A Message to Lightworkers From Saint Germain - April 8, 2022
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- Written by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today.
We are aware that much on Earth appears to be either at a “wobble,” in utter chaos, or somewhere in between.
And we are aware that many of you are fighting if not outright panic, feelings of real uncertainty. There are moments when you wonder if you and all of humanity have been abandoned.
And though you pray for the Light to illuminate all you are not yet seeing; you wonder at times if even that would be of assistance.
And so our writer speaks again today with Ascended Master Saint Germain, on this very subject, of dealing with the uncertainty of life at the moment . . .
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! Thank you for speaking with us today. SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, all!
We are, as always, honored to assist.
COR: So many are wondering whether NESARA is just a pipe dream at this point. Or they might fully accept that it is real, yet feel that too much is in the way of its full enactment, so that we are held in limbo, knowing our freedom and sovereignty are at hand, yet not quite here. Many feel that much suffering will occur—more than has already occurred—before that moment can arrive.
So my question today would be: Could you enlighten us on that point? And what can we do to speed the enactment, as more dense actions from the old powers-that-were loom on the horizon?
SAINT GERMAIN: We are of course happy to speak on these matters, as it is not a positive for any of you to live in the air of supposition, and perhaps come to the inaccurate conclusion that things are “stuck” in some way—that NESARA cannot come forward, or will be greatly delayed, or only partially enacted. None of this is true.
Despite appearances, and much dark programming and dense energy being transmitted against humanity, great progress is being made, and will continue to be made, until that moment when the announcement is made on every available screen that NESARA is here.
We will say, that what you have intuited—that there is tremendous opposition to that moment—is correct.
Yet that does not equal defeat in this matter. Humanity has already chosen en masse to experience its sovereignty, and to experience that moment when Earth rejoins the Galactic and Intergalactic Confederations.
It is not so that apparent delays, or a timeline that unfolds in ways that differ from human preference, equal defeat.
You live now in a kind of void—a moment of transition from one plane to the next—where it appears that perhaps, though not all is lost, much is lost. That can be very wearing, very trying.
This is the part of human Ascension into higher thought, higher experience, higher matter, that you had perhaps hoped to avoid. Yet you cannot. This moment is not in the way. It is the way.
COR: Yes, I had a feeling you would say that! I was listening to one of Jennifer Ruth Russell’s Morning Light Meditations today, and because so much of the world is shifting so quickly now, and in ways that feel rather perilous at times, I was drawn to the one titled “The Gift of Uncertainty.”
In that, Jennifer shares that it is one of your own teachings that tells us, “There are two doors humanity must walk through to reach Ascension: Doubt and Fear.”
What is hard for many of us who have left traditional religious dogma behind us, is that that kind of density feels like it should no longer exist!
We've gone into denial about all the healing that still remains on a mass level.
I could not count the number of people who have emailed me the last few years, and said, “Why are we in such a time of flux and uncertainty, and shock and trauma? Shouldn’t the move to 5D mean more Joy, more certainty—not less?” SAINT GERMAIN: Ah, an excellent point!
And to be sure, it does mean all of that.
Were you, any of you, to consider where you were even a year or two ago in terms of how you view Nature, music (including the sound healings), the colors in art, the shapes of clouds in the sky—you would find that you have been moving into new states of Appreciation and Joy, without even realizing it!
Yet you are distracted from realizing it, partly due to the pressures of the external world, and partly due to the need for healing your own hidden wounds, which have been rising to the surface.
The old dark invader energy, whose time is up, would prefer to keep you constantly distracted and caught up in the density of loss, sadness, fear—the possibility of being imprisoned or restricted into a sort of non-life for not doing as they say.
And so all of your old survival fears also come up—trauma experienced in this and other lives, on this and other planets and star systems.
Old buried memories of plague, war, natural disaster, sudden impoverishment, death, personal losses. The list goes on.
They are aware of exactly what buttons to push, one might say, in the human psyche—the subconscious—to engender not only uncertainty and stress, but in some, feelings of hopelessness, fear, and isolation.
You have seen their intentional use of media, false authority structures, religion, political and social labeling, and many other constructs to affect and control humanity.
And yet, still they cannot hold back the flow of Light codes pouring in, reminding and awakening you to your Creator god/goddess aspect.
Still they cannot stem the tide of Light that fills your being with the realization that miracles are afoot, whether you physically see them around you now or not.
And still they cannot stop you from choosing to live in a place of Thanks and Appreciation, even for these tenuous moments—as if you had chosen Earth’s current re-Birth and re-Creation crises yourself.
There is your power, dear ones! Grasp it with both hands!
COR: I greatly value that teaching, lord. I have endeavored to steep my own consciousness in that these last few years.
Yet let's look at your teaching about how we must go through the doors of Doubt and Fear—did humanity create that path? Many feel that what we are experiencing now is a sort of mistake—that the old powers-that-were are reacting with rage at the many high-level arrests being made. And at NESARA drawing closer, and Full Disclosure of the ET presence growing closer.
I have no doubt that they are incredibly desperate right now.
Yet it still feels like we should be claiming our full freedom on this planet and feeling jubilant about that—yet here we are, walking through Doubt and Fear, and feeling very weak at times! But you're saying, that's no coincidence?
SAINT GERMAIN: Naturally. There are no coincidences. You have all actively chosen this, as the purifying flame you walk through, so as to leave all vestiges of the third dimension behind you.
COR: To release the ego-mind? To release survival thinking? SAINT GERMAIN: To release that which is a great hindrance to the Ascension path.
Some of that has to do with the survival instinct of the lower mind, yes.
And the separateness human beings have lived in for centuries. You have been trained against unity thought and experience. Now you increasingly desire it.
That journey is a great part of it. Yet much of it also has to do with releasing those aspects of the third dimension that by now, you are so familiar with and comfortable with, that you actually prefer it to higher dimensional living.
COR: What in the world—! What aspects what those be?! SAINT GERMAIN: Life as you knew it. Having only to grow so much, to know and experience so much, and then you die after an incredibly short amount of time.
Even 100 years on the planet is not long at all. That is barely enough time to realize the basics!
The basics of why you are alive, who you are, what you have to contribute. You have noted that many Light Bringers awaken to their true purpose at a time called “relatively late” in life—middle age or later.
That is because that is to many cultures in the cosmos, what being a five-year-old is to you! You are just getting started at that age!
And you will note that many are using that exact phrase now, to describe their life after age 60.
COR: Yes, I’ve been saying that myself—"I'm just getting started." SAINT GERMAIN: Of course! Because you realize that life lies spread out before you, more than ever it has! It isn’t closing down at all. Yet humanity is well used to jumping into the water and soon after, jumping back out again.
Now, with Ascension, a far longer and more dedicated involvement is required of you.
Another area humans addict to, is the reincarnation cycle.
You are well used to coming into an Earth life, trying this or that interest, action, or fascination, then leaving after a mere 80 or 90 years (or far less), without having had sufficient time or resources to remember why in the world you came in to begin with.
And so you depart—and then you return, falling into many of the same pitfalls, often with the same persons you have known in other lives, and had determined you would learn to love and understand this time.
Yet generally, the soul’s preferences do not go according to plan. And so you return . . .
COR: How could we be addicted to that, lord? That whole cycle is quite frustrating! SAINT GERMAIN: Because it’s one mad adventure after another. Just as so many enjoy the Westerner films.
They recall Earth life experience as being like racing madly on a horse, living so fully in the moment, so recklessly and haphazardly, that the thrill of the physical, even with all its shocks and discomforts, becomes a sort of mad day out in the holodeck.
You desire more, always—more adventure, more knowledge of who you are, more depth of understanding, more inner growth, more Love expressed and experienced. And so you return, over and over, in different guises, wearing various costumes.
Though the color, shape, education, finances, location, ego-based preferences, soul-based preferences may vary—you are still you and must begin to grasp that you your own “savior” in life.
All of that excitement has beckoned you for so long! And so, most shrink back at the thought of releasing that.
Of dedicating themselves to this one life (or the next one—whenever they choose to Ascend).
The thought of Peaceful and Abundant life experience? Wonderful—fully welcome.
Giving up all aspects of third dimension—not quite yet no. For many. And so there is a sort of split occurring in human experience, where some will continue in third dimensional life, and some will move on to the next higher dimensional experience. Those decisions are being made now.
COR: Is that what’s holding things up? So, we haven’t reached critical mass for NESARA yet? Are we at least close to it?
SAINT GERMAIN: You have nearly done so, and yet—the hour remains unknown.
COR: And the Doubt and the Fear? SAINT GERMAIN: Walk through, dear ones!
Walk right through those doors you yourselves knew would be there, and in part helped to fashion.
Walk through and say, “I accept you, Uncertainty. I accept you, the Unknown. For this too, I came!”
Embrace all that confounds you, frustrates you, enrages you about Earth life now. And there is much to be bothered by. We comprehend this fully. Send it Love, all of it. Give it Thanks. In that moment, you hold the power, dear ones. Not some unseen force, or some dark group of former controllers conspiring behind closed doors.
That image strikes you as childish and amusing, quite soon now.
Yet bless them as well.
COR: Walk through the doors—accept all we are feeling now, then release it?
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course! How else? You wish to release the density of third dimensional life.
Of all the many lives you have lived at this level.
And so as with anything you wish to bless and release, come to a place of utter Love and compassion—for yourselves, for Earth—for the madness of Earthly incarnations, and the reckless unpredictability, roughness, strangeness of third dimensional life. Say to these, “Yes, I see you. Thank you for all you have given us. We bless you, Love you, and release you to your higher good.”
Then give Thanks! Whether or not you see the world suddenly shift all around you. Do not expect anything, other than that you have tended your own garden. Always, that must take precedence over whatever else you do in this life.
COR: Thank you, lord. Very helpful, though I feel like crying at all you have said! SAINT GERMAIN: This too is release. Allow. Accept. Let go. All is well, dear ones! We are, all of us, with you all, at all times.
COR: Namaste, Master Saint Germain! Thank you for your kindness today. SAINT GERMAIN: [Bowing deeply] We are honored to assist. Namaste! Your journey Home, nearly done.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
I channel messages from the Collective, a group of ascended fifth and sixth dimensional Lightworkers who serve under the Ashtar Command.
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