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Crystals for the Immune System

Crystals for the Immune System

I have had so many people reach out to me this week, due to the coronavirus, to ask about which crystals I would recommend they use to stay healthy. I think the key is to take extra good care of your body, mind, and spirit right now. Proper nutrition, rest, and movement will improve the state of your health and make your body an incompatible place for viruses and illness. Be mindful about hygiene and hand-washing. Also, do your best to keep your vibration and your mental state high. Fear lowers your frequency, and there’s plenty of that floating around. So make an effort to meditate, do yoga, take a walk, read or listen to something inspirational, or do whatever moves you into a higher space of peace, empowerment, and well-being.

While I don’t claim that crystals are a magic bullet of immunity, they can certainly assist your body and being on an energetic level. Crystals are wonderfully effective for clearing stress and negative energy that would diminish health and lower the functioning of the immune system. They can also infuse higher vibrational energy into the body to support the cells, organs, and systems. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to incorporate crystals into your self-care regimen at this time. Here are my top recommendations for crystals that support the immune system.


Bloodstone: Bloodstone is a top level healing stone that detoxifies and fortifies many systems of the body. According to Michael Katz, author of Gemstone Energy Medicine, “Bloodstone strengthens your immune system and keeps it alert and responsive to your body’s needs. Bloodstone’s energy empowers certain microorganisms in your bloodstream that are vital to optimal immune function, making your body an incompatible environment for infections of all kinds.” Another way that it supports the immune system is that it increases the flow of lymph. A stone of well-being and vitality, it strengthens the root chakra and physical energies. Bloodstone has a solid protective quality that keeps out negative influences while instilling a sense of courage and empowerment.  


Fluorite: Fluorite is another super-stone to help keep you immune. According to Melody, author of Love is in the Earth, it is a stone of perfect order and perfect health that purifies, releases, and re-patterns anything in the physical body that is out of alignment. Fluorite is the one to grab when you feel you might be exposed to highly contagious infections, as it provides your body the strength and protection to avoid contracting the condition. And if you do happen to come down with something, Fluorite has been known to knock out an illness at the first signs of it. In addition to supporting the physical body and the immune system, Fluorite stabilizes and strengthens the other levels of your being: the auric field and spiritual bodies, the emotional body, and the mental body. And the key to maintaining health is to have your entire being in balance.

green calcite

Green Calcite: Green Calcite is a powerful ally during flu season, as it is known to naturally boost the immune system while combating viral and bacterial infections. Calcite is a top stone for clearing lower energies that you are exposed to, while also assisting you in clearing old and limiting beliefs from your mental body. It is perfect for helping you to release those negative belief patterns of the collective consciousness that you might have picked up. Green Calcite also helps you to dispel stress and tension that would weaken your immune system, and it removes stagnant energy anywhere in the physical body. In addition to its cleansing properties, Calcite is also a natural amplifier of positive energies. Green Calcite expands the general health and vitality of your body, and it brings patterns of physical and emotional well-being into your auric field.


Carnelian: If you feel like you are coming down with something, consider Carnelian to be a crystalline form of EchinaceaI have used it to knock out all signs and symptoms of a throat infection within thirty minutes! Carnelian activates and energizes many systems of the body: the immune, endocrine, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. It treats hormonal imbalances, a sluggish metabolism, and a general lack of life force. Carnelian can increase the productivity of the lymphatic system, and it also permeates deep down to the cellular level to encourage the release of toxicity and disease. Carnelian brightens the mental and emotional bodies, making it a good choice if you are facing depression or negative thinking. It is a stone of joy and personal empowerment.

Tip: Wear one or more of these stones as jewelry, or place them in your pockets, to help boost your health and immunity.

Adrienne Goff is an author, healer, and teacher with a specialty in the healing crystalline kingdom. Adrienne’s books,Crystal Healing for the Whole Being and Becoming Crystal Clear, are required reading for anyone who is an aspiring crystal healer. Adrienne Goff is an author, healer, and teacher with a specialty in the healing crystalline kingdom. Adrienne’s books,Crystal Healing for the Whole Being and Becoming Crystal Clear, are required reading for anyone who is an aspiring crystal healer. Her instructional crystal videos have reached over 55,000 people on YouTube. Adrienne has been interviewed on the popular radio shows, Healing Conversations by Lauren Galey and The Cosmic Awakening Show by Michelle Walling. She is a featured speaker and healer at the Earth- Keeper conferences hosted by James Tyberonn (www.earth-keeper.com). These transformative events gather together light-workers from all stretches of the globe to align with personal and planetary ascension. Through her courses, Adrienne has taught hundreds of people how to connect with crystals and gems to affect healing, self-discovery, and spiritual advancement. She has written two books and a library of free articles that comprehensively cover the mineral kingdom, available at adriennegoff.com.

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