Walking the Red Road
Native American spirituality or indigenous spirituality is a set of spiritual beliefs practiced by many individuals, mostly indigenous peoples, from this continent. In North America this path is sometimes called the natural way and sometimes the red way and one who practices it is said to be “on the good, red road”. Although there is no one Native American way, because all the tribes’ religions are different in detail and practice, there are certain characteristics that run throughout most of the tribes’ precepts. Primarily there is a concern for the earth and all of its creation whether all the races, all the species and all of inanimate life. In other words, although they don’t worship the earth there is a concern for it and all its life forms: they honor the earth and all of creation equally. Man is considered only a small part of the larger cycles and in this sense they are like the oriental viewpoint. But distinct to the Native groups are the concept of responsibility for caretaking the rest of creation.
The Red Road has four Commandments:
- Respect for the Great Spirit
- Respect the Earth
- Respect your Fellow Men and Women
- Respect every man’s freedom (provided it does not interfere or threaten the tribe, the People or Mother Earth)
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Pathfinder: Native - Walking the Red Road
The 7 Sacred Grandfather Teachings
The Seven Sacred Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, also known as the Seven Grandfather Teachings, are shared, valued and practised by many indigenous peoples. Each of the Seven Sacred Teachings honours the virtues necessary for a full and healthy life. Each of the Teachings is... Read more
Indigenous Leaders Share The Prophesy Of The Condor And The …
Chief Phil Lane Jr. and other Indigenous leaders explain to us the meaning of the Condor and Eagle prophecy, and the anticipated reunion of the two entities… The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient prophecy that speaks volumes about where we came from, where we... Read more
The Medicine Wheel and the Four Directions
The Medicine Wheel, sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop, has been used by generations of various Native American tribes for health and healing. It embodies the Four Directions, as well as Father Sky, Mother Earth, and Spirit Tree—all of which symbolize dimensions of health... Read more
31 Powerful Native American Medicinal Cures
It was the belief of the Native American population that the Creator provided them with the medicinal herbs required for natural healing. Utilizing trees, flowers, fruit and plants that each carried their own health benefits, signs of their holistic approach is still clearly seen... Read more
January Full Wolf Moon
Native American tribes living in the eastern and northern United States. January's full moon is known primarily as the "Wolf Moon". Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s full moon. Sometimes... Read more
12 Plants Native Americans Used to Cure EVERYTHING
The Native American tribe Cherokee is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. This tribe believed that they have been given a gift by the Creator which enabled them to understand and use medicinal herbs. They believed and used the benefits of nature’s pharmacy. Moreover, as... Read more
An Inspiring Message from Grandfather Eagle
A reminder of our Sacred Role We humans can be pretty good at getting down on ourselves, especially those of us who care deeply about the environment. When we take in the bigger picture, and see the environmental destruction we are responsible for, it’s difficult... Read more
Chief Arvol Looking Horse’s Message on Water
The importance of water in the Lakota Tradition Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Great Sioux Nation. He is a leading voice in the preservation of sacred sites across the planet and founder of... Read more
Chief Seattle’s Prophecy for America: The End of Living and …
Chief Seattle (1780 – 1866) was a prominent native American chief who pursued a path of peace with colonial white settlers in what is now the state of Washington. During treaty negotiations in 1852, he gave a famous speech in response to an offer by... Read more
10 Quotes From a Sioux Indian Chief That Will Make You Quest…
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent spread of the... Read more
Meaning and "Legend" Of The White Deer
Meaning of a White Deer The Native Americans believed the occurance of a white animal was a huge sign of prophecy – a sign from the great spirit that a major shift in their world was to come. Usually, white animals were seen during soul-quests, or vision-quests. However,... Read more
Animal Spirits
© Cinnamon Moon Animal Spirits work with us in many capacities and on a variety of levels. As Totems they reflect aspects of our personalities teaching us to know ourselves better and understand our interrelationships. Power Animals are much the same; they are the dominant... Read more
Native American Shamanism
Shamanism is a system for psychic, emotional, and spiritual healing and for exploration, discovery, and knowledge gathering about non-material worlds and states of mind. Anthropologists have identified shamanistic practices in tribal cultures, ancient and modern, throughout the world. Shamanism is a "technique of ecstasy"... Read more
A Native American Tribute 2 - Mitakuye Oyasin (Videos)
Creator, It is I. Thank you for today's sunrise, for the breath and life within me, and for all of your creations. Creator, Hear my prayer, and honour my prayer. As the day begins with the rising sun, I ask: Spirit keeper of the East, Brother... Read more
The Seven Fires Prophecies of the Anishinabe
The first prophet said to the people, "In the time of the First Fire, the Anishinabe nation will rise up and follow the sacred shell of the Midewiwin Lodge. The Midewiwin Lodge will serve as a rallying point for the people and its traditional... Read more
The Smudging Ceremony
Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves the burning of special, sacred plants and herbal resins, then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the... Read more
Hopi Prophecies (Video)
American Indians are a diverse ethnic group. Their languages, customs, social systems varied greatly. One common characteristic found in many Indian nations was an affinity to the spiritual side of life. Out of this came man prophecies. One of the most fascinating set of prophecies... Read more
Native American Nations
Native Americans (also Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Americans, American Indians, Amerindians, Amerind, Indians, First Nations, First Peoples, Native Canadians, or Indigenous Peoples of America) are those peoples indigenous to the Americas, living there prior to European colonization. This term encompasses a large number of distinct... Read more
Power Animals & Gemstones
Each person has nine animal essences or totems that walk through life with them, teaching and guiding them and in some cases, protecting them. These nine totems usually remain the same throughout your lifetime; however, major life alterations can cause some or all of... Read more
Discovering Your Spirit Guide
The Native American Indians always felt a special oneness with the world around them and also with the creatures who occupied that world. This feeling was not just confined to the surrounding world but also with the world felt inside. The animals inhabiting this... Read more
Four Sacred Native Herbs
Tobacco - Sage - Cedar - Sweetgrass Four sacred herbs hold great significance in many Native American cultures, often used for spiritual, medicinal, and ceremonial purposes. These herbs are sage, sweetgrass, cedar, and tobacco, each carrying its own unique symbolism and use. Read more
Follow the Path of the Ojibway
The Ojibway offer traditional ways to follow the Red Road: Give thanks daily to the Creator for all gifts around you. Approach each day with a smile, grateful for another opportunity to live. Become involved in personal daily ceremony and/or seek out community ceremony. Do not judge other... Read more
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Articles: Walking the Red Road
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