Introducing Crystals To Benefit Every Stage Of Wedding Planning
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- Written by Sally Benson

Tying the knot is one of the most joyous life events, but it can be one of the most stressful, too. According to Simple Psychology, marriage is the seventh most stressful life event according to the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory, a relative scale of the events most likely to cause serious stress throughout life. As a result, there are few better times in which to turn to the healing and spiritual power of crystals to help provide an extra layer of comfort and confidence, and there’s a crystal for every stage of the process, too.
The wedding planning
The very act of planning a wedding can be tough. One analysis published by CNBC found that the average wedding cost $33,900 in 2019; for context, the average annual salary in the same year was $56,516. It’s little wonder that some wedding are over before they’ve started as a result, with money stresses and worries becoming apparent in the relationship. Crystals can play two roles here. Firstly, they can act as an effective way to inspire good money management skills. For instance Citrine, known as the Lucky Merchants Stone, can help you when saving for an engagement ring by giving the energy and inspiration to seek out and obtain the best deal. Celestite, a high-vibrational crystal, can help to drive away the stress that saving money creates and help you to keep a clear focus.
Managing family
Family stresses become very relevant when planning a wedding. As members from every arm of both sets of family look to get involved and celebrate the big day, it can become a hassle to make sure everyone is included – and happy. Many wedding plans end up spending more time compensating for family than benefiting the happy couple. Garnet is a great and affordable crystal that can help here, providing strength, security and self-empowerment – important qualities for keeping your head and being able to plan carefully and confidently without being overwhelmed by familial priorities.
The big day
What can crystals offer on the day itself? According to wedding experts The Knot, one of the most overlooked wedding day factors is a deceptively simple one – the happiness of the bride and groom. Amid all of the hectic planning and chaos of a wedding, it can be easy to forget the most simple point. Using crystals for simple better energy is a great way to achieve this, and there’s a huge range of options. Black obsidian can help with grounding, rose quartz helps to develop and increase your self-love and love for others, and lapis lazuli will help bestow grace and confidence on you throughout the big day. Consider having small crystals throughout the ceremony, perhaps on every table or into pockets.
For weddings, crystals can provide benefits at every part of planning and the big day itself. Every stage of the wedding process can benefit from those little boosts, and from inspiration to promote full enjoyment. With crystals, this can easily be achieved.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
This article is written exclusively for © 2020 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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