Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm of the individual's response to aromatic extracts as well as to observe and enhance the individual's innate healing process.
An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, or aetherolea, or simply as the "oil of" the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant.
Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims that essential oils and other aromatic compounds have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in a carrier oil and used in massage, diffused in the air by a nebulizer, heated over a candle flame, or burned as incense.
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A Buddhist Healing Prayer & Wisdom From A Zen Master
Last year, one of the most influential Zen masters of our time, Thich Nhat Hanh, departed his physical body at age 95. Lovingly known as the "father of mindfulness," his wisdom lives on and continues to heal and inspire millions worldwide. Read more
Are Essential Oils Safe For Pets?
Your pets can also benefit from essential oils, but beware, only some of them. Some types of essential oils are great for dogs, but in general, essential oils should not be used on cats. Unlike dogs and humans, cats do not have the liver enzyme glucuronyl... Read more
The Shelf Life of Essential Oils and How You Can Extend It
Every essential oil has a shelf life. However, not all bottles list an expiration or "best before" date, so if you can't locate one, contact the manufacturer. Here are some general guidelines you can use to decide whether your essential oil can still be used... Read more
Astrology & Aromatherapy
Using plant spirit medicine for your astrology chart All too often we go to an astrologer, have this incredible, mind-blowing, life-affirming experience and then forget the gist of it within weeks. We lose the connection to how we’re going to implement this new knowledge into... Read more
5 Best Essential Oils for Acne & Scar Prevention: DIY Re…
Acne can be a frustrating condition to deal with. It not only leaves your skin looking less than its best, but it can also lead to profound psychological effects as well. The good news is that there are many ways you can treat acne using... Read more
10 Amazing Essential Oil Combinations For A Diffuser
Since the time essential oils became famous due to their multiple health benefits, people are using them with various tools like vaporizers. Vaporizing is just not enough; instead of that, one should use oils in combination with the diffusers because the results will be amazing. A... Read more
How To Safely Use Essential Oils For Bathing? [ Definitive G…
What Is Essential Oil? Essential oil is a concentrated, fragrant liquid that comes from plant origin. It contains the essence of the aroma and smell of plants. Essential oils are used in perfumes, cosmetics, or natural remedies because they have medicinal properties which help treat various... Read more
Essential Oils For Balancing Solar Plexus Chakra: Everything…
Essential oils provide an aromatic pleasure to soothe the mind, body, and soul. They help harmonize your solar plexus chakra that strongly influences your identity, as well as the sense of self-worth. While many people are aware of the presence of chakras in the body,... Read more
A Beginner’s Guide to Oils, Salves and Tinctures
“[The cause of magical phenomena] is the series of ‘real’ phenomena, called the operations of ceremonial Magic. These consist of: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and mind.” ~The Lesser Key of Solomon: Goetia by S.L. Mathers and A. Crowley It’s nearly the beginning of autumn—the best time... Read more
The 3 Best Spiritually Energizing Essential Oils ~ Healing, …
Here are the 3 best Essential Oils to help you align with Spirit and re-tune your physical, mental and etheric bodies. Essential oils have been used for millennia for their health, healing and spiritually activating properties. 1. Palo Santo Loosely translated, palo santo means “holy wood” or... Read more
This Is What Happens To Your Lungs and Air When You Diffuse …
One of the safest, most effective and best holistic ways to improve your life is with essential oils – and using a diffuser makes your use all the more effective! Diffusion distributes essential oil molecules into the air more effectively, which helps maximize the benefits... Read more
This Essential Oil Fights Infections, Improves Circulation a…
Black pepper is everywhere. Go to any restaurant or dinner party, and you’re bound to find it on the table. I’m willing to bet that you also cook with it yourself on a regular basis. But you may not have known that, in addition... Read more
The Best Essential Oils for Itchy Skin
The most popular essential oils for itchy skin include: chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, geranium, cypress, rose, and tea tree. These oils are the most recommended for helping with the relief of dry, itchy skin. Essential oils have the power to deliver specific, beneficial healing properties from... Read more
Helichrysum Essential Oil - Benefits, Uses, Recipes
What is Helichrysum Essential Oil? Helichrysum is a natural medicinal plant that’s used to make a beneficial essential oil that boasts many different full-body benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Helichrysum essential oil, in the form of helichrysum italicum extract, has been established in various experimental studies... Read more
Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%
Looking at the needles and colorful flowers of a rosemary plant doesn’t indicate it’s amazing potential for human body. It’s been used in aromatics, cosmetics, and medicine for flu and headaches, but recent studies have unveiled an amazing new use for rosemary: enhancing your mental capability and improving your... Read more
Frankincense - The Amazing Uses Of This Ancient Oil For Canc…
Frankincense oil has been used for thousands of years as a traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Since Biblical times, this ancient medicine has been known for its expectorant, antiseptic, anti-neurotic and even anti-cancer properties. Due to the boswellic acids, it contains, Frankincense... Read more
12 Sweet Basil Oil Fixes That Really Work
Fresh sweet basil is floral, pungent and readily available in the U.S. You’re probably well aware of the flavor it contributes to dishes, like pasta and salads. But what you may not be aware of are the powerful healing compounds associated with the essential... Read more
These 6 Essential Oils Are Great Natural Alternatives to Pha…
The pharmaceutical industry has come under fire recently in light of overwhelming evidence suggesting the production of malicious medications that actually keep people sick, and thus reliant on drugs. “The Truth About Cancer” documentary series is a great place to start if you’re just now... Read more
The Most Powerful Aromatherapy Oils For Your Happiest Summer
Dinners at dusk, afternoon barbecues, and sleeping under the stars happen to be as inviting to bugs and mosquitoes as they are to vacationers. Fear not: There are lots of oils that will keep you bite-free—and plenty that will prevent you from smelling like... Read more
Feeling Depressed? Burning Frankincense Might Help
As a child, I was always around people who liked to burn incense. The smell was foreign, but soothing. It was always so distinct, too. One could easily walk into a room, recognize the familiar smell, and begin looking for the stick of frankincense... Read more
Frankincense Oil : Removes Skin Warts and Moles
Frankincense to remove skin warts and moles can work well. This herb has been in use for centuries as a cure or treatment for various conditions, including several skin conditions. Use of Frankincense to Remove Skin Warts and Moles Frankincense was a valuable resource in ancient... Read more
Hypothyroidism and Essential Oils: Natural Remedies Ignored …
Hypothyroidism is a fairly common in middle aged or older women. It’s causes aren’t totally known yet, but science thinks that a variety of factors including age and lack of sufficient nutrition is to blame. Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes your thyroid to become... Read more
Essential Oils Stop Cancer in its Tracks
Even scientists now recognize the power agents that exist within some essential oils which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. Their disease-preventing ability is no longer doubted, especially for cancer. A healthy body, from head to foot, typically has... Read more
Rose Oil May Heal Heart Disease, Cancer, And Depression
Roses symbolize love, but could their connection with the heart be more than a sentimental Valentine’s Day tradition? Medical researchers and practitioners are rediscovering and demonstrating what traditional medicine has known for centuries — that rose heals. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help with cancer... Read more
How Essential Oils Can Help Improve Your Life
Scents can have a powerful influence on your well-being. Aromatherapy, which uses concentrated essences of various botanicals, allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants for healing on many levels. Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds in a highly concentrated form that can... Read more
Lavender Oil has Potent Antifungal Effect
Lavender oil could be a weapon in the fight against antifungal-resistant infections. The essential oil shows a potent effect against fungi responsible for common skin and nail infections. Scientists tested lavender oil and found it to be lethal to a range of skin-pathogenic strains known... Read more
Essential Oils for Pain Relief
Working with essential oils requires an understanding of the physiological properties, methods of delivery, safety issues such as skin sensitization and contraindication, as well as the "subtle" aspect which includes the effect on the mind, emotions and spirit. Once again, I invite and encourage... Read more
10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Overall Immunity
I’ve experienced the somewhat miraculous healing properties of essential oils first hand. When getting over a long bout of an upper respiratory sickness, I bathed in a combination of ylang ylang, white thyme, jatamansi, lavender, marjoram, and sandalwood oils. A few drops of each... Read more
5 Reasons to Make Your Own Healing Potions and How to Do It
With an ever increasing interest in homeopathic remedies, more people are looking into making their own healing balms for common conditions. This drive is pushed in part by a mistrust of commercial products, many of which make claims that are supposedly based on science. Sadly,... Read more
Frankincense Found to Trump Chemo in Eliminating Ovarian Can…
Elizabeth Renter Many individuals don’t know more about frankincense than the story of three Magi bringing it as a gift on the day of Jesus Christ’s birth. The strong-smelling plant resin is often used today as an incense, but recent research shows it could have... Read more
Aromatherapy Can Help Reduce Anxiety
By Dr. Mercola Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to support physical health and well-being. Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds of flowers and plants in a highly concentrated form. They are, in many ways, the essence of the plant and can provide... Read more
5 Essential Oils to Heal Your Broken Heart
“A broken heart bleeds tears.” ~ Steve Maraboli Aromatherapy is a powerful holistic modality that incorporates the use of essential oils to promote and maintain physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. Combined with intention, touch and smell, this can be a transformational catalyst. It may include massage,... Read more
Study: Lavender Oil Improves Migraine Symptoms by 74%
Elizabeth Renter The scent of lavender is a favorite in the beauty industry—used in bath and body products and marketed as a soothing smell with a spa-like quality. But this isn’t some marketing gimmick; lavender scent truly does relax and soothe the body. Lavender essential oil... Read more
Add a Little Lavender Love into Your Life
Tania Marie The nostalgia of lavender can bring to mind long summer days, nature’s magick, childhood memories, nurturing baths, tender moments, and of course our enchanting faery friends. Perhaps it was yesterdays’ “summer-like” weather while we enjoyed a beautiful hike, or maybe it’s just been my... Read more
21 Health Benefits of Peppermint: Power Revealed
As we approach the season of candy canes and peppermints, it’s a perfect time to pay homage to the medicinal herb that gives these winter treats their flavor: peppermint. Far from just a flavoring for candies, the therapeutic effects of fresh peppermint leaves and peppermint essential... Read more
Natural First Aid & Illness Kit
by Katie “Wellness Mama” Despite our best attempts to live a healthy and toxin free life, there are times when illness or injury strike. In some of these cases (like trauma) conventional medical treatment is certainly warranted and I’m certainly grateful that medical treatment is... Read more
Six Powerful Ways To Use Lavender During The Cold And Flu Se…
Carolanne Wright Hidden beneath the pleasing scent of lavender is a fierce natural medicine and formidable protector. Used since antiquity, lavender was a significant guardian against some of the most deadly infectious diseases of all time – the great epidemics of plague sweeping across Europe... Read more
The Miracle of Tea Tree Oil: 80 Amazing Uses for Survival
Gaye Levy Essential oils have been used for healing and medicinal purposes for centuries and most certainly long before we had pills, capsules and big pharma to take care of our medical woes. And while there is a place for manufactured pharmaceuticals in our survival... Read more
Essential Oil Background
Essential oils are some of the most concentrated natural extracts of plants known, exerting significant physiological and psychological affects. Essential oils are called the life force or blood of plants. These volatile liquids are stored in special cells, ducts or glandular hairs that are distributed... Read more
Pure Essential Oils and Bio-Frequency
The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Every living thing has an electrical frequency. Robert O. Becker, M.D., documents the electrical frequency of... Read more
Aromatherapy History and Origin
Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm... Read more
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