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The 7 Auric Levels


Auras can be seen with the eyes open. It can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed. It is best seen under soft light. Look beyond the object, and not focus on the object. Aura are observed more prominently around the hands, between the shoulders, neck and head.

Those who see aura mostly observe the mental and etheric layers or planes. These are the colorful layers of the aura.


Most commonly known and used terms

From the highest:to the lowest plane:

  1. Divine Plane. Adi Plane or Plane of the Logos. Ketheric
  2. Monadic Plane. Anupadaka Plane. Celestial- second spiritual
  3. Spiritual Plane. Atmic Plane. Etheric template first spiritual
  4. Intuitional Plane. Buddhic Plane. Higher mental
  5. Mental Plane. Manasic Plane. conscious mind
  6. Emotional Plane. Astral Plane.
  7. Physical Plane. Physical Plane. Etheric. physical

Common Words for the Astral Plane

Higher Astral:

Etheric, Heaven, Summerland (word used by spiritualists), Celestial Planes, beyond the comprehension of most people, are said to be the home of the Christian God, the Buddha, and other great beings.

Middle Astral:

Thought Plane, Rainbow Bridge (a mesh of what is created by thought).

Lower Astral:

Home of bonded entities, ghosts etc. Hell, Dream World, Physical World (composed of dense, slowly vibrating matter).

These levels can be read separately or in conjunction with each other. The colors are not physically separated by a line or space between them. They seem to fuse or change into one another.

One color may be more dominant than others. As one develops the ability to read aura, viable information can be derived from the different levels. There is no hierarchy of judgment involving the colors and their placement in the aura. The colors are only indicators of the person’s current state, can be read to strengthen the positive and /or help alleviate problems.

Remember, as living things change, so do the energy fields. As we develop, as we solve our problems, as we work through inhibiting blocks, we continue to balance our energies. They seem to fuse or change into one another. One color may be more dominant than others. As one develops the ability to read aura, viable information can be derived from the different levels.

Seven Levels of Aura

It is a major energy field which surrounds the human body. Aura reflects the state of health, emotions, mind, spirituality There are seven major auric layers, known at this time. There is a symbiotic (interdependent) relationship between your auric layers and the seven chakras of your body.

Auric Planes

The Etheric layer lies close to the human body approximately half an inch wide (1.3cms). It is usually grey, white or blue in colour. Strong or weak health is revealed in this area. It is the most easily seen auric layer or etheric field. This field can also be seen around trees, plants, animals and even inanimate objects such as furniture. A white or black background will often highlight the etheric field.

The Emotional body lies beyond the etheric field and extends to one to three inches (8cms) In a good state of health, it appears bright and colorful. These colors change as emotions change.

The Mental body lies beyond the emotional body .It is a clear yellow, green or blue colours in good state of health. It relates to the thoughts and attitudes of the person.

The Astral body lies beyond the mental body .It shows an array of beautiful pastel colours such as pinks and blues when healthy and unblocked. It extends up to one foot (30cms.) from the body and indicates your capacity for conditional and unconditional love.

The Etheric template beyond the astral field is a type of x-ray or blueprint of the physical body. Illness or blocks , negativity can be observed and treated in this field It extends one to two feet (60cms.) from the body. It is usually observed as grey/blue in colour.

The Celestial body is the sixth auric field extending two to three feet (90cms.) from the body. It is filled with mother of pearl colours and energies. It is the layer through which you can experience spiritual ecstasy.

The Causal body or Ketheric template is connected to the crown chakra .It is a type of photographic negative of the mental and spiritual aspects of the person. It is usually filled with golden shimmering light and is surrounded by a gold or silver halo or outer rim of protection. It

Auric Energies

Before doing any spiritual exercise, remember to start with grounding, then shield and protect yourself. The auric energy can be most easily felt in the palm of your hands and on your fingertips. This energy can be used for protection and for defense or against psychic attack. Some experts can convert these energies into darts, used to cause injury. Be cautious not to use these energies for negative purposes. Remember, what you send out will be returned to the sender tenfold, as per the Law of Karma.

Colors: What colors can mean


This is a confusing color. There is nothing wrong with black in one’s aura. Black generally means one is shielding oneself from outside energies. This can also mean being unbalanced; one is hiding something or keeping secrets. A black ring around a child usually indicates some form of abuse, adults who have not dealt with early abuse will carry this black ring till they are healed.


This comes in different shades. Gifted people have shades of blue in their aura. Intuitive people will show pale blue coloration within the purple bursting out like rays of sunshine, emanating from the heart outwards. A deeper blue can indicate loneliness. A very deep blue shows devotion, honesty and good judgment. Not all blues are positive- a muddier shade of blue indicates a domineering person a tendency towards depression, or oversensitivity.


This color can indicate growth in a person. Seen around the head and with other colors emanating in combination, it indicates a person who is developing mentally, intuitively and organizing within.

Brown by itself can indicate lack of energy, or one who has become "stagnant".


Indicates lots of spiritual energy, in tune with oneself. Muddy gold Means one has not really come to terms with one’s higher levels.


Usually seen around a thinker, an analytical person. Could indicate a "balanced" person. Intelligent people show this color around their heads.


Sympathetic to others, dependable and has healing abilities.

Muddier shade could indicate jealousy- like "green with envy".


Can indicate intuition and creativity. space Silvery gray shows femininity while darker gray can mean secretiveness or physical imbalance.

Gay men can show shades of gray in their aura.


Bright orange means one is growing emotionally and paranormally.

A dull shade means a person is unsure how to accept this growth. Muddy orange shows in a person with too much pride.


The color of love, and honesty. It also depicts the quieter side of an artistic and creative person. Dark pink may indicate immaturity or changes with one’s love life. Dull pink, however, watch out; Someone is lying.


The color of intuition, a deeper purple hue shows a strong- willed and passionate person. It can also reflect intense erotic imagination and being over-bearing.


A color of love or hate, strong emotions and a lot of energy. An intense red color, however, may indicate a person ready to fly off the handle.

Twinkling Lights

Like Christmas tree lights- a pregnant woman will show these lights in her aura. These lights could also mean one is going through some major and positive changes in life, usually seen in women.

Authors Details:  Bonnie Moss Website

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