- Details
- Written by AndEl

The Stone Of Orators
Chalcedony was very popular as a decorative stone in antiquity that was carved into motifs of the air and water gods and goddess and water sprites. Chalcedony was associated with weather and helped deal with disorders caused by it. In Tibet it symbolizes the purity of the Lotus flower and the internalization of the essential.
Energy: purity, concentration
Colours: almost white to light blue and greyish-blue, often banded with stripes; pink, red and copper coloured
Star Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Chakra: Throat
Tips For Chalcedony
Carry chalcedony to help you lose weight
Place chalcedony in your home to promote a balance between male and female energies for a calm ambience
Hold chalcedony to improve your telepathic link if you feel connected to another person (who should hold it too)
Put chalcedony under your pillow to release you gently from the trauma of past experiences
Hold chalcedony to relieve stress
Wear chalcedony to stop you from worrying excessively
Nurturing chalcedony promotes peace and understanding

Blue Chalcedony – The Effectivity Booster
Blue chalcedony is a creative stone that opens the mind to assimilate new ideas and acceptance of new situations. It stimulates the ability to learn; imparting mental flexibility and verbal aptitude. It encourages and enhances communication, particularly what would otherwise be emotionally charged communication. Blue chalcedony fosters mental and emotional stability and can encourage emotional honesty. Blue chalcedony is a stone with a gentle energy that feels "dreamy." It is a stone of calm and peace that reduces or negates hostility, anger, and irritation. Blue chalcedony is excellent for psychic work and skills of clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing. This is a good luck Stone for Cancer and protective stone for Sagittarius.
Pink Chalcedony – The Graceful Love Stone
Pink chalcedony is a stone that encourages kindness and brings out an innocent willingness to try new things. Pink chalcedony is receptive and promotes empathy and inner peace. This variety of chalcedony fortifies the heart, supports the immune system and assists the flow of lymphatic fluids. It eases breastfeeding problems; chalcedony is also called “milk stone” because it encourages the production of milk in young mothers and prevents breast infections.
Red Chalcedony
Red chalcedony bestows confidence, assisting in persistence to reach goals, and helping to manifest dreams in a positive way. It encourages discernment between when to stand up and fight and when to give in gracefully. As a healing stone, red chalcedony is used to stimulate circulation without raising blood pressure and encourages the clotting of blood.
Legend: The Greek orator Demosthenes (384 – 322 B.C.) is said to have placed a piece of chalcedony in his mouth when he stood on the shore of the Aegean to practice speaking clearly against the roar of the sea.
Notable members of the chalcedony family:
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