Birth Totem Falcon: Are You a Natural Leader?
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Birth Totem Falcon
Birth dates: March 21 – April 19
Birth Totem is: Falcon
Clan of: Thunderbird / Hawk (Fire Chief)
Wind is: East
Directional Totem is: Eagle flying from the North-east
Conscious intent is: Leadership through example
Motive of Higher Self is: Obtain concrete Knowledge through embracing
the winds of experience so that the Soul may soar ever higher.
Plant/Flower: Dandelion
Mineral: Opal
Keywords: Speed. Precision. Adventurous. Passionate. Impatient
Birth Totem Falcon individuals are those whose outer personality is full of movement as they fly through their daily existence seeking to forge the way ahead so that others may benefit from their ability to scout new territory. Yet while the Falcon soul desires to lead, if he/she has not yet explored the inner skies of their own personality and then integrated this knowledge into their approach toward their Life Path, then they will not possess the tools necessary for true leadership. True leaders are born through the flight of experience as they integrate lessons learned and experiences faced and hence, become “role models” for those who watch the evolved Falcon soul on the wing.

Only by first thoroughly exploring their own inner domain and discovering the motivations behind their often unconscious desire to lead and thirst to blaze new trails, may the Falcon individual then have the strength of wisdom necessary to carry him/her further into the uncharted territory of the future. Without coming to live peacefully in the here and now, the Falcon individual cannot possess the balance between pioneering spirit and practical knowledge that is necessary to complete their Birth Role of Leader, for a leader that leads in haste and without sufficient forethought may unwittingly cause harm to either themselves or to those who will be drawn to follow such a dynamic soul.

When one with Birth Totem Falcon has integrated the lessons of the personality with the Life Path (Soul Lesson/Power Totem), the beauty of the falcon on the wing is a glorious scene to behold and the spirit of a true Leader emerges. Falcon will then blaze through the sky as an arrow speeding toward its target. The Falcon’s approach to his/her own lessons will be as though the lesson is the prey to be perceived, tackled and consumed so that the lesson will not need to be repeated.

In ancient times, the falcon was the hunting companion to the aristocracy. As such, these splendid creatures were treated with honor and respect for their keen eyesight, speed of flight, and precision of movement. Likewise, the individual with Falcon as their Birth Totem possesses the ability to time their movements along their Life Path with grace and awareness, resulting in a quickened integration with each Direction that is faced along the Sacred Hoop of Life. This then brings them the requisite experience to fashion the tail feathers of true Leadership, and thus satisfies the Higher Self’s motivation to lead through the vision of wisdom.
Mental Speed, Agility
and Grace

Falcon teaches control of speed and movement.
It shows how to recognize opportunities and act upon them at only the correct moment.
Watching a Falcon will show you to fully commit and when to act
to achieve success.
People with Falcon totems like to be a position where they can see everything around them. Study Falcon to use your mental facilities more effectively and more patiently
to attain what you most need and desire.
People with a Falcon totem also might want to explore past-life connections;
Kings and royalty handled Falcons and there might be a past life connection.
Totems often come into one lifetime and then stay for many more lives after that.

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