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Reference Guide To Crystals, Gems, And Stones

Reference Guide To Crystals, Gems, And Stones

Crystals, gems, and stones have captivated humanity for centuries, revered for their beauty, energy, and healing properties.

Whether used in spiritual practices, jewelry, or simply admired for their natural wonder, these treasures from the Earth offer more than just aesthetic appeal. This reference guide will help you explore the unique qualities and meanings behind a wide array of crystals, gems, and stones, providing insights into their uses for personal growth, healing, and energy enhancement. Dive into this guide and discover how these remarkable stones can support your well-being and enrich your spiritual journey.

This article includes:

Cleansing - See more detail here!

  1. Cleanse crystal, gem or stone in Epsom/sea salt-water and soak overnight. Set in sun for several hours (not soft stones like opals). Wear or keep on your person 24 hours per day seven days per week. Cleanse once per week.
  2. Burn sage or incense and pass the stone through the smoke. This is called “smudging”.
  3. Bury them in the earth overnight.
  4. Leave on windowsill in moonlight overnight.
  5. Hold under running water.
  6. Drastic cleansing (only done when you first get the stone to erase everybody’s energy from the stone, including yours) is done by soaking in sea salt water for 3 days.
  7. Put your crystals in a bed of amethyst cluster

Properties By Stone  -  See details of 68 of the more poplular stones by clicking here!




Agate Focus, Grounding, Radiation Detoxification, Stomach, Energy, Healing, Happiness, Wealth, Health, Truth, Manners, Intelligence, Prosperity, Heart, Longevity, Fertility, Throat, Strength, Courage, Gardening, Love, Protection
Agate, Blue Lace Personal Expression, Peace, Balances Fluids around Brain
Agate, Iris Insight, Nerve, Healing
Agate, Lace Relaxes Muscles and Spasms
Agate, Montana Grounding, Stimulates Crown Chakra
Agate, Moss Growth, Confidence, Heart, Lymph, Blood Sugar, Energy, Tranquility, Strength, Self Esteem, Emotional Balance
Agate, Ocean Spray Release, Flexibility, Settle Disputes
Agate, Picture Meditation, Focus, Coordination
Agate, Snakeskin Strength, Inner Peace, Love of Life, Finding the Lost
Alexandrite (June birthstone, along with moonstone and pearl) Earth Energy, Nervous System, Spleen, Pancreas, Mental Balance, Emotional Balance, Love, Luck
Alum Protection
Amazonite Communication, Creativity, Healing, Confidence, Self-Respect, Stress, Nervous System, Gambling, Success
Amber Sun, Clarity, Confidence, Discipline, Memory, Mood Swings, Stomach, Digestion, Spine, Radiation/X-Ray Protection/Detox, Healing, Uplifting, Ambition, Throat, Disinfectant, Beauty, Love, Luck, Strength, Protection
Amethyst (February birthstone) Addiction, Meditation, Devotion, Tranquility, Peaceful Dreams, Mental Stability, Intuition, Imagery, Anger, Patience, Eyes, Scalp, Pituitary, Poison Detox, Courage, Fidelity, Happiness, Health, Healing, Legal Matters, Love, Money, Peace, Psychic Ability, Spirituality, Calming, Soothing, Positive, Healing, Cleansing, Liver, Lungs
Apache Tears Release, Loss, Purpose, Vision, Quest, Protection, Luck
Apatite Muscles, Communication, Clarity
Apophyllite Power, Brow, Crown, Dream Recall, Psychic Powers, Meditation, Confidence, Uplifting, Joy, Openness; Apophyllite, Green: Heart
Aquamarine (March birthstone, along with bloodstone) Water, Ships, Seamen, Cooling, Soothing, Infections, Pain, Sleep, Courage, Protection during Battle, Spiritual Awareness, Stability, Tolerance, Communication, Calming, Banishing, Cleansing, Peace, Purification
Aventurine Healing, Money, Creativity, Decisiveness, Growth, Success, Prosperity, Anxiety, Pain, Heart, Asthma, Lungs, Friendship, Gambling, Happiness, Health, Luck, Mental Powers, Peace, Protection, Perception, Creativity, Insight, Opportunity, Motivation, Acceptance, Soothing, Fear, Prejudice
Azurite Third Eye, Brow, Imagery, Focus, Insight, Decisiveness, Assertiveness, Communication, Telepathy, Stress, Depression Anger, Thyroid, Skin, Healing, Guidance, Dreams, Divination
Beryl Abdominal Illness, Psychic Ability, Strength, Energy, Love
Black Tourmaline Negativity, Protection, Cleansing, Grounding
Bloodstone (March birthstone, along with aquamarine) Physical Protection, Cleanliness, Purity, Prosperity, Harmony, Strength, Cramps, Blood Flow, Balance, Reproductive System, Healing, Heart, Immune System, Blood, Excessive Bleeding, Business Success, Courage, Exorcism, Health, Invisibility, Magical Powers, Money, Endurance, Decisions, Peace
Blue Fluorite Communication, Creativity, Legal Matters
Blue Lace Agate Personal Expression, Peace, Balances Fluids around Brain
Blue Tourmaline Sleep, Peace
Blue Zircon Repel Evil, Repel Nightmares, Banish Grief, Banish Melancholy, Restore Appetite, Induce Sleep, Protect against Lightening, Strength, Suppress Fat, Balance, Self Esteem, Healing, Bowels
Boji Grounding, Balance, Pain (1 in each hand)
Brown Jasper Centering
Brown Zircon Centering, Gardening
Calcite Centering, Health, Healing, Love, Money, Peace, Physical Energy, Protection, Purification, Reconciliation, Spirituality
Calcite, Clear Imagery, Learning, Dream Recall, Healing
Calcite, Green Tranquility, Heart
Calcite, Orange Happiness, Humor, Joy
Calcite, Yellow Confidence, Stomach, Bones, Detox
Carbuncle Self-Esteem
Carnelian Oratory, Warms, Energy, Reproductive System, Cramps, Blood, Arthritis, Confidence, Boldness, Passion, Will Power, Determination, Immune System, Lymph System, Liver, Health, Healing, Protection, Energy, Courage, Eloquence, Peace
Cat’s Eye Beauty, Gambling, Healing, Money, Protection
Celestite Nerves, Exhaustion, Clarity, Serenity, Stress, Success, Leadership, Eloquence, Healing
Chalcedony Fertility, Luck, Prevents Nightmares, Peace, Protection, Travel
Charoite Addiction, Calming, Healing, Detox, Insight, Inspiration, Spirituality, Possibilities
Chrysocolla Fevers, Healing (gentle), Stress, Trauma, Balance, Self Respect, Centering, Communication, Creativity, Heart, Pain, Inflammation, Love, Peace
Chrysoprase Eyesight, Soothing, Peace of Mind, Flexibility, Wisdom, Health, Compassion, Attunement, Tranquility, Friendship, Happiness, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Success
Citrine Jaundice, Congestion, Prosperity, Energy, Openness, Awakening, Digestion, Healing, Relaxation, Happiness, Clarity, Intuition, Colon, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, Hearing, Prevents Nightmares, Protection
Coal Money, Wealth, Prosperity
Coral Happy Marriage, Long Marriage, Protects Child, Balance, Creativity, Relaxation, Health, Peace
Cornelian Wishes, Health, Longevity, Luck
Cross Stone Luck
Crystal Tourmaline Cleansing
Danburite Healing, Release, Openness, Clarity, Perceptiveness, Self Respect
Desert Rose Clarity, Focus, Practicality
Diamond (April birthstone) Fidelity, Bravery, Strength, Innocence, Courage, Health, Peace, Protection, Reconciliation, Spirituality
Diopside Empathy
Emerald (May birthstone) Mother Earth, Balance, Heart (both physical and emotional), Hypertension, Neurological Diseases, Creativity (if worn on the ring finger), Ideas (if worn on the ring finger), Secure/Maintain Love, Spirituality, Memory, Speech, Sleep, Perception, Insight, Eyes, Protection, Money
Fire Opal Halloween/Samhain
Flint Healing, Divination, Protection
Fluorite Concentration, Balance, Healing
Fluorite, Blue Communication, Creativity
Fluorite, Green Soothing
Fluorite, Purple Clarity, Objectivity, Intuition, Harmony, Hair, Sight
Fluorite, Yellow Focus
Fossils Death, Longevity, Protection
Garnet (January birthstone) Blood, Gentle Energy, Anemia, Paralysis, Cancer, Protection, Loyalty, Passion, Love, Hormones, Depression, Self Esteem, Success, Banish Nightmares, Happiness, Peace, Balance, Patience, Persistence, Menstruation, Fertility, Arthritis, Health, Strength
Geodes Childbirth, Fertility, Meditation
Green Calcite Tranquility, Heart
Green Fluorite Soothing
Green Tourmaline Balance, Strength, Nervous System, Regeneration, Attunement, Business Success
Hematite Blood, Grounding, Focus, Practicality, Clarity, Problem Solving, Confidence, Will Power, Jet Lag, Anxiety, Divination, Health, Healing, Calming, Legal Matters, Inflammation, Fever
Herkimer Dreams, Childbirth, Beauty, Centering, Courage, Fidelity, Gardening, Happiness, Health, Healing, Mental Powers, Money, Peace, Physical Energy, Strength, Protection, Reconciliation, Sexual Energy, Spirituality, Travel, Balance
Iris Agate Insight, Nerve, Healing
Ivory Spiritual Protection
Jade Kidneys, Projection, Practicality, Wisdom, Attunement, Hearing, Gardening, Protection, Money, Love, Longevity
Jasper Abdominal Illness, Beauty, Chastity, Exorcism, Gardening, Health, Healing, Longevity, Love, Money, Peace, Protection, Sexual Energy, Wisdom, Balance
Jasper, Brown Centering
Jet Protection, Divination, Magik, Prevents Nightmares, Luck
Kunzite Grounding, Peace
Kyanite Frustration, Anger, Attunement, Meditation
Lace Agate Relaxes Muscles and Spasms
Lapis Lazuli Third Eye, Wisdom, Truth, Psychic Ability, Healing, Strength, Spirituality, Vitality, Self Assurance, Throat, Heart, Spleen, Blood, Skin, Stroke, Epilepsy, Dreams, Courage, Love, Protection
Lava Defense, Protection
Lepidolite Love, Luck, Banishing Nightmares, Peace, Protection, Spirituality
Lithium Depression, Digestion
Malachite Repel Evil, Banish Nightmares, Sleep, Vision, Insight, Hope, Peace, Protection, Abundance, Parathyroid Glands, Nerves, Pancreas, Spleen, Detox, Release, Gardening, Business Success, Love
Marble Success, Protection
Mica Divination, Protection
Montana Agate Grounding, Stimulates Crown Chakra
Moonstone (June birthstone, along with alexandrite and pearl) Femininity, Balance, Soothing, Peace of Mind, Hormonal Balance, Female Problems, Dieting, Divination, Grounding, Love, Protection, Sleep, Luck, Selflessness, Hope, Clarity, Childbirth
Moss Agate Growth, Confidence, Heart, Lymph, Blood Sugar, Strength, Self Esteem, Emotional Balance
Mother of Pearl Protection, Wealth
Obsidian Fire, Divination, Grounding, Peace, Protection
Ocean Spray Agate Release, Flexibility, Settle Disputes
Olivine Love, Luck, Money, Protection
Onyx Fertility, Defense, Protection
Opal (October birthstone, along with tourmaline) Secrecy, Beauty, Bad Luck, Magik, Money
Opal, Tourmaline Astral Projection
Orange Calcite Happiness, Humor, Joy
Orange Zircon Beauty, Travel
Pearl (June birthstone, along with alexandrite and moonstone) Femininity, Focus, Peace of Mind, Purity, Modesty, Gentleness, Love, Luck, Money, Protection
Peridot (August birthstone, along with sardonyx) Repel Evil, Calming, Stress, Prevent Anger, Repel Negativity, Digestion, Healing, Liver, Money, Sleep
Petrified Wood Longevity, Protection
Phantom Centering, Grounding
Picture Agate Meditation, Focus, Coordination
Pink Tourmaline Friendship
Pumice Childbirth, Protection
Purple Fluorite Clarity, Objectivity, Intuition, Harmony, Hair, Sight
Pyrite Mental Ability, Protection, Centering, Open-Mindedness, Blood, Circulation
Quartz Physical Energy, Balance Emotions, Brain, Pineal System, Pituitary System, Intensifies other Gemstones, Astral Projection, Health, Healing, Magical Powers, Protection, Physic Ability, Pain, Meditation
Quartz, Rose Sexuality, Grief, Addiction, Emotional Trauma, Calming, Tension, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love
Quartz, Smokey Repel Negativity, Grounds Energy
Red Tourmaline Courage, Energy, Protection
Red Zircon Energy, Protection
Rhodochrosite Vision, Love, Peace, Energy
Rhodonite Attraction, Memory, Calming, Peace
Rose Quartz Sexuality, Grief, Addiction, Emotional Trauma, Calming, Tension, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love
Ruby (July birthstone) Repel Poisons, Vigor, Vitality, Courage, Blood, Prevent Miscarriages, Integrity, Joy, Power, Leadership, Survival, Confidence, Prosperity, Prevents Nightmares, Protection
Salt Banishing, Grounding, Money, Protection, Purification
Sapphire (September birthstone) Prophecy, Defense, Love, Meditation, Prosperity, Peace
Sard Love, Protection
Sardonyx (August birthstone, along with peridot) Childbirth, Courage, Eloquence, Luck, Peace, Protection
Selenite Energy, Reconciliation
Serpentine Protection
Sodalite Clarity, Calming, Thought, Expression, Teaching, Meditation, Peace
Snakeskin Agate Strength, Inner Peace, Love of Life, Finding the Lost
Sphene Mental Ability, Spirituality
Spinel Money, Energy
Staurolite Wealth, Protection
Sugilite Healing, Love, Eliminates Hostility, Dispel Negativity, Spirituality
Sulfur Protection
Sunstone Energy, Protection, Success
Tanzanite Fertility
Tiger Eye Courage, Protection, Grounding, Beauty, Divination, Employment, Gambling, Health, Healing, Invisibility, Luck, Money, Physical Energy, Clarity, Detox, Focus, Strength
Topaz (November birthstone) Healing, Protection, Calming, Creativity, Balances Emotion, Sweetens Disposition, Dispel Fear, Depression, Anger, Tension Headaches, Insomnia, Gout, Blood Disorders, Appetite Stimulant, Venereal Disease, Tuberculosis, Tissue Regeneration, Anti-Aging, Endocrine System, Prosperity, Love
Tourmaline, Opal Astral Projection
Tourmaline (October birthstone, along with opal) Electricity, Flexibility, Understanding, Objectivity, Calming, Intestines, Dispel Fear, Dispel Negativity, Dispel Grief, Concentration, Eloquence of Speech, Genetic Disorders, Cancer, Regulate Hormones, Raises Vibrations, Charisma, Tranquil Sleep
Tourmaline, Black Negativity, Protection, Cleansing, Grounding
Tourmaline, Blue Sleep, Peace
Tourmaline, Crystal Cleansing
Tourmaline, Green Balance, Strength, Nervous System, Regeneration, Attunement, Business Success, Prosperity
Tourmaline, Pink Friendship, Love
Tourmaline, Red Courage, Protection, Energy
Turquoise (December birthstone, along with zircon) Thought, Protection, Friendship, Balance, Healing, Strength, Vitality, Grounding, Purification, Bones, Healing, Courage, Luck, Love
Wood, Petrified Longevity
Yellow Calcite Confidence, Stomach, Bones, Detox
Yellow Fluorite Focus
Yellow Zircon Business Success, Energy
Zircon (December birthstone, along with turquoise) Mental Ability
Zircon, Brown Centering, Gardening
Zircon, Orange Beauty, Travel
Zircon, Red Riches, Energy, Protection
Zircon, Yellow Business Success, Happiness, Energy

Condition Cure - Stone Guide



Abdominal Illness Beryl, Jasper
Abundance Malachite
Acceptance Aventurine
Addiction Amethyst, Charoite, Rose Quartz
Ambition Amber
Anemia Garnet
Anger Amethyst, Azurite, Peridot, Kyanite
Anxiety Aventurine, Hematite
Appetite, Restore Blue Zircon
Arthritis Carnelian, Garnet
Assertiveness Azurite
Asthma Aventurine
Astral Projection Quartz, Crystal Tourmaline, Opal, Tourmaline
Attraction Rhodonite
Attunement Jade, Chrysoprase, Kyanite
Awakening Citrine
Awareness Amethyst
Bad Luck Opal
Balance Blue Zircon, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Moonstone, Bloodstone, Boji, Chrysocolla, Fluorite, Quartz, Jasper, Turquoise, Garnet, Herkimer
Balance, Emotional Alexandrite, Moss Agate
Balance, Mental Alexandrite
Banish Grief Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Blue Zircon
Banish Melancholy Blue Zircon
Banish Nightmares Garnet, Lepidolite, Malachite
Banishing Salt, Aquamarine
Battle, Protection During Aquamarine
Beauty Herkimer, Jasper, Tiger Eye, Amber, Cat's Eye, Opal, Orange Zircon
Bleeding Bloodstone
Blood Garnet, Hematite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli, Pyrite
Blood Flow Bloodstone
Blood Sugar Moss Agate
Boldness Carnelian
Bones Yellow Calcite, Turquoise
Bowels Blue Zircon
Brain Quartz, Blue Lace Agate (balances fluids around brain)
Bravery Diamond
Brow Apophyllite, Azurite
Business Success Bloodstone, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Yellow Zircon
Calming Sodalite, Charoite, Peridot, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Hematite, Topaz, Tourmaline
Cancer Garnet, Tourmaline
Centering Pyrite, Chrysocolla, Calcite, Herkimer, Phantom, Brown Zircon, Brown Jasper
Charisma Tourmaline
Chastity Jasper
Child, Protect Coral
Childbirth Herkimer, Geodes, Moonstone, Pumice, Sardonyx
Circulation Pyrite
Clarity Sodalite, Amber, Celestite, Danburite, Desert Rose, Purple Fluorite, Hematite, Apatite, Moonstone, Tiger Eye, Citrine
Cleansing Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Crystal Tourmaline, Amethyst
Colon Citrine
Communication Amazonite, Azurite, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Aquamarine, Apatite
Compassion Rose Quartz, Chrysoprase
Concentration Fluorite, Tourmaline
Confidence Moss Agate, Amazonite, Amber, Apophyllite, Yellow Calcite, Carnelian, Hematite, Moonstone, Ruby
Congestion Citrine
Cooling Aquamarine
Coordination Picture Agate
Coral Relaxation
Courage Tiger Eye, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Herkimer, Ruby, Agate, Carnelian, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Sardonyx, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise
Cramps Bloodstone, Carnelian
Creativity Amazonite, Aventurine, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Emerald (if worn on the ring finger), Topaz, Coral
Crown Chakra Apophyllite, Montana Agate
Death Fossils
Decisiveness Aventurine, Azurite, Bloodstone
Defense Lava, Onyx, Sapphire
Depression Azurite, Garnet, Lithium
Determination Carnelian
Detox Yellow Calcite, Charoite, Citrine, Malachite, Tiger Eye
Devotion Amethyst
Dieting Moonstone, Topaz
Digestion Amber, Lithium, Peridot
Discipline Amber
Disinfect Amber
Disorders, Genetic Tourmaline
Dispel Fear Tourmaline
Dispel Grief Tourmaline
Dispel Negativity Tourmaline, Sugilite
Divination Hematite, Moonstone, Tiger Eye, Jet, Azurite, Flint, Mica, Obsidian
Dream Recall Apophyllite, Clear Calcite
Dreams Herkimer, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst
Dreams, Peaceful Amethyst
Earth Energy Alexandrite
Earth Mother Emerald
Electricity Tourmaline
Eliminate Hostility Sugilite
Eloquence Carnelian, Celestite, Sardonyx
Eloquence of Speech Tourmaline
Emotional Balance Alexandrite, Moss Agate
Emotional Trauma Rose Quartz
Empathy Diopside
Employment Tiger Eye
Endurance Bloodstone
Energy Quartz, Citrine, Garnet (gentle), Carnelian, Agate, Sunstone, Beryl, Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Spinel, Sunstone, Tiger Eye, Red Tourmaline, Red Zircon, Yellow Zircon
Energy, Grounds Smokey Quartz, Tiger Eye
Epilepsy Lapis Lazuli
Evil, Repel Malachite, Peridot, Black Tourmaline, Blue Zircon
Exhaustion Celestite
Exorcism Bloodstone, Jasper
Expression Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate
Eyes Amethyst, Emerald
Eyesight Chrysoprase, Rhodochrosite, Purple Fluorite
Fat, Suppress Blue Zircon
Fear, Dispel Tourmaline, Aventurine
Female Problems Moonstone
Femininity Moonstone, Pearl
Fertility Chalcedony, Onyx, Tanzanite, Geodes, Agate, Garnet
Fevers Chrysocolla, Hematite
Fidelity Diamond, Amethyst, Herkimer
Finding the Lost Snakeskin Agate
Fire Obsidian
Flexibility Chrysoprase, Tourmaline, Ocean Spray Agate
Focus Agate, Picture Agate, Azurite, Desert Rose, Yellow Fluorite, Hematite, Pearl, Tiger Eye
Forgiveness Rose Quartz
Friendship Aventurine, Turquoise, Chrysoprase, Pink Tourmaline
Frustration Kyanite
Gall Bladder Intuition
Gambling Aventurine, Tiger Eye
Gardening Herkimer, Jasper
Genetic Disorders Tourmaline
Gentleness Pearl
Grief, Banish Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Blue Zircon
Grounding Agate, Boji, Hematite, Moonstone, Salt, Turquoise, Phantom, Montana Agate
Grounding Energy Smokey Quartz, Tiger Eye
Growth Moss Agate, Aventurine
Guidance, Spiritual Azurite
Hair Purple Fluorite
Harmony Bloodstone, Purple Fluorite
Halloween/Samhain Fire Opal
Happiness Orange Calcite, Amethyst, Aventurine, Herkimer, Agate, Citrine, Garnet, Yellow Zircon, Chrysoprase
Headaches Amethyst
Healing Topaz, Aventurine, Agate, Iris Agate, Amazonite, Bloodstone, Calcite, Charoite, Chrysocolla (gentle), Danburite (excellent), Fluorite, Amethyst, Carnelian, Quartz, Hematite, Herkimer, Jasper, Tiger Eye, Amber, Azurite, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Peridot, Blue Zircon, Sugilite
Health Amethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Carnelian, Quartz, Hematite, Herkimer, Jasper, Tiger Eye, Agate, Cornelian
Hearing Jade, Citrine
Heart Emerald (physical and emotional), Moss Agate, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Green Calcite, Chrysocolla, Lapis Lazuli
Hope Malachite, Moonstone
Hormonal Balance Moonstone, Garnet, Tourmaline
Hostility, Eliminate Sugilite
Humor Orange Calcite
Hypertension Emerald
Ideas Emerald (if worn on the ring finger)
Imagery Amethyst, Azurite, Clear Calcite
Immune System Bloodstone, Carnelian
Induce Sleep Blue Zircon
Inflammation Chrysocolla, Hematite
Inner Peace Snakeskin Agate
Insight Iris Agate, Azurite, Charoite, Emerald, Aventurine, Malachite
Inspiration Charoite
Integrity Ruby
Intelligence Agate
Intensify other Gemstones Quartz
Intestines Tourmaline
Intuition Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Citrine
Invisibility Bloodstone, Tiger Eye
Jaundice Citrine
Jet Lag Hematite
Joy Apophyllite, Orange Calcite, Ruby
Kidneys Jade, Citrine
Leadership Carnelian, Ruby
Learning Clear Calcite
Legal Matters Amethyst, Bloodstone, Hematite
Life, Love of Snakeskin Agate
Lightening, Protect Against Blue Zircon
Liver Carnelian, Amethyst, Peridot
Longevity Fossils, Jasper, Agate, Cornelian, Jade, Petrified Wood
Loss Apache Tears
Lost, Finding the Snakeskin Agate
Love Garnet, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Calcite, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Sugilite, Agate, Alexandrite, Amber, Beryl, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Olivine, Pearl, Rhodochrosite, Sapphire, Sard, Topaz, Pink Tourmaline, Turquoise
Love of Life Snakeskin Agate
Love, Maintain Emerald
Love, Secure Emerald
Loyalty Garnet
Luck Aventurine, Lepidolite, Tiger Eye, Moonstone, Cornelian, Alexandrite, Amber, Apache Tear, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Cross Stone, Jet, Olivine, Pearl, Sardonyx, Turquoise
Luck, Bad Opal
Lungs Aventurine, Amethyst
Lymph Moss Agate, Carnelian
Magical Power Bloodstone, Quartz, Jet, Malachite, Opal, Ruby
Manners Agate
Marriage, Happy Coral
Marriage, Long Coral
Meditation Picture Agate, Apophyllite, Amethyst, Geode, Quartz, Kyanite, Sapphire, Sodalite
Melancholy, Banish Blue Zircon
Memory Amber, Emerald, Rhodonite
Mental Ability Pyrite, Aventurine, Herkimer, Aventurine, Emerald, Fluorite, Sphene, Zircon
Mental Balance Alexandrite
Mental Stability Amethyst
Menstruation Garnet
Miscarriage, Prevent Ruby
Modesty Pearl
Money Aventurine, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Calcite, Herkimer, Jasper, Salt, Tiger Eye, Cat's Eye, Chrysoprase, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother of Pearl, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel, Staurolite, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Zircon
Mood Swings Amber
Mother Earth Emerald
Motivation Aventurine
Muscles Apatite, Lace Agate (relaxes spasms)
Negativity, Dispel Tourmaline, Sugilite
Negativity, Repel Smokey Quartz, Peridot
Nerves Iris Agate, Celestite, Malachite
Nervous System Green Tourmaline, Amazonite, Alexandrite
Neurological Diseases Emerald
Nightmares, Banish Lepidolite, Garnet, Malachite
Nightmares, Repel Blue Zircon, Chalcedony, Citrine, Jet, Lepidolite, Ruby
Objectivity Purple Fluorite, Tourmaline
Openness Apophyllite, Danburite, Amethyst, Azurite, Bloodstone, Citrine
Opportunity Aventurine
Oratory Carnelian
Pain Aquamarine, Aventurine, Boji (1 in each hand), Chrysocolla, Quartz
Pancreas Malachite, Alexandrite
Paralysis Garnet
Parathyroid Glands Malachite
Passion Garnet, Carnelian
Patience Amethyst, Garnet
Peace Amethyst, Aventurine, Calcite, Herkimer, Jasper, Lepidolite, Malachite, Bloodstone, Garnet, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Coral, Diamond, Kunzite, Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Sodalite, Blue Tourmaline
Peace, Inner Snakeskin Agate
Peace of Mind Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Pearl
Peaceful Dreams Amethyst
Perceptiveness Danburite, Aventurine
Persistence Garnet
Pineal System Quartz
Pituitary System Amethyst, Quartz
Phobias Citrine, Aquamarine
Physical Energy Quartz, Calcite, Herkimer, Tiger Eye
Physical Protection Bloodstone
Poison Detox Amethyst
Poison, Repel Ruby
Possibilities Charoite
Power Apophyllite, Ruby
Practicality Desert Rose, Hematite, Jade
Prejudice Aventurine
Prevent Miscarriage Ruby
Problem Solving Hematite
Projection Jade
Prophecy Sapphire
Prosperity Citrine, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Agate, Cat's Eye, Chrysoprase, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother of Pearl, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel, Staurolite, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Zircon
Protection Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Pyrite, Tiger Eye, Apache Tears, Aventurine, Calcite, Quartz, Fossils, Herkimer, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Salt, Carnelian, Malachite, Topaz, Turquoise, Jet, Sunstone, Agate, Alum, Amber, Cat's Eye, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Coral, Diamond, Emerald, Flint, Garnet, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Marble, Mica, Mother of Pearl, Obsidian, Olivine, Onyx, Pearl, Petrified Wood, Pumice, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Serpentine, Staurolite, Sulfur, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise, Zircon
Protection during Battle Aquamarine
Protection from Lightning Blue Zircon
Protection of Children Coral
Protection, Spiritual Ivory
Psychic Power Apophyllite, Amethyst, Quartz, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli
Purification Calcite, Salt, Turquoise
Purity Pearl
Purpose Apache Tears
Quest Apache Tears
Radiation Detox Agate, Amber
Radiation Protection Amber
Raise Vibrations Tourmaline
Reconciliation Calcite, Herkimer
Regeneration Green Tourmaline
Relaxation Citrine, Coral, Lace Agate (muscle spasms)
Release Apache Tears, Danburite, Malachite, Ocean Spray Agate
Repel Evil Malachite, Peridot, Black Tourmaline, Blue Zircon
Repel Negativity Smokey Quartz, Peridot
Repel Nightmares Blue Zircon
Repel Poison Ruby
Reproductive System Bloodstone, Carnelian
Restore Appetite Blue Zircon
Samhain/Halloween Fire Opal
Scalp Amethyst
Seamen Aquamarine
Self Assurance Lapis Lazuli
Self Esteem Garnet, Blue Zircon, Carbuncle, Moss Agate
Self Respect Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Danburite
Selflessness Moonstone
Secrecy Opal
Serenity Celestite
Settle Disputes Ocean Spray Agate
Sexual Energy Herkimer, Jasper
Sexuality Rose Quartz
Ships Aquamarine
Skin Azurite, Lapis Lazuli
Sleep Aquamarine, Moonstone, Malachite, Tourmaline
Sleep, Induce Blue Zircon
Solving Problems Hematite
Soothing Aquamarine, Chrysoprase, Green Fluorite, Amethyst, Aventurine
Speech, Eloquence Tourmaline
Spine Amber
Spiritual Guidance Azurite
Spiritual Protection Ivory
Spirituality Charoite, Aquamarine, Calcite, Herkimer, Lepidolite, Amethyst
Spleen Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Alexandrite
Stability Aquamarine
Stability, Mental Amethyst
Stomach Agate, Amber, Yellow Calcite
Strength Green Tourmaline, Pyrite, Bloodstone, Herkimer, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Blue Zircon, Tiger Eye, Agate, Diamond, Snakeskin Agate, Amber, Beryl, Bloodstone, Garnet
Stress Amazonite, Azurite, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Peridot
Stroke Lapis Lazuli
Success Carnelian, Aventurine, Garnet, Sunstone
Sun Amber
Survival Ruby
Teaching Sodalite
Telepathy Azurite
Tension Rose Quartz
Third Eye Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Thought Turquoise, Sodalite
Throat Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Amber
Thyroid Azurite
Tolerance Aquamarine
Tranquility Amethyst, Green Calcite, Agate, Tourmaline
Trauma Chrysocolla
Trauma, Emotional Rose Quartz
Travel Herkimer
Truth Lapis Lazuli, Agate
Understanding Tourmaline
Uplifting Apophyllite, Amber
Vibrations, Raise Tourmaline
Vigor Ruby
Vision Chrysoprase, Rhodochrosite, Apache Tears, Malachite
Vitality Ruby, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli
Warming Carnelian
Water Aquamarine
Wealth Agate, Cat's Eye, Chrysoprase, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother of Pearl, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel, Staurolite, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Zircon
Will Power Hematite, Carnelian
Wisdom Chrysoprase, Jasper, Jade, Lapis Lazuli
Wishes Cornelian
Worries Celestite
X-Ray Detox Amber
X-Ray Protection Amber


Remain in a relaxed alert state. Hold your crystal in one hand and place the other over it. Visualize an energy connection between you and the crystal. Decide on the crystal’s purpose and say, “I intend this crystal to be an effective tool for .”

BIRTHSTONES - See more here!


Garnet – According to traditional beliefs, it protects the wearer against lightening. It is considered a truth stone, one which allows for consistency and faith. If your convictions are on tumulus ground, try visualizing yourself surrounded by the garnet. Allow light to pour through it into your being to give strength to your foundations and illuminate the shadows. Carry this stone in a medicine pouch to encourage honesty with self. Make this stone the center of a wreath to help protect your home against storm.


Amethyst – It is a good dreaming stone and is thought to bring peace of mind and aid a sense of humor. Place it under your pillow to bring a pleasant night’s sleep. Give it to a loved one as a symbol of keeping your union alive. If you happen to enjoy drinking now and again, you may wish to have an amethyst mounted on your cup, as wives tales claim it keeps you from drunkenness.


Aquamarine and bloodstone – These are stones of protection, cleansing and motivation. Use any time you seem to need incentive. Place one under your pillow to bring visionary dreams. Give one as a gift, signifying long life and heath. Leave one on top of any project you have been putting off as a gentle reminder to keep you going.


Diamond – Because of its strength and length of time it takes to form, the diamond has come to symbolize patience, wisdom and fortitude. It is also an excellent stone to commemorate a union because it is said to bring couples the virtues needed for success in any relationship. Since real diamonds are very expensive, you may want to use a Herkimer diamond as a substitute.


Emerald - This is a stone of romance and is an excellent gem to give for a handfasting. It is said to bring peace to any home and to quiet storms, both natural and emotional. If you find you need grounding, sit with this under a tree. Cup the stone in the palm of your hands and allow the energy to flow downwards through you, bringing your foundations back into balance.


Pearl, moonstone and alexandrite – These stones are wonderful for peacefulness, compassion, well-being and increased psychic ability. Try placing a moonstone on your third eye while meditating, or holding a pearl in your hand. Charge any of these stones with healing energy to give a friend in need.


Ruby – For clarity of thought and success, the ruby is unmatched. To banish negative energy or bring new balance to your life, try visualizing white light poured through the deep crimson stone into your being. Allow it to build and refresh your creativity and bring a broader perspective to any situation.


Peridot and sardonyx – These are stones of change and financial matters. In some traditions, they are used for special talismans which are believed to allow the wearer to walk without a trace in any environment. They may also be applied to banish fear. If you are feeling too visible, have financial needs or desire real change in your life, focus your desires on either stone and carry it with you until your situation changes.


Sapphire – This is the jewel of faithfulness, truth and enlightenment. A sapphire is a wonderful stone to use in visualization when you desire to increase your magical knowledge. It will balance truth and wisdom in your learning. You may also use a sapphire-colored candle or cloth as a focus.


Opal and tourmaline – These stones are best used when you need to improve your self-awareness, self-esteem or you find yourself feeling hopeless. The color of the stones reflect the brilliance of the full moon, a time when we can come to find the fullness of self without judgement. If you find you are feeling negative about yourself, try a visualization where you are in the center of a bright fire opal, filled to overflowing with the opal’s radiant joy.


Topaz – To ease a saddened heart, find rest or be revitalized, carry a piece of blessed topaz (best if given by a dear friend). It is the bearer of the sun’s energy, warming the coldest of situations and allowing us to lounge for a while in restful bliss.


Turquoise and zircon – For hundreds of years, these stones have been used for protection on all levels of our being. Place pieces around your home, car, office and anywhere you wish their guardian powers to stand watch when you cannot. For enhanced effect, as you position these stones, you may wish to visualize them forming a net of white-light energy which completely surrounds the area.

As we conclude this reference guide to crystals, gems, and stones, we hope you now have a deeper understanding of their unique properties and how they can enhance your life. Whether you're seeking healing, energy balance, or simply an appreciation for their natural beauty, these stones offer countless possibilities. Remember, each crystal, gem, and stone carries its own energy, waiting to be explored and incorporated into your daily practices. May this guide serve as a valuable resource on your journey to connect with the Earth’s natural wonders and harness their transformative power.

Crystals are renowned for their roles in healing, spirituality, and personal energy enhancement. Each crystal possesses a unique frequency that interacts with human energy fields to promote healing and balance. For instance, Chrysocolla, known as the "Peace Crystal," is associated with specific chakras, zodiac signs, and elements. Moldavite is celebrated for its transformative qualities, linking it to spiritual evolution and cosmic consciousness. Moonstone is connected to emotional balance and the divine feminine, underscoring its rich historical and cultural significance. Each crystal offers distinct healing and metaphysical properties, influencing physical, emotional, and spiritual health, affecting chakras, relating to zodiac signs or planetary influences, and connecting with elements like water or earth. Practical applications include meditation, jewelry, crystal grids, and healing practices. Some crystals also have historical significance, such as Moonstone's association with ancient cultures or Moldavite's rare origin from a meteorite impact. For a comprehensive list of 68 unique most common stones and their detailed information, visit this resource. Additionally, educational articles explore various aspects of crystal healing, including enhancing charisma or physical health, the importance of crystal grids for empowerment or healing, and general guides on crystal healing practices and tools.

Here are the categories on CrystalWind.ca that explore various aspects of crystals and healing stones:

  • Crystal Healing: This section delves into the therapeutic applications of crystals, offering insights into how different stones can be used to address physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  • Crystal Tools: Focused on the practical applications of crystals, this category provides guidance on incorporating them into daily life for healing and spiritual growth.

  • Crystals & Gems: This section explores the metaphysical properties of various crystals and gems, their uses in healing, and their significance in different spiritual practices.

  • Crystals: In-Depth: Offering comprehensive articles, this category provides detailed information on specific crystals and stones, including their history, cultural significance, and metaphysical properties.

  • Crystals, Gems and Elixers: Explore our collection of articles dealing with crystals, gems, and elixirs, each with unique properties to enhance healing, balance, and spiritual growth. Discover how these natural elements can support your well-being and personal transformation.

These categories provide a wealth of information for those interested in the multifaceted world of crystals and their applications in healing and spirituality.

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