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How to Promote Your Wellness with Healing Crystals

How to Promote Your Wellness with Healing Crystals

Crystal healing is an alternative therapy that utilizes gemstones to bring a sense of balance to a person’s life. These precious stones’ colorful and glittering allure can carry a vast array of wellness benefits for both the mind and body.

The history of using crystals for healing purposes can be traced back to Ancient Greece and Rome. However, this healing artform varies in application depending on the origin and beliefs of the individual. Regardless of how the gems are used, the end result is the same for everyone: universal health and wellness.

Each person will have unique ailments that they want to heal, and with a wide range of crystals to choose from, finding the right one to fit your specific needs is the first step to promoting wellness.

How to Choose the Right Crystal

When seeking your healing crystal, ask yourself what you need the most help with in life. Maybe you are seeking more confidence, or you may be searching for a love connection.

Crystals can be used to help with a wide range of emotional ailments, including:

  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Depression
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Fear

Crystals can also be used to aid with many physical conditions such as:

  • Headaches
  • Digestive Problems
  • Insomnia
  • Pain

Even your immune system can benefit from healing crystals!

How to Promote Your Wellness with Healing Crystals

You can also choose the crystal utilizing the body part or chakra that needs the most support. There are a total of seven chakras.

  1. First Chakra - The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and deals with feeling safe, protected, and comfortable in your environment.
  2. Second Chakra - This chakra is located at the lower belly/sacrum area and is involved with feelings of power, courage, and sexuality.
  3. Third Chakra - This empowering chakra is located at the bottom of the rib cage/waist and deals with feelings of joy, spontaneity, and the awakening of the inner child.
  4. Fourth Chakra - The fourth chakra is located at the heart/chest area and is concerned with feelings of love for others, self-love, and compassion.
  5. Fifth Chakra - This chakra is located at the throat area and deals with self-trust and communication.
  6. Sixth Chakra - The sixth chakra, also called the third eye, is located between the eyebrows and controls intuition, clarity, and the ability to meditate.
  7. Seventh Chakra - This ultimate chakra is located at the top of the head and is responsible for all the chakras combined.

When you are seeking healing crystals, you can look for the crystals associated with a specific chakra.

If you are looking but don’t have anything specific in mind, rely on your intuition. Use your gut instinct and see what gem draws you to it. Many ancient healers believed the energy emitted from the crystal might be pulling your power toward it due to an innate need for balance, like yin and yang. Still, the question remains: how exactly do these healing crystals work?

How to Promote Your Wellness with Healing Crystals

How Healing Crystals Work

Energy is emitted from us, and that energy interacts directly with the energy from the crystal. This process is known as vibrational medicine or energy medicine. Each crystal sends out a different type of energy depending on the stone.

Each crystal has unique energy designed to assist with anything that may be holding you back from thoroughly enjoying your life. There are also ways to read the energy of each crystal to understand how powerful these beautiful yet uncomplicated stones are and how much help they offer.

There are many healing crystals, but the following are five of the most popular.

  1. Clear Quartz - Known as the “master healer,” this white crystal amplifies energy by absorbing, storing, and releasing so you have a stronger sense of balance and a more focused mindset without any fog or haze. This gem helps with concentration and memory, and on the physical side, it stimulates the immune system.
  2. Rose Quartz - Known as the “love” crystal, this pink gemstone is about restoring trust and harmony in relationships. This potent crystal empowers self-love and unconditional love for others while providing a calming sense of peace and tranquility within. Physically, this stone helps the heart and circulatory system while supporting health issues such as hypertension.
  3. Amethyst - This powerful purple stone is known to protect, heal and purify the mind and body. A must-have crystal, it can help combat negative thoughts while enhancing sincerity and spiritual wisdom. On the physical side, this awe-inspiring gem aids in alleviating pain, stress, and insomnia.
  4. Citrine - A sunny, bright, radiant yellow, this healing crystal helps bring feelings of joy and enthusiasm while releasing fear and restoring a sense of optimism, motivation, and clarity. This golden gem also improves creativity and concentration. Physically, it aids in digestion, metabolism, and balancing the thyroid.
  5. Carnelian - This stabilizing crystal emits a range of colors from a warm orange glow to a deep red and promotes positivity and motivation. Another benefit to this uplifting stone is the increased mental sharpness it brings. This alluring crystal repels anger, jealousy, and resentment, allowing positivity and love to flow inward.

Crystals can be worn as jewelry, held in your hand, and even placed in your drinking water. Once the crystal is in your presence, the energy transfer begins to take place.

These are just a few of the many crystals used for healing purposes. Sometimes, using more than one crystal can enhance and amplify the desired outcome, but having such powerful energy sources requires care.

Caring for Your Crystals

The crystals must be cared for using proper cleaning procedures to keep the energies fully aligned. Cleaning and recharging will help maintain the maximum vibrational levels to produce optimal results.

How to Promote Your Wellness with Healing Crystals

Not only are these stunning gems beautiful to look at, but they also hold magnanimous power. The power of healing crystals is incredible. Simply allow the electromagnetic energies between you and these spectacular stones to heal whatever is blocking your life path. 

Promoting your wellness with healing crystals is simple and extraordinarily effective. Live the joyful life you were meant to without having negative energies of any kind hold you back. Let the powerful healing properties of crystals guide you into your wellness utopia.

Author Bio: Tess DiNapoli is an artist, lifestyle writer, and content strategist who loves exploring new places. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about health and wellness, but also enjoys covering the fashion industry and the world of fitness.

This article is written exclusively by Tess DiNapoli for CrystalWind.ca.  © 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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