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Saint Germain - You Are Able to Evolve

Saint Germain - You Are Able to Evolve

Dear brothers of planet Earth, I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

To be here once again is to bring you all the energy of the Violet Ray, to transmute everything that is not compatible with the Light, into Love and Light.

My brothers, open your hearts, raise your vibrations, do not let fear be a friend in your path at any time. Your world is in constant transformation, Gaia is in transformation, you are in transformation. And each and every one of the transformations or changes require large doses of energy, require large doses of change.

The walk of each soul, at this time on the planet, was agreed and fixed before you were here. The transformations, whether they are from the planet, whether they are external, whatever, will give many souls the opportunity to go out, to be treated, to be trained for the Fifth Dimension. It takes courage, it takes a lot of faith, it takes a lot of determination to experience what you are going to experience.

Entering the Fifth Dimension in this physical body, with this mind that you have, is not an easy process, it requires many changes, changes in every way. Not only in themselves, but in the world around you. Many things will have to cease to exist, many things will be transformed, and all these changes are not light, they are not easy, they are not something that will go unnoticed.

But everything I'm saying is not to arouse fear, it's just to alert you to how you should vibrate in each step of this path. Always vibrate with an open heart, a pure heart, being aware of every step you take and every decision you make. At this time there is no room for frivolous and useless decisions; It is time for transformation, learning and adaptation.

Indeed, many things will be transformed, but they will undoubtedly bring something more evolved. Nothing will get worse, but you have to be open to living the new times, these new changes. Rebellion, pain and suffering cannot be part of this process. Think of everything as a ladder, but a ladder with steps that are high, very high, and extremely wide, enormous. At each level of this ladder, you will have to leave many things behind and learn others. And if this whole process of leaving behind and learning is successful, you will have the conditions to move to the next step and thus be able to climb, little by little.

The walk to the Fifth Dimension is not something quick and easy to experience. It will require a lot of power of courage, power of acceptance, power of letting go, everything will be gradual, nothing will be done abruptly or severely. This grand staircase will be available to everyone and you can go up it, you can stay where you want, or you can go down and continue to live within this world of illusion that you live in today.

At this point the choices will be essential, you will have to make many decisions: move forward, stay in your place or throw everything overboard. Nothing will be imposed, nothing will be mandatory, you will live what your conscience determines and I can assure you that many times it will be contrary to the soul.

But at this moment, the soul is represented by the conscience and it is the conscience that commands. Many souls will cry, many souls will despair because consciousnesses will not want to evolve but will understand that they have not been able to change their own consciousness to which they are attached.

Yes, the future will be very interesting, you will learn many new things, you will have help for many things. But for all this to happen, humanity as a whole must choose to live it. No, no one will be harmed by humanity's wrong decisions. Those who have to evolve will continue to climb the ladder, they will have their own tests for their evolution, no one will be stuck to anyone. But the more humanity as a whole evolves, the more people will want to continue climbing the ladder.

Then it will only be elections. So, at this moment, what each of you needs is to believe that you are capable of climbing that long ladder, that you are capable of reaching the Fifth Dimension, that you are capable of overcoming anything. And this, rest assured, will give you the necessary strength to be able to follow this path.

You are not alone; you have us all at any time. You have your galactic brothers who can also help you at any time. No one is alone, you will have help, as long as your heart is full of Light and Love, you will have all the necessary help to climb this ladder, you just have to believe it.

Get up and repeat to yourself: I AM ABLE TO EVOLVE. This is a phrase that you must repeat all the time so that your consciousness believes in it and vibrates within this phrase. And I assure you that it will bring much more Light to your path.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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