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Master St. Germain: We Are On The Verge Of The Separation Of Worlds!

Master St. Germain: We Are On The Verge Of The Separation Of Worlds!

Interview with Master St. Germain

What has to happen, happens, and so the separation of the earths occurs. In the midst of this turbulent phase, the dark Ones are creating as much chaos as possible.

Wherever they can, they intimidate people and they stir up fears to keep people's vibration low. Chemically applied substances in the ether and electromagnetic manipulations complete the arsenal of weapons of the dark Ones. From now on, all this can no longer harm you, you, who have chosen the light timeline and placed yourself completely in the hands of GOD.

Into freedom

Serenity, devotion and unconditional trust in God – these are the human qualities that matter now.

Dear ones,

as the noose of an undesirable future seems to tighten around you, the New Earth is emerging. The new humanity is being born in these days and you are evolving from lack of freedom into freedom.

That is why you are given trials, that is why you are faced with challenges that must be overcome in order to finally build the Garden of Eden on earth.

Today I announce to you that those people who have connected themselves with God and who walk in the footsteps of their soul plan on earth can no longer be affected by the massive electromagnetic interference fields.

Protection is absolute!

Also exempt from the chemical substances that are applied to pollute human consciousness are those people who have joined with God.

Your protection is absolute! GOD Himself guards and preserves HIS children from the evil will of non-human entities. In this dark hour of humanity, divine help is given to you!

Because in every conceivable way, man is to be pushed back into the cage, into the cage in which he has been held for thousands of years and deprived of his freedom. You have shed this captivity of your mind and body in recent years through intense consciousness work, and so today you are receiving a new level of divine protection:

  • While humanity cares, you remain stable.
  • As new fears sprout, you are the rock in the surf.
  • While many people see only evil and are still impervious to miracles, the torch of light blazes in your heart.

You are the way, the truth and the life! Never before have you been more aware of this than now, when humanity has taken the last step before the separation of the worlds.

Time holes and space curvatures

And the worlds will separate – into the light-filled and the low-light timeline. It is already happening that inexplicable phenomena – such as time holes or curvature of space – show up in the middle of your everyday life.

You lose time or you lose spatial memory. Sometimes it seems as if you are losing your bearings on this planet. These are not signs of your forgetfulness, but the signs that something serious is changing – and it is changing more and more with each passing day.

What has to happen, happens, and so the separation of the earths occurs.

In the midst of this turbulent phase, the dark Ones are creating as much chaos as possible. Wherever they can, they intimidate people and they stir up fears to keep people's vibration low.

Chemically applied substances in the ether and electromagnetic manipulations complete the arsenal of weapons of the dark Ones. From now on, all this can no longer harm you, you, who have chosen the light timeline and placed yourself completely in the hands of GOD.

What gives you certainty?

  • You have certainty when you have taken yourself out of the game.
  • You have certainty when you do constant consciousness and transformation work.
  • You have certainty when the majority of your thoughts revolve around the well-being of humanity and are not dedicated to your own survival.

No one who plans his future in the old system can participate in the New Earth. As long as over 50 percent of a person's energies are bound in the old system, he remains in the cage of the Matrix and the captivity of his consciousness continues.

That is why I call on all people who are still hesitant to decide now to choose the new energy now at all levels of everyday life. This means getting out of the old ways of acting, from the old concepts of survival and economic programming.

No one reaches the level of freedom and sovereignty with a "full backpack of the old earth". The New Earth can only be conquered by people who travel light.


Loved one!

  • Instead of waiting for others to bring about the change for you, take your new life into your own hands.
  • Instead of waiting for the wind to turn, act now and show yourself worthy.
  • Instead of letting yourself be absorbed and sucked out by the old system, act freely and self-determinedly.

An unfree person can be recognized by the fact that in the old system he moves like a fish in water and believes that he is free. In truth, he only plays along and since his game is accepted appreciatively by the other players – which creates a certain amount of leeway – the illusion of freedom is created.

Only when you take steps to fully emancipate yourself from this matrix does your spiritual path begin. Only then do you start creating your new timeline.

Only then does freedom smile at you and your life takes on a completely different quality and becomes meaningful.

Well, dear person, dedicate yourself to your inner processes – today as well as on the first day!

Your transformation into the light being that you are is the foundation upon which everything that makes up the New Earth is built.

Be assured: GOD is always with you. He guards your days and He watches over your bedside so that you can ascend to angelic heights in your sleep.

I am with you, today and always.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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