The Higher Dimensional Chakras
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The Higher Chakras are one of the important minor chakras in the human energy system and relates to a greater connection with all levels and dimensions of the universe beyond the 3rd dimension.
About the Higher Chakras
In order to open the fourth-dimensional chakras we must have passed the fourth initiation. This, for most of us, is like a crucifixion or experiencing the “dark night of the soul”. It will be a very challenging time and will test you to the limits, enabling you to move into the fourth dimension.
The fifth, sixth and seventh initiations are easier. It is a process of purification and more purification, of filling yourself with light and then offering yourself in service to humankind – or whatever your particular path is.
Healing related to the Higher Chakras
- Greater connection to Highest Divine Guidance and Higher Self.
- Connecting with other planes of existence.
5th Dimensional Chakras
There are seven fifth-dimensional chakras, chakras sixteen to twenty-two.
16th – base Platinum I AM grounded in pure spirit
17th – sacral Magenta I AM the Divine Feminine
18th – solar plexus Gold with Rainbows I AM a Galactic Master
19th – heart Pure White I AM cosmic love
20th – throat Royal Blue I AM Co-Creator with God
21st – third eye Crystal I AM THAT I AM
22nd – crown Crystal
These are the chakras belonging to our Light-Being and they emit Pure Light. Here is an excerpt taken from Diana Cooper’s – A New Light on Ascension regarding the 5th Dimensional chakras.
The 16th Chakra – the 5th dimensional base centre, is platinum and aligned with the dolphin ray of wisdom. When you bring in your 5th dimensional base chakra, you step onto the Ascension pathway and offer service based on a solid spiritual foundation. You now seek people to whom you can impact your sacred knowledge.
The 17th Chakra – the 5th dimensional sacral centre, is a shimmering magenta pink, the energy of the Divine Feminine or Goddess. It opens when you feel true Oneness with All That Is, with the plant and mineral kingdoms, with the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity. It activates when you are ready to integrate the qualities of wisdom, compassion and generosity into your life.
The 18th Chakra – the 5th dimensional solar plexus, is deep gold with rainbow lights shimmering in it. You are now ready to access all your past-life wisdom and connect with other galaxies. Often at this level, consciously or unconsciously, you act as an ambassor for Earth to other planets. This usually takes place in your sleep.
The 19th Chakra – the 5th dimensional heart centre, is now aligning with the great Cosmic heartbeat. It is pure white and brings in the Christ consciousness, which is total detached love and acceptance for all life forms.
The 20th Chakra – the 5th dimensional throat centre, becomes royal blue. This chakra enters when you are ready to accept full responsibility as a co-ruler with the Divine. Until this point, part of you may wish to place God on a pedestal outside yourself, rather than recognizing the wisdom, power and might of God within.
The 21st Chakra – the 5th dimensional third eye, becomes crystal clear. It evolves into the crystal ball of the seer, the sage, the one who knows all, witnesses all, yet makes no judgement.
The 22nd Chakra – the 5th dimensional crown, becomes crystal clear as you merge fully with your Monad and start looking up into the angelic realms.
Indigo Children, Adults & Crystal Children
The Indigo and Crystal children that come to the planet are known as “starchildren”. Often this is because their souls are more at home in the stars, and they have not incarnated on Earth before. They come at this time as a “special assignment” team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional “New Earth”.
But while these beings appear like ordinary human beings, they do in fact have access to a greater range of human potential. They are more open to who they are, closer to a recognition of their divine origins and essence.
Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness, while most humans have access only to the Third and Fourth. This Higher Dimensional access, together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are naturally more intelligent, more sensitive and more clairvoyant. They are also creative, and often able to access the left and right brains with ease, making them artistically gifted, but also technologically competent and adventurous.
6th Dimensional Chakras
There are seven sixth-dimensional chakras, twenty-three to twenty-nine. Silver Light shimmers through the pale ethereal colours of the chakras.
23rd – base Silver Rose I AM grounded in love
24th – sacral Silver Peach I AM love and wisdom in perfect balance
25th – solar plexus Silver Gold I AM cosmic wisdom
26th – heart Silver White I AM the cosmic heart
27th – throat Silver Blue I AM the voice of the Universe
28th – third eye Silver Lilac I AM one with the Universe
29th – crown Silver Crystal
7th Dimensional Chakras
There are seven seventh-dimensional chakras, thirty to thirty six. Gold light shimmers through the pale ethereal colours of the chakras.
30th – base Gold Cream I AM grounded in love.
31st – sacral Gold Pale Magenta I AM love and wisdom in perfect balance.
32nd – solar plexus Gold Pale Ruby I AM cosmic wisdom.
33rd – heart Gold White Violet I AM the cosmic heart.
34th – throat Gold Royal Blue I AM the voice of the Universe.
35th – third eye Gold White Gold I AM one with the Universe
36th – crown Gold Crystals
Crystal Children
The Crystal children, on the other hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. They are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension which represents Universal Consciousness.
With these gifts and abilities, Crystal beings are immensely powerful and creative. Many of them carry the Gold and Magenta Rays, which makes them masters of creation, especially with light and sound. This manifests as artistic and musical creativity on the Earth plane. Those who carry the Indigo-Silver Ray, are also gifted as the “mothers” and “goddesses” of the planet, and carry the feminine vibration of healing and nurturing. Those on the Red-Gold Ray, on the other hand, carry the masculine vibration of manifestation and are often the leaders in the more active sense.
Rainbow Children
The Future Crystal child will be known as a “Rainbow Crystal” being. This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. There are Rainbow Crystal beings already on planet Earth, but they are yet to open into their full potential.
The exciting thing about these evolutionary developments, for ordinary people, is that the Indigo and Crystal beings bring these vibrations to the planet in order to share them with others. By their very presence, they assist others to move into these new vibrations and open up to their full potential as well. The Indigo-crystal gift to the planet is the gift of Evolution and access to our full potential, for every human being on the planet today, if they so choose.
At this point, many people who are allowing this shift or transition within their own auric fields, have moved from their original Third Dimensional state of awareness into the Indigo and then the Crystal states, with the assistance of the children who hold the vibration. These adults are now able to hold the Gold Ray of Evolution in their Eighth chakras, and are helping to create a matrix for the creation of the New Earth. This pulsating Gold light can be clearly seen in their auras by those with clairvoyance and the ability to perceive auric colours.
The Higher Purpose of the Chakras
Each chakra governs the energy of a gland. The glands are vital to keep us healthy on every level. However they also serve a most important spiritual function. Each gland is connected, through an Archangel, to a vast, concentrated universal power centre, which radiates a high-frequency spiritual energy. For instance, the gland of the heart centre, the thymus, is connected to the cosmic heart.
Chakra | Gland | Cosmic Connection | Governing Archangel |
Base | Adrenals – send out adrenaline in response to the fight or flight mechanism of the body. They also get rid of rubbish. They back up the kidneys, which is why we retain fluid when we are stressed. Although the adrenals are above the kidneys they are connected to the base centre because they are the first glands to be formed in the womb. | Sends out the high frequency Divine energy of spiritual enlightenment. | Gabriel |
Sacral | Gonads (ovaries & testes) – these glands govern the sexual and reproductive organs of the body. The testes produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The ovaries release an ovum (an egg) each month and produce oestrogen and progesterone. After the menopause the ovaries reduce oestrogen production. This chakra is responsible for creativity and emotions. | Radiates a high frequency balancing energy and ultimately draws us into the wisom of the Divine Feminine. | Gabriel |
Solar Plexus | Pancreas – deals with sugar and nourishment. It secretes insulin and digestive enzymes. On another level it enables us to absorb emotional and mental sweetness. This is the first gland to show disease in the body. | Radiates great power and wisdom. | Uriel |
Heart | Thymus – governs the immune system. This gland is proportionally bigger in children and is responsible for growth. When it is over-stimulated, arthritis results. If it is under-working, we are vulnerable to immune deficiency diseases, extremes of which are AIDS and cancer. | The cosmic heart sends out the heartbeat of the Universe. | Chamuel |
Throat | Thyroid – governs the metabolism and the production of antibodies. When it is overactive the eyes bulge. When underactive we may lose our voice or have tired, leathery skin. The parathyroid enables us to absorb calcium and balances the calcium levels to keep our bones strong and healthy. | The cosmic throat chakra transmits the great qualities of power and leadersip. | Michael |
Third Eye | Pituitary – is the master gland; it controls the working of all the glands, i.e. urine production and brings in breast milk. This is the gland of eternal life. If we are so programmed, it will send out ageing hormones, so it is our task to reprogramme it to emit rejuvenating hormones. When this chakra is balance we are in balance but it closes down with stress. The hypothalamus, between the pineal and the pituitary glands, controls the pituitary. | The cosmic third eye transmits the light of Mastery. | Raphael |
Crown | Pineal – in this chakra emits and absorbs lights and keeps us in Divine Harmony. It creates melatonin. | The cosmic crown chakra pours out the light of illumination. | Jophiel |
Seat of the Soul | The Eight Chakra (just above the crown). The Seat of the Soul, holds the ancient knowledge of our soul contracts and ultimately, our life purpose. It also holds the records of what our souls had agreed as specific lessons in our upcoming lifetimes and past lives. |
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