Using the Power of Crystals for Weight Loss
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- Written by Sally Benson
Are you fed up with being overweight? If your intention to lose weight is eclipsed by your appetite, or something else is holding you back from getting to your goal weight, think about an alternative solution. Put your faith in the power of crystals. To keep the crystals of your choice within your aura, carry them with you throughout the day in your pocket or you can wear them as an item of jewelry. The positive energy in crystals channels and balances your energy levels, making it possible to take back control.
The molecular structure in crystals contain specific vibrations and frequencies that help to elevate your mind, your mood and your health by absorbing negative energy and replacing it with positive energy - similar to the way essential oils and aromatherapy work. Crystals are natural and they contain the healing energy of the moon, the oceans and the sun, so when they are in close proximity to your body, they interact with your chakras to promote healing and a sense of wellbeing.
The Right Crystals for Weight Loss
You can use crystals for weight loss combined with an exercise program and a balanced diet. Yellow and Blue Apatite crystals speed up your metabolism and help to flush sluggish energy from the chakra corresponding to the solar plexus. Yellow apatite crystals improve digestion, detoxify the system by stimulating the spleen, liver and gallbladder, and boost your energy levels. The blue appetite curbs your appetite and raises your metabolic rate. As a supplement to crystals, you can practice intermittent fasting, a health trend that is currently taking the diet industry by storm.
Intermittent Fasting to Complement Crystals
Intermittent fasting involves an extended period of fasting, alternating with a window period of eating. Many studies show that this regime helps you to lose weight, improves your metabolic health and protects you against diseases. If you are on a 16-hour intermittent fasting schedule, for example, and you eat supper at 7pm, you will fast until 11am the following day. Going without food allows the body to exhaust its sugar stores and to start burning fat. Intermittent fasting can be practiced by anyone over 18 who is healthy and does not have diabetes.
Good Weight Loss Vibes with Healing Crystals
CNET explains that weight loss is not a straightforward issue and involves complex emotions. It’s no secret that the solution is multi-faceted: start an exercise regime which has the advantage of boosting your mood and your self-image, cut down on or eliminate junk food and harness the incredible, natural power of healing crystals as an aid on your weight loss journey.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
This article is written exclusively for by Sally Benson. © 2022 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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