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Saint Germain: Transitioning from the Old Earth to the New Earth

Saint Germain, crystal wind, ascended master

My Dear Ones,

I am Saint Germain, and I am here today to talk to you about a complete split between the Old Earth and the New Earth.

This low vibrational reality of the Matrix together with Evil are going to collapse any moment now. Everything, what was hidden for years, is getting flash out to the surface. All of the Dark plans are failing despite of the appearances. Evil’s minions are losing their physical bodies, and their souls are being send into the Universal Consciousness without a right to reincarnate ever again as the punishment for their dark deeds.

The Ascended Masters including me have been working on the removal of the stagnant and negative energies surrounding your whole planet. Right now, humankind are split into two groups. One part of the population still follows the Matrix, and the second one is ready to leave the low vibrations into New Earth.

Your reality is a violation of all the Universal Laws, and it needs to be dissipated. When you move into 5D, you are going to be pleasantly surprised, how easy and wonderful the existence can be without any worries or obstacles. I promise you no money will be involved on the New Earth. As I mentioned before money on Gaia are representation of misery and poverty for millions of humans.

This is why the Light Beings agree that money should never be invented or used ever by any civilization. Everything that brought suffering on Earth, it will vanish. Let me enlighten all of you on the subject of Solar Flashes. They are just protective energies, which burst from the planet that you call Universal Sun.

These Solar Flashes protect the beings from invaders. By the time these energies arrive to the Milky Galaxy, they already lost their powers, so they won’t knock out the internet or any power on your planet. It‘s not a big deal, when a Solar Flash happens. Solar Flash energies occur all of the time. Please understand this is just another incorrect interpretation about the subject by humans.

Solar Flash energies are extremely dangerous near the Universal Sun that it can burn any ship on the spot, but by the time these energies arrive to Earth , they are completely harmless. The civilization, who lives there, yes, there are beings living on the Universal Sun, because it’s a planet. This Galactic civilization will introduce themselves in the near future and will tell you more about. The Universal Sun planet.

Please, accept my Supreme Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Follow the Truth

Saint Germain

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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