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The Abundance Stone
Topaz is useful for directing and focusing energy; the stones parallel striations and natural brilliance help this process. It also cleanses negativity from the emotions, bringing stability and balance. The energies within the self are better organized, creating confidence.
Topaz is a very valuable mineral that has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. The most prized varieties are imperial topaz- a rich orange color – and sherry topaz – a pale yellow color. Blue topaz bears a strong resemblance to aquamarine.
Energy: regal, leader, delegator
Colours: dark yellow to golden yellow; white, silver, blue, green, red-pink, brown, clear
Uses: enhances insight, knowledge, intention, loyalty, higher love, and creativity. Helpful in unmasking deception in others, recharging energy, balancing and warming, healing, problem solving, and scientific discovery. Assists in artistic pursuits, calms the nerves, eases tension, and is excellent in gem essences, or for treating eyesight problems.
Star Sign: Leo
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Tips For Imperial Topaz
Wear imperial topaz to enhance your natural magnetism
Hold imperial topaz to stimulate your mental energy, promoting the flow of thoughts and ideas
Meditate with imperial topaz to achieve a connection to the universe and a feeling of oneness
Place imperial topaz around your home to bring peace and tranquility
Hold imperial topaz to help you relax
Calming imperial topaz attracts life-enhancing energy
Wearing topaz draws love.
Topaz brings synchronicity, success and good fortune.
Topaz supports creativity, individuality, true love, and hope.
Spiritually, it brings in spiritual love and peace.
Topaz is a calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension and encourages joy.
Topazes are a family in their own right. The white or silver topaz is an aluminum-fluorine-silicon compound. The different colours are the result of admixture of various metals in the stone.
Blue Topaz The Justice Stone
The blue variety of topaz can release blockages of communication and expression. Placed on the throat or third eye chakra, this stone aids verbalization. The colour attunes to the angels of truth and wisdom; this assists you in seeing the scripts you have been living by and showing you where you have strayed from your own truth. Blue topaz is an excellent stone for meditation to attune to the higher self when you are seeking answers about how to live according to your aspirations and views.
Clear or Silver Topaz The Judgement Release Stone
Clear topaz encourages and supports reflective self-awareness, making one cognizant of their thoughts and deeds, and the karmic effect that they have. Clear or Silver Topaz removes stagnant or stuck energy and assists in purifying emotions and actions thereby activating cosmic awareness.
For In-Depth information on Topaz:
Topaz: Divine Light
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