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Boost Your Aura with These Simple Techniques

Boost Your Aura with These Simple Techniques

An aura is frequently defined as an ethereal field of energy that envelops all living things, particularly people.

It is thought to symbolize the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual states of an individual. The aura is understood as a multifaceted, colorful energy field that represents an individual's inner health and emotional well-being in many spiritual traditions and metaphysical activities.

An aura symbolizes an individual's emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual states. Enhancing your aura involves meditation, water baths with sea salt or turmeric, balancing chakras, positive affirmations, crystal healing, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. These practices promote inner peace, health, and positivity, making the aura vibrant and balanced.

Enhancing your energy field and maintaining a balance between your physical, mental, and spiritual health are essential to improving your aura. A balanced, colorful aura can support inner serenity, health, and the attraction of good things.

The following are practical methods to enhance and purify your aura:

Engaging in meditation

One of the most effective methods for enhancing your aura is meditation, which balances your inner energy and calms your thoughts. Improving your aura involves enhancing your energy field and balancing your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. A vibrant and balanced aura can help attract positivity, maintain health, and promote inner peace. For meditation, you need a peaceful place, sit comfortably, and shut your eyes. You must pay attention to your breathe and take a deep breath and chant 'OM' for at least 108 times.

Aura cleaning with water

Water is well known for its inherent capacity to purify energy. Taking a water bath can assist in clearing your aura of any bad or stagnant energy. But you can use some important ingredients and take a bath in that. One of the most important ingredient you can use to cleanse your aura is Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Cinnamon Powder, Turmeric. You should put some sea salt, cinnamon or turmeric in the water, and then take bath. Water mixed with these ingredients become powerful and has the ability to clear any negativity or energy blockages.

Balance your chakras

The body's energy centers are called chakras and balancing them enhances your aura as a whole. Chakra blockages or imbalances can cause physical or emotional discomfort, which can have an impact on your aura. You can balance these chakras by working on them like wearing some crystals associated with each chakra, They have their own mantras so you can chant those mantras to heal them, understand your body then you will get to know which chakra is mainly imbalanced and try to work on that particular chakra.


Affirmations support positive thinking and clarity in your aura by reprogramming your mind and energy field. Select few affirmation supporting your situation and mind and recite them daily at least 11 times. While repeating the affirmation, you have to experience the feelings that go along with it.

Crystal Healing

Your aura can be balanced, cleaned, and shielded by some crystals. What you can do is you can cleanse your crystals by keeping them under moonlight on full moon night or you can perform some crystal healing techniques to cleanse them and then wear them. They can purify or energizing your aura.

Healthy Lifestyle

You have incorporate the healthy lifestyle if you really want to improve and cleanse your aura. You have to keep yourself hydrated all the time as it removes the toxins from your body and if you keep yourself dehydrated then it creates an imbalance. You will find it difficult to create an alignment in your mind, body and soul. Adopting sattvik lifestyle is also one of the most important way to cleanse your body, mind and soul. If you are feeling negativity, less energetic and getting negative vibes so you need to make sure that you eat sattcik food. When you start consuming sattvik food, it works as a healer. It will automatically start generating positivity inside your body and bring so many positive changes. You can apply this and see the changes in three months.

Image by CrystalWind.ca - Article Sent to Crystalwind.ca via email. 


Mahima Sharma

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