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Ye Are Gods - Part 1

Ye Are Gods - Part 1

Truth Vs. Facts - What Are You Agreeing With?

Your AGREEMENT is one of your most powerful creative weapons and powers.

As a divine being made in God's image, you are creative and create your reality based on what YOU believe to be TRUE. Good or bad, what you choose to accept as true becomes a reality in your experience. Your agreement is your choice on what is true for you.

What are you agreeing with? My purpose is to help you realise that you're not a victim. This false idea that we are victims of powers outside ourselves, be it people or life circumstances is what keeps people stuck. If you can change what you believe and agree with, you can change your entire life.

I heard someone say something yesterday I really resonate with and often state in different ways. He said all "Truth is a fact, but not all facts are truth."

Now, how do we know what is true? Truth is GOD. Truth is LOVE. Anything that is in alignment with God's eternal and unchanging nature as righteous, good, just, holy, and loving is true. Anything that falls short of that may be a FACT but it is NOT TRUTH. Truth does not change. Facts change. God's nature cannot change. But facts of life can change. Your body, life situations, people, opinions, ideas, bank account, etc., can change and that means they are not truth. They are simply facts appearing now based on what you believe, but they are not eternal.

God's nature however, never changes. And once you come into an understanding of what God's nature is, then the rest becomes simple. You can evaluate everything against this and reject what isn't truth. Come only into agreement with God and your life becomes blessed and Abundant.

Apostle Paul says in Philippian’s 4:8, "whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, think (meditate) on these things."

The core of God's nature is LOVE. This means that God is not responsible for evil. God is not in the business of afflicting people with poverty, disease, and temptations. You have to resolve it within yourself that God is love and love is good.

Jesus said if we, being evil as humans, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more shall our heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask (believe) him? He said if God takes care of the birds and the grass and lilies, how much more shall be care for us if we have faith? And then he gave the key: seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. He meant seek to know God, his nature and how he works and submit to this and you'll be cared for. First things first.

It's not that God is not good or denies us good things, the problem is with us, we don't believe God, have little faith, worship ourselves, and agree with limitations and negative things as truth. We agree with negative reports, we accept sickness as God's will when it is not, we blame God for afflicting us, we pity ourselves, we curse ourselves by negative confessions and so we DENY OUR OWN GOOD.

Even people who claim to know God go around confessing how unworthy they are, how miserable they are, how broke they are, how pitiable they are, confess negativity and own it, wallow and love misery, and so by agreement, they doom themselves to what they have accepted as true.

God cannot force you to accept his love and goodness. He has given you FREELY all things. Jesus came to correct our perception about God and show us how good God is and show us and remind us of our true nature as children of God. He said "ye are gods", quoting David. This means we are made in the image of God to have dominion and create like God; create what is GOOD.

We have the nature of God within us, but if we do not agree with God and see ourselves as he sees us and come into union with him by giving our lives to him because he is our life, then we continue to live SEPARATION by our own choice, rebellion, and ignorance. To have the gifts, we must have the giver who is God.

Oneness and union with God through our own volition unites us with God and with his kingdom of perfection.

You must stop agreeing with falsehood, negativity and limitations and understand that your true nature is like God because he is your father and made you in his image. He is GOD, and you are gods. A Tree bears fruit like itself. God did not create beggars and victims. But we can choose to believe we are separate from God and live as such and by doing this we disconnect ourselves from God. Jesus explained this is the parable of the lost or prodigal son. Though loyalty, he lived like a beggar. He forgot who he was and left his father, but his father was always there waiting.

Agree with God. Speak like him, think like him, abide in him and do not agree with darkness. Change your confession by renewing your mind. Jesus said, "be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect". He knew this was possible if we stayed connected to God in loving submission just as he did.

Mwendwa Mbaabu is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Mindset Coach. Her passion is to help people awaken to their divine nature and oneness with God/Source, raise their consciousness, and learn how to be deliberate and conscious creators of their reality.Mwendwa Mbaabu is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Mindset Coach. Her passion is to help people awaken to their divine nature and oneness with God/Source, raise their consciousness, and learn how to be deliberate and conscious creators of their reality.
Mwendwa’s profound, yet simple teachings about how individuals create their reality through their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, have helped many find freedom from suffering, helplessness, and victimhood and regain their divine power and freedom. She is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and fulfilled lives.
Mwendwa’s teachings often bring to life the mystical and spiritual truths of the bible and Jesus to a modern generation, lifting the veil of religious dogma to reveal the universal truths of oneness.
Mwendwa’s first book, Reality Creation and Manifesting: A Collection of Essays on Manifesting and Deliberate Creation, was published in December 2020
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