Learn The Pyrite Use For Wealth And Abundance
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- Written by AndEl

The pyrite use for wealth and abundance combines the principles of Feng Shui with the energy of the gold pyrite. Pyrite was dubbed fool’s gold for its striking resemblance to good. For centuries, pyrite has been viewed as a symbol for money and good luck.
Raw pyrite use works to foster the energy of wealth and abundance. First, its energy is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which provides you with the motivation and will power you need in order to move forward in your career or investment decisions. It also removes any fears or doubts you may have that are blocking you from achieving success, which are a result of an out-of-balance third chakra. It will provide you with the energy you need in order to complete projects and tasks.
Pyrite Use for Wealth
- Hold your raw pyrite crystal in your hands as you close your eyes and set your intention for the stone. State what energetic block you’d like to release and what energy you want to fill that space with. This activates the energy and holds the space for abudance and wealth to come into your space.
- Then, place the pyrite crystal in the southwest quadrant of your home. To find the southwest quadrant, stand in front of your house. You want to stand in-front of where your house faces, which may not be the same place as your front door. Then using a Feng Shui compass, which are available on the app store, map out the quadrants on a floor plan of your home, noting the for major directions and four sub-directions.
- Stones like working together. They do not like being alone. Surround your raw pyrite crystal with eight wealth crystals of your choice. Eight holds the energy of money, so having eight other stones will only amplify your prosperity intention.
The pyrite use for prosperity then works on its own, with the energy of Feng Shui, to bring more abundance and wealth into your life. Due to the energy of the Year of the Monkey, we recommend that you leave this pyrite grid up all year long.
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