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St Germain: Does the Outcome of Elections Impact Your Creative Process?

St Germain: Does the Outcome of Elections Impact Your Creative Process?
Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You may look up to me and my cohorts here in the twelfth dimension, but we all revere you and see you as the heroes, the masters, because of the enormity of the challenges that you face in your personal lives and in the world in which you dwell.

Of course, there are so many issues that you face individually and collectively. And now is the time for you all to benefit from the creations of yourselves as a collective of eight billion and the creations of all who have come before you and have spent time in physical bodies there on Earth.

You are the heroes. You are the masters, but you are not meant to do it all yourselves, and you don’t have to do anything from scratch. You get to benefit from those who have come before you and from every previous moment you have taken breath in this lifetime. The amount of positive creations out there in the ethers for you all to download and enjoy is enormous. That is one of the key tasks that we have here in the twelfth dimension as ascended masters. It is to insure that all that you have created is still being held for you in pristine condition, and it is also to show you the tricks, the steps needed to allow in more of your own creations.

You do not have to wait for permission, and you do not have to wait for favorable laws to be passed. You don’t have to wait for someone to get voted into office at a high level of government for you to receive more of those creations in your now, as an individual. And since you are a part of a collective there on Earth, you are also meant to be the catalysts who help humanity to receive. The collective consciousness of humanity by and large wants what you want as an individual – peace, freedom, the ability to be who you are, love, joy, abundance, clarity of thought, effective communication, and something to call home, a foundation, a sense of oneness, a sense of spirit.

Imagine what all of those desires put together create for all of humanity, and be one of the ones who now sees themselves as being capable and in fact called upon to bring those to fruition that will serve the totality of humanity. You of course also have your own personal desires, and they too can be fulfilled by you, and in so doing, you can inspire others and show others how to receive more of what they desire in their lives, and we all see that as being an important step in playing your roles as the leaders that you are for humankind.

Do not let anyone or anything thwart you in your ability to bring about that reality that you see clearly as the one that is best for you and best for humanity. Nothing and and no one can stand in between you and that, but you may have some beliefs to uncover and examine. You may want to clear some unfriendly-feeling emotions from inside of you. And then bring them to fruition – all of those desires, all of those creations, all of those manifestations that serve you and serve your fellow humans. Now is the time. It is not the time to despair or give all of your power away to anyone else, and we who exist in the higher realms are here to help all day, all night, whenever you call upon us. That is my promise to you.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Daniel has been a verbal channel since 2010. He has done dozens of live and online group events and private sessions with people all over the globe. The Creators, The Hathors, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ophelia the Faerie, and The Unicorn Collective are entities who have contracted to work with Daniel in guiding us through the exciting and turbulent times we are experiencing at this time of The Shift. 
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Scranton on CrystalWind.ca
Source Here

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