Crystals & Stones have an energy as well as a spirit that can guide us on our Healing Journey. Gem Elixirs is another method of utilizing the Energy of the Mineral Kingdom. Gem Elixir is where the Energy of the Crystal or Stone is merged with the Water. Water is an excellent medium to hold the Energy of the Crystals or Stones.
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Crystals, Gems, Elixirs
Crystal Energies: Choosing the Right Stones for February Vib…
February, the shortest month of the year, holds a unique place in the calendar as a time of reflection, love, and new beginnings. Its position between the depths of winter and the early whispers of spring makes it a transitional period filled with introspection... Read more
365 Days of Crystals - Day 14: Green Fluorite
Green Fluorite cleans and balances the aura. It can put up an electromagnetic barrier for protection. It can ward off negative energies and stress. If you know someone who is closed minded try holding fluorite while talking to them and see if they open up. Green Fluorite is... Read more
Stone of The Month: Purpurite
Purpurite is named for its deep violet, shimmery purple colour, naturally present due to the elemental breakdown of Purpurite. Purpurite is a manganese iron phosphate mineral. Purpurite’s hardness is only 4.5-5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Purpurite has been found primarily in Brazil, Namibia, Australia,... Read more
Easy DIY Shungite Water - Rich in Antioxidants!
Shungite is the only mineral on Earth containing fullerenes. This is the type of molecular form of carbon with atomic number C60. Due to their special structure, fullerenes have a number of unique physical and chemical properties. Fullerene is the most powerful and long-acting antioxidant and at the... Read more
Assisting Change & Manifestations; Bringing Dreams to Life. Bastnaesite is a rare gem named after the Bastnas mines in Sweden, where it was first discovered in 1841. Colors range from honey yellow to reddish brown, and the appearance of the crystals varies from transparent to translucent. Read more
Sacred Amber In Detail
I often discuss various crystals and gemstones and their applicability to healing, protection, and manifestation. It is sometimes wise to review and give more detail on particular ones if they are those which most awesomely assist in the reduction of “Light Activation Symptoms” which are... Read more
Crystals for Scorpio
Scorpio season comes during the darkening time of the year, when the days are getting shorter and when Halloween is celebrated. If your birthday falls between October 23rd and November 21st, Scorpio is your sun sign. Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion, a calculating... Read more
7 Must-Have Crystals On A Student Budget
Have you ever thought that crystals can become faithful helpers in life and study? Every student dreams of finding something that will add confidence and strength to cope with academic assignments and achieve success. Fortunately, the world of crystals has a lot to offer to... Read more
7 Ways to Work with Shungite!
There’s a lot of buzz about Shungite in the metaphysical community, and rightfully so. This unique and uncommon stone from Russia, composed mainly of carbon, is over 2 billion years old. Most geologists believe that the deposit was created by layers of ancient organic material and... Read more
Mood Stones As A Means Of Self-Expression
“Self-expression allows people to distinguish themselves from others, to reflect their own beliefs and needs, and validate their own self-concepts,” report University of California academics in an article entitled Culture and Self-Expression. For thinkers like Thomas Emerson, meanwhile, self-expression was a fundamental right, deriving from the... Read more
Crystals to Grab in a Crisis
Life can change in a flash, as COVID-19 has shown us. There is much strength, grace, resilience, and adaptability in the human spirit, and emergency situations compel us to draw upon these inner resources. Especially in an ongoing crisis, there will be times when... Read more
Crystals for All Matters of the Heart
February perfumes the air with roses and draws attention to one of the most important chakras of all—the heart chakra. Valentine’s Day can be a celebration of love, in all of its beautiful expressions, and it can also trigger unhealed emotional issues. If your... Read more
Incorporating Crystals Into Your Tarot Practice
Tarot is all about energy. During a Tarot reading, you tap into the energy of your intuition, the energy of your client, the energy surrounding a situation and the energy of the universe to understand a situation better. Understanding the directional force of the... Read more
Essential Crystals for Lightbody Activation
To sucessfully quantum leap through time and space, a towel is handy. Crystals, on the other hand, are an essential travel companion. Crystals offer protection, healing and guidance. Crystals help raise our vibrations. Crystals stabilise and embed our energetic frequency in higher wavelengths. Crystals are armour to put... Read more
Left & Right Handed Crystals
In 1816, a naturalist/crystallographer by the name of Weiss discovered a property of crystal forms called enantiomorphism. Enantiomorphism has to do with the internal structure of the mineral. Quartz is composed of silica, SiO2, which occurs in the crystal structure as a tetrahedral form.... Read more
The Victory Stone Pyromorphite is a really pretty greenish mineral. It is a close cousin of apatite where lead substitutes in for calcium. Lead minerals tend to be very dense, have bright luster and often have rich coloration. Pyromorphite is said to attract money and other... Read more
Satin Spar Selenite - ‘Prayer Heart’ Stones
Easter is not just a time of chocolate bunnies and hopping down the bunny trail it is time of moving thru some very powerful spiritual and past life energies. This Easter comes filled with new life, birthing new energies and new choices. It will... Read more
The Legend of the Apache Tear
Apache Tears are small obsidian nodules that are usually black, but can range from black to red to brown. They are often found embedded in a grayish-white perlite matrix. Apache tears are found around Superior, Arizona. Apache tears are more than just a piece of black... Read more
How To Cut Energy Cords With Crystals
Cutting the energy cords with the other people in our lives sounds like it might have a negative connotation, like we’re pulling the plug on our relationships. In reality, this therapeutic exercise is meant to preserve our spiritual space, so that we can nourish... Read more
How to Clear and Heal the Heart Chakra and the Emotional Bod…
Healing the emotions is key to healing all levels of the being. It would be a wonderful thing if we were taught in elementary school how to handle our emotions in healthy and productive ways. Instead, many of us got a message from society... Read more
How to Work with Crystals for Physical Healing
Your body is a miraculous, organic supercomputer—a divine instrument designed to help you interface with Earth reality. Every moment of every day, all of its complex systems are working tirelessly in service to you. It is sensitive and responsive to what it is exposed... Read more
Turquoise For Throat Chakra Activation
Turquoise my favourite crystal, we go waaayy back. Carry, wear, use as a talisman for inner calm, strength and confidence. Working with the throat chakra turquoise aids clarity of thought and ease of communication helping us to express our authentic selves. The colour calms the... Read more
Everything You Need to Know About Crystal Clusters + How to …
Normally, when something is described as a cluster, you expect a chaotic mess. A cluster of wires, a cluster of cars, a cluster of people—the word itself is enough to give you anxiety. Consider crystal clusters as the exception to the rule. In fact, if it’s... Read more
Use These Crystals for Focus to Go From Mindless to Mindful
Feeling absent minded? Use these crystals for focus to go from mindless to mindful. With mercury retrograde upon us, you may find that your thoughts are becoming more and more erratic. The irony of thoughtless behavior is that its usually symptomatic of having too many thoughts. When our... Read more
How to Build a Simple and Powerful Crystal Grid for Manifest…
Being a human means that you are in the business of reality crafting. You are the designer of your life, and all aspects of your personal reality are there because of your choices, preferences, and how you have focused and allocated your energy. Chances... Read more
Here Are 4 Spells & Crystals For Sun Worshippers
We show you how you can connect closer with the energy of the sun to help your mind, body and soul glow! From ancient civilisations to modern culture, the sun has been a focal point for worship and celebration. The largest star in our solar... Read more
Remove Negative Energy From Your Home And Make Your Space Ro…
Depending on the state of your home, cleaning can either be a matter of washing a few dishes or declaring the space a disaster zone, and calling the national guard. If you’re in the latter group, don’t fear. Sometimes the greatest obstacle keeping us... Read more
How to Heal a Broken Heart with Rainbow Obsidian
If you typed the symptoms of a broken heart or how to heal a broken heart into WebMD, it probably wouldn’t diagnose you as lovesick, since that’s not technically an illness. But as anyone who has ever experienced a broken heart can attest, lovesickness will having... Read more
How To Ground Yourself With Hematite
Hematite rings provide grounding and help to counter anxious thoughts. Wondering how to ground yourself spiritually? Like it or not, anxiety is something we all have to deal with at certain times in our lives. I don’t care how connected to the Universe you are, life... Read more
Crystals For Harmony - If You Don’t Have Anything Nice To Sa…
It’s been a long held belief, mainly on behalf of mother’s everywhere, that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. However, in these highly polarizing times, it seems many have opted to disregard this once popular notion... Read more
Using The Spirit Quartz Meaning To Find Your True Center
The spirit quartz meaning is to connect you with universal love and to remove all fears and blocks from your life. Sometimes, we aren’t even cognizant that there is a block in our life, or we find excuses for why something didn’t work out or why... Read more
Clearing And Protection For Empaths With Crystals
"You are such a great listener.” It’s something that empaths hear a lot. What do they hear less? “Sorry for passing all of my energy baggage onto you!” Unless someone is an empath, they are likely unaware that their energy can rub off onto someone else—especially not... Read more
Aquaprase: Gemstone of Earth and Sea
Crystal healers and rock hounds alike are giddy over the discovery of a new gemstone: aquaprase. It’s a lovely blue-green stone from Africa with bands of natural brown matrix and cloud-like inclusions. It’s airy and earthy all in one. Metaphysically, aquaprase unites the outward-facing, perspective-enhancing... Read more
Crystals for Your Home
Turn It into a High-Vibe Crystal Heaven Dorothy said it best when she clicked her ruby red slippers together, and repeated, “There’s no place like home.” Adventures with new friends to unexplored places are fun, but when you’ve been away for too long, you’re tired,... Read more
Pleiadian Time Crystals
These crystals extend themselves in and out of time like tendrils in divine crystalline synchronicity. Emerging from the depths of cellular and solar systems into the heights of all dimensional expansion, they seek to become paired corresponding with all life, distributing their sequences further... Read more
7 Brilliant Ways to Work with Citrine
I have a confession to make. I have been having a love affair with Citrine for almost two decades now, and we are very happy together. Holding one is like touching the sun itself. Its energy is like crystallized sunbeams that vitalize your cells, outlook, energy,... Read more
5 Healing Precious Stones That Keep Bad Energy At Bay
Over the years, people have been looking for items that are naturally occurring that can help them deal with negative thoughts which are just very common and toxic to one’s life, evil spirits and also all the bad energies. Many precious stones are believed... Read more
Crystals for Communication
Find Your Voice - Shine with Confidence As kids, we were forced into uncomfortable spotlights all the time. From mandatory Spring Sing performances to the dreaded, front-of-class speeches—the mere mention of these memories is enough to trigger a series of panicked flashbacks. Fear of public... Read more
Chrysocolla Crystal Ritual for New Beginnings
There is a fantasy we all have at some point or another, that imagines moving somewhere new, where nobody knows our name, and starting over—the anticipation of fresh opportunities blowing optimism into our sails as we leave all of our problems behind. Well, as... Read more
The Crystals To Use Based On Your Zodiac Sign!
Did you know there are certain stones and crystals that resonate better with specific signs of the zodiac? Those who believe in energies understand that crystals have natural healing elements. Crystals have been a big trend among people who believe in the curative powers of the... Read more
Keep Calm, and Carry These Four Crystals During the Eclipse/…
Energy experts are calling 2017 the year of the big reset. And right now we are in the middle of a cosmic window, punctuated by two eclipses and an equinox, which is bringing in especially intense, transformative energies. We had a set of eclipses... Read more
10 Reasons Why Kyanite is an Essential Stone for Healing and…
Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I’d like one that can poof away unpleasant things, such as bills, anxiety, and cellulite. My ideal magic wand would also bestow metaphysical superpowers and beam me onto friendly starships. Though I have yet to... Read more
The Healing Power of Shungite
The power of the Shungite benefits lie in what makes it unique. Touted as the Miracle Stone of the 21st Century, Shungite has been around for an estimated 2 billion years, but it wasn’t until the 1996 Nobel Prize winning research that discovered antioxidant fullerenes within... Read more
Stones for Empaths (and highly sensitive people)
What is an Empath? Empaths are the most energy sensitive people on earth. Being an Empath is when one is affected by the energies from other people, and having a distinctive ability to intuitively feel and perceive those energies. An Empath’s life is unconsciously influenced... Read more
4 Conscious Tips + Crystals to Help You Get More Sleep
Whenever we’re feeling sick or drained, or our skin just doesn’t have the glow it used to, everyone gives the same advice—drink more water and get more sleep. It’s so simple, and yet, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, 1... Read more
Crystal Divination: What Does 2017 Hold in Store for You?
What wonderful things are you going to create in 2017? Does this year hold an energetic pattern or trend that will guide your experiences? After consulting my crystal ball, I was guided to create this fun crystal divination game. It gives you an energetic forecast... Read more
How a Himalayan Salt Lamp Can Improve Your Mood
You may have heard of Himalayan salt lamps before or maybe you even own one. Either way, you have probably already seen one because they have become immensely popular these day. They don’t just provide soothing low lighting, they also offer several health benefits. They can help... Read more
Mindful Tips + Healing Crystals for Fixing Fitness Fatigue
Yeah, yeah. So last year’s New Year’s resolution to work out more didn’t make it to March…or February. This year will be different! We’ll just make the same resolution at midnight, and this time our staunch optimism alone will carry us through to our... Read more
Using Crystals for the Home and Interior Design
As crystals become more mainstream, home decor magazines, like Better Homes & Gardens, have started to adopt ornamental minerals as a way to bring pops of color and sparkle into their designs. Crystals for the home are a brilliant way approach to adding a sense... Read more
Moldavite: Emissary of The Stars
A Celestial Stone of Transformation; A Star-born Catalyst of Healing These beautiful and powerful pieces of moldavite come as an unexpected invitation from the heavens above. They invite us home to places within our soul that remembers the stars. Moldavite is a green translucent gemstone... Read more
3 Ascension Crystals for These Transformative Times
Buckle up, and open your heart! This entire year has felt like a lesson in energetic acceleration and intensity, as our physical bodies are adjusting to progressively higher frequencies of light. And we are just getting started. September brings us two eclipses (one on September... Read more
A Simple Summer Solstice Ritual with Crystals
June 20, 2016 is this year’s summer solstice, marking the official first day of summer. The solstice is the longest day of the year, where the sun will appear to stand still in the sky as it reaches its highest point. The word solstice is derived from the Latin word solstitium,... Read more
Surviving Mercury Retrograde with Crystals
Mercury Retrograde is defined as a three week period in which the planet Mercury appears to be moving in a backwards motion. During this time, many people experience many adverse effects, such as memory loss, loss of time, loss of items, and loss of common sense. As... Read more
Crystals for Creativity and a Creative Meditation Practice
Creativity has proven to have strong influence in the wellness movement and crystals for creativity can help you tap into that inner freedom. Experts agree that creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems, so the old belief... Read more
Epidote Healing Ritual For Giving And Receiving Positive Ene…
Epidote healing crystals can bring your intentions and desires into your life with ease. The emphasis of this crystal is on how we give positive energy to the world around us and how we receive that energy back. It is through this giving and... Read more
Four Crystals to Help with Ascension Symptoms
Have you been feeling out of sorts lately? Ascension symptoms are on the rise again as a result of increasingly intense energies. The good news is that we are integrating these higher frequencies as a mechanism for self-transformation. Doing so allows us to embody more... Read more
How to Read the Energy of Crystals (in 6 Simple Steps)
Crystals… You probably have images of psychics with them lined up like they’re Magic: The Gathering cards. Crystals are ubiquitous in New Age circles. And you might have even heard your “conscious” friends tout the benefits of crystals like they work divine miracles. Let me clear the air... Read more
Does Tourmaline effectively reduce the effects of harmful EM…
With a growing number of people recognizing the adverse and destructive health effects of WiFi radiation the need for natural solutions are greater than ever. While it may be difficult (especially in highly populated areas) to protect yourself from the influx of harmful WiFi radiation... Read more
Top Nine Reasons to Work with Calcite in March–and Beyond!
I am somebody who always pays close attention to my dreams. I know that my soul and subconscious mind can use dreams as a vehicle to bypass my waking consciousness and deliver important messages. This is especially true during powerful energetic windows, such as... Read more
Crystals For Wealth, Prosperity And Success
Crystals for wealth, prosperity and success can provide an energetic layer of support as you embark on your career or investing efforts. Each of these crystals for money, prosperity and success work in a unique way to bring you the wealth and abundance you... Read more
Learn The Pyrite Use For Wealth And Abundance
The pyrite use for wealth and abundance combines the principles of Feng Shui with the energy of the gold pyrite. Pyrite was dubbed fool’s gold for its striking resemblance to good. For centuries, pyrite has been viewed as a symbol for money and good luck. Raw pyrite use works to... Read more
Using Spirit Quartz To Find Your True Center
The spirit quartz meaning is to connect you with universal love and to remove all fears and blocks from your life. Sometimes, we aren’t even cognicent that there is a block in our life, or we find excuses for why something didn’t work out or why... Read more
Crystals For Sex And Intimate Relationships
Crystals are powerful aphrodisiacs. Using crystals for sex, sensuality and intimacy activates the sexual energy in your body at the root and sacral chakras so that your emotional and subtle body is stimulated and love is able to flow seamlessly between both partners. It... Read more
Love Rituals With Rose Quartz Points
Whether you’re in a relationship, recovering from a broken heart or on a journey to self-love, setting intentions around love and intimate relationships helps us grow as individuals, and using rose quartz can enhance those intentions. Often times, we forget that we should have goals in... Read more
Using Crystals For Support Throughout The Year Of The Monkey
The Year of the Monkey begins on February 8. Its energy is going to be intense and mischievous because it is also the a Fire Monkey year. In our Crystal Forecast for 2016, we shared the best crystals to have for the energy of Year of... Read more
Benefits Of Wearing Shungite
Shungite has quickly become one of the healing stones we cannot live without. Its energy is so powerful and the shungite properties are so beneficial to our bodies, we keep shungite close by at all times. Shungite healing aids in balancing the chakras, protecting against... Read more
Enhance Your Three Energy Channels Using Healing Crystals
There are three energy channels in your body known as nadis, which travel up the left, right and center of your body. Each of these energy channels controls different aspects of yourself, and by wearing healing crystals on different sides of the body, you can... Read more
Crystal Divination: What Does 2016 Hold in Store for You?
What wonderful things are you going to create in 2016? Does this year hold an energetic pattern or trend that will guide your experiences? After consulting my crystal ball, I was guided to create this fun crystal divination game. It gives you an energetic... Read more
Create A Healthy Lifestyle Crystal Grid For The New Year
Living a healthy lifestyle can mean something different to everyone. It encompasses physical wellbeing, mental health, emotional stability and spiritual awareness. Creating a crystal grid focused on embracing a healthy lifestyle allows stones to work together to improve your well-being in all of these... Read more
Crystals and Stones for the Tarot
For those of you who Read Tarot cards, here is an added divination practice. For those of you just starting out in the Metaphysical world, please give this divination method a try. For simplicity of this article, I have kept to the traditional names of the... Read more
Activating the Zeal Chakra with Eudialyte
I hope you have been thriving during the powerful waves of September. I have been noticing something amazing in my healing sessions this month. While working on several clients, I have perceived a remarkable buzzing happening right at the base of the skull! The... Read more
Crystals for Navigating the Transformative September Energie…
Multiple sources are all saying the same thing about September–hold on to your hats! An array of powerful energetic influences will sweep through this month, potentially changing the game for us on personal and planetary levels. There’s a lot of buzz around Wave X. According... Read more
Apophyllite–Featured Stone (September 1st – 14th)
Multiple sources are all saying the same thing about September–hold on to your hats! An array of powerful energetic influences will sweep through this month, potentially changing the game for us on personal and planetary levels. There’s a lot of buzz around Wave X. According to... Read more
The Magic of Black: How to Harness the Power of Black in You…
In the movie, Star Wars, the “bad guy,” Darth Vader wore black. In The Revenge of the Sith,the prequel to the series, it is revealed how he turned his back on the light. He was subsequently taken over by the “dark” side of the force... Read more
Rhodonite–Featured Stone (August 1st-14th)
Have you noticed that matters of the heart are up for us all to examine right now? In my healing practice, my clients have been going to really deep emotional places lately. The core patterns we need to heal and shift are often on the other side of emotions... Read more
Black Tourmaline for Psychic Protection
Black Tourmaline … It’s Electric! Let’s face it… The world we live in today is absolutely beautiful, magical, and awe inspiring… But, there is also an immense amount of stress, negativity and chaotic energy, not to mention electromagnetic frequencies that we have to deal with... Read more
Selenite Crystals and the Angelic Realm
Properties of Selenite Crystals… Crystallized Light! I’ve always loved crystals of all shapes, colors, and textures…. Choosing a favorite type of crystal has been something I just didn’t think I could do, because I love them all so much, but recently while shopping at a local... Read more
Scientists Harness Hematite To Create Clean Energy Solution
Hematite, once regarded as a powerful tool by ancient shamans, and then disregarded as anything other than a shiny (and often magnetic) rock for many, many years, has once again been realized for its value in cultivating energy by modern scientists. Read more
Secret Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Pearls
Pearls have been known for their healing properties for centuries, particularly in traditional Asian medical systems. In these cultures, “medicine” deals with more than just physical ailments and cures, and substances like gold, silver and pearl powder are believed to have effects both physically... Read more
Authentic Herkimer Diamonds
Let these crystalline beauties take you down the rabbit hole into a place that defies gravity and logic. The ancient energies of these stones allow entrance and exit via a ‘crystal portal’. These crystals hold within them immense knowledge and ancient teachings. Let go... Read more
Chevron Amethyst Healing Crystals
These beautiful and powerful Chevron Amethyst crystals come from Brazil. They hold the powerful presence of the Violet flame and the White Light. These are a perfect gift for those who need to transmute negativity and just do not know how. Just by holding... Read more
Steamy, Sexy Stones: Crystal Grids for Love & Romance
With Valentine’s Day being just around the corner, love and romance seem to be on everyone’s mind. Have you been thinking about how to add a little romance to your life? Do you want to create a deeper emotional connection with your partner? Are... Read more
Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids
As the holiday season approaches, many of us start to watch our budgets and tighten our belts in anticipation of the shopping and spending we will be doing to find great gifts for our friends and family. Although this is a season for hope,... Read more
Crystals and Stones for Halloween
Halloween is one of the most fun, spooky, mysterious and frightening times of the year. This holiday is celebrated for different reasons, and just about everyone can find an aspect of Halloween to be enthusiastic and joyful about. Regardless of what age you are... Read more
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Properties Of Lemurian Seed Crystals Lemurian Star Seed crystals are "master" crystals within the Crystal Kingdom. Within the planetary hologram they are linked to all other crystals. They transmit to these crystals the message of Oneness and Unity and Love that was the key energy of... Read more
The Secret Uses of Record-Keeper Crystals – Revealed!
Record-Keeper crystals have a very unique energy, matched only by their unusual appearance. These crystals can be identified by the appearance of raised or sunken “record-keeper” triangles on the faces of the crystal. The record-keepers are typically formed when mineral-rich solution flowed over protrusions on... Read more
Crystal Healing – An Intro to Get You Started
Tania Marie The Earth is continually supporting humanity’s awakening to the rediscovery of who we really are and the ancient and forgotten healing arts such as the utilization of crystals. Reverence and use of crystals goes back to the dawning of civilization. They have been... Read more
8 Year Old Boy Builds Crystal Grids To Clear Negative Energy…
The children of today are rumored to be far more consciously adept than our previous generations. If thats true this might be a piece of supporting evidence of that. In this video, 8 year old Adam introduces his latest crystal grid, which he calls a... Read more
Time Link Crystals – The Past & Future Made Present
Tania Marie I’ve had Crystals on the mind a lot lately again – not that they aren’t always part of my life, but there are periods when their voices are much louder and they show up more than simply as daily companions and healing partners... Read more
“OM” Vibration Tibetan Quartz – Perfect Grounding with Expan…
Tania Marie I see it’s time for another crystal share and this is one that I’ve posted a bit on before, but because it is one of my personal favs at this juncture in my life, they are nudging me to share again. Tibetan Quartz are... Read more
Strawberry Lemurian Seed Crystals – The Scarlet Temple to th…
Tania Marie Another new find of crystal is the Strawberry Lemurian Seed Quartz – sometimes known as Scarlet Temple Lemurians by some. These are very rare and very powerful, natural crystals that have a gorgeous strawberry red color as a result of being coated with... Read more
Starbrary Quartz – Fortifying The Earth By Returning To The …
Tania Marie As promised, today I want to share about another new crystal discovery that has quickly become a new best friend of mine. I absolutely love this little, but powerful crystal. The information about this crystal feels very timely, so I was nudged to... Read more
The Abundance Stone aka the Magician's Stone
The "Abundance Stone" crystal is a beautiful multi-faceted star, creating a 4-fold symmetry, according to principles of sacred geometry, appearing within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well. The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron. The Tetrahedron, ( four-sided pyramid )... Read more
Lemurian Crystals
Curtis Lang Polished, Unpolished & Lemurian Configurations Lemurians occur naturally with multiple striations, and are considered more valuable when these striations have been left intact & not polished off of the crystals. Lemurian multiple striations are thought to contain information from ancient civilizations. Lemuria is said... Read more
Naica Crystal Cave
Amazing...Incredible...Magnificent...Giant Crystal Cave! The largest Selenite crystals in the world! The first time I saw these crystals I was completely humbled by their beauty, size and majestic presence. For those of you who missed seeing or reading about the discovery of these crystals see below... Read more
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Featured This Month
Green Aventurine
The Emotional Balancer Stone Green Aventurine is perhaps the best balancing... Read more
Eudialyte: Your Aries Power Stone Revealed!
Eudialyte Birthstone: Aries Planet: Mars Element: Fire Chakra: Heart Eud... Read more
Dandelion: The Surprising Power of this Medi…
Reminds you of the abundance life holds. Gender: Masculine Planet: Jupiter E... Read more
Bright Beltane Blessings!
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Birth Totem Falcon: Are You a Natural Leader…
Birth Totem Falcon Birth dates: March 21 – April 19 Birth Totem is: Falcon... Read more
Sun in Aries: Unleash Your Power!
Aries March 21 through April 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for A... Read more
The Crystal Wind Oracle Card Deck
The Crystal Wind Oracle™ The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card D... Read more
The Time of No Time: Beltane!
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Aries Mythology: Discover the Secrets
The Mythology of Aries When we dive into the mythology of Aries, we need to... Read more
Budding Trees Moon: Medicine Wheel Insights!
Red Hawk - Fire Opal - Dandelion - Yellow March 21 – April 19 The Budding Tr... Read more