AndEl's Journeys
What is Really Happening with the Los Angeles Area Fires
This is a huge event and truly impactful in ways that people cannot deny, ignore, or minimize and pretend that nothing is happening out of the ordinary. This is a massive purification for the area. Fire is always purification and wind is change. Courage... Read more
Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, and All Saints Day 2023
During late October every year, the Sun in Scorpio blesses us with a time to honor our Eternal connection with those who have died before us. This period, known many places as "Dia de los Muertos," or "Day of the Dead," is dedicated to... Read more
Willful Ignorance Pt. 2 - Unconscious Behavior, Free Will, a…
In part 1 we explored the power we all have to choose our behavior, and why some people choose to be deliberately ignorant when they abuse others. We looked at innocent ignorance and willful ignorance at work, and how being abusive is a chose... Read more
Does Free Will Play A Part in Ignorance? Pt. 1
I’ve noted that there are those who are ignorant and don’t want to be, while others are proudly ignorant and resist all attempts at becoming more aware. The first group wants to learn, while the second group chooses to stay willfully ignorant. At every... Read more
Releasing the Old Helps Us Grow Into A New Life and Potentia…
As we move and groove through the intersection of Fate St. and Free Will St. on Eternity Boulevard, I am reminded of some universals in the human condition. One of these is that as we evolve, we discover what is really true for us... Read more
The 21st Century - The Century of Divine Mother Redeeming th…
The esteemed Astrologer, philosopher, and Sage Dane Rudhyar once wrote about each century having “seasons” of 25 years each, and each recent century correlating with the discovery of an invisible spiritual planet. I believe this century is one where Divine Mother will make Herself... Read more
The Importance of Shamanic Wisdom Regarding Hallucinogenic P…
The previous article focused on the problems that can occur when someone combines pharmaceutical medicines and chemical compounds from the laboratory with natural entheogenic plants that have not been altered in any significant way. Read more
The Explosion Of Interest In Medicine Plants: What We Need T…
Most of you are probably acquainted with the great interest in a variety of medicine plants or entheogens being researched for treatment with veterans and others suffering from PTSD and a variety of other disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, and various addictions. Read more
Three Universal Truths Of Human Life
There are three great Truths for all of us on Earth. Remembering them can help us navigate many difficult circumstances with grace, mindfulness, inner equilibrium, and a sense of the true nature of things and people, apart from appearances and opinions. Read more
A Second Bill of Rights For America And the World
Today, January 11, is the 79th anniversary of FDR’s 1944 State of the Union speech where he outlined a “Second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all – regardless of station, or race, or... Read more
The Four Freedoms
The Four Freedoms of FDR Are the Foundation of Democracy and Human Well-Being. Today we celebrate “The Four Freedoms,” said by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be the foundations of democracy and human well-being. Given much of the fascist talk, treason, sedition, and fear in the... Read more
The Hour Of The Self-Determined People
With the dawn of the butterfly era, the hour of self-determined people has come. They are already the pioneers of a new era, because they know what it means to follow their inner voice. Inwardly, they feel connected to a higher authority, they need neither external... Read more
Rewilding: Discovering Our True Wildness
“Be someone who transitions well. Accept it. Integrate it. Look for the opportunity in it. It is not other than you, rather it is also you.” ~ From last month’s article. Recently I was returning from a two-week vacation in Thailand with my wife Lena. While... Read more
Atlantis And The Inner Struggle Of Lightworkers
Lightworkers have been on their way for many incarnations. In this article I’m going to talk about their role as perpetrators in the time of Atlantis and the victim lives that took place afterwards; about the inner conflicts that arose from these conflicting experiences and... Read more
If You’re Having A Hard Time - Detach and Have Compassion fo…
It’s clear that many people have been having a hard time for any number of reasons. Some powerful friction has pervaded the air for a long time, coming to a head in the recent Total Lunar Eclipse T-square putting a punctuation point on the... Read more
Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, and All Saints Day 2022
During late October every year, the Sun in Scorpio blesses us with a time to honor our Eternal connection with those who have died before us. This period, known many places as "Dia de los Muertos," or "Day of the Dead," is dedicated to... Read more
Searching For A New Career, Job, or Life? - How to Find It P…
A dear friend asked “Don’t know if this is outside the scope of the Aquarius Papers, but if you ever felt like doing a piece on where to begin looking/planning for a new career/life change - you'd have at least one person interested in... Read more
What It Means To Be Human
my synopsis of the some of the elements that might comprise one’s Ikigai; any misunderstandings about ikigai here are mine-click image to enlarge I‘ve written before about the ancient Japanese concept and philosophy of ikigai. Contrary to business consultants’ perverse and simplistic misappropriation of the concept,... Read more
The Mystic Path And The Shamanic Path: Are They The Same?
Believe it or not there is much controversy in academic circles about the differences and similarities of the mystic path and the shamanic path. While there is no right answer, here we will look at these similarities and differences. Read more
A Technique To Stop Negative Feelings, Habits and Behaviors
As it’s often said, ending negative thoughts, feelings, and actions are truly easier said than done. Most of us realized when we were younger that we wished we had done or said something differently than we did, usually with a regret that we didn’t... Read more
Ending Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior - Part 1
Continuing the topic introduced yesterday, today we examine our power to stop negative thoughts, feelings, and actions in the moment. We all have to power to stop negativity in its tracks, but it takes knowing how to do it in the moment. Read more
How To Stabilize Yourself
One of the greatest repercussions of the grand transition the human race is undergoing right now is destabilization. To review a little context here, the human race is now going through the greatest transition it has ever experienced at any other historical period. There... Read more
All About Assumptions: The Enormity Of Their Impact
Miguel Ruiz, Toltec shaman and author of “The Four Agreements” includes “never making assumptions” as one of the four agreements to make with oneself for greater mastery in life. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what he is talking about. They think that perhaps... Read more
The True Nature of Infection and Viral Contagion
Over the last several years I have written a number of articles that referenced infection and viral activity in relation to the pandemic that has been so impactful on our lives. In this article we will look past the pandemic in order to understand... Read more
Eradicating The Bully
Bullying has been around for tens of thousands of years. In other words, there is nothing new about bullying. What is it? Bullying is mistreating another by belittling, harming, hurting, and inflicting pain psychologically, emotionally, mentally, physically, and all the ways pain can be... Read more
Cities Of Light: Star Gates Of The Global Renaissance
Imagine graduating from the 3rd dimension. Imagine living in the Golden Age in full consciousness and knowing who you truly are. It's not that far off. We're actually closer than we think. More and more information is coming through the Galactics, Ascended Masters, and... Read more
Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
The three building blocks of the multiverse are Truth, Love, and Energy: supreme intelligence, magnetism that draws everything together, and fuel that activates all the atomic and subatomic structures into motion. Without any one of these there would be no universe as we know... Read more
What to Learn and Practice Before TSHTF
Because we cannot hope to predict how, when, how fast, or in what stages, civilization’s collapse is going to proceed, it’s pretty much impossible to “prepare” for it. In any case, collapse will continue to look very different from place to place — in... Read more
The Only Viable Path Ahead: Release and Reinvent
These are challenging changing times as is totally evident by a brief scan of the news and simply by noticing what the culture, society, and world are going through right now. The old order is crumbling and the new paradigm is still part of... Read more
Life and God According to Spinoza
Baruch Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese origin. He was one of the early thinkers of the enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of self and the universe; he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of philosophy. Read more
What Defines You And How Is That Working For You?
For thousands of years, human beings have found themselves caught in the prison of their own story lines aided and abetted by the influence of prejudices of family systems, cultures, and religious programming. For the most part, humans have felt at the mercy of... Read more
The Big Picture - Enlightenment, Consciousness, and Our Eter…
All that we can see is a product of Light. We are Beings of Light, shining the Light of Love and Wisdom to our world within a galactic field of Light. Today we take a trip to explore the transcendent field of higher awareness... Read more
Once Upon A Time, A Long Time Ago in the 1960s, We All Had A…
58 years ago today an amazing thing happened that unified tens of millions. The 1963 March on Washington happened on August 28, 1963. This is a special day for the United States. Rather than compose something on peace and justice, economic and political freedom, I'll... Read more
Yes We Can Attain Full Enlightenment While We’re in A Body
Recently I was in a rousing conversation about enlightenment with several people, one of whom had a pinched imagination while insisting we cannot find “full enlightenment” in our lifetime. Besides being untrue, I thought it presumptuous for anyone to put limits on what we... Read more
Making Adjustments
Human beings are evolved and concentrated points of higher awareness scattered throughout the physical plane. We shine like bright lights in an otherwise glowing landscape, growing more radiant and extending our light to all in our proximity. In this way we human beings are... Read more
Dispelling Shadows - Everything Leads Us To The Light
There’s a tremendous ferment going on, with millions of people changing jobs and/or wondering if they should be doing something different. As I went through this countless times when I was younger, today I’ll share some ways to approach what is, and what could... Read more
We Are Spiritual Beings Learning How to be Perfectly Human -…
In yesterday's article, we explored our Eternal Self, how our Spirit-Soul and Higher Mind are created, and what relationship these have to our body, feelings, and ego-minds. If you haven’t already, please take a look at that post before reading this one, since the... Read more
We Are Spiritual Beings Learning How to be Perfectly Human -…
As most of you already know, I view us as eternal Soul/Spirits learning to deal with matter and each other in a dualistic system which conceals more than it reveals. Unfortunately, the human condition is plagued by fear, delusions, and what His Holiness refers... Read more
What We Think We Know, and Who We Think We Love
The human brain is an amazing instrument. Brains didn’t evolve to be the “command centre” of the body. Rather, they evolved as a “feature detection system“, a “lookout” for the benefit of the 30 trillion cells that make up the various organs of the... Read more
Soul and Personality Concepts
Concepts like “soul”, “ego”, “personality”, “the inner child”, and “consciousness” are often used in esoteric writings. They all are an important part of what constitutes our humanity. But how do they relate to each other, and what do they mean for us in our... Read more
We Are Eternals Learning Not to Give Power to Illusions
Today we examine how “to be heaven on earth,” and become the heaven we seek. A friend in a spiritual FB group offered this a year ago, and it bears a new look. He stated: “Divine creative energy is continually emerging” and offered us these... Read more
The Spiritual Mystery of Easter
From "When the Sun Moves Northward” Today we’ll revisit why Easter is so important. For those who haven’t seen it before, what you’ll read today is from When the Sun Moves Northward by Mabel Collins, who also gave us Light On the Path, Through the Gates of Gold, and Idyll of... Read more
Has Our Diet, and Too Many Antibiotics, Made Us More Vulnera…
This is the 16th in a series of articles on CoVid-19. I am not a medical expert, but have worked with epidemiologists and have some expertise in research, data analysis and statistics. I am producing these articles in the belief that reasonably researched writing... Read more
Letting Go of the Externals
Toltec, Mayan, and Hopi prophecies pinpoint these times as a period of radical change moving us from a dependence on material things to the new paradigm of releasing our attachments. A second theme-change calls for a shift: from trying to find external solutions to... Read more
CoVid-19 and Human Incapacity to Deal With Complex Predicame…
Click to enlarge image This is the 15th in a series of articles on CoVid-19. I am not a medical expert, but have worked with epidemiologists and have some expertise in research, data analysis and statistics. I am producing these articles in the belief that... Read more
Several Short Sentences About Greenland Sharks
I‘ve written these “several short sentences” articles before about two astonishing creatures — jellyfish and bats. This article is about another ancient resident of earth, the Greenland shark, known to the Kalaallisut (Greenlandic First Nation) as eqalussuaq (“huge fish”). It shares a quality with early humans, ravens... Read more
A Second Bill of Rights For America (And the World!)
Today, January 11, is the 77th anniversary of FDR’s 1944 State of the Union speech where he outlined a “Second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all – regardless of station, or race, or... Read more
FDR’s “The Four Freedoms“
Today we celebrate “The Four Freedoms,” said by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be the foundations of democracy and human well-being. Given much of the fascist talk, treason, sedition, and fear in the air these days, this may provide a more timeless perspective of what... Read more
Your Family Doesn’t Care About You - Four Signs To Watch For
What are the signs your family doesn’t care about you? It seems unfathomable to some that any family could simply not care about one of its members. The reality is, families who don’t care for each other are ultra-common. If you’re a candidate for the black sheep... Read more
Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, and All Saints Day 2020
During late October every year, the Sun in Scorpio blesses us with a time to honor our Eternal connection with those who have died before us. This period, known many places as "Dia de los Muertos," or "Day of the Dead," is dedicated to... Read more
The Shamanic Understanding of the Immune System
The immune system is such a complex network of physiological processes that it is impossible to address all the aspects in such a short article. Because of this I am only going to give the simplest and briefest explanations as to how the immune... Read more
CoVid-19: Making Sense of the Numbers
Click to enlarge image This is the 12th in a series of articles on CoVid-19. I am not a medical expert, but have worked with epidemiologists and have some expertise in research, data analysis and statistics. I am producing these articles in the belief that reasonably researched... Read more
Understanding Aggression
The month of August and basically up through the fall months there is a configuration of planets that, in various combinations and influences, enhances aggression, conflict, explosive and unexpected events. These planets are Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn and they are similar in configuration... Read more
The CoVid-19 Endurance Test: Will We Pass It?
brilliant illustration by Nan Lee in the New Yorker The global social distancing effort has been one of humanity’s greatest collective achievements. I don’t think any human endeavor has ever saved so many lives in such a short period of time. — Solomon Hsiang, in Nature magazine, July 2020 The... Read more
No Shame, No Blame - Just Lame
Forecast CoVid-19 death curve for British Columbia. Sources: Historical data: BC CDC; 270 additional excess deaths probably attributable to CoVid-19 in March & April per Statistics Canada; Forecast per UW/IHME as at July 14; they assume the next complete shutdown in BC to occur around October 15,... Read more
Are We People Being Aware Or Awareness Being People?
When we are traveling in a foreign land and we meet someone who does not speak our language we usually identify ourselves by saying, “I am Maryanne or Jack” and we point to ourselves while saying it. Then the other person does the same... Read more
Freedom Fighters
Author/activist Kimberly Jones — screen-cap from her astonishing How Can We Win video shown on the John Oliver and Trevor Noah shows. [This article is an attempt to convey an appreciation and support for the Black Lives Matter movement and other struggles against systemic racism and oppression, within the context of... Read more
Which Rules You? Confidence or Fear
Recently I watched a documentary on the evolution of human nature and the dating game. The documentary used the word “evolution” more or less sarcastically. The reason behind emanated from taking a look at what the word “authentic” truly means. It was questioned whether or not we have lost... Read more
CoVid-19 Update #9: What We Still Don’t Know
Click Image above to enlarge!image by V Altounian in Science magazine showing some of the early discoveries about the widespread and serious effects of CoVid-19 on the body (other effects, and unique effects on some infected children, have been found since this report) I said my previous post... Read more
Digging Deeper...Embracing Yourself
It can be frustrating and challenging when people who are assertive or considered risk takers are given a difficult time, sometimes to the point of being degraded and called names. We forget these people have had a long emotional journey; they have accomplished that... Read more
The Enemy of My Enemy
2018 photo from the Kremlin website The malleability of the human mind, and of “popular consensus”, is both fascinating and terrifying. At a time when the last humans who witnessed the atrocities committed with the full consent of their armies’ citizens during WW2 are dying,... Read more
Thoughts on Power, Projected Identification (ie. racial slur…
An empowered individual never feels the need to “identify” another (ie. using racial slurs toward an individual or larger entity). The need to place labels upon another stems from a lack of knowing oneself. This practice of projected identifying is engaged by an individual that... Read more
Cognitive Dissonance
There is an epidemic in the world today on the psychological phenomenon called cognitive dissonance. Everyone is susceptible to cognitive dissonance to one degree or another; however it seems to be especially prevalent in the Western world today. Cognitive dissonance refers to psychological or emotional... Read more
Why We Don’t Call
click chart to enlarge! Ten years ago some futurists were predicting that voice-only phone calls would soon be extinct, since video calling was becoming so easy, and since it added a dimension to the communication, and was no longer constrained by low bandwidth, so image... Read more
CoVid-19 Update #8: By the Numbers
click charts to enlarge! The numbers above are my own second-guessing of published data on CoVid-19 as at June 8th, 2020. For reasons explained below, they may be wildly inaccurate, but they’re my best guesses at this point, based on the sources cited. This is my... Read more
A Continuous Reassemblage of Model, Meaning and Reality
image of human cortical neurons and glia from Zeiss Microscopy on Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Yet another article on Radical Non-Duality - So here’s what I think happens: When a baby is born, there is no separate ‘self’ there. It is just part of everything. There are things autonomically... Read more
Quarantine Memories: Insights From The 2020 Pandemic
Many of us were recently given the opportunity to do something we often dream of: staying home. For once, the government commanded stay-at-home orders across the United States. As more and more cases were declared COVID-19 positive, we found that our systems for quality connection... Read more
Our Lives Are An Exercise in Synergy Illuminating Our Shadow…
There's a lot of upheaval in many lives right now. Many are looking within and seeing that they cannot do the old things the old way. I know quite a few who are changing jobs, or want to change their profession, and wondering if... Read more
Some More Wild Guesses on CoVid-19
Click Image to Enlarge There has been a lot of second guessing recently about the optimal timing for shutting down and reopening the “non-essential” components of our economy in order to minimize death from CoVid-19 without causing economic hardship disproportionate to the direct suffering from... Read more
The Tragic Spread of CoVid-19 Misinformation
If you work for any progressive organizations, you’ve probably faced some situations where zealots with whom you usually agree are egregiously, even dangerously misinformed on some issue that ends up driving a wedge between you. As someone loath to blame people or suspect their motives,... Read more
There Must Be a Better Way
Calgary restaurant workers separate tables to meet new social distancing rules prior to reopening. Image from the CBC’s Bryan Labby. This is a very long article, about meaningful work and about imagining possibilities. Hope you find it inspiring, and worth the read. REIMAGINING OUR WORK I‘ve written often about... Read more
The Seven Levels of Contagion: There is a Way Forward
A quick look at various definitions of the word contagious makes it clear that the main meaning is mostly negative. For example, the first definition is usually something like: Contagious: A contagious disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or a piece of infected clothing.A secondary definition if there is one might be... Read more
Dealing With Burnout
Everything is harder at the moment. Everything takes longer and requires more effort and almost everyone I know is struggling with concentration, with energy levels and with feeling overwhelmed. These are all ingredients for burnout. Things that would not normally put a person on... Read more
Uh Oh... Double CoVid Trouble
author’s rough estimate of current and projected CoVid-19 infection rates, based on data listed above and in the article below; data for the “world” and for Brasil are interpolated from other sources using various assumptions, and are hence much less accurate than other data A... Read more
Beyond Belief
image from a reproduction of a destroyed neon work by artist Joe Rees; photo by Steve Rhodes CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 This is another post on the subject of radical non-duality. Caveat lector. I’ve been thinking about how and why we come to believe what we believe. Wild creatures, I think,... Read more
The Needs of the Moment
Business ‘experts’, who probably earn million dollar annual salaries for supposedly knowing all about their businesses, were polled by the WEF for the January 2020 Global Risk report, and asked to rank 30 risks in terms of their expected impact on business in the 2020s. Note which... Read more
How Many Dead + Who’s Social Distancing
Maps created by me using the application. Click on images to view/download a larger version. Google has just released a mass of downloadable data on how sharply visits to retail, grocery, transportation, workplaces and homes have dropped off in March and April, versus the baseline average for the... Read more
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Aerial photo of anti-Netanyahu protestors April 19, 2020 in Tel Aviv; photo by Tomer Appelbaum for Haaretz Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe... Read more
10 Surprising Things About CoVid-19 You Probably Didn’t Know
Cumulative deaths by country, plotted against number of days since 10th death occurred; graphic by John Burn-Murdoch for UK FT. This is the fourth in a series of articles about the current pandemic, drawing on the best available science and data we currently have at our... Read more
We Don’t Want to Kill You
image from Wikipedia, public domain from Mikael Häggström (2014). New and missing: Ebola virus and Marburg virus (hemorrhagic fever), the new SARS CoV-2 (CoVid-19) virus, New Flaviviruses (yellow fever, dengue fever, West Nile, Zika virus), Human Monkeypox, and BSE/Mad Cow, caused by a viral relative called... Read more
What The Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Ideas and Narratives
(warning: this article is a little longer than usual-it’s a big topic) Shamans know that everything in this collective virtual reality is nothing more than manifested concepts or ideas that were born out of curiosity throughout the ages. We could even go so far as... Read more
CoVid-19, Complexity & Collapse: The Long Game
Last week I summarized what I thought were the likely short-term developments with the virus, and thus far the models that have been developed have proved to be surprisingly accurate. They basically say that by the beginning of June, with continued social distancing, death rates... Read more
What’s Next For CoVid-19: Some Wild Guesses
Current CoVid-19 deaths for North America West Coast jurisdictions to March 28, 2020 per the nCoVid2019 Dashboard, and projected most likely (95% confidence intervals: +/- 50%) total deaths to the end of this wave of the pandemic for each jurisdiction per U of Washington IHME projections as... Read more
The Politics Of Illness
I’ve been struck by the massive and wide reaching political implications of the coronavirus. There’s a lot to think about here. Governments that put people before profit are clearly going to take better care of their people. Leaders who believe experts and take science seriously... Read more
Thoughts on Time
Recently, the subject of time has… come up a lot. Notwithstanding my recent post on temporal markers, time is getting to be a hot topic. I shared an article about Einstein’s box-universe model and the simultaneity of past, present, and future on Facebook. Some comments there sparked... Read more
What Does it Mean to be Proactive?
Let’s begin this article with a simple definition of our main term “Proactive.” Being proactive means that you make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Being active means “To do something.” The prefix pro means “before.” So, if you are being proactive, you are going to be ready... Read more
Worth and Convenience
Modern western lifestyles are underpinned by a notion of convenience. We’re told how much we want things to be quick and easy, but how often do we stop to do any real cost-benefit analysis? The cost of our convenience increasingly includes environmental disaster, which... Read more
Making Sense of Who We Are
Have you ever had the experience of learning several things, each of which evolved completely independently, such that when you put them together you get a very satisfying or profound new insight? This recently happened to me. As an admirer of Gaia theory, I was... Read more
Understanding Collapse: A Physical Systems View
While my belief in the inevitability of civilization’s collapse in this century is rooted in my study of complexity science and a commensurate appreciation of how change happens in complex systems, this is almost impossible to convey convincingly to those who haven’t studied and... Read more
Spirituality and Selfishness
The general wisdom is that selfishness is the enemy of spirituality. This goes very effectively with transcendent spirituality that aims to overcome this life. However, if you are doing embodied spirituality, you aren’t mortifying your flesh. A little selfish thinking in the form of... Read more
Sustainable, Revolutionary Gifting
Midwinter, season of over-commercialisation looms. Here are some tips for making your gifts more sustainable. Ask people what they want. Surprises may seem attractive, but unwanted gifts can end up in landfill. Listen to what people tell you they want, especially if you think it’s boring.... Read more
Going Solo in Nature
From time immemorial, human beings pursued the great outdoors for solitude, observing, listening, and learning the ways of nature to enhance their own survival and empowerment. They sought solo time in nature purposefully because they found this time spent alone to be an invaluable... Read more
Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, and All Saint's Day 2019
During late October every year, the Sun in Scorpio blesses us with a time to honor our Eternal connection with those who have died before us. This period, known many places as "Dia de los Muertos," or "Day of the Dead," is dedicated to... Read more
Life Is a Journey Through A Veiled Enigma To Love and the Va…
A few days back at my acupuncturist’s office, instead of immediately leaving after my session, I stopped to speak with a delightful stranger and another stalwart. For three people who don’t know each other, we had a profound 20 minutes together. I don’t remember the... Read more
Identifying Gender, Race, And Sexual Orientation: Pros and C…
Unless you have been sleeping under a tree for a few years like Rip Van Winkle you probably know that Millenials and young people in general are big on identity and identity politics. There is a whole new set of jargon for this that... Read more
Lightworkers and Loneliness
Loneliness is a common problem in this world; many people suffer from it. But what makes loneliness in lightworkers so special? In this article, I'll try to explain that. Loneliness in general Roughly speaking, there are three phases in human development: First, there is the phase of... Read more
A Shamanic Practice In Supreme Self Awareness
As most of you probably know, the term mindfulness is associated with Buddhism and the benefits of meditation, and it is a practice of living meditation. It is an excellent practice for anyone at any time because it promotes neutrality, a state of mind... Read more
What We Should Teach Our Children About Our Inner World
Introduction We are citizens of two worlds: the outer world and our inner world. When we are little children, the difference between those two worlds is still not very clear. A baby must discover what belongs to him and what does not. When you are... Read more
Profiting From Moving Up To Higher Octaves
In a recent article on resonance I briefly mentioned the notion that fields have higher and lower ranges that we can choose to resonate with. In life we are always presented with options, possibilities, and choices about what we want to resonate with. You... Read more
Guilt and Fear in Highly Sensitive People
Highly sensitive people carry a light, beautiful energy, neverthelessduring their early childhood they often pick up many dark and heavy energies.. As adults, they tend to struggle with that energy. In this article, I try to explain what causes this to happen and what... Read more
Dealing with Loss in a Time of Adapting and Restructuring
Loss is one of the most painful experiences that human beings go through on their long journey to awakening. The most painful thing about loss is how real it appears even though we live in a world of delusion and illusion. Loss is everywhere... Read more
Understanding Neo Nazis, White Supremacists, Racists, and Mi…
As long as there are a significant number of young souls on this planet there will be those who identify with Neo Nazis, Racists, Nationalistic, and White Supremacist ideals. Those of course are just local names for any ideology that espouses the supremacy of... Read more
Spirituality and Politics #peaceispossible
Today is Friday 13th, an omen of change or transformation? We have a magical Solar Eclipse bringing renewed energy and focus. Visible over the southern hemisphere, powering up Gaia’s solar plexus, Uluru. Tonight’s solar eclipse will breathe the fire of renewal into the core... Read more
How Would We Behave Without ‘Selves’?
A growing number of researchers and theorists studying human nature, and the nature of the universe, from a wide range of disciplines, now seem to agree that most non-human creatures do not have, and have no need for, a sense of being separate ‘selves’ in... Read more
The Wheel of Blame
I don’t know who invented the “wheel of blame”. I first saw it on the refrigerator of Tree’s community house kitchen. It listed the community members and pets (eg the “scapecat”) and came with a spinner that allowed blame to be immediately and indiscriminately apportioned... Read more
Physicists Show That Everything Happens At The Same Time
TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past, an equally astonishing and baffling theory states.,, The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has... Read more
Risky Business
Every year, an organization called the Global Risk Forum presents the corporate and political elite attending the Davos World Economic Forum conference with a snapshot of their assessment of the greatest risks this elite and its vested interests should be aware of. This is... Read more
The Science Of Karma: Cultivating Positive Change And Emotio…
Gravity has a powerful influence not only over inanimate matter but also over biological systems. Plants grow opposite to gravity and animals maintain balance against this ever present force. Balance against gravity is so important, that gait (the degree of side-to-side movement during walking)... Read more
Do We Really Create Our Own Reality? The Myths and Dangers o…
Some believe that we are responsible for creating our own reality, for regulating and determining our experience. I think this is only partially true, and if you look closely at your own life, you might also notice the fallacies in this New Age meme. We... Read more
Senseless Behaviour
When you put too many rats together in a confined space in conditions of scarcity for a prolonged period, you get what appears to be highly dysfunctional behaviour — a spike in extreme violence, obsessive hoarding, top-down abuse from throughout the group hierarchy, anomie and suicide... Read more
Channeled Information vs. Historical Records
I believe in both channeled messages and historical records as well. But what if they do not corroborate each other? Which one do you believe in? How does one’s beliefs and opinion play into this scenario? Having read Zecharia Sitchin's books, or at least three... Read more
The Ability To Remember Who You Are Has Just Been Restored
Remember who you are has been repeated over and over in our awakening in order for us to begin standing in the power of who we are. Many people have been able to use various tools and methods to achieve this understanding. However even many... Read more
Tilling the Soil For A Great Harvest
Currently we are in a pattern of recapitulation, a clearing of all baggage that is in the way of advancing forward in an evolutionary way. Recapitulation work can be like hard labor as old memories come to bear, mostly memories of difficulty, trauma, loss,... Read more
The Three Layers of Your Reality Construct
Whether you know it or not you exist within something akin to a super advanced virtual reality. One where your every thought, belief, and emotion is selecting what appears on the screen you call your reality. Understanding how your personal reality, and the collective... Read more
The Embodiment of Spiritual Knowledge
What does it mean to know something? How do we know what we know? Should we be content on understanding through books, gurus, and proverbs? Is it through experimentation, observation, or hearsay? If spiritual attainment is so easy that one can read from a book, why... Read more
Canadian Animal Hospital Is Treating Injured Turtles With Pr…
Snapping turtle release. Source: OTCC/Facebook South Ontario has the highest density of roads in Canada. The marshy area is also home to eight native species of turtle— seven of which are listed as ‘at risk’ by the World Wildlife Fund. Consequently, every year thousands of reptiles... Read more
Arkansas School Now Offers Yoga and Meditation Instead of De…
A school in Jonesboro, Arkansas, has joined many others in turning to an alternative method of discipline. The Success Achievement Academy has stopped using in-school suspension as punishment. Instead, the directors started using yoga as a means of helping students relieve stress and recognize... Read more
What Returning Your Shopping Cart Says About Your Personalit…
Shopping carts are like tumble weeds—the more that collect in one spot, the more likely you’re going to get blasted with one when the wind blows. Or, at least, that’s how I look at them…Huddled in the corner of a parking lot, just waiting... Read more
Darwin's Fox: Rare Photo Reveals Of One Of The Most Elusive …
credit: Kevin Schafer via bioGraphic While his finches may be more famous, this small fox also nudged Darwin toward his theory of evolution. Back at the end of 1832, while Charles Darwin was doing his thing aboard the HMS Beagle, he came face to face with... Read more
The Odin Brotherhood
Image From the Crystal Wind Oracle App Available on IOS, Android and AmazonOdin Original Art by Lisa Iris - WHAT IS THE ODIN BROTHERHOOD? The Odin Brotherhood is a secret society for men and women who value “knowledge, freedom, and power.” The Odin Brotherhood adheres to and practices... Read more
To Implant Ideas of a Beneficial Nature
This is to clarify my personal Application of the concept of "The Hundredth Monkey Effect", which is that of "The Hundredth Division" - The concept behind the thinking states that when the critical number (the so-called 100th Monkey) of individual beings is met, that... Read more
Is Your Family Karma Affecting Your Journey?
Many of us experience the pressing feeling of not ‘belonging’ into our families or where we originated. In our attempt to break free or rebel against family structures we often struggle with lifelong family and relationship issues, which are very often interconnected. Depending on... Read more
The Commercialization of Spirituality - A Multi-Billion Doll…
The self-help and “mind-body-spirit” scenes are billion dollar industries, but how has the commodification of spirituality affected our ability to practice it? As sacred principles are co-opted and watered down to sell feel-good mass-market products, those unwilling to sellout spiritual principles are pushed further to the... Read more
The Masks Are Coming Off - Unveiling False Teachers
As we have recently reached critical mass and have affected the false light grid, we will begin to see more and more people for who they really are, or are not. We will see those who have mastered the illusion of regurgitating information vs. those... Read more
10 “Spiritual” Things People Do That Are Total Bullshit
No one ever told me spirituality could be a self-sabotaging ego trap. I spent about three years reading about spiritual teachings and incorporating them into my life before ever learning that spirituality has a dark side. Naturally, I was taken aback. I felt kind of betrayed. How could something... Read more
Is The New Spirituality Just A Trend?
The first thing that marketers use to sell a product is sex, and it seems that the second thing is now spirituality. Products ranging from sports gear to food are being sold through marketing methods that employ spiritual philosophies. The prefix of metro- now... Read more
Karma Teaches Jerks A Valuable Lesson In Life
You know those perfect moments, when someone says or does something messed up, then is instantly reprimanded by Karma? Well we gathered 18 of our favourite moments of instant Karma and decided to share them here with you today! Karma is defined as “the spiritual... Read more
The Advantages Of Bidding For Power In Unsettled Times
Here I am going to review a few items from my book “The Power Path” regarding bidding for power. This is a good way to begin our discussion. Everything in the known physical universe is bidding for power on a regular basis: Trees, mammals, fish,... Read more
Cat Lovers vs. Dog Owners: Who Does Science Say is More Inte…
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Cats…either you love them or you don’t. Dogs, well, they are known as man’s best friend. Of course, you can like both, but whether or not you actually admit it, you probably have a preference.... Read more
Men And Emotions: The Legacy Of Patriarchy
The emotional body is formed by unprocessed feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions arise from personal experience. These also received and perceived from the collective experience. Everything is energy. Everything is connected. When not felt and processed, the energy produced remains stored in the body causing all sorts of automatic... Read more
Brutish Change: The Silver Lining
We have been discussing the theme of massive change and this article continues to uncover the opportunities available, even if they seem to come through the back door or in very unusual ways. These are times when people are faced with the whole concept of... Read more
Our Response To Massive Change
It can be helpful to understand the typical responses to change that are demonstrated by the people of different soul stages. This can help to clarify what is happening in the world at this time. The infant soul’s response to change: Intense fear resulting in... Read more
Are You One Of The 1% Of The Population That Will SHATTER Th…
When we say “The Global Elite” we think of the wealthiest 1% who thrive through global consumerism. They don’t care about the result of their products as long as it brings massive profit. Their agenda is New World Order with hypnotized consumers living in... Read more
The Burning Ground
Humanity has entered into a period of crisis that is truly unprecedented. In virtually every nation, the social, political and economic institutions that govern and regulate human affairs seem to be in crisis and, in some cases, teetering on collapse. Given the enormity of... Read more
Coping With Massive Change
In ancient times people feared comets and eclipses because they always arrived prior to massive changes that too often were associated with catastrophe and disaster. Wars, plagues, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, famines, fires, and floods have often been the kinds of events that historically... Read more
The Glove
Prior to stepping onto the spiritual path, human evolution is uniquely designed to cultivate the personality—the ego. Indeed, for much of one’s incarnational history the development and integration of the personality has been the driving evolutionary force. Yet once an individual begins to awaken... Read more
This Woman Died of Stage 4 Cancer and Came Back From the Dea…
Speculation on what happens to us when we die is so wild and varied, it’s impossible to know for sure. Oftentimes, much of what people believe happens after death is highly dependent on religious beliefs and spirituality. Do you think we’re born back into this... Read more
Article Four: The Cast of Characters. AKA: The Wrecking Crew…
This is the fourth of five specially related articles covering the elections. As events unfold there may be an additional article when it seems appropriate to comment in the coming year. Because I am addressing Trump’s appointees, this article is rather long at eight... Read more
The Principle of Mission
Central to living a spiritual life is the question of one’s purpose and soulful destiny. It is a yearning for understanding that naturally arises once an individual has inwardly discovered the soul and its higher promptings. Every human being has a spiritual purpose to... Read more
Article Two: United States Elections 2016: Getting the Right…
People around the world, and Americans are no exception, often relate to their elected representatives or their monarch as a parent. This is a purely subconscious process meaning that most people have no idea how emotionally they are responding to their leaders. They like... Read more
Article One: An Understanding Of The Big Picture And The Sta…
Having been in the Amazon jungle working with the Shipibo tribe in Peru during the elections, I was able to send only a short text about the outcome. I figured the trip would be a good way of spending the time otherwise distracted by... Read more
8 Unexpected Strengths That Come From A Tough Childhood
Did you have a tough childhood? Childhood is often painted as an idyllic time in life that is full of innocence and the freedom to soak up the love of an adoring family. And this, while making beautiful memories along the way. Unfortunately, that... Read more
Salvation Anyone?
Most of the world’s religions believe that god is separate from man and believe in good and evil, and in suffering. Some refer to it as Karma. Most teach the importance of striving for spiritual ‘purity,’ of releasing all ‘sensual’ desires, and of transcending their human-ness. Some religions subscribe to... Read more
10 Dysfunctional Things That Destroy Family Relationships
Family relationships are crucial yet can be critical. It’s no secret that being part of a family is hard. There are times when the people who are closest to you can be the most frustrating people you know. However, there’s a very fine line between... Read more
At This School Kids Don’t Get Sent to Detention, They’re Sen…
Did you ever find yourself serving detention after school for your mischievous shenanigans? It’s always fun hearing your name get called over the school’s intercom system as the front office informs you that you’re wanted in the principal’s office. And, unfortunately, not every session... Read more
Planetary Negotiations - The Power We Have
There are constant negotiations concerning the Earth situation between Light and Dark forces. Little information about them reaches us but they are very decisive of what happens to us. One of the main objects of these negotiations is us, the surface population, as we... Read more
The Forgotten Language: The Myth of the Rainbow Bridge
Norse mythology (Scandinavian) tells us about a Rainbow Bridge made up of three colors which connected the heavens with earth. The gods would cross the bridge to communicate with mankind. The bridge is described as luminous. It is protected by the ever-vigilant guardian Heimdall,... Read more
A Canadian City is Ending Homelessness once and for all!
Homelessness is a problem for virtually every nation on the planet today. Statistics from the United States show that approximately 565,000 people are homeless on any given night in the country. And about fifteen percent of that population is considered ‘chronically homeless.’ The mayor of Vancouver, Gregor... Read more
Breatharianism: Science Examines People Who Claim Not to Eat…
Breathariansim refers to the practice of sustaining oneself without the need for food. This concept is not new; in fact, for thousands of years, various cultures around the world have written of this ability. In the third book of the Yoga Sutras, for example, approximately... Read more
Looking at Today’s Reality: IS THIS REALLY AND TRULY WHAT WE…
My dear Friends, We have a candidate for president of the United States who says of a protestor at one of his campaign events, “I’d like to punch him in the face.” We have a candidate for president who says of protestors at his events, “I... Read more
The 5 Uncommon Strengths of the Emotionally Neglected
With their heads held high but their spirits lower than should be, they walk among us. “I don’t need any help,” they say with a smile. But “what do you need?” they ask others with genuine interest. Loved and respected by all who know them, they struggle to love... Read more
We Don’t Need a New President; We Need a New Consciousness a…
A new consciousness, and a new system which springs from that elevated consciousness, is what the United States needs most right now – not a new president. Here we are again in the midst of another long election cycle in the US, and what has... Read more
Canadian Government Bans Wood Burning Stoves!
Canadians must now get rid of their old wood-burning stoves or pay thousands of dollars in fines. In a blatant attack on those who prefer living as self-sufficiently as possible, citizens of Montreal have been ordered to first register their wood-burning stoves, and then ultimately get... Read more
Vancouver Man With Stomach Cancer Is Selling Unconditional L…
The internet went crazy with love and support when Brice Royer, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer, put an ad on Craigslist in which he offered unconditional love for $0. The online community rewarded his generous spirit by sending him carrots -- the only food he was... Read more
Carefree People Don’t Have Attachments - Here Are 25 Reasons…
Life is about attachments. It’s about picking up things along the way until we have a bag full of relics and lessons from the past. Our load gets heavier with each passing year until we no longer remember what it’s like to walk without... Read more
Are Family Members Toxic? 10 Things to Remember
Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Sometimes, however, it’s the place where we find the deepest heartache. Letting go of (or breaking up with) a toxic friend, boyfriend or girlfriend is one thing, and there’s plenty of advice out there for doing so,... Read more
The World As We Know It Has Changed And There Is No Going Ba…
Just over four years ago, we passed a portal to the unknown. A place where human consciousness has never been. There were doubters and skeptics regarding the process of ascension, but it is is now and there is no going back. The new... Read more
Acknowledging the Spiritual Hipsters
Dichotomy is the nature of all things. Two sides to every coin. There are cool people and then there are hipsters. There are religious people and then there are spirituals. There are people silently working on their spiritual journey and then, there are Spiritual Hipsters. Read more
Words — Untangling Their Power Over Your Life In The Matrix
Untangling embedded words mentally means targeting all the words you have nominated as yourself and releasing the subsequent meanings which they manufacture. The aspirant wishing to meet ends with this matrix which is losing control over the course of our lives, must format much of the... Read more
Memory Turns You Into A Battery For The Matrix
Memory is the greatest artificial construct that keeps us bound to the matrix that we have co-created with the ego. It’s also the main attachment that bounds us to a limited reality. The time-track, especially past and future, can tremendously drain a soul that places the... Read more
Neutrality — The Gateway To Transcend The Matrix
Neutrality is the gateway to transcend this matrix-reality together with all the distractions it constantly poses everyday, tempting us to choose a side. On a continuous basis we are confronted by occurrences in our lives and events orchestrated inside the primary hologram that tempts us... Read more
Dalai Lama on Paris & Syria – A Message for Peace
After terrorist attacks that shook Paris, The Dalai Lama had some crucial things to say about the situation, saying not just to Pray for Paris, but work for peace. In a recent interview, he told Deutsche Welle, a German broadcasting company… “We cannot solve this problem... Read more
Know Yourself. Heal. Self-Liberate. Experiment. Build Commun…
Let me put this another way: There is no point getting angry, terrified or grief-stricken at the actions of politicians, corporatists, psychopaths (organized or disorganized), factory farmers, lawyers, bureaucrats, organized crime, ideologues, corrupt ‘leaders’, the military-industrial complex, the 1% or anyone else, and trying to... Read more
Groundbreaking Discovery: Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Ampli…
Jim Murray has been electrifying the world for over 50 years. His lifetime of experience has produced dozens of patents, inventions and now a truly remarkable discovery that can fundamentally change the way that human beings use energy forever. When he was just five years... Read more
Johnny Depp Intends To Buy Site Of Wounded Knee Massacre And…
Actor Johnny Depp wants to purchase the historical landmark Wounded Knee and gift it back to the Native American people to help make right what went so wrong in 1890. In an interview with The Daily Mail on Sunday, well-known actor Johnny Depp disclosed that he intends... Read more
Waking Up The Goddess: Where Men Meet Women
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet with a wonderful group of people as part of an ongoing learning process. As these experiences took place in a private space, being very personal to everyone, I cannot share with the public anything... Read more
Canada’s New PM Issues Challenge to US – “We’re Ending Wars …
If the phone conversation with President Obama is any indication of Justin Trudeau’s commitment, Canada will be giving its southern neighbor lessons in peace and freedom. Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister-elect, told Obama on Tuesday that he will withdraw their fighter jets from Iraq and Syria. Both... Read more
Meet the USA's First School District to Serve 100% Organic M…
"This program successfully disrupts the cycle of unhealthy, pre-packaged, heat and serve meals that dominate school kitchens." The Conscious Kitchen prepares a lunch at Bayside MLK Jr. Academy. (Photo: Turning Green) When schools in California's Sausalito Marin City District return to session this August, they will... Read more
Going Through Shadows: The Vortex Of Transformation.
Paradoxically, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in personal development is self-truth. Even when one is consciously seeking it, self-knowledge is not easy to accept. There's a moment in childhood in which everyone separates from love. From this moment on we become accustomed... Read more
There is something extraordinary happening in the world
We still haven’t realized of something extraordinary that is happening. A few months ago, I freed myself from society, I’ve released myself from attachments I had and fear that locked me to the system. And since then, I started seeing the world from a different... Read more
Three Ways Canadian Thanksgiving Differs From American Thank…
If you’re American and you love a good holiday dinner, the second weekend in October is prime time to head up to Canada. That’s because Thanksgiving celebrations are in full swing here, so you can enjoy turkey and stuffing not once, but twice–six weeks... Read more
Leonardo DiCaprio - Bring Down Big Oil Corporations
Coalition of 2,000 individuals and 400 institutions are shifting assets from coal, oil and gas companies to tackle climate change Leonardo DiCaprio and over 2,000 individuals and 400 institutions are now committed to pulling their money from fossil fuel companies, together representing a remarkable $2.6tn... Read more
Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 5: Tracking the Crack in the Univ…
This is the fifth chapter in an online book, “Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,” by Bronte Baxter. Did you ever wonder why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life?... Read more
The Strength In Vulnerability: The Freedom Beyond Fear
Contrary to popular belief, vulnerability is a tool in everyone's personal development that when practiced regularly makes anyone stronger. In a world in which the collective consciousness constantly speaks of fear, broadcasting every threat to which we humans are exposed, being vulnerable is erroneously... Read more
Large amount of gold and silver found in reservoirs under vo…
A small team of researchers with members from institutions in the U.S. and New Zealand has found that there are large deposits of gold and silver in at least six reservoirs beneath several volcanoes in New Zealand. In their paper published in the journal Geothermics,... Read more
Shamanic Self-therapy (workshop)
(This is a very different kind of text, and I had some initial hesitations about posting it because it’s simply a practical handout for one of my workshops, rather than the crafted, quasi-poetic essays I’ve usually written. But perhaps its practicality makes it that... Read more
Largest Province in Canada Declares All Animals Sentient
Quebec has been a province known to have the worst track record for animal cruelty, but that all changes today. The bill states that “animals are not things. They are sentient beings and have biological needs.” The proposed legislation will impose heavy fine and jail... Read more
6 Ways To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions
The emotions that people put off are sometimes easy to catch. I’m sure we’ve all experienced it at some time or another. Someone around you is happy so you feel happy. That’s great! But sometimes when people experience negative emotions, you catch some of... Read more
How The Internet Can Contribute To The Shift Of Consciousnes…
These days everyone is connected to everyone else around the world. People create friendships with others without meeting and we all learn about and from each other by sharing experiences, posts, blogs or uplifting messages. This is great news, as there is no longer need... Read more
New Zealand Now Recognizes ALL Animals As Sentient Beings!
A landmark decision by the Kiwis sets a precedent that other countries should follow. New Zealand has just set a great example to the world by recognizing what animal lovers have known forever- that our furry friends are as sentient as we are, and (obviously, dur) they... Read more
Ancient Rituals of a Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is a goal that everyone seems to be looking for. Ever since the prehistoric period, people seem to be in quest for a divine union and enlightenment. There are different ancient rituals performed by different groups of people worldwide. Indigenous cultures that... Read more
5 New Age Myths Debunked
I was introduced to the New Age community ten years ago when I opened my wellness studio in Southern California. I’ve seen some spiritually confused people get lost on this path, drifting further away from a positive relationship with God, and finding more cause... Read more
The Biggest New Ages Myths and Why We Should Be Aware of The…
I recently came across an article discussing some of the more difficult spiritual notions that people grapple with: focusing on the positive, letting go of resistance, and accepting what is. The author found herself struggling with moral relativism and a feeling as if nothing mattered, and that... Read more
How To Steer The Momentum of Your Vibration
Do you ever feel like you can’t help but think the things you are thinking? The unwanted thoughts just keep popping into your head when you’re trying desperately to change your focus? Because you know that your thoughts attract your reality and you want... Read more
Vivid Hummingbird Close-Ups Reveal Their Incredible Beauty
When it comes to birds, the terms “strong” or “beautiful” might inspire images of fierce eagles or decadent tropical parrots. But both of these birds will certainly find strong contender in hummingbirds, which possess a unique sort of delicate beauty and a mastery of... Read more
Fluoride in Water Linked to More ADHD Symptoms - Study
Believe it or not, people have protested the mass medication of the public through drinking water all along. The fluoride in tap water - although touted as healthy and safe - is nothing more than the "legal" unregulated way for chemical companies to unload their waste. And we pay for that... Read more
The News: Mind Control Through “Cognitive Dissonance”
“When professionals broadcast one absurdity after another, they begin to see the effects are actually strengthening their own position of authority. It’s a revelation. It’s also a continuation of the tradition of the Trickster archetype. For example, with just a few minor adjustments, Brian... Read more
Explaining our Lives Away
Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Your pain will be ending soon. Words. Words. Words. Words Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. The bad guys are leaving. Words. Have faith. Trust. Keep reading these Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. Words. God is sending... Read more
How I Discovered Unconditional Happiness
I’ve been struggling with my vibration lately. But in this world of contrasting experiences I like to remember the gifts and lessons in each experience, whether loathed or loved. I was in a bad habit of getting down on myself. Every self deprecating thought about myself... Read more
Reminders, Resources, and Acknowledgements
Just a few things I find myself repeating in various forms to clients, blog readers, friends, family and acquaintances: 1) We’re now in Mercury Retrograde. Don’t be surprised by lost or delayed emails and snail mail, extra typos, messed up travel plans, miscommunications, overreactions and misunderstandings. Par... Read more
Reduce Your Suffering By Realizing The Essence of Desire
Have you ever found yourself bored with something that you wanted so badly beforehand? It was all you ever wanted! However, once you got it, the luster began to fade? This has happened to me recently in life and I spent some time deeply examining... Read more
14 Truths About Being an Introvert (That Mainly Introverts W…
In her book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking“, Susan Cain illustrates how today’s world has created an Extrovert culture; the ideal is to be sociable, loud, bold, and it is so because it resonates with how most... Read more
How To Prevent Bad Energies From Affecting You: Transforming…
Every day I see numerous posts online in which people express the unfair treatment they receive from those to whom they have given their time unconditionally, opened their hearts and sometimes the doors to their homes. It is a sad reality, but one that... Read more
Jesus & Mary Magdalene were 'married with children,' anc…
Jesus was a devoted family man with two kids and Mary Magdalene for his wife, a new history book based on an ancient manuscript claims. According to the 1,500-year-old text, there was a previously unknown plot on Jesus’s life 13 years prior to the crucifixion.... Read more
The Quest To “Be Of Service” Can Become A Disruption To Your…
Something that I often hear from people is that they feel they need to be doing something more, they are in constant search for the “bigger” service they are “supposed” to be doing, and they seek these answers in all the outside ways they... Read more
Global Oneness Day 2014
We Are All One – interrelated, interconnected and interdependent – but we don’t live this way. Global Oneness Day aims to change all that. This year, about 50 leaders from around the world including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Marianne Williamson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken Wilber and many... Read more
Arigato, Dr. Masaru Emoto
Beloveds - A unique and visionary soul passed away today, Dr. Masaru Emoto. Through Dr. Emoto’s work with the consciousness of water, he brought new understanding to the power of thought, vibration, and our collective influence on the quality of our lives and creation. It was Dr.... Read more
Water on Earth predates Sun, meaning our life originated els…
Science relies on signs of water to tell a story of how a celestial body or its region came to be. Now it appears our own solar system holds water older than itself, which could have dramatic consequences for our search for alien life. To... Read more
Buffalo Treaty: Native tribes sign bison revival plan in US …
Native tribes from both the United States and Canada came together to sign their first treaty in 150 years: a pact that promises to bring the famed bison back to its original home in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain regions. The new “Buffalo Treaty”... Read more
US to pay largest Native American nation $554 million in lan…
The Obama administration will pay the Navajo Nation a record $554 million to settle claims by the most populous Native American tribe that funds and natural resources on its reservation were mismanaged by the US government for decades. The agreement will be formally signed on... Read more
Being Vegan and Raw Vegan Lifestyle
From a spiritual perspective, I believe that when we eat mainly plants and other organic fruits and greens, we also absorb some of the energy and wisdom from Mother Earth. This might explain why so many vegans are more calm, peaceful, non-violent, less aggressive... Read more
New Experiment Will Answer Some Mind-Bending Questions On Wh…
The Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is completing a unique experiment called the Holometer which has recently started collecting data to answer some mind-bending questions about our universe--including whether we live in a hologram. Much like characters on a television show would not... Read more
Soviet-era Tesla Tower restarted with spectacular lightning …
A massive Soviet-built generator – once used for testing the resistance of aircraft to lightning, but now largely mothballed due to prohibitive costs – has staged a striking demonstration test at the behest of RT. The 6-Megavolt device, one of the most powerful in the... Read more
Discernment Reminders
I have posted (and reposted) these Seven Discernment Reminders before, but given the intensity of our times, these reminders need to go up again. Many people — myself included — are facing decisions with potentially enormous impact. To outside observers, those decisions might seem... Read more
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Ostara: Spring Equinox Secrets Revealed!
Celebrated on the Spring Equinox, around March 20-21 each year. Ostara is a... Read more
Ostara Magic! Spring Equinox Rituals & T…
Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose n... Read more
Spirit of Gray Wolf
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How to Use a Pendulum
Pendulums remain one of the simplest and fastest methods for divination. Read more
The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17
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