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Must-Have Crystals For Air Purification

Must-Have Crystals For Air Purification

Air pollution is among the top risk factors for diseases and mortality in the entire world. The Our World In Data organization has reported that air pollution causes five million mortalities annually, which is equal to 9% of the total mortalities recorded around the world. Therefore, air pollution must be mitigated in various ways - from reducing air pollutants to upholding best practices for cleaner air.

Thankfully, there are many ways to purify your indoor air, and one of the most natural ways to do so is by using crystals. Some of the most popular air purification crystals are amethyst, selenite, and black tourmaline. These crystals significantly purify the air from pollutants and cleanse the home from negative energies.


Amethyst mainly acts as an air purifier but it also relieves stress, clears negativity, and emits positive energy. A violet or purple variety of quartz, this crystal also has healing properties that help in radiating positive vibrations at home. Amethyst crystals can be placed in the common areas inside the home in order to diffuse and cleanse the air from pollutants and negative energies. As an air purification crystal, amethyst can help in reducing humidity, which is also very useful when it comes to mold. In other words, one of the best ways to keep mold growth at bay is by ensuring your indoor air isn’t too humid. 


Meanwhile, selenite protects the house and provides a sense of calm and tranquility while cleansing the air and purifying the energy. A well-known variety of gypsum, this crystal has cleansing and healing capabilities that help keep the home clean and the body healthy. Selenite crystals can be placed at the corners of the home in order to allow its cleansing and calming effects to be felt in the entire house. As an air purification crystal, selenite can aid in diffusing and cleansing stagnant air, removing negative energy, and radiating peace and tranquility.

Black Tourmaline

Finally, black tourmaline shields from negative energies while guarding against air and other environmental pollutants. A crystalline boron silicate mineral, this crystal also has healing and cleansing properties that help maintain a clean and healthy environment for the entire family. Black tourmaline can be placed in the home's protection grids such as doors and windows so that its protective capabilities can shield the home from negative energies and pollutants. As an air purification crystal, black tourmaline can deflect air pollutants as well as radiations.

Strategically placing these crystals inside the home can help in air purification, energy cleansing and rejuvenation, stress relief, healing, and protection from diseases and other health problems. After all, cleaner air results in better health and spirituality, a happier disposition, and longer life. Air purification crystals such as amethyst, selenite, and black tourmaline will provide households with the capability to mitigate indoor air pollution through purifying the air and cleansing the environment from pollutants, germs, diseases, and negative forces and energies.

Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.

This article is written exclusively for CrystalWind.ca.  © 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

© 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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