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Conversations with Kuthumi - Claim Your Power - Part 1

Conversations with Kuthumi - Claim Your Power - Part 1
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Part 1

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of Love. Greetings beloved ones.

It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you here firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloveds, we again extend our frequency and vibrations of gratitude towards you, as it fills our being with love and honour coming together to discuss another discourse. We from the Realms beyond this, extend our love to encapsulate yours so that you may lift yourself from that which drags you down, so that you may truly ascend into a higher frequency of Consciousness and communication. We are thrilled as always to be able to partake in this.

These are important times as 2024 continues to roll out her majestic carpet for you to Glide along. Much will transpire in your world. Worlds will change (as it has), and frequencies will increase (as it has), and vibrations will become purer.

No matter the current intensities, your Earth is ascending into her fifth dimensional Consciousness and so then must you. Believe it or not, the Earth is returning to a place of beauty, harmony, and healing. Those that chooses to traverse with her on her journey as she Glides into her new timeline will naturally be of the same frequency. You will be able to comprehend the same bandwidth as you say, speak the same language.

To enable that, we first need to find a general language to speak not so. It is impossible to understand one another when you can't even listen to each other, let alone discuss that which matters to the other. It is therefore imperative to keep your frequency refined, as balanced as humanly possible, for you to be able to stay the course.

Perhaps some may say that the ‘course’ seems a bit distorted. In truth, in time to come all courses that you stay on, travel and glide through, no matter how tragic or distorted, will be balanced and in harmony.

Facing Your Shadow Self 

Your planet, as a motherly figure, is teaching her children to keep their focus on that which truly matters. There are many ways to explore this. The best being the ‘experience of things’ which will reveal where your love and frequency is at, or not. When your attention is freely focused, love guides the experience. We understand the immense turmoil taking place just about everywhere on your planet, and as we've discussed previously, the mass confusion within the collective unconsciousness is enough to make anyone’s shadow wanting to cry and run away! Unfortunately, you ain't going to get very far if you do try, so best you learn to dance with your shadow, because facing your shadow you must!

In so doing, you eliminate unwanted drama and density. Your shadow side is not necessarily ‘darker’. Within every road that has a fork, no matter which you take, the outcome is part of your journey experience. If you decide to take the left instead of the right, trust me you'll end up where you are meant. It simply means you needed to learn the lessons of the left to be able to fully experience (and appreciate) the divine outpouring from the eventual right, or vice versa.

There is an undercurrent of cleansing, clearing, even purging taking place right now. Much is done with the help of the Legions of Light here to support your planet and humanity through this transition. It is therefore important to remember your helpers, and all you need do, is call!

Speak to your guides, ask them to show you that they can hear you!

Lovingly demand synchronistic events, for understand miracles are everywhere! All you need do is change your frequency. Attract that which you want by elevating your frequency to be on par with that which you focus upon.

Be sure to understand exactly what your focus upon.

The same way, for you to make head and tail of the realistic Ascension plan and the transition of your Earth into 5D, and your assimilation of its effect, thus transitioning from carbon into crystalline ‘silica’ frequency, which is underway, you must learn about and explore the truth and power of ‘energy’ as much as you can.  

It is underway.

Lend an ear and an eye into the world of science, theosophy, and philosophy, you will get to the physics of it all. Although much has been revealed and tested, much more will come to the fore. Simply lean into it.  

We shared with you some 15 years ago that the time will come when you feel comfortable dancing with your shadow, there will be no more secretive lies, and no more hiding, as all will eventually be exposed.

You are the ones facilitating and changing this.


By simply being who you are!

Your frequency, thus auric field, extended bodies, Chakric system, and so forth demand that all is laid bare. This is what you have and are working towards.

As you transcend the lower frequencies and integrate more refined light quotient, that which is unbalanced will come to the fore, naturally. This is already happening everywhere, within governments, education, hospitality, medicine, science, even ‘manipulated’ physics. All which is hidden will be revealed.

So too is this happening within your human systems of psychology especially prevalent in today’s reality. This includes the return to peace and harmony, for as you emerge yourself into living within the essence of love, your world is transformed!  

This is the vibrational frequency of the New Earth, The New You. I am not only addressing those of spiritual backgrounds, as EVERYONE is affected. Every single person on your planet is currently going through some personal transitional stage or another.

2012 + 12 = 2024 – The end of a cycle.

What do you think 2012 was about?

It wasn't just Moonshine and Roses, oh no it had purpose! You transcended the old and walked into the new. We took you through a ‘death and rebirth’ process at the time. Now at the end of that 12-year cycle (12 years later) you once again face a similar transition, rewire, or adjustment, all part of your recalibration.

Do share an interesting discourse that you feel may be of benefit to others. Even if you choose not to share the origin of these messages, that I am an ascended being using the voice box of this person to express through, it matters not. Share what works in whichever way it works. But do not fright the people, they are fearful enough.

Every time they look in the mirror and then at each other they may fright some more, which is why we need to get them to look in the mirror more often! Look into those beautiful eyes to realize that indeed you are a multi-dimensional multifaceted magical magnificent being of Light, that's what you are!

Never underestimate the power behind what you do, for what you do is in fact a whole lot more than you think, as was discovered today!

(We discovered that my transmission is translated into many, many languages, and enjoyed on a far greater online scale than we realised, which we are thrilled about – Chanel)

Conversations with Kuthumi - Claim Your Power - Part 1

Explore the Yin-Yang of Self.

Never fear darkness, for it is brewed in uncertainty. which is something you are not, so shine your light unto all and be the love!

When emotions go tumbling everything else follows suit. It is how it works. Remain diligently focused on where you see yourself in time to come, for you will be there, just as you are here now.

Beloveds, every person, no matter how trivial they may seem to you, themselves, or anyone else, plays a part in the unfolding New Earth. Every incarnate being subconsciously desires to contribute towards the eventual greater good of all. Yet sometimes due to circumstances some may veer off course.

Those extremists who opposes Earth’s new unfolding plan are playing out their final games within lifetimes that are being faded out. This shift takes ‘time’ in your world, which is the only place time exists in this way, with humanity enslaved by it.

Beyond your planet, every experience of past, present and to some degree future projections or options exist simultaneously. This is one of the major reasons for the veil of forgetfulness. Can you imagine the tremendous turmoil and anxiety if you could remember it all, and no doubt trying to bring it into your present timeline which is the natural thing to want to do! It’s like enforcing a third dimensional imprint unto a one-dimensional page.

Not to mention given a true glimpse of where you are going, or the options available! The human brain is unable to function along those lines for you generally need to ‘box’ things to make sense of it at first.

Until the time comes for you to break free from this experience, continue your lives, reach out for one another, and travel further as you explore and expand from yourself.

You will finally understand that no matter what you are facing along your journey at this or any other time, you are far more than that!

Your remembrance of the happenings beyond this world returns soon enough once you leave, depending on your Consciousness and circumstances. You again realize how it all fits in. Why things happened the way they did as part of your plan.

Therefore, understand that the density created by your governments, the corruption, destruction, and pain will ease as all is exposed little by little. Each of you adorned with your lightworker worrier suits, and those without, are here to help bring sanity back into a completely insane world.

Especially focus your energy on your ‘key date portals’ when the veils are thin.

The two eclipses of the moon (March 25) and the sun (April 8) created one of the most powerful portals of death and rebirth.

As you may know, there is much happening energetically within and beyond your solar system at this time. This window of opportunity is immense. From an astrological point of view, this is an opportune time for you to finally close the door to that which has boggled your mind and kept you trapped. You can now finally let go of the disturbances that create unhappiness, things that torment you.

The first eclipse brought the opportunity of Letting Go, and the second, the solar eclipse, welcomed a New Timeline (reality/future). Pay attention to that which you enjoy and don’t, as it most likely enjoys you!

If something is draining you, it enjoys you! If you enjoy it, you are complimented by it.

With the start of each astrological New Year, Aries awakens the fierce warrior within. This inspires against stagnation, and together the goddess and new divine masculine codes gifts incentives for you to rewire and glide towards and into a new timeline.

As with the mirror communication with self, take time to journal what you feel and discover.

Once you are ready to fully love that which is staring back at you without judgment or fail, higher energies pave the way to welcome The New You! 

End of part 1

Part 2 - New Codes of Support / Intense High-Vibrational Tune-up / Enhanced (advanced) 12-Chakric System & Light Body Recalibration & First level Merkabic Spin

Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.

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