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Conversations with Kuthumi - Claim Your Power - Part 2

Conversations with Kuthumi - Claim Your Power - Part 2
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Part 2
See part 1 here!

Enhanced (advanced) 12 Chakric System & Light Body Recalibration

First level Merkabic Spin

New Codes of Support

I am Kuthumi, we continue with this discourse. The new Divine Masculine reinforces balance within the original masculine / feminine codes, as did the Divine Feminine for many years. Because of current imbalanced feminine energies very evident upon your planet, the New Divine Masculine codes are being recalibrated and reinfused within the rest of the codes. We shared the essence of this some time ago. 

The Diamond Codes, as with the Codes of Liquid Love, brings about a ‘watery’ flexibility, gifted with fluid consciousness. Both has a powerful impact on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fields. You are in a watery timeline which is extended throughout and beyond this year. We’ll pick up momentum as we go along.

The Diamond Codes, along with the frequencies of the new Divine Masculine, and the Codes of Liquid Love along with the enhanced Divine Feminine, will bring through a more prominent and broader understanding POWERFULLY impacting your emotional field. Sturdy yet flexible. We previously referred to all this as Gamma Codes, or Bliss Consciousness Codes as part of a broader spectrum. This sparks a more refined relationship between the higher Mental and Emotional fields, hence inspires a flow of communication between the Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind.

Your emotions tilts, everything collapses!  

Let go of harping on ‘finding’ reasons why emotions of the past keep you entrapped within your decisions of this day. Let go of some of the bizarre conspiracies very often conjured up about the self. Invite that beautiful soul in the mirror to walk each day with you. Tap into the inner serenity of NOW. 

Come to understand the concept of your Higher Self which guides your directly, ALL OF THE TIME. Know that the greater part of your Spirit Essence is most definitely NOT what you experience in embodiment. Why don't you call upon the majority aspects of your essence to lend ‘a hand’ from beyond the veils of Illusion, to show you where you are ‘going wrong’, according to you. This too is an illusion, as there is no real wrong or right. But these boxes bring comfort to your confusion.

Perhaps ask them to show you how to alter the outcome of your experience by changing the frequency of your thoughts. Do so by means of affirmations or music, or whatever way you wish to reprogram the self to think differently.

“Dear Guides, Higher Self, please show me how to alter the outcome of my experience by changing the frequency of my thoughts”

Change your thoughts by changing their frequency as you think them, one thought at a time. One negative vibration takes 33 repetitions in the positive to erase or balance that thought. As one of your famous books confirm “You cannot afford the luxury of a single negative thought”.

By changing your frequency of thinking, one thought changes a sentence, then a paragraph. Next all the chapters of your life become changed.

I have discussed the familiar paradigm of finding comfort in discomfort therefore many don’t feel the urge to change their thinking. They say, “better the devil you know” and we say “dance with your devil (shadow) without fear, and ‘control’ will have no power over you.

Embrace all of you, the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly, according to you. Place all into the essence of your magnificence and shine your Light as ONE. 

Intense High-Vibrational Tune-up

Please straighten your spine. Sit directly with your base or scrotum on your seat. Be comfortable in your hips.

Since we previously gifted you the frequency of the symbol that you resonate with within the divine goddess temple, this time we offer more of a masculine vibration for this calibration. Visualize that symbol of the goddess activation and place that in your Base Chakra. You were given this initiation deep below the scared waters within your goddess temple. Place this feminine frequency (symbol) in the centre of your masculine base chakra. *** Continued below…

  • Note - (See: Enhanced Divine Feminine Goddess Codes Channel) – exert: An underwater wonderworld surrounds you as you are comfortably able to transcend dimensions. Pause

Gently amble about, exploring the underwater world, the magic of your mind. Pause. Next you stumble upon a very special space, an area surrounded by ancient statues and figurines with an open center platform. It resembles an ancient open-air cathedral embedded deeply within the center of the lake. Pause 

Become aware of several monoliths that surround the platform. Notice a distinct pattern imprinted on your center platform, recognize it. You feel as if you are transported back into ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman times. Pause.

Before stepping onto the platform, connect to the symbol again imprinting it deeply within your memory. Pause. - Please read / follow the above-mentioned activation for further details…

*** Current session continues…

Visualise a beautiful White Flame extended from the very core of that symbol traveling up your Base igniting the Violet Flame in the sacral. Within the Sacral, visualize a complementary symbol which fits into the Base symbol, with these two centres representing your Yin Yang Masculine Feminine foundations. The Male symbol in the Sacral and the Female within Base. The Base is more masculine (mother’s influence) and Sacral more feminine (Father’s influence), with the White Flame of Purity extending into the Violet Flame of Transformation.

Next visualize both these flames extend or burst forth into your auric field, blasting their frequencies out the front, back, up and down, from each chakra respectively, the White Flame from the Base and the Violet Flame from the Sacral. Pause

The chakra below infuses with the one above.

The Violet flame within the Sacral extends into the Ruby-Golden Flame in the Solar Plexus. This energy streams out ‘front-back-up-down’ infusing all the chakras below (sacral and base) as well as the next one up (heart) with its flame energy.

The Heart chakra follows blasting its Pink Flame of Compassion and Salvation to the front, back, below (Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Base) and above infusing it essence with the Double Sapphire Flame in the Throat.

This process continues throughout the rest of the chakric system.

The double Sapphire Flame within the Throat, The Emerald Flame of Inspiration within the Third Eye Chakra, and the Golden Flame of Illumination within the Crown Chakra. All blasting each individual chakra first with its core flame essence extending to the front and back, then below, infusing with all the chakras down to the Base and then into next Chakra up. Long pause.

Once the first 7 chakras are recalibrated, see the Pink Flame of the Heart Chakra infused and weaved into the entire lower chakric system (1-7).

Visualize within the 8th Chakra or Soul Star Chakra (above the head) an illuminated Magenta Star Tetrahedron with its Magenta Flame of your Magnificence bursting forth in all directions like a shining star! Now Spin this Magenta star tetrahedron above your head clockwise.

Gently infuse the spinning Magenta star-tetrahedron with the inner core flames of the higher chakras. The Silver Flame of the 9th chakra, the Super Illuminated Golden Flame of the 10th Chakra, the Platinum Flame of the 11th chakra, and the ultimate Diamond Flame of the 12th Chakra, culminating into the 13th.

Set the intent for the Pink Heart Flame to infuse into all the higher chakras too (8-12). Pause. This spontaneously creates a vertical Pink Infinity imprint across the lower and higher chakras with the core anchored within the enhanced Heart Chakra.

Your 12th chakric system is now fully interweaved into each other. The higher chakras are reinforced within your Magenta 8th Chakra spinning star tetrahedron above your head. Long pause.

Continue spinning these super-imposed enhanced frequencies in a clockwise direction. Long pause.

Visualise this spinning energy gently shrinking to about the size of your fist, still floating above your head. Pause.

Gently lower this spinning multi-dimensional frequency representing your higher chakras into your newly enhanced Golden Crown Chakra and rest it there.

We shall discuss your enhanced 12th Chakric System in detail in time to come. Your 8th Chakra is your connection to your multifaceted self, your Soul or Star Chakra. 

Your 9th Chakra is your connection to your Lightworker Self, Planetary keeper, and keeper of the Earth Flames etc, Your Planetary Chakra. Your 10th Chakra is your connection to the angelic realms, your Angelic Chakra. Your 11th Chakra is your Starseed connection to the galaxy etc, your Galactic Chakra. Your 12th Chakra is your Christ Consciousness Chakra. The 13th is the combination of all 12, like the ‘Daat’ of your Tree of Life, it’s there without you knowing about it. In chakric language the 13th is ‘The Divine mystery of all existence.’

Very good then, next lower this multi-dimensional frequency representing your higher chakras into your newly enhanced Emerald 3rd Eye Chakra. Pause. Once comfortable, gently lower it into your newly enhanced Double-Flamed Sapphire Throat Chakra. Finally, gently imprint this into your newly enhanced Pink Flamed Heart Chakra, then rest it there. Long pause.

To recap, we’ve asked you to ignite the core flames within your enhanced 12th Chakric System starting off by balancing the masculine/feminine foundations, then to blast this new heightened energy into your Auric Field, in every way conceivable. Every weave of energy within the first 7 chakras is first extended into the rest of the Lower (1-7) Chakric System. Once this is calibrated, we asked that you infuse the entire lower system (1-7) with the enhanced Pink Heart Chakra Flame, as everything is always weaved back into the Heart. Long pause.

We awakened the upper chakric flames of your higher chakric system (8-12) and infused these into the 8th, then imprinted the upper chakric flames, as part of the 8th into the enhanced Pink Heart Chakra. Connect to the all-encompassing Pink Heart Flame weaving its infinite power across your 12 Chakric System creating connecting vertical Infinity Threads. 

Visualize yourself radiating with these magnificent sparks of light and colour blasting everywhere! Pause.

From your Heart Chakra, extend this spinning energy about 30 cm beyond your physical in all directions with the multidimensional spinning star tetrahedrons emanating from your Pink Heart Chakra. Relate to all the magnificent colours. Pause. 

Next extend these spinning interlocked star tetrahedrons by another 30 cm, blasting in all directions from your enhanced Pink Heart Chakra. Pause.

See the Pink Heart Flame illuminate an Icosahedron hologram into your extended energy field, followed by a Sapphire Dodecahedron representing the enhanced Throat Centre. Pause. Now extend this energy / hologram/ imprint even further to about a meter away from your physical in all directions. Pause.

Once comfortable, in your mind’s eye, extend this imprint to encapsulate your complete energy field so that you can comfortably visualize yourself either standing or sitting within this powerful spinning hologram. Pause. 

Now superimpose an upward pointing Violet (representing the Sacral) tetrahedron and then superimpose over that a downward pointing Ruby-Gold (Solar P) tetrahedron. Pause. Next visualize an Emerald Sphere (3rd eye), White Cube or Hexahedron (Base), and finally a Golden Octahedron (Crown) superimposed over all that. Long Pause.

Gently spin this energy with you comfortably sitting or standing within the core. For the time being everything spins in the same direction. Feel how this encapsulates your energy field in its entirety. If you are standing, perhaps expand this imprint a little further until you are comfortable. Pause.

Again, bring to your attention your two personalised interlocking symbols of your Divine Masculine/Feminine Codes infused within your foundational Base (Feminine symbol overseeing the male chakra), and Sacral (Male symbol overseeing the feminine chakra). These two symbols create a further overlay pattern as they interlock, strengthening the bridge between these two foundational energetics. Pause. Visualise this in which ever way it feels comfortable for you. This creates a bridge of transformation between the first two chakras.

From your base chakra, extend unto the earth anything that you cannot cope with relating to your mother or her side of the family. Release this energy from the back of this chakra, traveling through your auric field and Platonic Solid imprint. Extend this as a gift to the earth which will be transmuted accordingly.

It matters not if she is in life or crossed to the other side. It is time to let go of all animosity that may still be stuck in that area relating to the mother, her lineage, or female essence in whichever way. Pause.

Relate this energy to a droplet of Diamond energy, a Liquid Love droplet leaving the Base Chakra, absorbed into the earth. Pause.

I now wish for you to create the opposite, extending Diamond Liquid Love droplets carrying the opposite or complementary frequency gifted unto all from the front of this chakra.

As you gift, so you are gifted!

This reinforces the essence of The Law of Cause and Effect imprinting a horizontal Infinity Symbol across each chakra as we move up the system.

At the level of the sacral we follow the same format. Here you release unto the Earth, and gift unto all, everything relating to your father, his family lineage, or masculine energy. Pause.

In so doing, you release your troubles to the Earth (thus Universe), and in return you receive the blessing of the opposite, which you share or gift it unto all.

Repeat this same process at the level of the Solar Plexus, but this time it is all about YOU.

Finally forgive yourself for the unjustness that you have caused yourself in whichever way. Forgive the self for all the self-blame. Finally embrace the totality of your being for the Magnificence it truly is!

If need be repeat this regularly, and you will SEE frequencies shift!

At this level of the Heart Chakra tap into unresolved forgiveness which you need to extend to another. If perhaps you feel the time is not right to face them or unable to do so in person, do this etherically on a higher level. Set the intent for their and your Higher Self to guide you through this. In the same way if you feel another has upset your biorhythms and hurt your emotions and they haven’t been able to extend their forgiveness to you, ask their and your Higher Self to cut the ties that bind you, for the betterment of all. 

At the Throat Chakra release through the back all that you have a gripe with relating to communication, willpower, your choices in life, or being unable to express the self fully. From the front receive and extend the opposite as a gift unto all.

From your Third Eye release all limitations as you perceive them to be, self-created visionary limits, the inability to focus or stay focused on your intentions, one vision at a time, then share and receive this in the opposite.

At the level of the Crown Chakra, release limited and outdated belief systems or the inability to understand concepts of interest that muddles your mind. Release ingrained unsettledness fuelled by controlling institutions, family and friends, the self-righteous ones. Reverse this in the opposite and bless this unto the self and all. Pause.

Relax into all of this, and BE. Allow these powerful energies to settle and subside according to your frequency. Long Pause.

Fact Check

You see beloved ones, at the end of the day that which you have become, started off at the very basics of the mother / father energy. You then invited into your energy field your social circle, family and friends. From there you expanded yourself as a being, allowing yourself to build and develop your personality self. But, more so often than not, many undealt with (deeply) ingrained issues won't allow you to fully move on. Unnecessary baggage prevents you from ascending your personal ladder of consciousness which awaits. 

In other words, the pain that you feel in the Base Centre creates discomfort and it starts festering bringing about blame, judgment, and shame.

This paves the way for your journey of addiction, and destruction becomes the norm. Your see, although you may play the ‘forgiveness game and letting go’, you subconsciously feel you have the right to lay claim to its distorted ‘gifts’ of self-pitying as your victim persona feels deserving of it, no matter how distorted and dysfunctional it may seem or be.

Once you step into your true enhanced self and able to do this from the heart without demanding or claiming returns of any kind as an exchange barter, you enjoy gifts of a different kind. The true journey of forgiving and letting go allows you to receive as you give, without negotiation.

You take on your ‘Coat of many Colours’ (8th Chakra), your grandness without egoic reverence to self (7th Chakra) which reveals your magnificence as you become The Alchemist of your world again (evolved 6th Chakra or 3rd Eye). Your spiritual Doorway (5th) transcends all previous expectations.

And so, the melding of the upper 4 chakras begins.

The codes of expansion within the throat demands that all above must be LOVED through the experience below for it to become part of your reality. 

This is where ACCEPTANCE (first Ascension Chakra key connecting the Base Chakra) brings you into a state of ‘give and receive’ by replacing the negative with the positive and no matter the challenge, to share this with others, for the greater good of ALL.

Do this and your whole world will change in no time at all.

This is why we urge you to step out of the entrapments hidden within the ‘basin of your drama’ (Base Chakra) for you to become your own keeper. Remember, often forgiveness of the self becomes the biggest obstacle of all because of your inability to claim your worth. This is fuelled by self-sabotage, thus judgment, blame and shame towards the self which you ‘cannot’ or rather (in)conveniently won’t get over.

This becomes the voice within the melody of the victim.

Instead of singing your outdated song of ‘save me for I’ll shame me’ rather affirm

“I am sorry for that which I've caused myself and others, but I will no longer be the victim of any circumstances!”

Go and change your world! How? Change your thinking! Learn how to work with your energetic life support systems like your 12th Chakric System and others. Once you understand your chakras you will understand most.

Any Questions or anyone wants to share anything?


Beloveds, as we come to the end of this transmission, keep your eye on the positive. Keep your eyes single and claim these beautiful frequencies extended through the Bliss Codes, or Gamma/ Diamond Codes as you say. Claim this for the self, as part of the TRUE self. Extend these gifts unto others no matter their response. 

Accept that there is a grander reason why you've come to fill these Humane shoes once again, to take on your Coat of many Colours, your Cloak of many Fragments, for ALL of it, is YOU!

Understand that all that creates confusion and challenges within your lower chakras are solvable! You can work through these, and in so doing bring the lower energies into complete balance within the fragmented 8th chakra.

Put on your Lightworker Boots in the 9th Chakra. Take on your Angelic Wings extended from the 10th Chakra. Extend your visionary third eye frequency to embrace your Galactic Starseed origins within the 11th Chakra. Embrace Christ Consciousness extended from your 12th Chakra. Claim these gifts that you have been working towards, and as you do so, share all as you venture along.

For as for as long as there is breath in your lungs your mission is part of the planet. You are needed, you haven't fulfilled your experience, therefore it's not time for you to take your leave.

At times of trouble and loneliness understand that you can never be alone for we are all one.

I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and the Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in Love.

Integrate your Christ Consciousness. I ask for this blessing to be bestowed upon you so that you may awaken with Clarity and enjoy your journey ahead.

I wish you love. 


Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

See part 1 here!

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.

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