Saint Germain - Our Messages
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
Being able to have my voice again here in your world makes me very happy, being able to bring a little hope, a little balance, is important to all of you.
When we're here, putting our voice out, even if it's through another person, all of our energy goes into every word, every minute that you're listening. Listening to our messages is to receive the energy of each being that presents itself here. Now what to do with that energy? Everything will depend on how you listen to each message. Do you listen attentively, present in the moment, aware that you are receiving more than just those words? Do you simply listen, as if you were listening to someone talking without giving much thought? Or do you simply put it so that the words are said, but you don't even pay attention?
There are ways and ways to hear a message from a Being of Light. And that message loaded with our energy will act on each one's mind and body, depending on how much he gets involved with the same message. Many here listen out of curiosity, listen to find out what the news of the day will be, what the new proposal will be, many wonder what the new lie will be, what the new invention will be. Inside they are laughing, not caring what is said. Many may ask if for these, is there any kind of return on our part? No, we are not here forcing anyone to listen or understand us, we came here to give our message and it will be heard by whoever wants to hear it, in the way they want to hear it. Those who listen with their hearts, those who place themselves totally involved in the message, will receive the energy, will receive everything that we are bringing in at that moment.
Any other situation, nothing will happen, we will not punish and we will not return anything. It is everyone's choice and in this case the choice is not to get involved, not to listen, not to believe, to make fun of, to laugh, to shrug… There is no problem with that, it is that person's choice, nothing will happen to them. Many may say that she will be missing out, I can agree to a certain extent, she will be missing out on the opportunity to receive our energy. But if she has this behavior, she is not even ready to receive our energy. And perhaps our energy does it very badly; not bad in the physical sense, but in the energetic sense, because she is not ready, she has not opened her heart to receive what was here. So many of you don't know how to take advantage of the messages, don't know how to take advantage of this small moment in which we can have a voice on your planet.
We don't have many voices compared to the number of people living on your planet, we have very few voices. And in these very few, I will include those that are effectively our voices. Because many are not, many are jokes, inventions, or copies of the voices of others. So we don't have that many voices, but by the will of Father/Mother God, we have enough voices across the planet today and our voice reaches those who are willing to listen to us, those whose hearts resonate with everything we say. At no point in this journey did we try to force anyone into anything, that was never our intention. Our intention has always been to bring you the truth, to show you the way, to show you all the beliefs that have been imposed on you that are totally unrealistic. Show within the appropriate time the truths of each moment on your planet.
There are no exchanges, we are doing everything that God the Father/Mother allows and asks of us, each one of us. Each one of us has his assignments, has his role and we can say that all of us have been very busy lately. Because eliminating all the evil that has been planted on this planet is not an easy task. Clearing the evil physically is even easier, because a great charge of Light, of energy, manages to do that. But cleaning your minds, that's much more complicated, because we can't do anything, because you have free will, you have choices. The only thing that can reach the minds of every human being is the Light, the incoming Light, not our Light, the Light of the Central Sun. Because she is responsible for the evolution of this planet. Then it will affect every being under the surface of the planet, indisputably. So, she yes
We change the surroundings; we change the non-physical. Physical I quote are human beings. So we can act, yes, on animals, on plants, on the earth, in the air… We are doing this, many perceive the change, many do not want to believe it. We are everywhere, showing our Light, showing what we are capable of. But many insist on not believing it and there is no problem for us with that, we don't want an audience, we don't want applause, each one of us performs our mission, performs our function and we can assure you that our functions are up to date. We have achieved everything that was planned. Now, the human minds, as for them, we can do nothing, just wait at this moment for the action of the Light. Because this Light that is arriving is transforming humanity, because the Light is making the true side of each one reborn.
There are no more masks, there are no more lies, you will know each person as he really is, not with what he made you believe he was. No one is getting worse; no human being is leaning towards evil all of a sudden. That human being has always been evil, only he was masked, with a goodness cape to deceive everyone around him. So now he is assuming the true face that he has, because the Light is eliminating the masks, it is eliminating the layers, all this protection that was created around them, so that they look like very good people. Your world is not getting worse, people are not getting worse, people are truly being what they are. Those who are good will look more and more good and those who were supposed to be good, but deep down they weren't, will show their true face.
So, going back to the messages: We would like each of you, when listening to our messages, to listen with your heart. Take time, an exclusive moment for this, to understand each word, to understand each point, each comma, each exclamation. Because in this context we will be helping you to understand each word, each sentence and to understand the real context of the message we are passing on. Many times, we can't open up too much, but for those who listen to us with their hearts, they get the full message, they get exactly what we want to say, what we're hiding. No, we're not hiding anything, we're just sparing some, who still don't have the ability to hear certain things, are still scared, still a little afraid.
And those who are not yet ready hear exactly what we say, without being scared, without being afraid. It is my brothers, the process is not simple, it is not easy. Every day people will truly show themselves as they are. We can say that there is a pyramid of revelations, in which today we are at the base, which is the people, the population of the planet, people without important positions in your world, simple people. And little by little, after the Light reaches all these minds, it will start to rise. And then, known people will begin to be exposed, little by little, until the day you reach the top of the pyramid, who are the great leaders of your planet. Then on that day, after these revelations, your world will change, nothing will be like before. And those who have given so much to the Light, who have followed the path of the Light, who have chosen to be on the side of the Light, will see the Light, complete, complete, immense,
The others will have to learn to live with all this Light and will have the opportunity to let themselves be invaded by it or not, to remain in darkness. And little by little, these people will leave the planet. Until the day comes when the planet will ascend and those who vibrate Light will be with it, together on this journey. The others unfortunately will not, they will perish, they will go to other orbs, to continue their walks in the Third Dimension. That is what awaits you my brothers, for each one of you there is a choice, a single choice. Nobody can serve two masters; you will have to choose only one option: the Light or the dark. I believe that you who are here now, listening to my words with your heart, have already made your choice and I bow to it, I clap my hands for you.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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