The Chakra Systems Shifts
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- Written by Jamye Price

Your chakra system, part of your lightbody, exhibits the resonance of the electromagnetic field in which you live. It is a microcosmic expression of the macrocosmic environment. As you incarnate into the Earth experience, your capability of flow manifests in accordance with the information within this environment.
There is uniqueness and diversity, as well as cohesion and unity within the environment. You incarnate into a system with your uniqueness, yet the system also influences your unity. The two are reflexive. Our chakra system reflects this.
The chakra system has it’s uniqueness and unity, just as all life on Earth.
While the chakra system has similarities, there are also some differences in people’s chakra systems. For example, there are those that have “rainbow” chakras that hold a broader spectrum of resonance within each spin point (many of our plant foods have shifted in this way as well).
Some chakra systems react easily to information in a way that expands the flow of a singular chakra to encompass the whole system as necessary. That creates a faster processing through experiences. There are chakras beyond the seven main ones that are becoming more consciously accessible to our resonance. But I want to outline a specific change our chakras are experiencing at this time.
Around 2010, there was a shift in the heart chakra flow where it began strengthening flow along the sagittal plane. In late 2015, I started noticing that same flow with the throat chakra.
Back in 2010, I was doing healing work and was interrupted by my Guides. They began moving my hand in front of my heart chakra and told me that the heart chakra is shifting flow. It is moving into a resonance that flows outward (the sagittal plane). I had this corroborated by two people in odd ways within about a month.
What this shift signaled is a clearer resonance with connection.
Rather than the strength of the chakra flow being more internal the self, it flows outward more readily, connecting you with life. This is an evolution that creates more connectivity. It initiates clearing and activation in order for the species to evolve into fourth density. It is a gradual strengthening that occurs over time.
The shift of the heart chakra coincides with evolution into fourth density. Density considers the resonance of the whole being and experience, dimensions consider the perspective of expression manifest—or how to define the density experience.
In terms of dimensional expression, we are shifting how we flow beyond just the physical timespace experience, into the depth of connection (heart chakra resonance).
The application of this shift is that the individual becomes more heart centered, more interactive with love, the connective energy of the heart. As the heart chakra amplifies into a stronger transverse plane of flow, your heart resonance has clearer interaction with life, releasing the mind from the burden of leading your path solely from mental reliance.
The experience of this shift varies and has times of intensity. The Ascension symptoms most directly connected to it are shifting relationships, shifting passions and shifting empowerment.
Relationships that aren’t healthy become more intense as the heart chakra connects with a predominance of pain or pleasure.
Your heart begins to lead as the intensity of your heart flow magnetizes the clearing that will create the most empowered you. You are also activating those that are close to you whether in proximity like a coworker, or DNA and intimate relationship. This affects the overall flow of the collective over time.
Your passions may shift, even if they aren’t defined yet, as living without love connection to your life becomes less and less tolerable. For some, this will slow down their “productivity” as moving through life with control and actions can no longer dominate your experience. Mental force concedes to desire, which often begins by not desiring, confusion, resisting and finally surrendering into the flow of your own heart. The flow of the heart is amplifying.
The heart creates empowerment through the safety of love. Without that, the ego is constantly seeking to establish safety by control and domination of the external. When the heart leads, connection with life has no need of manipulation, domination or suppression to create.
This where the tipping point of leading by fear or leading by love asks for the ultimate surrender of the ego and mental control. Will you embrace the unknown, take a risk of not being satisfied in the moment or a creative risk of external judgment? The empowered heart loves life, it’s positives and negatives are no longer polarized into avoidance, they are traversed in the transverse wave functionality of love amplifying all directions of flow and connection.
As the throat chakra intensifies its flow along the sagittal plane, we are becoming more connective with our communication and manifestation. The throat chakra holds our manifestation of time as we begin the process of linearizing the non-linear. Creation begins to form here.
As this chakra readjusts, time becomes an erratic flow of excitement and depletion, peace and frenzy to varying degrees. The body changes sleep patterns, physical energy flow (fatigue or vigor) and a readjustment to the senses, both intuitive and physical. The patterns that felt comfortable may no longer work as the density of time becomes more intense before it relaxes into more freedom.
You may have times (;o) of dry unexplained cough, throat clearing, fear of expression or non-expression, feeling/experiencing the past or future. The throat changes are inspiring the self to express out, whether that is verbal or not. The shift in the throat chakra (strengthening in late 2015) becomes important, as the manifestation and expression of the species determines the future experience.
The heart flows within infinite time as the mind linearizes so the throat can express. The heart is patient, with a deep connection to the wisdom of life. The throat chakra offers linear expression to the heart and progression of manifestation to the mind, reflecting the balance between the two.
This timespace is supporting your progression through a stronger resonance that pulls the heart and throat chakras into more connective expression. Are you going with the flow?
This intensifying transverse wave flow creates a clearer polarization that then blends into a new creation. You are creating a new future as you allow your infinite heart chakra to express into this finite experience through the throat chakra. Let your love shine!
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