Star Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Chakra: Crown
Tips For Herkimer Diamond
Hold Herkimer diamond when you need to remember something from the past
Put Herkimer diamond under your pillow to promote relaxation and aid a restful night sleep
Wear a Herkimer diamond to bring spontaneity into your life
Meditate with Herkimer diamond to increase your psychic abilities
Carry Herkimer diamond to lessen stress
Work with the supportive energies of Herkimer diamond in ceremonies or rituals
Brilliant Herkimer diamond clears troubles from the mind
Herkimer diamond is double terminated crystal (there is a point at each end of the crystal). It is water clear and different from Quartz. It is a very powerful balancer of the body and emotions and should be used carefully. Double terminated equals super power!
Herkimer diamond is used in out of body travel.
Herkimer diamond helps connect the astral plane with the earth plane.
Herkimer diamond assists in communicating with other planes and kingdoms.
Herkimer diamond is commonly used to assist with clairvoyance and clairaudience.
The Herkimer comes from only one place - Herkimer, New York, in the United States. The bedrock in which the crystals are found began forming approximately half a billion years ago in a shallow Cambrian Sea that lapped against the southern shores of the ancestral Adirondack Mountains (near the town of Herkimer, New York).
Aqua Aura Herkimer Diamond
Aqua Aura is a treatment applied to the Herkimer through a special process in which the surface of the Herkimer is bonded with vaporized, finely powdered pure gold. This results in a stunning brilliant blue with iridescent rainbow flashes.
This color-enhanced crystal is effective in stimulating the throat chakra, enhancing your ability to communicate inner truth, and to express inner emotions in a positive way. Aqua Aura safeguards from psychological attacks. They are also used for relaxation, self-acceptance, and calming old fears.
Aqua aura treated herkimers are rare and difficult to find.
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