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Kuthumi: It’s All About Alchemy

Kuthumi: It’s All About Alchemy
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

I AM Kuthumi, greetings beloved ones.

Indeed, the gift of awakening and awareness is a personal treasure. It is the sacred essence of stepping into the higher frequency of that which life gifts you with.

Walking in your human skin, going through human experiences, some of the activities that this life presents are distinctly pleasurable, whilst others unbeknown to you at the time, hold their own treasures. Many a time you are unable to see or grasp the lessons or gifts of certain situations. It is only through exploring the gifts of awakening and awareness that you make it a project to discover what awaits within the unknown.

To begin with, you enter life with a ‘program’ which we have discussed at great length. Then as you grow out of your old skin, the true search begins as you delve deeper into the initial ‘unknown’. Yet internally, you are already equipped with a ‘dormant’ etheric toolbox, which awakens as you do.

As part of this, you have gifts or pointers that serve as reminders, strategically placed at ‘decision or choice’ intersections along your journey, all planned before arrival. Much like you set your alarm to remind you to wake up in the morning, or to remind you to do something, like take the cake out of the oven. These etheric ‘reminders’, like your guides, impacts your vast energy field, holding your hand, giving a squeeze or nudge when need be.

This includes ‘curveballs’ or tricky and challenging situations to face, work through, and conquer. These triggers are generally preplanned and stored within your programming or etheric memory. To a great degree this is infused into your cell tissue as it is part of your etheric energy, all of which reacts or feeds off these pointers acting on soul instruction.

These triggers and reminders thus also receive impulses via your Cave of Consciousness or Akash, acting on previous or karmic memory. Your Akash as you know, is also infused into your cell tissue, DNA, thus biology. These triggers or pointers pulses information between internal and external influences as nothing is separate. From a non-linear perspective the external and internal are as one. As a being there are no given separation between your extended bodies and humanness. 

Yes, you have ‘various’ energy bodies and systems. You also have a very complex physicality which not only carries a multi-dimensional energetic system infused into your biology, but it also hosts its own complexed brain function as discussed previously. Now all that I have mentioned, no matter who you are, are all one being called YOU. The only time you truly separate yourself from all this is when you transition, leaving the flesh behind.

Now that too can be complicated as you experience (and explore) various consciousness shifts during the separation which may be quick or prolonged. Every aspect of you plays part in this. Prior to incarnation you decide if there augh to be lessons in the end process. Thus, in some way you, the personality self-do play a part when it comes to separating your biology from your energy bodies. This may commonly take on the form of a coma, semi-coma, self-induced exit, or in full consciousness.

There are many systems involved with separating your cell tissue from its etheric connection, be it systematically or suddenly. Then there is the full reconnection of your etheric self into complete soul recognition or soul /super consciousness. This takes you through your planetary ‘memory lane’ if you will (your Akash) and its complicated impulses or programming.

This is when full surrendering occurs. The ‘disconnected’ incarnated soul essence infuses completely with the greater aspect of itself, your Higher Self.

You see, you have a great number of influential portals supporting your entrée and exit. Your ‘human makeup’ although very complex remains simple. The overall picture thereof can be extremely intimidating especially to the uninformed. When you decide to venture along paths of discovery and wanting to walk into the unknown, to no longer depend on the indoctrinations you've been programmed with, awakening paves the way.

Awareness stirs Awakening into motion

We have discussed this at great length. More than likely you were reminded through prodding pointers to ‘awaken’, which can take on many forms. But TRUE awakening cannot be enforced in any way. You can’t ‘decide’ “Oh well, let’s see what this new age fuss is all about so let me awaken”. NO, it happens to you.

This happens when the lower brain function gives the controls to the higher thought mind process, which allows the gateways of the unknown to open up. Thus, you consciously free-willed venture along paths previously unexplored, which is an amazing, incredible process.

Once that initial seed is planted, the soul essence within takes the lead encouraging you the personality to venture further and explore. You now follow or ‘react’ to etheric triggers with greater ease. Your consciousness receives its ‘guidance’ via your subconscious intuition (higher mental) and your spirit (super) consciousness.

Once your sacred connection to the latter is secure, thus feeling comfortable to surrender into TRUST, pathways (of your pointers) begin to reveal themselves.

This is when a clearer connection is (re)established between the ‘purest’ part of your essence, your Higher Self, and your lower personality or ‘awakening’ self.

Your Higher Self as mentioned, is the amalgamation of your soul essences, including fragments not part of this incarnation. It is the greater aspect of you, overseeing you. One of its main attributes is its gift of filtering higher information into an understandable frequency for your humanness to grasp.

All, ALL higher communication, channelling and the like, is done via your Higher Self. Full stop. 

There is much more to your Higher Self, for another time. Listen to the impulses from your soul singing its song for you to “wake up, wake up, wake up” then surrender into its melody.  

Some physically relate when the ‘awareness of your awakening’ bursts forth, like a jolt of energy. Some experience a life-altering epiphany whilst others awaken after a NDE (near-death experience). Others have an outer body experience. Some begin to ‘see things’ within the astral planes whereas many realize their need to awaken in a dream, or during astral travel. All round synchronicity is playing its ‘pointers’ game!  

Then there are those that experience an amazing bolt of energy striking their third eye and heart centre out of nowhere. They instantly realize that there is much more to life than mere existence, and it needs to unfold NOW. No matter the nudge, your ‘pointers’ are always ‘on point’. 

Generally, in the old energy, the greater part of humanity only truly started tapping into what we are discussing during their later years. Many choose to tap into fractions of this through various institutions and religious sects. Most of these schools of thought restrict exploration beyond ‘their norm’, according to their rule of thought. 

Alchemy sets Transmutation in Motion

I hope this makes sense and that you are able to follow where we are going with this. Once the soul awakens the personality and the body to the fact that there's more to this journey, and the person ventures into the unexplored, a series of alchemical events unfold. Through the process of true alchemy, the control that the indoctrinated belief systems had on you, will be transformed into a golden awareness, thus the awakening of that which you truly are.

You have the golden frequency infused within the evolved Crown Centre, and fully anchored within the 10th, your Angelic Chakra. You also have aspects of that golden frequency in the ‘recalibrated’ Solar Plexus of which the core essence is Ruby Gold. This fusion amalgamates the Golden aspects within the Crown with the Ruby aspects within the Base Chakra, which brings about an alchemical explosion or recalibration within the Solar Plexus. I prefer the term ‘recalibrated’ to ‘advance’

Why the Solar Plexus? It is the seat of the personality self.

Since everything always begins and ends with the self, when placing the Ruby Red of your original Base centre within the evolving Solar Plexus, it needs the alchemical frequency within the evolving Golden Crown centre to bring it into full recalibration. The Base and Crown Chakras continually feeds of each another.

This facilitates a better understanding of the higher levels of the self. Thus, the more aware, the less selfish. Even if you master ‘organic’ selflessness, never lose the identity of the self. Neither martyr nor saint should wallow in their past, and that includes you. You will never be expected to pretend your previous life experiences or selfish choices didn’t happen. When you make peace with anything it no longer has lower egoic influence or command over you. Thus, once you are able to ‘creep from its shadow’, heal the guilt of your actions and let it be gone!

You transcended the old through an alchemical process to (re)discover the true essence of self. Your recalibrated Solar Plexus in-turn dares you to tap into all   higher chakra levels.

To express fully through the highest (7th) level of the Crown, you must master the process of letting go. Hence, know where you have been, where you are at, and importantly what your intentions are focused upon.

The Alchemy of transformation lies in the experiences that you had to go through, thus the many boxes you left behind that you've tried to fit in and couldn’t. Some may even have enjoyed certain aspects at the time, but most of the ‘awakened’ ones never found true comfort within the boxes you were ‘expected’ to fulfil. The lasting joy was missing, that is the joy that thrills every time you finally tick that box!

Inner joy comes to life through the spark or yearning to awaken, even un/subconsciously. When your ‘awareness pointers’ begin to spark and prod, you transcend the linear paradigm to embrace your own.  

The alchemy of your consciousness creates this, and the innate alchemy of your soul facilitates this. 

One of the greatest attributes of this process is freedom. You are now able to break free from the restrictions that the world around you painted and created for you. Like the Phoenix, you too may rise from your ashes and become anew.

You Test Yourself!

The choice is yours to sit on your chair in your institutions for the rest of your days and follow like sheep. Then again you could embark on the journey your soul personality dreams of and fully capable of unveiling. 

To facilitate this, fear must go. To finally and fully transcend your fears, you need to trust the alchemy of your shifting consciousness to break barriers of limitation.

Beloved ones, another area that strongly features gold within its energy is your 8th or Soul Chakra. Although predominantly Magenta, we suggested creating a Golden Pyramid within its core during your visualizations. On a higher level, the Golden frequency is weaved and intertwined throughout your entire 12th Chakric System, connecting each Arena of Consciousness with its highest potential. 

The Golden Pyramid within the 8th together with the higher levels of the 6th chakra present you with ‘journeys of exploration’. From ‘below’ you leap into the unknown, from ‘above’ the unknown reaches out for you. You see, the Cosmic Counsel of Light together with your ‘watchers and guides’ connect and ‘reads’ your colours by tapping into the scared essence contained within the highest level of the Soul Chakra Pyramid.

Challenges there will be plenty of as most are set into motion to help rid you of blockages. These ‘challenges are not meant to ‘trick or test’ you unless you have given your permission for this. This is why we always say; “You test yourself”

Humanity is favourably quick to ‘blame God’ for this and that.  

Understanding the ‘greater arrangement of Creation’ is naturally limiting within linear thinking. If I could but express a fraction of the known ‘sections or stations of Creation’ within multiverses, you would begin to realize that most of the teachings within the inner sanctum is way beyond grasp for most. Even us from dimensions beyond 12 are continuously learning, discovering, and evolving. 

Beloveds, the intensity and sheer detail of Creation is way beyond the understanding or even ‘minute grasp’ of what humanity may think it is. It is VAST, ORDERLY, INTENSE, COMPLICATED YET SIMPLE, as simplicity is always the order of the day. Although you prefer to relate to it as legions within hierarchies, it really isn’t, yet it is! Even though some may perceive this as separation, there is not enough ‘distance’ between ‘planes’ to truly feel separate. EVERYTHING IS ONE yet distinct, without set divisions.

This is all I can share.

Best focus on the questions of self in this timeline. If you feel not in favour of some choices and decisions you have made, analyse these. Find a point of balance where you can validate your decisions from your heart space using your chakric system. Don’t con your validation thereof, as the only one that you scam is you, which affirms denial.

Welcome Home

No matter the situation or detail surrounding the issues, always place whatever you are going through, searching for, leaning towards, and needing to discover more of, within the heart. The heart essence serves to bring balance without trauma. Put your fears and uncertainties within the Golden Rose in the Heart Chakra. Visualize your Golden Key/Ankh within that Golden Rose tapping into your Sacred Heart. Set the intent for the answers to be revealed, worked through, and when pondered upon, validated.

As long as there is breath in your body you are connected to Source as a human earthling. When the physical connection terminates, it folds into itself and is dispersed of. Your true essence, including the part reading these words or listening to me right now remains, has awareness, memory, remembers discoveries and experiences. It recalls where you've started off and ended. As it thaws from the density it melds with its full Superconscious Awareness again.

It expands beyond the limitation of this illusion, as your soul surrender into the embrace of its Spirit self as part of your greater whole. You Higher Self is automatically and instantly ‘recharged’ by its Higher Monadic Essence. In an instant you retract as you move beyond this plane into a place you call Home, a place we all call Home.

Understand, for you to ‘awaken’ in this lifetime and take on that awareness of your awakening, let alone strive towards ascension, is incredible! You were given hundreds, even thousands of chances to come play this game, and here you are!

Awakening brings the realisation that you are indeed an alchemist and co-creator on many planes including this one. The culmination of your experiences here ‘reflects’ what greets you ‘back Home’. Imagine for a moment attempting to succeed hundreds and for some thousands of lifetimes on this treadmill. Some believe the treadmill never moves, some dive in; searching, discovering, yearning, even ‘messing up’ as you may say, although there truly are no mistakes. These are simply programs you're working through. Some you conquer whilst others you don’t, then there are those that are simply ‘reloaded’ forming the basis for your next time around.

An alchemist understand that you are more than this physical body. You are a loving energy force that leaves your physical vessel behind once your divine essence is ready to ascend.

You know that this experience is a ‘springboard’, a learning curb, and that this is the classroom that you need to learn from to expand your soul experience.

Beloved ones this is what your nudges or pointers are programmed to do. To remind you of all that we have shared.

What stirs you to want to grow beyond the physical human experience? What reminds you of the yearning that you feel?

Your desire to expand into even greater consciousness!

If you scoop up a bucket of beach sand and pour it back all over the beach, can you ever attempt to separate it? This is you! You are the full volume of it all, all of your incarnations doing, playing, and learning lessons. It’s like trying to separate a glass of water from its ocean!

Alchemy allows you to begin to understand what Oneness feels like, as part of the vast Order of Creation including this world. Like the water and the sand, you can never be separate from Source. The gift of life welcomes your entry as it does your exit. Don’t let the lessons of this life get you down. Remind yourself to bring laughter and joy into your world, as you dare yourself to further awaken so that you may take on, be it in this life or in preparation for the next, the Ascension of your Consciousness!

Physical Ascension

Creation is mostly unexplainable it’s that vast. This Earth is physical, seeded from the stars with you the humans, the most evolved species upon this planet. Your physicality has through the ages changed and developed, even perhaps manipulated and again restructured into what it is now.

That same body is continuously changing and evolving, even right now! More so, tap into the continuous expansion of the mind for that is where the true treasure lies! You may have taken on your physicality to entertain yourself with during this lifetime, but what on God's green earth would you want to do with this body anywhere else?

What would be the point? To impress who? To drag where? If the infinite part of yourself in this existence is pure consciousness, why would you insist on dragging your temporary finite physicality along? For validation that you are (were) indeed human?

We will leave it at that! We shall continue this discussion in discourses to follow.

May the Light of the Living Christ be within you, may you know that not now or not ever can you be alone.

You want to walk this journey, you want to learn, you want to discover, you want to be the alchemist, we welcome you, welcome indeed!

I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee with awakening and Awareness.


Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.

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