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The Stone of Mastering Change
Amethyst is primarily a stone of the mind; it helps to bring calmness and clarity where there is anxiety and confusion. It also integrates and balances all systems of the body, and is thus an important universal healing stone. Amethyst can be a useful stone for meditation and other spiritual exercises, as it calms both the mind and the emotions while keeping awareness sharp and focused.
Energy: self-controlled, calm, considerate
Colours: light to dark purple, dark purple-red, deep violet to pale lavender to almost clear
Uses: Amethyst assists spiritual development, divine connection, mental clarity, healing, balancing and controlling temperament, love, divination, wisdom, courage, psychic growth, dreaming, protection, and invulnerability. Curbs the urge to drink alcohol, helps to overcome addiction, and increases hormone production. Beneficial for the circulatory and nervous system, relaxation, astral travel, "doubling out", which is being in the physical world and the "other" world at the same time; seeing beyond illusions, and banishing nightmares.
Star Sign: Aquarius
Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Chakra: Crown

Tips for Amethyst
Wear amethyst to enhance your aura and boost your self-esteem
Place amethyst throughout your home to bring relaxation, health and happiness
Hold amethyst to your head to ease headaches and migraine
Keep amethyst near you to stop feeling homesick
Meditate while holding an amethyst crystal in each hand to enhance the flow of chi through your body
Place your other crystals on a bed of amethyst to re-invigorate them
Vibrant amethyst brings revitalizing spiritual connection

For In-Depth information on Amethyst:
Amethyst: A Stone for the Age of Aquarius
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