2032: Understanding the Spiritual World for Humanity's Futur…
When people complain that the political system is ineffective, or that the world is fast descending into a dystopia, the reason for that is that we have not yet established an objective view of the spiritual world. We do not yet understand the supernatural... Read more
The Evolution Of Humanity - The Atlantean And Aryan Root Rac…
Bashar's regular reference to the fact that the new generations of children on Earth are actually the beginning of a "new species", as well as his announcement that in the next few hundred years humanity will evolve into a 6th and then a 7th... Read more
The Evolution Of Humanity - The Seven Root Races Of Mankind …
With scientists discovering 223 "alien genes" in human DNA, the search for human genetic origins and root races as described by Edgar Cayce and Helena Blavatsky, depicting the evolution of humanity's collective consciousness, becomes extremely relevant as humanity stands on the brink of the... Read more
The Power Of Self-Appreciation In Times Of Great Challenge
For the last month, I had been diving into a journey of self-appreciation. I have been swept up in my own process of suffering, healing and personal evolution due to a health issue I have been dealing with. This is why I haven’t been sharing anything new for... Read more
3 Codes to Deepen the Journey of Spiritual Evolution
In this transmission, I am sharing three codes that we can use to help accelerate our spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution is when we consciously choose to embrace the pathway of ascension. Ascension is the increase in vibration that we stabilise within ourselves to be... Read more
All You Need To Know About Light Codes
Light Codes have become a bit of a buzz word in the spiritual community. The word is used to signify anything from refractions of rays of sunshine to advanced energetic upgrades from higher dimensional Beings of Light. Let me shed some light on the... Read more
The Sirians: How To Access The Realm Of The 5D Crystalline M…
In this transmission, I am sharing more codes from the Sirian Star Race about the evolution of consciousness and more specifically psychic advancement. After reading this post, you will have a deeper understanding of how to connect to the 5D crystalline frequency of the Earth. Read more
Who Are the Teachers of Light, Part 2
Below are my experiences and understandings of a few of the Teachers of Light who have participated in this project called Mastering Alchemy. The descriptions are meant to be simple introductions; the Teachers are much more than this. Your relationship with the Teachers will... Read more
The Difference Between The Newtonian Paradigm & The Quan…
The difference between the Newtonian Paradigm and the Quantum Paradigm is very relevant to what is happening right now in the collective. The Newtonian Paradigm is being dismantled in favour of the Quantum Paradigm as we ascend from 3D to 5D. Read more
Potential Utilization of our Free Will
Once we learn that we are the creators of the qualities of our lives, we also realize that we can improve our lives by intentionally being joyful and playful. Whatever mental and emotional level we are vibrating at creates a resonance for our ongoing... Read more
Energy Clearing Technique
Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost... Read more
Destructive Desire
There is no such thing as destructive desires, only impulses of freedom, happiness, expansion, peace seeking expression, but may appear destructive because they are manifesting through the lense of habitual thinking, a limited lense and past destructive imaginings. How desires for freedom, expansion, happiness, peace,... Read more
The Three Schools of Enlightenment
I’ve been seeking “truth” for my entire life. Over the years, I’ve found there are many ways to experience higher awareness and transcendent states of consciousness. Today we take a look at the three great Schools of Enlightenment. I’ve given you some of this over... Read more
Galactic Beings, Galactic Citizens
Humanity is evolving into a brand new experience – a New Reality that demands us to become Galactic Beings and Galactic Citizens of the entire Cosmos. Whatever worked and/or served us individually in the 3rd Dimensional world will no longer work, or serve. Our focus... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Seventeen - THE FLYING SAUCER CONNECTI…
Many of those who are unfamiliar with predictions of Earth Changes will nonetheless be aware of much reported UFO, or 'flying saucer' activity around Earth. Indeed, even though the Government continues to deny their existence, UFOs, as reported by opinion surveys, are now accepted... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Fifteen - THE HIGHER PLAN
The Planetary Being known as Gaia/Mother Earth, having reached a certain point of major change in her development, now awaits her initiation to the Fifth Dimensional Plane, held back only by the slowness of her surface Humanity to raise its own vibration rates and... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Fourteen - CLEANSING PLANET EARTH
Just as many of us may prefer to view our planet as timelessly stable and unchanging, closing our minds to past and possible future disruptions, many also have a parallel view of Planet Earth as an inanimate object which we may exploit and abuse... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Thirteen - PROPHETS OF OUR TIME
In March 1994, NBC television network broadcast a program entitled "Ancient Prophecies", covering both ancient and contemporary predictions of Earth Changes. It was seen by millions of American and Canadian viewers and prompted over 24,000 enquiries. A major feature was the prediction by Gordon-Michael Scallion of... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Twelve - A HISTORY OF UPHEAVAL
We tend quite naturally to regard 'our Earth' as a stable and unchanging home, a 'sure stronghold' which could never be substantially disrupted. Our confidence may from time to time be shaken by major earthquakes and typhoons, but these soon pass over, and we... Read more
Degrees Of Consciousness
All Humans are existing at various degrees of being. Each of the almost 8 billion different Human Consciousnesses is oscillating at different rates of frequencies and fluctuates those rates faster and slower depending on how they perceive what is occurring in their experience. To... Read more
Your Mission - Your Reason For Being On This Plane
"Before you were born, you were a being of light who wanted to come to this Earth in order to live on it and, through your experience, evolve spiritually. In this place that we call Heaven or Paradise, there are different levels of spiritual... Read more
You Are Ascending
There is a great unraveling, dismantling of all illusion right now presenting itself ruthlessly that has been promoted by unparalleled inpouring of galactic plasma diamantine energy. It is like a pulling away of the rug beneath your feet energetically, there is a whole new... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Eleven - ANCIENT PROPHECIES
The Christian Bible gives many predictions which tell clearly and graphically of the "Final Day of Judgment", the "Second Coming of The Christ" and the "Golden Age of a Thousand Years of Peace" to follow. The 'Day of Judgment' is traditionally divided into several different... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Ten - CHANGE & CHALLENGE
Over the years there has been a growing number of communications and predictions via channeled messages through Spiritual/esoteric circles of a "Golden New Age" coming to Earth at the beginning of the 21st Century. They tell us that this New Age will usher in... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Nine - RETURNING TO UNITY
The central purpose unifying all of life's experiences is evolution and its inherent learning process. More specifically, at this particular time, Humanity on Earth has now reached the point of turning upwards on the Great Arc of Evolution, the point where we can begin to work towards... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Eight - BIRTH & GROWTH
Before each incarnation, careful preparations have to be made in close consultation with one's Spiritual Guides. Firstly, the choice is made of a suitable location on Earth in terms of the country and community, which will provide the right economic and social background conditions... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Seven - DEATH & REVIEW
Death is an integral part of evolution in our present Earthly phase. It is important that we develop an understanding of its function and significance so that when the time comes the process can take place smoothly, and indeed joyfully. Many accounts of ‘having died’... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Six - KARMA & REINCARNATION
Evolution involves learning through choice, and to this end we have been granted free choice by our Creator. Here on Earth, free choice is exercised, and its consequences learned, in the most extreme form and under the most difficult conditions. On higher levels of being it is possible to... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Five - THE LEARNING PLANETS
Many people living on Earth believe it erroneously to be a place of perfection. They complain when things are difficult or go wrong, often becoming angry, cursing Creation, even threatening suicide. But Earth is not a place of perfection; it is a planet of... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Four - OUR HIGHER-SELF & GUIDES
As already explained, we begin our long evolutionary journey as evolving ‘Sparks of Spirit’, created out of and as a part of our Creator's own Being, particles of His own Spirit and Thought Force. Each newly created Spark of Spirit near the Godhead in... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Three - VIBRATION & DENSITY
The illusion of separateness, which appears as an integral part of present human experience, arises from our Earthly pre-occupation with self, and the density of the Earth environment in which we live. Both these factors tend to close us off from one another and... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter Two - EVOLUTION
Creation itself is an expansion of our Creator's thought and self-awareness. Evolution of soul entities is another aspect of this expansion. Through the process of Evolution, individual souls, each a ‘Spark’ of the Creator's Consciousness, embark on a journey of exploration and growth, ultimately... Read more
Intuitive Analysis
Intuitive analysis is a deep level of information gathering that involves reading subtle energy fields that reach beyond the traditional 3d plane. This process requires clarity and the purity of ones heart and mind, as all information will be filtered through *your* emotional and... Read more
Book Of Life: Chapter One - CREATION
Creation in the sense of our present phase of evolution, that is to say, our ‘part’ of the Creative process, may be viewed in three stages, which might be termed mental, physical, and spiritual. The first stage is Thought, or Plan. The second involves... Read more
The Higher Octaves Of Consciousness
Deeper discussions about spirituality and even philosophy help to build healthy connections between people and form strong social foundations in society. Much more so than the stunted web of divisive political narratives that we seem to be corralled into and forced to identify with.... Read more
On Galactic History
It is common in the New Age to hear channelers give precise accounts of galactic history including various inter-dimensional races (ET races), various wars, previous planets. Massive galactic soap operas become spiritual information. Tales of various inter-dimensionals clash in unseen realms like a modern... Read more
Direct Your Attention
Physical reality is moldable like clay or like filling wax molds. Thought, by attention, fills the prototype thought-mold representing the physical form. The physical form manifests in personal ways by the inner unconscious activity and unconscious sensation creating an unconscious acceptance. Conditions change when we develop the... Read more
Indifferent and Impersonal
To let it go: give it up to the impersonal infinite creative power. To let it in: allow the impersonal infinite power of you, to work through you personally at the individual level. You are always bringing universal archetypal states to individual expression or manifestation through... Read more
Unity/Order Consciousness
Unity Consciousness is Restored Order from Inverted/Reversed Order in Consciousness and perception. Reversed Order is built on distorted false beliefs or half truths of external things holding power on their own. All beliefs in evil as a separate power of its own is a limitation &... Read more
The Coronavirus (Channeling) - The Michael Teachings
Q: Please share what you would like Michael students to know about the Coronavirus. A: A discussion about the coronavirus (which can cause COVID-19 illness) is, from our perspective, not so much a look at the biochemistry of this microscopic organism or the lethal implications of how... Read more
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Wolf Medicine
Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan ... Read more
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How to Use a Pendulum
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