The Seven Chakras and their Meanings
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If you could imagine chakras as circles of energy, flowing all the way through our body these circles of energy assist in the running of our body, mind and soul.
If a chakra is not performing correctly, this could cause our physical health, mental health and our spiritual selves to suffer. Although there are hundreds of chakras in our body we will only introduce the seven major chakras below. These chakras start at the base of the spine and move upwards to the last one at the crown of the head. They coincide with the positions along the spinal cord of the major nerve ganglia in our physical body.
The word Chakra comes from an ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit, chakra means vortex, spinning wheel or circle. Chakras are the major centres of spiritual power in the human body and are circles of energy which balance, store and distribute the energies of life all through our physical body along the subtle body. The subtle body is the non physical body or otherwise known as our soul or spirit, which overlays our physical body.
The belief in chakras started in India, and is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine, the earliest records of Ayurvedic dates from around 2500 B.C. The word Ayurvedic comes from two Indian words Ayur meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge. Ayurvedic or life knowledge medicine may be interpreted as knowledge on how to lead a healthy life. Ayurvedic medicine observes illness as unevenness in the body, which may be treated with a mixture of meditation, physical exercise and herbal treatments. Ways to help with realigning, unblocking or balancing chakras.
First Chakra - Kundalini or Root Chakra or Base Chakra
The first chakra is known as a the Kundalini chakra, the root chakra or base chakra. It is situated at the base of or tail end of the spine. It is represented by the red Maladhara mandala (root support), the element of fire and it is also symbolized by a snake or a dragon. The first chakra is the foundation of the physical body; it stimulates vital forces throughout our body and assists in keeping us grounded to the earth. It influences our immune system, our energy, basic impulses, instincts, endurance and fight or flight reactions. This chakra is the base of the six other Chakras and it deals with the body's survival including food, shelter and protection. Relationships in our early life influence the well-being of this chakra. It helps to activate our energy and stimulates activity, exercise, action and vitality, if these early relationships were easy going and of good quality, later survival issues will be easy. If there was damage to this chakra caused in early life that has not been healed then there will be problems encountered in day to day life that prevent us from moving on though our development. The root chakra is relevant to achievements in the material world, permanence, strength of character, patience, endurance and safety.
When this chakra is balanced we feel healthy, alive free, optimistic, happy, steady and full of vitality. If the root chakra has too much energy flowing through it, this could cause selfishness, greed, an over powering manner, irritation, aggression and sadism. If there is too little energy flowing through it, this possibly will cause anxiety, lack of confidence, and a lack of ability to complete things. There may also be a leaning towards feeling unloved and masochistic. If this chakra is not working properly it negatively influence the legs, bones, adrenal glands, colon, kidneys and spinal column.
Unblocking & balancing aids to help realign the first, Kundalini or root chakra - We can help to balance this chakra by cooking and cleaning in the home, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot and dancing.
Kundalini ~ Root Chakra or Base Chakra (1st)
Related Herbs - Ashwangandha (Withanaia Somnifera, Physalis Flexuosa) and Haritaki Myrobalan (Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Reticulata)
Related Incense - Cedar
Related Musical Note - C
Vowel Sound - U (you)
Element - Earth
Sense - Smell
Crystals – Agate, Bloodstone, hematite, garnet, ruby and red jasper
Second Chakra - Sacral Plexus
The second chakra is known as the sacral plexus chakra spleen chakra or sexual chakra. It is situated in the lower abdomen behind and approximately two inches from the belly button, in the area of the womb. The chakra is represented by the orange Svadhistthana mandala (ones own place), the element of water and it is also symbolized by a fish. It is the source of creativity and inspiration. The second chakra is the foundation of the emotional body, it influences our ability to feel emotions, sensations and atmospheres, and controls our ability to let go of our emotions. The second chakra influences our sexuality and sensuality, physical force, sexual and ardent love, open-mindedness, our ability to yield and cooperating amicably with other people. This chakra physically influences the lower abdomen, spleen, liver, bladder, kidneys, sexual organs, reproduction and fertility. When the sacral plexus chakra is performing correctly, the person will feel healthy, open, friendly, imaginative and creative which helps us to focus on our objectives. The person will have concerns for others as it promotes tolerance and patience which in turn helps us to relate with others in a positive manner. When this chakra is balanced it encourages intuition, a good frame of mind, energy and success. It helps you to learn from our experiences whether they be successes or failures providing us with the focus we need for our ambitions.
If this chakra is not working properly it cause negative influences in the physical, this is seen in the form of emotional problems or sexual guilt, and excesses in food, sex and drugs. If this chakra is not working properly it creates negative influences in the physical this is seen in the form of bladder infections, impotence or frigidity and problems with the reproductive organs and fertility. If this chakra has too much energy moving through it, we may become self-centred and too ambitious, jealous, distrusting and cold. If too little energy is flowing then we may become shy, hyper-sensitive, untrusting, confused, uncertain, with a growing feeling of aimlessness to our life.
Unblocking & balancing aids to help realign the second or sacral plexus chakra - We can help to balance this chakra by dancing, laughing and having a good time with our friends.
Sacral Plexus ~ Second Chakra (2nd)
Related Herbs - Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) and Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)
Related Incense - Orris Root, Gardenia, Damiana
Related Musical Note - D
Vowel sound – o (home)
Chakra Element – Water
Sense - Taste
Crystals – Carnelian, coral, gold, calcite, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurine and moonstone
Third Chakra - Solar Plexus
The third chakra is situated at the base of the rib cage. This chakra is represented by the yellow Manipura mandala (jewel city) and is also symbolized by birds. It is the foundation of the metal body, and it enables us to pick up vibrations and essences from people, places and things, it also involves personal power, energy and self-control, emotional issues and issues of self-acceptance. This chakra physically influences muscles, stomach, digestion, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, metabolism and the nervous system.
When the third chakra is balanced it brings the capacity to accomplish that which we want and allows us to relax and enjoy these accomplishments. We are able to successfully wield our own power and will which attracts prosperity and balance in turn allowing us to feel safe and secure. We are more disciplined and better able to organize, able to deal with changes and see that they lead to new and better things. Life seems better and we are able to concentrate on learning.
A lack of balance in the third chakra may be due to a lack of balance in the first two Chakras. If this chakra is not working properly it is inclined to create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of ulcers, digestive problems or liver and pancreas complaints, it can lead to anger and frustration, as well as problems dealing with power and authority. Anger is the product of to much self-power, everything feels like an up hill struggle which is full of conflicts. Frustration is the product of to little self-power everything feels to demanding and others place too many demands on us.
Being aware of an imbalance of the third chakra is very important because it highlights our understanding of our own inner workings. This allows us to look within and reclaim the balance, our own power, allowing us to move forward with self-confidence.
Solar Plexus ~ Third Chakra (3rd)
Related Herbs - Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) and Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis)
Related Incense - Carnation, Cinnamon and Marigold.
Related Musical Note - E
Vowel sound – o (top)
Element – Fire
Sense – Sight
Crystals - Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite and gold
Fourth Chakra - Heart
Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is situated in the centre of the chest around the area of the heart. This chakra is represented by the green Anahata Mandala (un-struck sound) and is symbolized by four legged mammals. The lower three Chakras relate to personal energy and the higher three Chakras relate to the self within the collective conscious of higher guidance the fourth chakra is the place where these other six Chakras converge it is the foundation of the astral body the connection between our physical and our spiritual body, it is driven by love. It influences forgiveness, compassion, empathy, trust, equilibrium and ease with our life. It helps us to get in touch with nature and connects us to the plant world. This chakra physically influences the lungs, thymus, circulation, the endocrine and immune systems.
When the heart chakra is balanced and in harmony with the lower and upper Chakras, we are able to strike the balance which allows for unconditional love, allowing us to help others. We feel at peace with ourselves and the world around us. It aids in rejuvenation, rebirth, success, growth, prosperity, development and rebirth, bringing balance to all parts of ourselves, in turn this helps us to help others, and we become a humanitarian.
A lack of balance in the fourth chakra can be due to a lack of balance in the first three Chakras. If this chakra is not working properly it can create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of circulatory, lung or heart problems. Problems with this chakra can cause us to become unstable and also emotionally unstable, this can cause us to play the martyr or become obsessed, or to feel, unloved, suspicious and also cause us to repress things.
Heart Chakra ~ Fourth Chakra (4th)
Related Herbs - Saffron (Crocus Sativus, Crocus Saffron) and Rue (Ruta Graveolens).
Related Incense - Lavender, Jasmine, Orris Root, Yarrow, Marjoram and Meadowsweet.
Related Musical Note - F
Vowel sound – a (far)
Element – Air
Sense – Touch
Crystals - Emerald, green and pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, chrysoprase, kunzite, rose quartz, ruby, fluorite and moldavite
Fifth Chakra - Throat
The fifth chakra is situated at the base of the neck in the throat. This chakra is represented by the blue Vishuddha mandala (purity), the element of ether and is also symbolized by the human race. It influences communication, dreaming, artistic expression, good judgment, self belief, wisdom, truthfulness, out of body experiences and clairaudience. Physically it influences the mouth, teeth, throat, thyroid gland and the immune system.
When the fifth chakra is balanced, it allows for free communication helping us to fell centred and happy. It also helps us while we are meditating to connect with our higher guidance.
If this chakra is not working properly it can create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of sore throats, communication problems, earaches or infections, chronic colds, thyroid problems, speech difficulties, chronic tiredness and depression, it can also lead to control of others through deceit and dishonesty, It the energy flow is too great it can make us inflexible, dominating, egotistical, big-headed, causing us to have a self righteous attitude. A lack of energy can cause us to be nervous and frightened causing introversion, and tending to keep our thoughts and our self to our self, also opposing any kind of change.
Unblocking & balancing aids to help realign the fifth or throat chakra - We can help to balance this chakra by listening to good music, singing, chanting, going for walks, looking at the sky, watching our breath and meditating outside. Bringing balance to this chakra unlocks the energy flow to the other Chakras.
Throat Chakra ~ Fifth Chakra (5th)
Related Herbs - Cloves (Caryophyllus Aromaticus, Syzygium Aromaticum, Eugenia Caryiphyllate) and Vervain (Verbena Officinalis)
Related Incense - Frankincense and Benzion.
Related Musical Note - G
Vowel sound – e (let)
Element – ether
Sense – Sound
Crystals - Turquoise, chrysocolla, chalcedony, blue sapphire, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, azurite and kyanite
Sixth Chakra - Third Eye or Brow Chakra
The sixth chakra is known as the third eye chakra it is situated in the middle of the forehead linking the eyebrows. This Chakra is represented by the indigo Ajna mandala (command centre), the element of the mind, electricity and light and it is also symbolized by spirit. The third eye chakra influences our capacity to see things that are yet to come into being or clairvoyance it is the foundation of our psychic powers. When the sixth chakra is balanced we are able to see auras and spirit guides which help us to look into the past and see into the future. We are able to link into our intuition, imagination, visualize, concentrate, have insight, enlightenment and a finely tuned awareness; it also defines fantasy and reality. This chakra physically influences the eyes, vision, nose, central nervous system, brain and pituitary gland.
When the third eye chakra is balanced we feel in control of our lives and have the courage to do what we want. We are confident in our own abilities and have no need to look to others to feel whole. Our mental abilities and our sixth sense are working well.
If this chakra is not working properly it can create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of visual and sinus problems, headaches and nightmares, it can also lead to lack of clarity or over analyzing circumstances. If the energy flow is too great it can cause a lack of concentration, headaches, making us confused, causes spiritual fatigue, psychological problems or panic attacks and depression. When there is a lack of energy it can cause us to be disorderly, unassertive, frightened of achieving, too sensitive to the feelings of others and unaware of what comes from the self or from our highest guidance.
Unblocking & balancing aids to help realign the sixth or third eye chakra - We can help to balance this chakra by laying flat and placing a crystal over the third eye. Visualizing an indigo light or flame whilst meditating can also help re-balance this chakra.
Third Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra ~ Sixth Chakra (6th)
Related Herbs - Sandalwood (Santalum Album) and Elecampane (Inula Helenium)
Related Musical Note - A
Vowel sound – e (me)
Element – Light
Sense – intuitiveness or ESP
Crystals - Lapis lazuli, azurite, fluorite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire and indicolite tourmaline
Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra is known as the crown chakra and is situated on the top of the head or crown area. This chakra is represented by the colours violet or white Sahasara mandala and is also symbolized by sacred spirits. The seventh chakra is the foundation of our spiritual body and links us to the highest guidance, the creation. It influences spiritual will, inspiration, idealism and celestial knowledge it is our connection with the universe. This chakra physically influences the cerebral cortex, cerebrum, central nervous system, glands and the pineal gland, pituitary gland and hormones related to them.
When the crown chakra is balanced we are released from ego driven desires, we are able to trust in our highest guidance and know that we are guided in all that we do.
If this chakra is not working properly we will still be guided but this guidance will probably be ego influenced rather than from our highest guidance this can cause us to become unsure of our self's, reducing our self confidence and creating fear and anxiety. It can create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of apathy and problems with the understanding and retention of knowledge. Extreme physical problems which may occur are tumours and brain disease.
When open this chakra feels as if there is a small amount of pressure, pulling or tugging at the crown of the head. The seventh chakra balance is affected by the balance of the previous six Chakras.
Crown Chakra ~ Seventh Chakra (7th)
Related Herbs - Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) and Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans).
Related Foods and Plants - Blackberry, Dark Blue Grapes and Garlic.
Related Aromatherapy - Cinnamon, Clove and Peppermint.
Related Incense - Lotus and Gotu Kola.
Related Musical Note- B
Vowel sound – ohm
Element – Thought
Sense - Will
Crystals - Amethyst, alexandrite, purple fluorite, sugilite, quartz crystal, diamond and selenite
Chakra Images from Pixabay
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