druidism and Astrology Overview

Celtic Druidism and Astrology Overview

Everything You Need To Know About Celtic Druidism Much has been said about the Celtic Druids. But despite all the traces of evidence, they still remain cloaked in mystery to this day. There is no evidence that can prove how the Druids looked or how their ceremonies an... Read more

The Ogham Astrology

The Ogham Astrology

This is another version of Celtic Based Astrology/Zodiac. There are some differences between them.  Mainly as they pertain to elements, associations and dates of influence.  If you look around and search the web you will find some are druid based, Celtic/Irish bas... Read more

The Elder Tree - November 25 - December 22

The Elder Tree - November 25 - December 22

The Winter Solstice ( Alban Arthuan ) Celtic Symbol : The Black Horse Or The Raven Read more

The Reed : October 28th - November 24th

The Reed : October 28th - November 24th

The Fire Festival Of Samhain Celtic Symbol : The White Hound Or The Stone Read more

The Ivy - September 30th - October 27th

The Ivy - September 30th - October 27th

Celtic Symbol : The Butterfly Zodiac Degrees : 7º00` Libra - 4º59` Scorpio Ruling Planet : Persephone Veiled By The Moon Ancient Goddesses Associated With Persephone : Greek - Persephone, Hecate, Ariadne; Celtic -  Arianrhod, Rhiannon Symbolism : Survivor - Gi... Read more

The Vine: September 2nd - September 29th

The Vine: September 2nd - September 29th

The Autumnal Equinox ( Alban Elfed ) Celtic Symbol : The White Swan Read more

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

Celtic Symbol : The Rainbow Salmon Zodiac Degrees : 12º00` Leo - 8º59` Virgo Ruling Planet : Mercury - Mugher; Element : Air; Color : Orange Ancient Gods Associated With Mercury : Greek - Hermes; Celtic - Ogma, Manannan, Artemis, Diana Symbolism : Wi... Read more

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Fire Festival Of Lammas Celtic Symbol : The Unicorn And The Flaming Spear Read more

The Oak Tree - June 10th - July 7th

The Oak Tree - June 10th - July 7th

Summer Solstice ( Alban Hefin ) Read more

The Hawthorn Tree - May 13 - June 9

The Hawthorn Tree - May 13 - June 9

Celtic Symbol : The Chalice Zodiac Degrees : 21º00` Taurus - 17º59 Gemini Ruling Planet : Vulcan - Govannan Ancient Gods Associated With Vulcan : Greek - Vulcan Or Hephaestus; Celtic - Govannan Or Goibniu, Olwen, Blodeuwedd, Gardea, Hymen, Hera, Virgin Mary&nbs... Read more

The Willow Tree - April 15th - May 12th

The Willow Tree - April 15th - May 12th

The Fire Festival Of Beltane Celtic Symbol : The Sea Serpent Zodiac Degrees : 24º00` Aries - 20º59` Taurus Read more

The Alder Tree - March 18 - April 14

The Alder Tree - March 18 - April 14

The Vernal Equinox (Alban Eilir) Celtic Symbol : Pentacle Or The Hawk Zodiac Degrees : 26°00` Pisces - 23°59` Aries Ruling Planet : Mars - Maurth; Element : Fire and Water; Color : Purple Ancient Gods Associated With Mars : Greek - Ares, Apollo; Celtic - Bran,... Read more

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

Celtic Symbol : The Trident Or Sea - Horse Zodiac Degrees : 28º00` Aquarius - 25º59` Pisces Read more

The Rowan Tree - January 21 - February 17

The Rowan Tree - January 21 - February 17

The Fire Festival Of Brigantia Celtic Symbol : The Green Dragon Zodiac Degrees : 0º00` - 27º59` Aquarius Ruling Planet : Uranus - Brigantia; Element : Fire; Color : Green Ancient Gods Associated With Uranus : Greek - Chaos, Aether And Hemera, Uranus; ... Read more

The Birch Tree - December 24 - January 20

The Birch Tree - December 24 - January 20

Celtic Symbol : The White Stag Zodiac Degrees : 2º00` - 29º59` Capricorn Read more

Celtic Astrology

Celtic Astrology

Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000 BC. The Druid religion was based on 3 basic strands of belief: the first was to remember their ancestors and the past; the second was to have an understanding of nature so that they could work with it, not agai... Read more

Healing Paths

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The Ayurvedic Approach to Heart Disease

The Ayurvedic Approach to Heart Disease

Heart disease affects hundreds of thousands of Americans but in recent years has not been appropriately publicized. According to the N... Read more



What is Breema® Breema® is a simple, natural form of touch and body movement supported by universal principles. The aim of Breema is ... Read more

Postural Integration (PI)

Postural Integration (PI)

Postural Integration (PI) is an alternative process-oriented, body-therapy method which supports individuals in dealing with the cha... Read more

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for mor... Read more

Meet Jean Dawson, a 100-year-old Yogi

Meet Jean Dawson, a 100-year-old Yogi

Health magazines around the world claim that yoga is for everybody… That’s because it really is. Anot... Read more

Chi Nei Tsang Massage: Healing The Inside

Chi Nei Tsang Massage: Healing The Inside

Chi Nei Tsang is a Tantric Taoist technique developed according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Chi Nei Tsang p... Read more

Pure Essential Oils and Bio-Frequency

Pure Essential Oils and Bio-Frequency

The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is ... Read more

Tui Na - Chinese Massage

Tui Na - Chinese Massage

Tuina (Tui Na - pronounced toy-nah) is an Oriental Bodywork Therapy that has been used in China for 2,000 years. Tui Na literally tr... Read more



Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a system of medicine based on the healing power of nature. Naturopathy is a holistic... Read more

EFT Tapping: Heal from the Inside-Out

EFT Tapping: Heal from the Inside-Out

What does it mean to heal from the inside-out? Well, according to naturopathic doctors, the symptoms that we see on the outside i... Read more

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy used to treat somatic dysfunction and accompanying pain and restriction of motio... Read more

396 HZ - Liberation from Fear - Video

396 HZ - Liberation from Fear - Video

396 HZ - Liberation from Fear Read more

Rose Oil May Heal Heart Disease, Cancer, And Depression

Rose Oil May Heal Heart Disease, Cancer, And Depression

Roses symbolize love, but could their connection with the heart be more than a sentimental Valentine’s Day tradition? Me... Read more

Galactic Federation: Do You Know How Important Your Aura Is?

Galactic Federation: Do You Know How Important Your Aura Is?

Your aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. You are made up of energy, and this energy needs to be... Read more

Add a Little Lavender Love into Your Life

Add a Little Lavender Love into Your Life

Tania Marie The nostalgia of lavender can bring to mind long summer days, nature’s magick, childhood memorie... Read more

Traditional Chinese Medicine to Prevent and Treat Cancer

Traditional Chinese Medicine to Prevent and Treat Cancer

The ultimate reasons for the formation of abnormal growth of cells (cancer) are complex and still not fully understood in modern w... Read more

How to Do an Aura Scan: In Person & Distance Scanning

How to Do an Aura Scan: In Person & Distance Scanning

Scanning the aura is an integral part of energy work. The following approaches can be used to scan the aura: Visua... Read more

Cosmic Stargate

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One Those ET’s from Andromeda are also described by Alex Collier as having been direct descendents of the Lyrans who experienced ... Read more

Starseed Series: Mintakans (Orion)

Starseed Series: Mintakans (Orion)

Starseeds: Mintakans (Orion) Mintakans originate from the star system of Mintaka, situated within the Orion constellation's belt.... Read more

Heros and Amora

Heros and Amora

HEROS AND AMORA are the Elohim of the third ray (the pink ray) of divine love, omnipresence, compassion, charity, and the desire t... Read more

Time Doesn't Exist ~ The Andromedans

Time Doesn't Exist ~ The Andromedans

We are the Andromedans. We greet you today with great hope and expectation for your planet and your species, her species. We were ... Read more

We are ALL Star Seeds With Star Origins And Family

We are ALL Star Seeds With Star Origins And Family

I feel that we are ALL star seeds…coming from and made of stardust in our DNA. So many mixes and blends of different Star BEing ty... Read more

A Galactic Federation Transmission: A Starseed's Purpose On Earth

A Galactic Federation Transmission: A Starseed's Purpose On Earth

Starseeds are here to help this planet evolve to the point of rebirth. A starseed is a being who is seeded on earth from other sta... Read more

How To Reconnect With Your Starseed Memories And Your Star Family

How To Reconnect With Your Starseed Memories And Your Star Family

As Starseeds, when we come to Earth, we pass through the "veil of forgetfulness." We lose touch with our Galactic Soul Family, our s... Read more

Lost Human History

Lost Human History

Earth peoples have been interacting with beings from other worlds since the beginnings on planet Earth. The seedlings of present-d... Read more

What Are Starseeds?

What Are Starseeds?

Starseeds The term Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes.   A Starseed is a st... Read more

Starseed Series: Arcturians

Starseed Series: Arcturians

Starseeds: Arcturians Arcturians, Earth’s Guardians The Arcturians originate from the star system of Arcturus and are widely belie... Read more

The Founders: Sociology

The Founders: Sociology

We have already discussed ascension symptoms and the Master Template in earlier dissertations, and so we will move on now to other... Read more

Elohim Transmission: Power and Sovereignty

Elohim Transmission: Power and Sovereignty

Elohim:Greetings. We are Elohim. The greatest inquiry of all: the individual’s understanding of its own existence, the related ... Read more

Starseed Series: Sirians

Starseed Series: Sirians

Starseeds: Sirians The third segment within the Starseeds series shifts its focus to the Sirians, another significant soul group be... Read more

Who Are The Lyrans?

Who Are The Lyrans?

The Lyrans today are mostly beings who exist in other dimensional realms outside what we understand to be our universe. The Histo... Read more

Lyrans - Our Cosmic Forefathers

Lyrans - Our Cosmic Forefathers

We are going to start with the group called the Lyrans. We are going to give you some basic information about the variou... Read more

The Founders: Politics

The Founders: Politics

Many of your countries have regularly scheduled elections and you are under the illusion that you are creating a leadership that r... Read more

Planetary Origin Series: Arcturus

Planetary Origin Series: Arcturus

Planetary Origin: Arcturus Those who have Arcturus as their planetary origin have strong personalities, a deep inner strength and a '... Read more

Higher Consciousness

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Embracing New Earth: Evolution & Possibilities

Embracing New Earth: Evolution & Possibilities

Beloved Holy Ones of the New Earth, There are new possibilities that are being prepared, that have not manifested yet, but that e... Read more

Divine Timing: The Unexpected Happened!

Divine Timing: The Unexpected Happened!

I had just finished recording my latest rendition of Happy Birthday on the piano and pressed send on the text message to my friend J... Read more

Chasing Happiness: The Myth We All Crave

Chasing Happiness: The Myth We All Crave

What is happiness but a label to chase? Read more

Surging Energy Waves Approach!

Surging Energy Waves Approach!

How are you doing in these Energy waves. I am told that it is a precursor to the Lion’s Gate Energy. Read more

Mastering Ego and Spirit: The Dance of the Mind

Mastering Ego and Spirit: The Dance of the Mind

Embark on a journey deep into the inner workings of the human mind, where there is a constant balancing of ego and spirit between ... Read more

True Freedom with Self-Knowledge: The Reset

True Freedom with Self-Knowledge: The Reset

Great freedom comes when we finally know ourselves. Read more

Latest Ascension Update: Triple 888 Energy Shifts Explained

Latest Ascension Update: Triple 888 Energy Shifts Explained

Beloved Ones, As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from yo... Read more

Living in Divine Illumination: Embracing Oneness and Spiritual Mastery

Living in Divine Illumination: Embracing Oneness and Spiritual Mastery

To be enlightened literally is to be illuminated from the inside out. Read more

Cosmic Update: The Long-Awaited Revelation Is Here!

Cosmic Update: The Long-Awaited Revelation Is Here!

Life & Reality as we know it is about to drastically change! AS OUR FINAL VICTORY IS HERE NOW!! Read more

Ascension Timeline: Awaken Your Journey!

Ascension Timeline: Awaken Your Journey!

While Blue Star Sirius rises with our Sun on the horizon, the field is alive with rising consciousness. Read more

Free Yourself from Attachments

Free Yourself from Attachments

In the last years, with all my +15 moves (no joke), I have detached myself from most of my belongings. Read more

Emerald Ray Anchoring 888: Your Role Revealed

Emerald Ray Anchoring 888: Your Role Revealed

Beloved Ones, As our planet continues undergoing the Emerald retrieval that started months ago and whose peak will be on the trip... Read more

Boost Your Enthusiasm with These Quick Tips!

Boost Your Enthusiasm with These Quick Tips!

Every time I think of writing this moon blog, I pray for enthusiasm. Read more

Powerful Planetary Shift: Experience Galactic Transformation!

Powerful Planetary Shift: Experience Galactic Transformation!

Beloved Ones, We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase that we started at the beginning of ... Read more

Get Ready for Big Changes

Get Ready for Big Changes

Greetings, Wavy One! You may not be into astrology - and that's fine. I only look at it once month, but I do so beca... Read more

Encouragement: The Key to Success!

Encouragement: The Key to Success!

I wanted to share an inspiring story that came from helping someone move through a debilitating fear. Read more

Astrology & Numerology News

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Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underwo…

Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underworld

Not long ago I offered a couple of articles about Pluto around the time Mercury opposed Pluto, and that generated a LOT of discuss... Read more

Embrace Cancer 2024 with Gentle Water Spirits

Embrace Cancer 2024 with Gentle Water Spirits

In the Northern Hemisphere, July marks the true entry into Summer, where a maximum Solar force assists us to do our Being with all... Read more

Uncover the Truth About July 2024: Astrological Overview!

Uncover the Truth About July 2024: Astrological Overview!

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary fact... Read more

July 4th Guide to Harnessing New Moon Energy July 5th, 2024

July 4th Guide to Harnessing New Moon Energy July 5th, 2024

Lots of energetic shifts taking place now! Canada Day (July 1st) was the birthday of the British colonies uniting as one ~ Canada.... Read more

New Moon Update - July 5, 2024!

New Moon Update - July 5, 2024!

New Moon in Cancer is Friday, July 5 at 4:58PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) Read more

July 2024: Neptune Retrograde Shakes Up Astrology

July 2024: Neptune Retrograde Shakes Up Astrology

Neptune goes stationary retrograde at 30 Pisces at 3:40 am PDT, 11:40 am BST July 2. What does this mean and how will it impact us... Read more

Discover the Power of the 2024 Cancer New Moon!

Discover the Power of the 2024 Cancer New Moon!

July 5, 20243:57 PDT / 6:57 PM EDT / 10:57 PM GMTJuly 6, 2024 8:57 AM AEST14 Cancer 23 Read more

Missing Planets in Your Chart? See How It Impacts You

Missing Planets in Your Chart? See How It Impacts You

Over the years I’ve seen countless charts without a planet in one of the elements. Read more

Astrology Signs: Instinctive Reactions to Life's Encounters

Astrology Signs: Instinctive Reactions to Life's Encounters

I was going through the archives and this short piece jumped out at me. Read more

Surprising Secrets of the June 2024 Capricorn Full Moon!

Surprising Secrets of the June 2024 Capricorn Full Moon!

June 21, 20246:07 PM PDT / 9:07 PM EDTJune 22, 20241:07 AM UT1 Cancer 7 / 1 Capricorn 7 Read more

Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 25 Gemini

Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 25 Gemini

Astrology Class June-July-August 2024. At 9:33 am PDT on June 14, we will experience the "Superior Conjunction" as Mercury catche... Read more

Gemini 2024 - Interactive Adaptable Air Spirits

Gemini 2024 - Interactive Adaptable Air Spirits

June marks the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, a time when the creative pulse of Spring expa... Read more

June 2024: Your Astrology Ovierview to Cosmic Influence!

June 2024: Your Astrology Ovierview to Cosmic Influence!

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary fact... Read more

Mars' Move into Taurus: Exciting Events Ahead for June and July 2024!

Mars' Move into Taurus: Exciting Events Ahead for June and July 2024!

At 9:35 pm PDT on June 8, Mars enters Taurus. What does this mean for all of us? Read more

The June 2024 New Moon at 17 Gemini Pt 2

The June 2024 New Moon at 17 Gemini Pt 2

Sabian Symbol, Jones Pattern, Evolutionary Configurations, and More. This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and... Read more

The June 2024 New Moon at 17 Gemini Pt. 1

The June 2024 New Moon at 17 Gemini Pt. 1

What’s Happening in June-July 2024 New Moon coming soon! The next month will be a time when we rise on a tidal explosion of new e... Read more

New Moon June 6 2024 Dive into Love

New Moon June 6 2024 Dive into Love

This is a very special New Beginning! The New Moon in Gemini is on Thursday June 6th at 9:37 am ADT. Read more

Channeled Messages

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Melchizedek's Key to Detaching

Melchizedek's Key to Detaching

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM MELCHIZEDEK. Read more

Channeled Message: Shocking Truth About All's Not Lost!

Channeled Message: Shocking Truth About All's Not Lost!

Dear Ones, The next few days will seem confusing, not because you are determining who you are but because many Earth beings are d... Read more

The Arcturian Group: Powerful Spiritual Awakening and Transf…

The Arcturian Group: Powerful Spiritual Awakening and Transformation!

Welcome, dear readers. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. Read more

The Elders: Shocking Truth About Feeling Your Age!

The Elders: Shocking Truth About Feeling Your Age!

What is age other than a number and reflection of the body vessel? Read more

Golden Future: Insights from the 9D Pleiadian Collective

Golden Future: Insights from the 9D Pleiadian Collective

"Greeting beings of light. We bring our joy on Earth for once again Earth to flourish as it is meant to do. Read more

12th Dimensional Blue Avians: Secrets of the Time Keepers

12th Dimensional Blue Avians: Secrets of the Time Keepers

The Blue Avians: Your timeline has been manipulated Read more

Explore Cosmic Tales: Galactic Federation's Journey with Ple…

Explore Cosmic Tales: Galactic Federation's Journey with Pleiadians

Dear earth-bound souls, heed the celestial whispers, for within them lies the sacred code—a celestial roadmap to unlock the myster... Read more

R'Kok: Shocking Truth About the Five Paths!

R'Kok: Shocking Truth About the Five Paths!

Dear Earth humans, This is R'Kok speaking. Read more

Awakened Collective: Embrace Your Destiny with the 9D Arctur…

Awakened Collective: Embrace Your Destiny with the 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.  Read more

Message to Lightworkers from the Collective: Navigating the …

Message to Lightworkers from the Collective: Navigating the Shift

This week's guidance comes from my Spirit team, who are aligned with the group of higher beings known as the Collective. As with a... Read more

Jesus Christ Reveals the Essence of Love!

Jesus Christ Reveals the Essence of Love!

Awakening describes the process of moving away from suffering and pouring into divinity. Read more

July 2024: Arcturian Insights on Embracing Your Magic!

July 2024: Arcturian Insights on Embracing Your Magic!

July 2024 Energy Update Reclaiming Soul Codes & Colors You Are The Colors Of Magic Read more

VLOG 28: Eternal Wisdom: Timeless Insights from Celestial Be…

VLOG 28: Eternal Wisdom: Timeless Insights from Celestial Beings!

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 28: Eternal Wisdom: Timeless Insights2024 – July 9th Read more

Assumptions That Could Blow Up Your Plans

Assumptions That Could Blow Up Your Plans

How Self-Awareness Can Change Your Experience Read more

Galactic Federation Rapid DNA Activation for Collective Evol…

Galactic Federation Rapid DNA Activation for Collective Evolution

The golden age awaits, just within reach. This age coincides with humanity awakening our divine dna. By unlocking hidden potential... Read more

Goddess of Creation: How Freedom Transforms Life

Goddess of Creation: How Freedom Transforms Life

This channel was a little different than the others! Read more

Light Beings: Lessons from The Animals

Light Beings: Lessons from The Animals

Hello our dear ones, We are here. We are a conglomeration of many Beings, Beings of Light. Read more

Discover the Secrets: Stay in Your Power Insights!

Discover the Secrets: Stay in Your Power Insights!

You have a grander awareness of what is really going on at this time, so do not give your power away to anything, tru... Read more

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Featured This Month


Strong Sun Moon

Strong Sun Moon

Flicker – Carnelian Agate – Wild Rose – Pink June 21 – July 22 Read more

Sun in Cancer

Sun in Cancer

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Cancer Read more

Wild Rose

Wild Rose

Wild Rose Fills your life with soft romance. Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus... Read more



The Stone Of Orators Chalcedony was very popular as a decorative stone in ant... Read more



The Cleansing Stone Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy.... Read more

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Fire Festival Of Lammas Celtic Symbol : The Unicorn And The Flaming Spe... Read more



CANCER Jun 21 - Jul 22 Read more

Abalone Shell

Abalone Shell

Echos Of The Ancestors Abalone strengthens the structure of the body and th... Read more

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian astrology was one of the earliest forms of astrology. The Egyptians... Read more

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

The god Lugh was worshiped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection... Read more

Cancer Mythology

Cancer Mythology

The Hidden Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign Had the Scriptures of Delphi never b... Read more



Moonstone is one of the best stones for bringing emotional calm and stability,... Read more

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Although in the heat of a Mid-western summer it might be difficult to discer... Read more

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem Woodpecker Birth dates: June 21 - July 21 Read more



Lammas Ritual Celebrated August 1st. Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh, La... Read more

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