An Easy Guide To A Healthy Aura
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- Written by AndEl
Most of us are unaware of the health of our auras or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a second thought to a very vital part of our lives. For the majority of people auras are intangible, invisible, and the notion of life energy is purely an idea or abstract concept, not a thing that can be monitored and measured easily like blood pressure or insulin levels. Yet life energy or auras are just as real and important as any other measurement of our health and well being.
Just because you can't see an aura doesn't mean it isn't there. You can't see a radio wave or an x-ray, but you know they exist. The truth is that auras and life energy can be measured with today's instruments. Modern medicine, being what it is, just hasn't made the technology widely available. Anyone interested in maintaining a healthy aura today must rely on others capable of seeing or sensing life energies. Fortunately there are many practices available which we can utilize ourselves to help insure a healthy and balanced aura.
Most people go through life with their auras extended far beyond a healthy range. Many of us have been lead to believe that a big, extended aura is a good thing.
Actually this isn't the case. An extended aura is susceptible to all sorts of negative energies. Your life energy becomes vulnerable to any negative energy it may come into contact with. It's a bit like walking around in cold weather wearing nothing but your underwear.
You're just asking for all sorts of problems.
Symptoms of an over-extended aura include: headaches, irritability, depression, stress, anxiety, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea, the list goes on.
A quick and easy solution to an extended aura is a few minutes of focused meditation.
You do meditate don't you?
During meditation, visualize your aura as a vibrating energy field around your entire body. Take some deep breaths and imagine your aura moving in closer to your body with each breath. Do this until you feel that your aura is less than a quarter of an inch from your body surface. Try this exercise anytime that you sense your aura may be too "far out". You will know that this is the case if you start having random negative thoughts or begin to suffer phantom aches and pains. Your aura at those times is picking up on any illness or negativity in your immediate vicinity.
Another easy fix for an extended aura is to soak in a nice long bath. Water has an amazing ability to rejuvenate life energy. Water also happens to compress the aura to its healthiest size. Ever wonder exactly why a hot bath feels so relaxing? Water rebalances our life energy. It's no accident that we spend the first nine months of life submerged in water. Water sustains us.
Your aura may be positioned perfectly and still require some healing. This is often the case when we spend any length of time with truly negative people or suffer from any kind of shock or turmoil. If you are feeling drained or low on energy take some time to recharge yourself, meditate, drink plenty of water, give your body some rest and allow your aura some time to heal naturally.
Another consideration of a healthy aura concerns clothing and color. Color can have a direct affect on the health of our life energy. As a rule of thumb aura energy reacts to color in much the same way as light. Dark colors tend to absorb life energy and lighter colors reflect it. Wearing black or dark colors everyday can attract any type energy, whereas lighter colored clothing reflects the energy of others while keeping our own energy insulated. If you are in constant contact with large groups of people you should consider a lighter colored wardrobe. Otherwise you are likely to absorb the energy of everyone around you, good, bad and ugly. The dark colored business suit really isn't a good idea where aura energy is concerned.
Maintaining a healthy and well balanced life energy level is a lot less difficult and mysterious than many might think. It requires no more effort than watching what you eat or monitoring your physical reactions to the environment. As with many other aspects of our health, vigilance is the key to a healthy and nurtured aura.
by Jeffry R. Palmer,PHD
Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D. - Metaphysician, Thought Energy Consultant and Syndicated Columnist, is the author of "Judo for the Soul - The Art of Psychic Self Defense", as well as several articles and papers relating to metaphysics, spirituality and paranormal phenomena. Further information about Mr. Palmer, his books and articles can be found at:
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