Compte de Saint Germain
I AM Maha Chohan of the Great White Brotherhood.
My name is not important, my advice to mankind can make a difference.
The Count of Saint Germain (fl. 1710-1784) has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist and amateur composer, but is best known as a recurring figure in the stories of several strands of occultism – particularly those connected to Theosophy and the White Eagle Lodge, where he is also referred to as the Master Rakoczi or the Master R and as one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, is credited with near god-like powers and longevity. Some sources write that his name is not familial, but was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother." (source wiki)
Saint Germain: Embrace Detachment and Transcend Your Chains
Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! I carry in my hands the Violet Flame. And in this moment, I cover each of you with my flame. So that it can transmute you, cleanse you, break all the chains and ties that still... Read more
St Germain: Does the Outcome of Elections Impact Your Creati…
Channeled by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You may look up to me and my cohorts here in the twelfth dimension, but we all revere you and see you as the heroes, the masters, because of the enormity of the... Read more
Shocking Truths Revealed: Saint Germain on Consciousness
Beautiful Blessings, My Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain. In our Last Communication, we explored, our entangled existence with the Multiverse. Today I wish to dive Deep into the Understanding of Consciousness, and what it truly is... Read more
St. Germain: Harnessing the Power of the Lions Gate Energies
Channeled by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. All of us in the higher realms are excited for humanity to experience all of the energies that are coming in for you right now to assist you in becoming the versions of... Read more
Connection, Openness and Illusions Energy Shift - Saint Germ…
Greetings wonderful beings of light, I am Saint Germain. It is an honor to be in your presence and it is an honor to bring forth a greater understanding of the energies that are now beginning to anchor throughout the entire Universe of the... Read more
A Message to Light Bringers - From Saint Germain - October 1…
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelic legions, Star Families, Earth elements, Fae elders, and other beautiful beings known as the Collective: COR: Greetings, friends who are family! I’ve asked Ascended Master Saint Germain to come forward to speak with us about world... Read more
Saint Germain: Unveiling Hidden Powers, Global Shifts, and t…
Dear Brothers: A global change is coming that will be reflected in front of everyone, there is the deactivation of a hidden government with a lot of power and very advanced war technology, more than the facade expressed by America. Read more
Saint Germain: I Invoke You To Follow Your Ideals Against Al…
I AM Saint-Germain! Ladies and gentlemen, I have come to you again to pay my respects to those of you who are tirelessly working on self-perfection and doing everything possible to let the energies of the New Age penetrate into your world! Read more
A Message to Light Bringers - From Saint Germain - March 30,…
This week’s channeled guidance is from Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain. Greetings, friends! I am Saint Germain, and I speak to you both from my place upon the Earth in physical form, and from my vibrational resonance with the higher realms. And from my connection... Read more
Hilarion - The Transformation of Your Bodies
Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM HILARION! Being with you once again is always a reason for great joy for me and for any of us. I hope you are very attentive to everything that happens in your bodies, the imbalances, the symptoms that are often... Read more
Accessing Your Inner Silence - Saint Germain
I am Saint Germain and come forth with love, truth transformation, and spiritual magic to serve you at this time, I wish to promote within your daily reality, a moment of silence in order to allow yourself to breathe in time with the Universe... Read more
Saint Germain: The Will Of The German People
Germany will not only change its policy towards Russia, but will itself be changed at its roots. The German people will experience an unimaginable healing and transformation. From today's perspective, this is hardly imaginable. However, it is on the way and nothing can stop... Read more
Saint Germain - Challenge to Keep Focus
Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! I will begin this conversation of ours by saying to each one, do not fear. The illuminated and flowery path is accessible to all. In your world, imagine any city, to reach it there are innumerable paths, some easier,... Read more
A Message to Lightworkers From Saint Germain - August 26, 20…
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth elements, Fae elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective. Today our writer has asked to speak with Ascended Master Saint Germain, and so we call him forth: COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings,... Read more
Taking Action And How - Master Saint Germain
SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell) I am Saint Germain. I come at this time as things continue to move along. And as you continue to understand that everything is indeed the bigger picture, more and more of you, more and more of the collective... Read more
Saint Germain - Meditation and Journey of Forgiveness - Sixt…
Dear brothers and sisters of Planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! My heart is in celebration. We're ending one more round of the Journey of Forgiveness. We don't feel the time; we've just started and will finish in a few moments. But for you, I... Read more
Saint Germain - Meditation and Journey of Forgiveness - Fift…
Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! It's with immeasurable joy that I'll finish this round of the Journey of Forgiveness. Today will be a critical moment, and you need to have your hearts open and confident that everything will... Read more
Saint Germain - Meditation and Journey of Forgiveness - Thir…
Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! It's with joy in my heart that I finish this third round of the Journey of Forgiveness. All we could do for your souls and those who were connected to you somehow, through... Read more
Saint Germain: Meditation and Journey of Forgiveness - Secon…
Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! My heart explodes in joy. We will finish one more round. The feeling is that there's still a long way to go. But as you can see, the path also goes fast. Your... Read more
Saint Germain - Journey of Forgiveness and Meditation
Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! With much gratitude, I end the first round of this Walk of Forgiveness. I won't say anything about the continuity of this walk that will be commented on in the coming days. Read more
Saint Germain: Give The Children Your Love!
Your children are not little adults, but they are wise souls who grow through your love and will one day let go of your hand. Freedom and love Give your children all your love! Respect their decisions and support them in the realization of their goals! Your... Read more
Saint Germain: 6 p.m. Light - Peace & Freedom Flame
Create a common energy field of light through a common ritual performed worldwide every day at 6 p.m. local time. Freedom for yourselves and peace for all humanity! This is to symbolize and manifest this light. The Daily Sea Of Lights Of The People GOD and... Read more
Saint Germain: Give Your Love To The Children
Your children are not little adults, but they are wise souls who grow through your love and one day let go of your hands. Freedom and love Give all your love to your children! Respect their decisions and support them in the implementation of their goals! Your... Read more
A Message to Lightworkers From Saint Germain - April 8, 2022
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today. We are aware that much on Earth... Read more
Saint Germain - Fill Your Hearts with Love
Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! What brings me here today is just a little message. You started a 21 day walk yesterday. It is an extremely potent walk, extremely preparatory for each of you. Believe me, it is a great... Read more
St Germain and One Who Serves - Hold On To The Dream
Saint Germain (Channeled By James Mcconnell) I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time as many things across the planet are beginning to gain steam, beginning to become more and more a part of the new higher expression within all of you, as... Read more
Saint Germain: There Will Be No 3rd World War!
There will be no 3rd World War. Even if humanity has been on the brink of such a confrontation for years, this scenario will not exist. Foreword by Jahn J Kassl Due to the current situation, in which many Western politicians and media – out of... Read more
Saint Germain - Transforming The Illusions to Higher Vibrati…
I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation. For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation. Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I... Read more
The Alchemy Of The Violet Flame Of St. Germain
A Message From St Germain Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth. It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor... Read more
Saint Germain - Pay Attention to What You Are Propagating
Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM SAINT GERMAIN! At this moment my heart is filled with joy and with much glory. The process is moving quickly, transformations are being made. What I realize is that within your world, there will always be the opposite, there will... Read more
A Message to Lightworkers From Saint Germain - February 4, 2…
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. Today, our writer wishes to speak with... Read more
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