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144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 3, Part 2)

144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 3, Part 2)

Arenas of Consciousness – Level Three Part Two

144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Kuthumi, Diana & Isis
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

To integrate this or any other initiation…Quieten your mind; find a comfortable place
where you will be undisturbed. Connect with the Energy of Spirit, and set the intent for
your rewire to be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good.

A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly
command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.

Note – Numbers relate to the various chakras.

Greetings I am Diana Goddess of Light

The old paradigm or programming rarely encouraged authenticity, often rendering many to feel ‘not good, smart, bright’ let alone brave enough.

Your chakric system however simple, is a great deal more complicated than most realize. It is therefore advisable to, like most things in life, learn to crawl before you can walk.

Humans are naturally analytical, always having to ‘know’ everything. If you recall we often referred to your energy field as ‘Christmas trees’ with lights flashing all over the place, sometimes rhythmically, and sometimes not.

Each sparkles in different ways. Because of the intensity of your ever-increasing energy, take care not to ‘trip your power supply’ due to energy overload. It is for that reason that you are gently guided, little by little, with each upgrade of your energy fields into what you term ‘light or solar’ frequency.

When the Solar Plexus suffers an instant or severe attack you easily blow your fuses. The solar plexus is the power centre of self and serves as a major transformer or conductor, a gateway of energy, and powerful nerve plexuses.

Everything always begins and ends with the self.

This powerful gateway of self also intuitively knows when you are under subconscious attack which you relate to as ‘gut feel’ as it also rules your digestive system, as part of your central nervous system. It bursts with pleasure and/or pride at every compliment.

How many times a day do you complement, or express your displeasure towards the self?

Everything you express about the self is lodged here including acid reflux when overthinking! As your major ‘playfield of expertise’, you must Compassionately (4) Nurture (2) your Authenticity (3) through Acceptance (1).

When working through the 12 aspects/fragments relating to authenticity, dig deep and you will discover your field of expertise. Personal gifts often need exploring to be fully revealed. Tap into your inner child for guidance. Be mindful to stay connected to your childlike archetype no matter your age so play with passion! In truth beyond the veil, you infinitely remain adults in the prime of your ‘childhood’.

Create from your heart, that’s the reminder that the Golden Key within the Golden Rose in the Heart brings. The light of the authentic one is sparked by love. Love that inspires a road less travelled.

I am afraid you wouldn’t have the ‘gutspa’ to awaken if it didn’t come from love. Chutzpah in this term relates to Self-Confidence. You term it guts, which although located in the Solar Plexus (3) must be ‘engineered’ by the heart (4) to take it to a level of compassionate (4) dedication and will (5). That which you term ‘heart burn’ is located in your Solar Plexus or gut, yet it receives its ‘burning orders’ from many different Arenas not only indigestion reflecting incongruency.  

If authenticity (3) was a collection of atoms, it would rely on love (4) to keep it together. The Heart Chakra is also known as the ‘Transition / Humanitarian’ centre. To enable your authenticity to thrive, there must be a ‘lightness’ of being within. This is why it is vital to go through repent (4) /release (7,6,5,4) /recreate (6,5,4,3,2) processes on every level.

Authenticity carries the code of your co-creator consciousness, your unique frequency known to Source. Your inner child reminds you that when you surrender into the fluidness or flow of your unique frequency you will surpass the limitations of your adulthood.

Your Soul Song / Signature, like the colour ‘Yellow’, reminds you to lighten up and be adaptable!

Creation offered you a life cord. It was your choice to bypass all your familiar playgrounds and plug into Earth. This cord, thus Creator Essence, can never be separate from you no matter where you go or what you do, here, or anywhere else. Therefore, as it ‘unplugs’ from your earth reality, then so must it leave behind the vehicle (body) of your choice. Your Soul Song awakens your dormant aspects as you again ready yourself to script your Soul Signature amongst the Stars.

See the Light of God in all within your world. Remember your part of it as you co-created it! The conflicting ego within the unevolved Solar Plexus challenges your connection to these truths which often debilitate your authenticity.

In activating the next 12 cords or codes ponder on this. Let go of the lower desires to offend or be defensive which can be conflicting. Tap into that inner self, that inner beauty, that aspect that knows that all is always in divine order. That is living in NOW time. 

You receive ‘downloads’ of new frequencies or information which are uploaded accordingly depending on your consciousness spectrum. Downloads are shared amongst all but not everyone will receive the same uploads. 

Weave the codes of love into your unique imprint which naturally enhances your template. Templates tend to be ‘rigid’, and imprints bring about an adaptable outcome making the template more flexible. Imprints As Kuthumi says encourage you to ‘Do things differently’. You come through with variable templates. You receive frequency downloads which are imprinted into your energy field/DNA etc. These become ‘new information imprints’ according to your need/frequency which is then finally uploaded into your energy/biology, under the guidance of your higher self, from a higher perspective.  

Adaptability is one of the major keys of the Solar Plexus. How adaptable are you? Journal about your flexibility, or lack thereof. Take the hand of your inner child and have fun!

Shatter the molds of old that entrap you within limitations. To function within the ‘unexpected’ you would need to be adaptable. To see things in a new light you must let go of judgment.

Compassion is your next key (Green candle), and its sense is feel (touch). Once you are able to integrate the teachings within the High or Sacred Heart (non-judgment, forgiveness, gratitude) you unravel the indescribable gifts of unconditional love.

In time to come, all these keys and senses will allow you to take on your 5th-dimensional garment of Light, your coat of many colours, your cloak of many fragments, worn as ONE, proudly without egoic pride.


Very good then let us journey forth. Sit back, relax, and allow the stresses of life to leave you. Pause. Back straight, relax, and just simply be. Pause.

Align your energy centres as you visualise the beautiful colours of your chakric energy. Pause.

From the bottom, being transformed into the crystalline consciousness support of the upper chakras, see the spinning ruby cube in your base, and then expand that into your auric field to encapsulate you. See The White Flame of Purity burning within the base. Pause.

At times of conflict, call upon the White Flame of Purity to burn away the limitations of sadness and sorrow, bringing you into a complete state of purity.

In the Sacral, you have the spinning Citrine upward pointing tetrahedron. Extend this into your energy field. Pause. Within the core of the Sacral, you have the Violet Flame of Transformation. Pause. Set the intent for all limitations that prevent you from shining your light to be transmuted.

Within the Solar Plexus, you have the spinning downward-pointing Heliodor tetrahedron. Push that out into your energy field super-imposed over the first two imprints.

Now within the core of your Solar Plexus see a magnificent Ruby-Golden Flame of Authenticity and Empowerment come to life. Pause. Call upon the presence of your Inner Child to guide you in discovering your true authentic gifts.

Set the intent for the Ruby-Golden Flame to bring forth every possibility to create an abundant and prosperous life for yourself. Share this frequency with others. Pause.

Bring your attention to the first 12 Ruby ASCH. See these etheric electromagnetic cords linking the base of the skull with your Base Chakra through the 12 aspects/fragments of Acceptance.

Then tap into the next twelve, Citrine ASCH. Feel the flow of energy (frequency) between this area and your spinning Citrine tetrahedron linking through the essence of Nurture. Pause.

In your mind’s eye see your Eye of Horus imprint within your third eye area, the Golden Rose in your heart, and the Golden Key placed within that by your inner child.


Ahead of you see your massive Golden Pyramid Temple with Kuthumi and me Diana guarding the entrance as usual. Pause.

Come to stand below the tips of our swords to receive the blessings of the coiling crystalline light frequencies. We now reverse the frequency to avoid complacency. The Gold spiralling down through all of your chakras into the core of the earth, with the Silver coiling into the Gold spiralling back up into our swords. Pause.

Give thanks for balancing your divine masculine/feminine in every way. Pause.

Allow this energy to settle. Now focus on the beautiful Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra. Beam a ray of love from the Golden Rose to open the doors of your sacred inner space, your Golden Pyramid Sanctum, and enter. Pause.

Come to stand next to your sarcophagus facing your altar. You have the keys of Acceptance, Nurture, and Authenticity hanging off the respective candles. Below your altar, you have the multi-colour display of Roses. The Red and Orange roses glitter like diamonds. The rest of the Roses are also beautiful yet not quite charged with the divine liquid gold frequencies as yet. Pause.

Dear beautiful being, be comfortable in your sacred space. Remember as you enter and connect with the sarcophagus, the energy left behind like your etheric and inner child aspects, etc, are instantly infused into your current frequency. Pause.

Bring your attention to your Solar Plexus and feel the heat building up in that centre. Pause.

Visualize the energy heating up in your Solar Plexus, sending sparks of Light into the rest of your energy field. Pause.

Now manifesting in your temple is myself Diana and my twin reflection as Artemis, another aspect of myself. Become aware of how different yet similar our energies are. Pause.

Artemis comes to stand behind you and I come to stand in front of you, in other words, Artemis is between you and your sarcophagus, and I am between you and your candles, your altar. Pause.

Again, focus on your Solar Plexus. Pause.

We now beam a Golden liquid light from our solar plexus’s respectively crossing exactly through the core of your Solar Plexus. Once you are comfortable, we start spinning our energy fields, increasing rapidly, eventually so fast that all you feel is a swirling frequency forming in your Solar Plexus. Pause.

As our frequency increases, we raise the energy in your Solar Plexus to ascend into and through your Heart Chakra, then your Throat Chakra, connecting with your 3rd eye and Crown chakras settling at the base of your skull next to the Citrine Ascension Chakras. Pause

Feel the connecting portal spark to life connecting the 12 Heliodor Ascension Chakras at the back of your head and your Solar Plexus, flowing along the Chakric Column. Pause

The Heliodor and Citrine ASCH (Ascension Chakras) are also slightly overlapping, random yet in perfect divine order, twelve ascension chakras of pure Heliodor vibration. See these twelve etheric cords connect between the area of the skull, at the back, into the solar plexus. Pause

Set the intent and request for Archangel Michael to protect that area with his scared shield. See this as a titanium, platinum, crystalline, mother-of-pearl shield, or whichever way you feel comfortable. Pause

Ask for his Excalibur to infuse extra protection in this area at the base of the skull, at the back of the head. Ask AA Micheal for his energy to be anchored firmly in and around yours. Pause.

You are working with extremely powerful and sensitive energy which needs all the love and care you can bring forth, apart from laying your emotions bare. Pause.

At this level, you are requested to work with and through 12 aspects related to your Authenticity. In so doing, lay claim to your unique gift’s dear ones. Pause.

For a brief moment, open your eyes and light your physical Yellow Candle. Pause.

Set the intent for all that you experienced thus far to be infused into your physical candle to enjoy anytime.

Beloveds, you may burn all 3 candles, all of the time if you like, or only one at a time. If your candles are burnt out, light up some more if you like. Have fun with the process. Long pause.

Once your 12 Heliodor Ascension chakras are aligned, Artemis and I slow our frequencies down, gently coming to a halt. Pause. We make our way from your temple. Give thanks for this. Pause.

Come to stand facing your altar, you have three tags hanging off the first three candles. From the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra, beam a Golden energy of divine liquid love into the Yellow candle on your altar and the Yellow Rose within the arrangement below it. See how those two energies are being ‘super’ charged. Pause. Now you have the first 3 glittering candles with tags: Acceptance, Nurture, and Authenticity on your altar, along with the Red, Orange, and Yellow Roses in the arrangement below it, glittering like Diamonds.


Connect to the flow of energy between the Heliodor ASCH 25-36 and your Heliodor Solar Plexus with the Ruby-Golden flame within its core. Pause.

Notice, the pathway of transformation for all the lower chakras must be through the Heart. So far, the Golden Key (soul song/signature) within the Heart Chakra also Compassionately (4) weaved your Authentic (3) soul signature into the first two chakras to Nurture (2) through Acceptance. (1). Everything must carry the Heart Chakra signature to evolve to its fullest.  

You have spinning - Within your Base the Ruby Cube with the White Flame of Purity in its core. At the level of the Sacral, you have the Citrine upward pointing tetrahedron with the Violet Flame of Transformation, and at the Solar Plexus, you have the Heliodor downward pointing tetrahedron and the Ruby Golden Flame of Authenticity and Empowerment at its core, all spinning clockwise. Pause. All 3 have connecting portals to the first 3 x 12 Ascension Chakras at the base (back) of the head, the Ruby, Citrine, and Heliodor Ascension Chakras connecting to their respective chakras. Pause. 

In your own time, practice expanding these spinning platonic solids super-imposed over each other, to encapsulate your entire auric field, all spinning clockwise whilst holding their respective inner flames in each chakra. Pause.

Visualise within the Solar Plexus - superimposed over the spinning Heliodor Symbol, an interlocking of two tetrahedrons creating a Star Tetrahedron then encapsulate that with an Icosahedron (20 facets), both NOT spinning. See this in a crystalline frequency, like creating a faint ‘watermark’ for now.  

In your mind’s eye, rest upon or within your sarcophagus for a while to integrate this recalibration in silence.

Very long pause.

Once you are ready, leave an aspect of your etheric energy behind. This includes your Inner Child to watch over your Golden Rose upon your altar. Pause.

You may connect with this energy at all times. Have fun detailing your inner sanctum pyramid bringing in anything to enhance your 5 lower senses and elements.

The 5th element is Ether which relates to colour. Its singular sense is Knowing, but to alleviate confusion at this stage work with Inspiration (which through Knowing creates a feeling of belonging). It will all make sense in the end.  

Before making your way, again reflect on all you experienced thus far. Also, connect to the recently imprinted Crystalline Star Tetrahedron and Icosahedron (not spinning) within the Solar Plexus. Pause

Once outside connect with Kuthumi and my energy. Pause.

Give you thanks to the planet, beautiful Gaia, for inviting you to awaken through the process of her grand ascension, and for allowing you the gift of visiting her to live this life. Dear beautiful beings give thanks to your inner child for guiding you on the journey of creativity, for you to create, be adaptable, and for guiding you through this initiation into higher frequencies whilst having fun!! 

In your mind’s eye, make your way from your temple, and give thanks to all from the Realms of Light that stepped forward to support your transformation.

Extend from your Solar Plexus a cord of light through your Crown into the heavens and through the Base into the earth, as you ground yourself within your current ‘now’ reality, properly.

Tap into the gift that your inner child has gifted you with within your Heart Chakra, the Golden Key within the Golden Rose. You may gently bring in the frequency of the Green candle, and ponder on the aspects/fragments of Compassion, with its sense: Feel (touch).

Until we meet again, Adonai.


Greetings, I am Kuthumi.

Beloved ones, by holding your own, you allow your inner experience to be reflected by your outer, thus that which you project out into the world.

Your Authenticity Heliodor ascension chakras (3) activate your honesty codes (4). Apart from the obvious, these codes clear obstructions within your Transition Centre (Heart) relating to abundance and prosperity.

Honesty (4) inspires adaptability (3) which in turn creates Harmony (4). This lays the foundation for the future fusion of your Solar Heart Centre. This is part of the awakening of your Sacred Heart which births Unconditional Love.

Authenticity inspires the artist within. It is your license’ to express freely, openly, and honestly. As you leave this plane, these talents are your ‘gratitude gifts’ to Creation. The greatest gift of all is to nurture the love that you are, and to share this widely, freely, openly, and honestly. To pass this on to others by inspiring them to do the same is the most beautiful contribution you can give this world. Never allow anything to block you from doing so, no matter how trivial you may think your contribution is.

Here uncertainty holds no power over you.

Understanding the Light within allows you to recognize this in another no matter how conflicting their ways. 

Go forth, be abundant in all that you are, and draw forth prosperous ways you never dreamt you could. Know that not now or not ever can you be alone.

Next up it’s the teachings of the Heart Ascension Chakras, the doorways of Compassion & Salvation (4) which opens up Communication (5).

Beloveds, allow the old to be transmuted into Crystalline Light making way for the new. May the light of Christ burn eternally bright within each of you, now and always, in all ways.

I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in love.


Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!

Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.


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