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About Chanel Lingenfelder & Vision of the Heart

Welcome One and All.

I am an Author, Therapist, Spiritualist, Trans-Voice Channel for the Ascended Masters and avid Lightworker. I reside in KZN with my life partner Bran. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, I’ve traveled extensively, and for as far back as I can remember I have always explored every conceivable avenue to pursue my dreams.

One of my highlights was living in Tokyo teaching English! I host workshops on my favourite topics, Colour & Chakras, and still mediate with ‘Upstairs’. I am currently broadening my horizons working on my second book, and completing my masters in metaphysics, then doctorate. I am a natural teacher, and totally passionate about sharing knowledge about ‘The New Earth’, thus my dedication towards ‘Lightwork’ remains as unwavering as my wicked sense of humour.

I came this time around to do exactly what I am doing; make a lot of noise whilst spreading love, light & laughter everywhere I go! I chose this lifetime to ‘wake up’ and with that be in service to myself and all consciousness. Bran and I are set to make a difference in support of the unfolding Golden Age, thus no matter the experience, we shall continue our quest towards Peace and Abundance for all, as we embrace The Light of Creation to guide our every way.

chanelI have been a Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings ‘officially’ since 8th August 2006, channelling at The Centre of the Universal Mind for some years before moving on. After years of personal dedication & ordination the first Master that channeled through me was the collective energy of Merlin in July 2006. It was a very ‘strange’ situation when I first stepped aside to allow an essence from beyond the veil to share through me, so the second, yet to me truly the first full session I did was with Ascended Master Kuthumi, whom then over the years overlit my energy to channel many other Light Beings.

Although I have been a dedicated disciple of Kuthumi as my master mentor since 2000, I was humbled and thrilled to work with the Essence of Goddess Diana since 2010 when she regularly started channelling through me creating a balance of the Divine Masculine (Kuthumi) and the Divine Feminine (Goddess Diana), becoming my spiritual ‘mom & dad’ from the other side of the veil.

Although we address beings from beyond the veil as ‘he or she’ they are in fact androgynous, and never channel singularly but rather as a collective energy so even though they say I am so and so, they channel as a collective which is facilitated through our Higher Self.

A Little on Master Kuthumi: World Teacher together with Master Jesus within the Office of Christ and Master Psychologist. Formerly from the 2nd ray of love and wisdom but now emanates his light from the Golden Rays of Unconditional Love and Divine Wisdom.  As Thoth, he was one of the overseers of Atlantis, also known as Hermes. He then fulfilled the roles of Thutmose 3rd (14ooBC), Moses (1300BC), and Pythagoras (570 BC). When Pythagoras transitioned he channeled to Socrates (469 BC), Plato (428 BC), and Aristotle (384 BC) and so on. He took on the role of King Balthazar (one of the 3 wise men along with El Morya and Dwhal Khul) {St Germain was Joseph husband of Mother Mary). He then took on the role of St Francis of Assis (1181-1226), and Shah Jahan (1592-1666 who build the Taj Mahal). During the early 19th century he took on his final incarnation, the role of Mahatma Koot-Hoomi, a Kashmiri Brahman, where he travelled between his home in Kashmir to many destinations like India, Oxford and Germany. Together with close friends in life (El’Morya, D K & Helena Blavatsky) they founded the Theosophical society and all 3 of them continued channelling to Blavatsky after their transition.

Diana:  The Roman Goddess of hunting equated with the Greek goddess Artemis, always seen with a bow and arrow as she teaches us to focus. She is a Moon Goddess that inspires us to claim our abundance, a Goddess of fertility & childbirth, communicating and spending time with animals and elementals. The daughter of Jupiter/Zeus, her twin brother is Apollo. She is the major Wiccan (virgin) goddess who teaches and guides us on the art of manifestation, purification, taking sacred baths. She has one of the largest temples in the ancient world still today in Ephesus Turkey and has never incarnated unto earth.

Below is a link to Chanel's book. See all details about this book here!

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

       www.visionoftheheart.co.za           0837872893 


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