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Kuthumi: 144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series
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- Written by Chanel Lingenfelder
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Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
Arenas of Consciousness – Level One Part One
A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.
I AM Kuthumi, greetings beloveds. I gift unto thee a most appropriate gift of transformation.
‘Arenas of Consciousness’ (Chakras) emit and attract energy, like etheric Electro Magnetic Sequences or frequencies anchored within your bodies which transmits and receives energy (communication) to and fro various levels of consciousness. Frequencies of Light, Sound and Colour along with every thought, deed, feeling and emotion influences your energy field and biology alike.
Your brain (thoughts) receives (react) and send (share) electrical impulses whereas your heart (feelings) vibrates according to magnetic waves. The Brain and Nervous System facilitate your Consciousness Cord, and the Heart and Circulatory System your Life Cord (Sutratman).
Thus, chakras serve as communicating portals between your internal (biological) and external systems (aura, extended bodies etc). They serve as direct links interconnecting your major network processes (PMESE) – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Etheric.
Working with the full 12th chakric system you can no longer be spoon fed with systematic teachings like back in kindergarten. See this as an upgrade to ‘university level’ consciousness, thus quantum understanding which may at first be confusing (and conflicting) to some. To ‘get’ the true essence of this system you must jump back and forth instead of ‘playing it safe’. We will not be taking you on a sweet set out journey like we have done in the past. We may scramble things around a bit even ‘play with your marbles’ so that at least at the end of this series you will be in divine acceptance of yourself!
We have taken you through a number of teachings relating to the Ascension Chakras. Now we shall continue with the A-Z of these systems which most of you set forth to achieve in this lifetime. To do so, there must be dedication. Let this journey be laced with fun, excitement and love! Although an overview, we shall cross reference and bring in as much detail as possible.
I am working in a different way with this channel to ‘refresh and rescript’ this process. There is so much to share in a short space of time thus she will be adding condensed charts to our work to bring clarity as and when needed.
Ascension Chakras – Key & Sense / 12th Chakric System / Evolving chakric colours pertaining to your individual frequency thus consciousness.
01 - 12 |
Acceptance – smell – Base – The Basin of your Drama - Red into White |
13 - 24 |
Nurturance – Taste – Sacral – The Arena of Courage – Orange into Violet |
25 - 36 |
Authenticity – Sight – Solar Plexus - The Ego Personality Arena – Yellow into Ruby Gold |
37 - 48 |
Compassion – Feel – Heart - The Humanitarian Arena – Green into Pink |
49 - 60 |
Communication – Hear – Throat - The Double Edge Sword – Blue into Sapphire |
61 -72 |
Inner Sight – Inspiration – 3rd eye - The Arena of Insight – Indigo into Emerald |
73 - 84 |
Unity – Knowing – Crown – The Arena of Knowing – Purple into Gold |
85 - 96 |
Divinity – Connectedness – 8th Soul Star – The Arena of Fragments – Magenta |
97 - 108 |
Unconditional Love – Service – 9th – The Human Angel Arena -Silver |
109 - 120 |
Truth – Euphoria – 10th – The Angelic Areana – Gold |
121 - 132 |
Enlightenment – Surrender – 11th – The Galactic Arena – Platinum |
133 - 144 |
Free Will – Passion – 12th – The Christ Consciousness Areana – Diamond Creativity – 1-12 into the 13th – Divine Mystery of All Existence. Dimensions beyond 12 |
Quick Pointers on the 144 Ascension Chakras (ASCH)
These are chakric points (like pressure points) located from the top of the head (crown) to the base of the skull (Medulla Oblongata). There are 12 interacting pointers to each group relating to its corresponding chakra: 12 x 12 = 144.
Think of these as Etheric Electric (mind) Magnetic (heart) Neurotransmitters. Most frequencies are integrated through the 3rd eye (Higher Mental/Mind) and expressed through the Heart (Higher Emotions/Feelings). Each of the 12 connecting etheric ‘fibres’ reveal all that needs to come into your I AM unity consciousness, relating to individual chakric processes.
ASCH awakens the ability to transcend 3D Limitations. They support the eventual merging of chakras like Solar-Heart Centre / Ajna-Crown Centre etc, etc.
Each group is ‘encased’ within a protective etheric sheath, a Mother of Pearl Golden Crystalline frequency, which serve as a communication membrane much like with biological cells. ASCH (Ascension Chakras) acts on the conscious and subconscious alike, impacting DNA, your Divine Natural Awareness as some refer to it, thus your High-Performance Intelligent Energy Source!
From a higher aspect ASCH are ‘under command’ thus influenced by Higher Self / Soul Spirit Self. From a lower aspect they ‘imprint’ their frequency into your energy field through the personality self, thus also carries a major Soul Chakra (8th) undertone
ASCH support the shift of Blueprint from Carbon (lowest expression of 3D self) into Silica (crystalline rewire of the personality self to become 5D). This involves the Thalamus and Hypothalamus, and Star and Earth Chakras.
Importantly ASCH support the personality self to awaken the Christ Consciousness codes within which ‘opens up’ to draw greater inspiration from the Soul Spirit I AM Presence.
ASCH reminds you of your Multidimensional truths. Working with the Universal Laws they reveal that Chakras 1-7 is greatly influenced by the Laws of Diversity & Duality VS Chakras 8-12 which naturally vibrates according to the Laws of Unity and Intent.
The higher chakras are infused into the lower system, brining Heaven unto Earth. Through aligning yourself with the mystical teachings and energy systems, the only therapist you will ever need is you.
Each level has a KEY and SENSE to work with/relate to. The first 5 levels correlate to your 5 lower senses which is self-explanatory. The 6th and higher senses are covered in more detail. To enable full activation of your energy field it is imperative to make your 12 senses come alive!
Very well then, let’s continue…
Beloved ones, by bringing acceptance into anything, you eliminate heaviness and overcome challenges by bringing joy into it. Accept the shift within, and see it for what it is, the birthing of eventual unconditional love.
Through embracing your transformation hence experience and integrating new frequencies, you allow yourself to integrate higher levels of Love.
If you could turn back ‘time’, you would not believe that you are the same person as your vibration increased exponentially! Yes, some do fall back on the old frequency of ‘deserve VS lack’, often feeling unable to accept the new, usually because of latent beliefs that are still challenging the new.
To come into acceptance, create a current ‘map’ of your life. Reflect on the past and ponder on that which needs to come into acceptance. We are presenting you with ‘keys’ to the ascension chakras for clarity and to make it relatable. Brining awareness into the many aspects of yourself by way of accepting them no matter what, will shift previous frequencies into a new explosion of love.
Various teachings cover various levels yet there is a general weave throughout consciousness to bring all on par creating shared foundations. Separation is part of the past.
Separation creates division which is why it is imperative to work with energy systems as a whole as opposed to sectional. If you are unable to weave acceptance throughout your energy matrix fragmentation will continue.
We encourage you to love all your fragments. Bringing yourself into the divine alignment of acceptance, it empowers you to ‘gather all as one’ laying the core foundation for unity thus Oneness.
If your frequency gravitates towards oneness, then how can you separate the particles of self that you accept from that which you don’t? To bring this into divine alignment affirm the law of attraction:
“Using the laws of magical magnetic attraction I draw forth all my scatteredness into a divine puzzle called acceptance”
To anchor divine acceptance into every fragmented aspect of self, resound your ‘magnetic call’ bringing struggles into the Light, and let the rest go. Acceptance requires that you make peace with all that you are. This reveal new facts of non-resistance when it comes to ‘not being offended’ thus not needing to defend the self for self-righteous reasons. Acceptance reveals three sides to a story, usually all pointing in the same direction.
It is always our intent through these visitations when spirit meets the hand of matter to bring you into a new frame of light, a new timeline. We assist you to reach out and claim your Divine I AM, thus acceptance of the self is unavoidable, as above so below.
Some of you have been working on acceptance through many lifetimes. Now in this lifetime on your own ascension journey, to enable the self to embrace the totality of acceptance, you need to release the conflicting rejection that keeps on plaguing you. If you want the world around you to accept you, can you do the same for them?
You are all masters in the making, there’s no easy going here. If fragments of frustration have been brought to the fore by a magnet of irresistible love called acceptance, then why fear rejection? Rejection (lower heart chakra) is defused through Acceptance (evolved base chakra).
This creates a platform of strength, a grand cornerstone, when it comes to rediscovering and integrating your Divine I AM at the level of your reality, thus rediscover your magnificence.
“It is my Choice, therefore I Accept”
Acceptance Allows. Allowance Surrender. Surrender bring Choice. Choice affirms Free-will, working with chakras 1,3,4,5, 6, 11,12. Random free-will can cause destruction. Surrendering free-will becomes Divine Will.
Challenged by rejection? Go back to start! Examine earliest childhood memories which involves the birthing process and immediate family. Next evaluate fragments caused by your ‘inner group’ and those you love. In your current reality, what about rejection amongst your ‘lightworker’ community?
Instead of being aggressive and/or reactive, when you ‘agree to disagree’ you allow fragments to unite which is a step towards Oneness.
Allowance through Acceptance magnetise the pieces of your puzzle back together again as you rescript the past. The Heart (4) magnetises fractions of chakras 1,2,3, into 4 as one.
Judgment is being opiniated (dogmatic). Respecting an opinion without being reactive reconciles opposed to creating cliffs of separation. If so, best you start building bridges!
“I AM Magnificent”
Your Ascension Chakras, which we started sharing through this channel in 2012, awakens magnificent aspects that previously seemed anything but.
Accepting your magnificence, no matter conflicting confrontations, is all that is required. There is no need to run around handing out leaflets in order to make people understand you. Acceptance cuts all ways. How else? How can you want another to accept you if you don’t accept them? Beloveds, Accept your unique beautiful light, love, talents, gifts, thus your wonderment. On a higher level Accept that you have amazing intuitive ability, and able to work/connect with your Higher Self.
Leap across your high walls and thorny fences and proclaim “If you oppose my way of thinking I Accept it with love. I AM who I AM. It is not my duty to transform nor fix anyone. As a lightworker human angel I freely share that which I am gifted with. This is yours for the taking, or not, without judgment or expectancy, so I let it be”
Self-acceptance, the great I AM in the making, allows the fragments of a broken mirror to be miraculously restored through reflection.
We from the Higher Realms of Light serve to help humanity awaken to their divinity. By restoring your fragments, you are in service, thus masters in the making as human angels. Perhaps in time to come you may serve as we do now. I always say ‘you can never unknow things’
As you say, ‘by hook or by crook’, we will do everything God-Willing within our power from this side of the mystical veil to support you in rediscovering your grandness, but you have to Accept it.
Energy (everything) is changing, thus heal your past and script an exciting future!
A Multidimensional Dance of Recalibrating
As mentioned, each level has twelve main aspects/fragments to ponder on which obviously differs accordingly. Most share general categories like health, relationships, happiness, peace, finances, etc. When pondering on the principles anchored within each individual chakra the transformation required will be revealed. For example, within the Base reflect on:
Innocence VS Immoral – physical networks - mother’s influence, tribal, animal consciousness, roots of all that you are - trust vs belief / empowerment vs poverty, victim vs victorious, indoctrination vs choice, control vs content, anger, isolation, depression, addictions, suppression, insecurity, suspicion, superstition, the inability to flow with life, pleasure, pain, screwed, shrewd, anything related to money, power, sex, your relationship with nature, the crown, kundalini /sacred mind blueprint, nature mapping, etc.
Beloveds, your awakening consciousness knows God within. Authenticity stirs remembrance. To embrace this fully you need to not only experience but be able to differentiate between aspects and fragments of self. Aspects are attributes that compliments no matter how obscure in the eye of another. Fragments splinter creating cracks, thus separation which encourages duality. One of the major causes of fragments is fear
Enjoy what you wish, but don’t let it enjoy you. Acceptance will bring the 12 major issues within the Base into balance through Nurturing, the first and second key of your twelve steps towards transformation.
Acceptance demands responsibility, thus the ability to respond with respect. When ‘accepting’ irresponsibility it will cost you your worthiness.
Energy Initiation - Key: Acceptance / Sense: Smell
Journal 12 fragments relating to Acceptance within the Base Chakra in your notebook. Work with a different coloured candle for each level. The first is Red being the Base, ASCH 1-12, the colour of grounding, being secure, and leadership.
Visualise anchoring a Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra.
Set the intent for all that you experience to be stored within and recalibrated by your physical candle, on every level as you glide along.
In your mind’s eye, transport yourself into the cosmos creating for yourself a Golden Pyramid of Light. Pause. Come to stand in front of the entrance where I Kuthumi and Goddess Diana guard the entrance to this portal. The tips of our swords touch creating a triangular arch for you to enter under.
Connect to the Golden Rose in your heart. Allow the divine frequency of Acceptance to open the doors as you enter your massive Golden Pyramid, your scared sanctum. Inside you find your personal sarcophagus and Golden altar on which you may place anything your wish.
Within the open sarcophagus rests an etheric aspect of you. See a vase with a massive, magnificent bunch of multicoloured roses displayed under your Altar.
Visualize a magnificent Golden Rose on your Altar which serve as a reminder of that which you carry in your Heart Chakra.
Anchor the word ACCEPTANCE into both Golden roses.
In your mind’s eye light up the Red candle on your altar as your drape a Golden tag with the word ACCEPTANCE inscribed on it hanging from the candle.
Allow this frequency to dissolve all incongruent fragments which you will repeat by burning your physical candle whenever you feel to do so.
Now visualise Lord Melchizedek standing behind you, and Goddess Diana facing you.
Bring into your mind your motherly and fatherly aspects which manifests on either side of you.
Visualise these four beings beaming from their Base Chakras into yours a magnificent Ruby Ray of light. Pause
Manifesting within your Base Chakra see the divine imprint of your first transformative symbol come to life, a 3D Ruby Cube / Hexahedron. Pause.
These imprints will over time reinforce your Merkabic Field / Lightbody.
Bring your attention to your parents. No matter your relationship, allow the essence of their Higher Self to bless you with their Acceptance of you.
Ignite a White Flame of Purity within the core of your Base Chakra. Pause. Give thanks for their energies as they dissipate leaving you standing alone facing your altar.
Let the fun begin!
Within your mind’s eye, spin the Ruby cube within your Base clockwise. Affirm your Acceptance of the gifts of the Divine Masculine-Feminine fully balanced within your Base Chakra. In your own time play with this energy gently imprinting this spinning cube into your Auric Field. Relax and be.
When you are ready, leave your etheric aspect within or on top of your sarcophagus if you feel claustrophobic. Exit your Golden Pyramid and ground yourself thoroughly.
Enjoy your candles! Burn them in your sacred space, your dining table, anywhere, anytime! Make it light! Let it remind you of the beautiful transformational energy you are working with. As you light your physical candles daily, bring to mind these initiations whilst pondering on your 12 sub-keys. As mentioned, place your coloured candle amongst your dinner candles to enjoy if an ‘altar’ is frowned upon.
The process of ascension in its divine nature remains a personal choice. The first 12 chakric cords needs your Acceptance thereof to thrive. The next 12 needs Nurturance, the Sacral Key which is to follow. The physical sense that relates to this first level (ASCH 1-12) is SMELL.
The Basin of your Drama hosts the basics of your being, the ‘ground level’ of who you are. This involves all that influenced your life up until you were able to make individual decisions like thinking for yourself. This could mean anything, from the age of 2 to 102 as you would be surprised how many are still not able to apply their own thinking at a ripe old age, but I will leave it at that.
Thus, if you are in any way subjected to and hugely influenced by another when it comes to the way you think, act and be, there’s certainly a lot of work to do ‘down under’. Even if you don’t, issues within the first three Chakras remains a thorn for most.
The 12 Chakric System reminds you of your magic, as an alchemist. Yes, the higher centres are more inspirational by nature, but you have to clear the Thorns below before you can fully enjoy and appreciate the Roses above.
As you know there is very little ‘new’. These ASCH were fully active during lifetimes long gone by like in Atlantis, Lemuria etc. As part of your pointers, you are reminded that it is your choice to ‘awaken’ to the alchemy of your consciousness once again.
As with the energy of Aquarius, this brings about newness, excitement, a rebirth.
Don’t chew on your 12 aspects or sub-levels within the Base (that needs Acceptance) too long. When you overthink, things tend to become heavier.
It is very possible to have more than 12 issues to bring into balance within that Arena. Work through the most prominent and the rest will fall into place.
Affirmations is a wonderful way to release density. Enjoy your journaling for in that way you bring ‘change and choice’ into Acceptance. When stuck, visualise the spinning Ruby Cube in the Base dissolving the complications and density of issues you are working with. In this way you NURTURE your ACCEPANCE, the second and first keys respectively.
If you wish, make a copy of your journal to burn once your Red candle is burnt out. Have a funeral for your fears and frustrations. Dig the ashes into the earth or blow them to the skies! Let it lighten your load to celebrate with joy!
Remember an attitude of gratitude enhances your gifts of Acceptance. By being grateful, you Accept. Lightworkers often has trouble receiving, thus Accepting their worth.
Melchizedek and Diana held the higher imprints of your divine self during this activation. The further activation of ASCH 1-12 will follow next.
I AM Kuthumi, and I greet and bless thee in love. Adonai.
Greetings Beloveds, I etherically assisted you this day. This is an alchemical process for you to follow through which will allow you to express freely whilst tapping into your divine essence using sacred geometry and the mystery school teachings. I urge you to allow yourself to powerfully tap into and embrace the gifts that this science gives unto you. Know that that which may seem like just a mere visualization, is in fact a very powerful alchemical tool! Use it wisely by Accepting it. I AM Melchizedek. Adonai.
Please Note – Due to the length and intensity of these sessions the full activation of ASCH 1-12 is here!
Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA
Article Submitted to via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!
Below is a link to Chanel's book.
Submitted to by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
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