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Garnet - Stone of the Crusaders and Knights


The stone for a successful business

Garnet crystals are some of the most prevalent gemstones in the world today. They are also one of the most useful healing stones for living life. They protect in times of danger, encourage in times of weakness, and bring hope in times of despair. Garnet stones are known to attract loyal friendships and success in business. Having one in the home or office should attract success. It is a stone of positive manifestations and confident energy.

Garnet is known to protect; when garnet loses its sheen it's believed to be warning of oncoming danger. It is also known to refract negative energy. Having a high refraction of light, this gemstone is even illuminated in the night, symbolizing hope and courage in times of darkness. In this way, the healing energy of a garnet crystal is ideal in times of crisis when the survival instinct is paramount.

Traditionally garnets have been known as stones of commitment and stones of attraction. They are excellent for creative endeavors and are extremely helpful to writers, musicians, artists, actors, dancers and anyone else wishing to explore their creative side. The commitment aspects of garnets serve to aid in the successful completion of projects. Since garnets are also known to manifest abundance and assist in business, they can also be used to enhance the financial outcome of creative projects. They have an effect of removing poverty consciousness and therefore allow abundance to flourish.

Garnet symbolizes a quick return to a separated love, fertility and feminine life force. A garnet stone is often gifted to a loved one before they embark on travel. The garnet is also an ancient symbol of friendship. In the past, garnets have been exchanged between parting friends to symbolize their affection and to ensure that they meet again. Garnets are commonly believed to aid in the healing of broken bonds of love. Garnets are also known to aid in the treatment of melancholy and depression by acting as a heart and blood stimulant.

Often perceived as dark red, garnet stones can actually be a range of colors depending on the specific mineral content. There are pink, green, orange, yellow, brown, and black garnets, some being translucent, others transparent, some faceted, some not. Each variety of garnet has its own individual properties, as well as the general attributes of the crystal.

Garnet Attributes

  • Passion
  • Sensuality
  • Sexuality
  • Romantic love
  • Intimacy
  • Positive thoughts
  • Energy
  • Past life recall
  • Inspiration
  • Success
  • Social popularity
  • Self-confidence

Garnet – A Many Colored Stone

Garnets are a related group of minerals. Members of this group include: Almandine (red to violet red); Spessartite (yellow, rose, or orange to reddish-brown); Pyrope (deep red); Grossular (white, yellow, yellow-green, brownish-red, orange or black); Andradite (colorless, yellow-green, or brown to black); Uvarovite (deep emerald green). The most prized garnet is an emerald green variety called demantoid and is a member of the adradite group.

Although the most commonly known garnets are red, there are a number of varieties whose properties are dependent on their colour:

  • Grossular (green): prosperity and health
  • Spessartine (red): creativity, sexuality, attraction
  • Rhodolite (deep red): emotional healing, self- worth, walking the spiritual path
  • Almandine (brown): strength, security
  • Black Andradite: grounding, protection, knowledge, creative power
  • Uvarovite (deep green): overcoming poverty consciousness, manifesting abundance
  • Pyrope (blood-red): related to blood diseases.
  • The pink Grossular varieties sooth a harassed nervous system and are used by healers for stress-associated ailments, such as anorexia, distrust, and people needing comfort.

Physical Healing Properties

Garnet comes in many colors, but now we will speak only about red Garnet.

Garnet is used as medicine for treating hemorrhage, blood pressure, gallstones, hepatitis, anemia, acne, fever and inflammatory problems. It is also said to relieve rheumatism, depression, stress and to prevent nightmares.

Garnet enhances health throughout the entire circulatory system. It supports the body’s production of healthy hemoglobin and balances cardiac rhythm disturbances (except arterial hypertension). The restorative properties of garnet are employed in the healing of toxicity and blood poisoning as well as circulatory dysfunction. Garnet can be used with considerable advantage by heart patients or those under stress or strain. It relieves tensions and promotes rest and relaxation. Direct contact with the skin is important. For example, when small garnet beads in a necklace move over the skin, the effect of the stone is magnified.

Garnet promotes regeneration of damaged organs and tissues; it treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Garnet helps regenerate DNA and stimulates the metabolism, assisting the body in the assimilation of minerals and vitamins. The Garnet is also associated with the thyroid and spleen. It helps cleanse and purify both when held over the area. In this way, a garnet tones the spleen and boosts the immune system and energy levels.They have a great restorative energy, making them useful for cases of fatigue and depression. Garnets are often worn to enhance bodily strength, endurance and vigor.

Working on a cellular level, they can be useful for speeding the healing of injuries. Place a garnet crystal over an injured or ill area for ten to 30 minutes at a time, focusing on the positive, re-building energy of the stone.

Garnet is helpful for both genders. For men, it keeps the reproductive system healthy. For women, it promotes hormonal balance and is said to reduce swelling. Garnet is also used in balancing the sex drive and in cases of low libido.

Garnet has been related to the foundation (root), or crimson chakra; imbalances of this chakra can manifest as nervousness, irritable bowel and lack of energy.


Red Garnet: Root and Spleen Chakra. Warms, energizes emotionally and physically (arthritis, frostbite, paralysis), grounds. Used by ancient cultures. Exhaustion, low blood pressure, detoxifying and strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, persistence, stamina, passion, confidence (and stubbornness). Yang (avoid if excess anger, impatience, high blood pressure, heat, inflammation, etc.)

Native Americans used garnet to decorate their dream catchers and shields and believed that garnet had medicinal powers. When worn, garnet was thought to protect the person from poisons and wounds. Some people also believed that garnet could cure depression, prevent nightmares, break fevers, reduce inflammation and stop bleeding.

The ancient Egyptians used garnets as an antidote for snake bites and for food poisoning.

Emotional Healing Properties


Perhaps the strongest virtue of the garnet is its ability to help one overcome depression. The stone has been known to dissolve ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer positive, and bypasses resistance or self-induced unconscious sabotage. It aids in letting go of useless or old ideas. The stone revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It removes inhibitions, taboos, anger and discord. It alleviates emotional disharmony, brings on a calming influence, and protects the wearer from being affected by the unwanted energy of others. It strengthens the survival instinct in a crisis, or in extremely traumatic situations, bringing courage and hope where it seems like there is no way out.

The red color of the garnets suggests a connection with love and permanence, but also with passion and desires. Not only is this passion linked with sexual lust, it is also linked with all the different desires that an individual can possess. In this sense, red garnet can be used to restore lost passion. Garnets can also be related to the will to execute some decision.

Wearing garnet jewelry is useful for balancing the emotions as well as the sex drive. It will either instill calm if too impassioned, or passion if too passive. Garnet is also an ideal relationship stone. It brings about feelings of devotion, loyalty, and commitment. Garnets relax and secure comfort in transitional times, such as for example, bringing an experimental love relationship to a more permanent level of devotion.

Garnets' loving actions help widows recover from the grief of loss. They soothe when relationships have not worked out as planned. Garnets bring hope and they bring the love of others to expressions of warmth and understanding. Garnets are even said to help widows attract new husbands!

If you are feeling down and emotionally suppressed, the vibrant energy of the garnets can help to awaken the heart center - Anahata. They help in increasing personal strength, endurance, and bodily power. They should be discharged by holding them for 3 minutes under flowing water. Garnets should be charged placed on a cluster of rock crystals.

Mental Healing Properties

This endlessly useful gem also helps hone perception skills, improving one's ability to read people, and to understand oneself. Its purifying energy serves to get rid of unhealthy psychological patterns which may be causing repetitive problems.

Garnets are used to reduce and eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious. Garnet is a stone of regeneration and stability. It is said to bring positive thoughts and be excellent for manifestation and bringing abundance. It has also been used to assist in diminishing or eliminating abandonment issues.

The stabilizing quality of Garnet can help bring order to chaos whether internal or external. It discourages disorganized growth, and brings inner strength.

garnet_necklaceSpiritual Healing Properties

Garnet can boost the entire system's energy and remove negative energy from the chakras. Garnet has been used a great deal for gentle spiritual healing, and is used to enhance intuition. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with the heart chakra. It is used to remove negative energy from all the chakras. Garnet is known primarily as a protective stone, but it is also an overall balancing and regenerating crystal.

Garnets are recognized as spiritual minerals able to heal and intensify relationships. But they can do more than that; they are able to bring certain relationships to a higher, more spiritual level. Depending on their composition, garnets can be colored differently, but the most common color of garnets is red.

Garnet has been used to release bad karma, and to encourage movement of the kundalini in an orderly manner.

The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives. Information that is beneficial and helpful will usually be released for the searcher. The information released in a search may be painful, but it will always be what the searcher needs.

As with all crystals, garnet should be cleansed initially and regularly. They can be used by positioning on the body for meditation, or emotional and physical healing. One of the unique properties of garnet stones is that they amplify the energy of other healing crystals, so they can be used to enhance other gemstones if desired.

Love Powers of the Garnet

The garnet is believed to carry with it sensual energy. When worn, garnet aids in fertility, attraction and helps create a strong desire for passion and love. The stone is said to balance the sex drive. Garnet moves a couple deeper into a passionate and sensual exploration of sexual magic. The stone inspires commitment, monogamous and stable marriage, and promises one’s love, devotion, and fidelity with surety. It can also aid in finding true lovers. For married couples the garnet promotes a strong, stable relationship of love, passion, commitment, devotion and fidelity. The garnet is the gemstone for the 2nd and 18th wedding anniversary.

Garnets are still admired for their beauty and value and make wonderful gifts for January birthdays or anyone who appreciates the sparkle of deep red in their ring, necklace or earrings. Their power is in more than their beauty, it is also in their ability to last from generation to generation.

Garnet Metaphysical Properties

In metaphysical sense, one of the most important characteristics of the garnets is their purification ability. They have a strong healing capacity and are able to help in purifying the bodily energies, in removing toxins, and in restoring, revitalizing and cleansing the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Garnet creates harmony. Its energy first purifies, then energizes, instilling either intensity or calm, which ever action is necessary for balance. Although connected with the sacral chakra, it will help cleanse and revitalize the entire chakra system, expelling negative energy.

Garnets' ability to pull potential realities into manifestation lets them work within the quantum field and the law of attraction. They act to help change the world by increasing expansiveness in awareness and manifestation.

Magical Uses:

  • Travel with a garnet to protect against misfortune.
  • Wear a garnet to enhance your sensuality and to attract love and soul mates.
  • Place garnets on your desk to boost your self-confidence, creativity and success in business.
  • Place garnet at the head of your bed to ease depression.
  • Carry a garnet if you are involved in a lawsuit to encourage stability during a challenge.

Garnet in Romance:

  • Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion
  • Garnet is used to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy in a balanced way.
  • It is also considered a stone of increasing truth, commitment, and faith.
  • When given as a gift, the garnet is said to grant loyalty and affection.
  • The garnet is known as the “second anniversary” ring
  • The crimson varieties of garnet are believed to extend ardor in all areas of life.

Garnet Associations:

Energy: Luck. Money. Love. Healing.

Chakras: Base Chakra, Heart Chakra

Birthstone: January

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Typical colors: Ranges in color from red and dark red to rust red, as well as pink, yellow, orange, deep emerald green, brown and black.

Vibration Number: 2

Garnet is a 2nd and 18th Anniversary gemstone.

Associated Crystals: Bloodstone, red tiger eye and ruby.

Candle Color: Dark red.

Flowers & Plants: Dark red roses and red geraniums.

Herbs - Incenses - Oils: Cinnamon, copal, dragon's blood and pine.



Practical Uses for Garnet

Animals: You should leave garnet with a pet that's unhappy at being left behind when you go to work.

Children: Garnet is a lucky charm for children who swim.

Health &Healing: Garnet is good for those suffering from cold extremities and will help to improve blood circulation. It is also good for acute gallstone pain and will help to fight infection and viruses.

Home: Garnet will help protect your home.

Protection: Garnet is protective for your home against thieves and those who would steal your ideas. It is a protective stone for children who go swimming and will help to keep them safe. Garnet is also a psychic shield.

Psychic: Garnet can be used for psychic protection. It is also a very good visualization stone.

It Is The Stone Of: Crusaders.

Sex: Garnet is a fertility charm.

Work: Garnet will help make sure that you get the credit due to you for the work you have done.


Garnet Classifications

Chemical Composition: Basic Formula: A3B2C3 where: A= Ca, Mn, Mg, Fe; B= Al, Fe, Ti, V, Cr; C= (SiO4)

This is a major isomorphous group of gemstones. This group is divided into 2 sub-groups of 3 species each. Due to the strong isomorphism between species, a very high percentage of garnets are classified as Intermediate species.




Pyralspite Series   Allochromatic Garnets:
  Pyrope: Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 Intense red color, orangish red, violet-red
  Almandine: Fe3Al2(SiO4)3 Red, purplish red, purple
  Spessartite: Mn3Al2(SiO4)3 Orange, yellowish orange, brownish orange
    Idiochromatic Garnets:
Ugandrite Series Grossular: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 Orange to yellowish orange, reddish orange to brownish orange
  Andradite: Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3 (Topazolite): Yellow, greenish yellow
  Uvarovite: Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3  Green, Yellowish green
Crystal System / Forms: Cubic System / Dodecahedron, Trapezohedron or a combination of varying cubic forms.
Cleavage / Fracture: None but when present is imperfect and poor cleavage parallel to dodecahedral faces / Sub-conchoidal to uneven fracture
Optic Character: Isotropic; may exhibit A.D.R. reaction. Red, purplish red, brown and yellowish brown may show A.D.R. (S.R.) or a misguiding D.R. reaction.
Lustre: Vitreous to Adamantine
Pleochroism: nil 
Geological Occurrence: In metamorphic and igneous rocks; also as alluvial deposits. Also in kimberlite, peridotite, serpentine.
Cuts & Uses: Facetted, cabochon, beads, carvings, etc.



Mineral Properties of Garnet

Mineral Family:

Hardness: 6.5 - 7.5

Iron Aluminum Silicate Mg3Al2(SiO4)3)

Refractive Index: 1.73 - 1.83
Specific Gravity: 3.6 - 4.32
Birefringence: no
Critical Angle: 31.95 - 35.08
Crown Angle: 37
Pavilion Angle: 42
Pleochroism: yes
Crystal Shape: Cubic
Rarity: 9
Color Deep red to bright violet-red

Garnet Gemstone History and Lore


The name "garnet" comes from the Latin granatus, a grain possibly in reference to malum garanatum (pomegranate) a plant with red seeds similar in shape, size and color to some garnet crystals. Legend states that Hades gifted a pomegranate to Persephone before she left his domain to ensure a speedy and safe return. When she did return, the fruit transformed into a handful of the red gemstones.

Garnet gemstones have been used in jewelry and other ways for many thousands of years. It was a symbol of one of the original 12 tribes of Israel and a birthstone. According to the ancient Jewish text the Talmud, a garnet provided the only source of light on Noah's Ark. It was said that Noah guided the ark by the light of a garnet lantern during the rain and darkness of the deluge. Many courageous discoverers and travelers wore Garnets for protection. They were considered powerful talismans and protective stones, because it was believed that Garnets illuminate the night and prevent their wearer from nightmares and any sort of evil or disaster. Today science explains to us that the proverbial luminosity of Garnet is caused by its high refraction of light.

Garnets have long adorned the prominent and the wealthy throughout time. Garnet jewelry has been found in Egyptian, Greek and Roman ruins. The use of garnet beads and inlay work has been evident between 3100 B.C. and 2300 B.C. in Egypt. Garnets were placed in Egyptian tombs to pay the deceased’s passage into the netherworld. It was used between 2000-1000 B.C. in Sweden and later in fourth and third century B.C. in Greece.

Garnets were also used in burial jewelry and carved signet rings to proclaim royalty in 300 B.C during the Bronze Age; garnet necklaces were found in the graves of Bronze Age Czechoslovakians.

In the Middle Ages, between 450 – 1500 A.D., red garnets where highly valued by nobility. Garnet was commonly believed to guard against poison; royals would often drop a garnet gemstone into a glass of wine to ensure they were not poisoned to death. This stone was worn as a lucky charm by warriors of the medieval times for success and protection. Rings with Almandine (red-violet variety of Garnet) were very popular among Crusaders. The stone was set in shields, buckles and other items worn by Crusaders. Garnets were also worn by the Crusaders as an aid to safely find their way home. Eastern European folktales speak of garnets being worn around the neck to guard against night-wandering vampires.

Some Asiatic tribes fashioned garnets into bullets believing that they would be more lethal than lead bullets. According to some, in 1892 the king of Kashmir used garnet bullets against the British army on the Kashmir frontier.

In Indian mythology, garnet is called Kundalini Fire (fire of eternal metamorphosis). In Buddhism and Hinduism, garnets are believed to enlighten the soul and give wisdom.

A thriving garnet jewelry and cutting industry based on the very popular red pyrope garnets was started in Czechoslovakia in 1500. Until the nineteenth century it was the world’s largest source of gem garnets. These fiery red pyrope garnets were very popular in Victorian jewelry. In the 18th and 19th centuries, perfectly transparent garnet grew to become the peak of jewelry fashion. The discovery of a bright green Grossular garnet in East Africa in the late 1960’s that was named “Tsavorite” by the Tiffany’s jewelry firm that also named and popularized the blue lavender zoisite gemstone as Tanzanite. This very exciting discovery brought the gemstone and jewelry industries a new color of garnet that can rival emerald in its luminescent green color. The discovery of a fiery orange variety of spessartite garnet on the Angola-Namibian border in the 1980’s also rocked the gemstone and jewelry world. The incredible radiant orange garnet, the likes of which had never been seen before was a major development in bringing garnet to the forefront of exciting gemstones.

Jewelry made with garnet gem is extremely popular because of its beauty and characteristics. With a relatively high Mohs' hardness of 7 to 7 ½, Garnet makes a nice hard stone for rings and other jewelry. But that is not all; Garnet has several other uses too. Garnet sand is a good abrasive and used as a replacement for silica sand in sand blasting. Garnet is also used to cut steel and other materials in water jets. Garnet sand is also used for water filtration media.

Sources of Garnet

Garnets are found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. They form under extremely high temperatures and pressure.

Currently, the world's largest supply of garnets is the continent of Africa. In December 1996, a student in Central Australia discovered what is thought to be the largest single garnet ever found - measuring nearly one hundred feet across!

It is found around the world, including in the United States, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Zambia, Tanzania, Afghanistan, India, Brazil, Austria, Germany, and Sweden. Garnet gemstones are found in many places including Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa, Siberia, Italy, Australia, India, Russia, Turkey, South America and the United States.

Almandine: Almandine or Almandite (called in USA) deposits is found in many rock types. Large crystals of this gem are found in Burma (Myanmar). Other than this the gemstone is found in Thailand, Brazil, Tanzania, Mozambique, India, Sri Lanka, Zambia, Madagascar and the USA.

Pyrope: This gem deposit is found in India, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Madagascar and USA.

Rhodolite: Rhodolite crystal was first found in Carolina in USA, but it is also found in country of Tanzania (Umba River Valley), Sri Lanka, India and Madagascar.


Clean garnet stones with warm soapy water and a soft brush. Rinse the stone well after washing it. Ultrasonic treatments may be used for most garnets, except the demantoid variety. Steam cleaning garnets may cause color changes from the heat.

Protect garnet from sharp blows, extreme temperature changes and harsh chemicals.


 Metaphysical Properties


pyrope_rough Pyrope: Blood red due to iron and chromium, it is said to balance productivity and happiness. It is told to bestow vitality and charisma, promoting an excellent quality of life. Pyrope unites the creative forces within oneself for greater inspiration. This stone will protect the base and crown chakras, aligning them with the subtle bodies, thus linking the grounding characteristics of the base and the wisdom of the crown, thus stabilizing the two bodies.


almandine_orange Almandine: Most common -  these are usually the ones used in jewelry. It is known to increase productivity, assist in keeping focused and getting things done. If held to the third eye, this stone can access information from past lives. It is a strongly regenerative stone, which brings strength and stamina, it also aids in integrating truth and an affinity with the higher self. By opening the higher mind and initiating clarity and compassion it brings one closer to oneself. This is the stone that opens the pathway between the base and crown chakras, grounding spiritual energies and channeling those into the physical body, then anchoring the subtle body into physical incarnation. almandine_purple_gem
rhodolite_rough Rhodolite: A mixture of pyrope and almandine. Pink due to iron, (crystals are rare, in Mexico often called "rosolite") rose red or pale pink violet. Enhances productivity as well as prosperity in the career. This is a warm, trusting and sincere stone. Stimulating contemplation, intuition and inspiration. It protects the base chakra and enhances healthy sexuality, overcoming frigidity. rhodolite_pink_gem
spessarite_on_mica Spessartine: Bright orange when pure, dark orange to red due to iron (gem quality crystals are uncommon) Spessartites or Spessartines are not often cut into gemstones; this is probably due more to a lack of promotion than rarity, they are sold as tumbled stones and beads. These focus on productivity in the home; excellent for anyone whose career is in the home; strengthens happiness and contentment. These gemstones vibrate at a very high rate, which imparts a willingness to help others and strengthens the heart. Spessartine enhances analytical process and your rational mind. It is considered and antidepressant as well as suppressant of nightmares. spessartine_cut
grossular_matrix Grossular Garnet or Grossularite (Colorless in it's pure form) This is a useful stone to have during challenges and lawsuits, as it teaches relaxation and in going with the flow. Grossular garnet also inspires the act of service and cooperation. grossularite_gem
tsavorite_rough Tsavorite: (variety of Grossular) Green due to chromium content in the crystal. As with other grossular garnets, Tsavorite aids in calm acceptance and the universal All. It is a good stone to use during life's many challenges. It is said to offer comfort, to warm and cocoon the heart; as well as strengthening it on a physical level. It increases the flow of energy throughout all the meridians and stimulates kidney energy, and stimulates the immune system, pituitary and thyroid. Tsavorite can be used as a gentle pain reliever, and sometimes to treat eye problems. tsavorite_gem
hessonite_cluster_02a Hessonite: (variety of Grossular) Orange brown due to manganese and iron inclusions. This stone is said to impart self-respect, by eliminating feelings of guilt and inferiority. It supports the seeking out of new challenges, opens the intuition and enhances psychic abilities. hessonite_gem


Andradite: (contains titanium and manganese) This is a dynamic and flexible stone. It stimulates creativity and attracts to you what you most need for development in your relationships. It dissolves any feelings of isolation and alienation and attracts intimate encounters with others. Andradite realigns the magnetic fields in the body, cleanses and expands the aura, opening and encouraging psychic vision. andradite_gem_01
demantoid_in_matrix Demantoid: (variety of Andradite) Green due to calcium and chromium. The most valued of all garnets Demantoid by definition is always green, but the exact shade ranges from a very light yellowish peridot green to nearly the color of a fine emerald. Many stones have a brownish cast as well. Stones with more intense green coloration are generally more highly valued, but lighter stones display substantially more fire in most cases. The Demantoid garnet is said to give vitality and to help prevent fears, insecurity, and feelings of loneliness. demantoid_grn_gem
topazolite_cluster Topazolite: (variety of Andradite) Yellow, only found in small crystals. This Yellow Garnet is said to be a protector of small children, and of frail individuals. It is told that Topazolite may eliminate mental, emotional and spiritual chaos. topazolite_gem
andradite_melanite Melanite: (variety of Andradite) Black or dark red, uncommon. This garnet is told to strengthen resistance and promote honesty. It releases blockages for the heart and throat chakras, enabling the bearer to speak the truth. It is known to overcome lack of love in all situations, dispelling anger, envy jealousy and mistrust. It assists in moving a partnership to the next stage, regardless of what that may be. melanite_gems
uvarovite_matrix_01 Uvarovite: Bright green due to chromium content. Uvarovite promotes individuality without the nasty egocentricity that often accompanies it. At once it links the soul into its universal nature, it stimulates the heart chakra and enhances spiritual relationships. It is a calm and quite peaceful stone, assisting in working through experiences of solitude without loneliness. uvarovite_jewelry

*Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Crystal Wind™ does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.

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