The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain - Part 2
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend my vibrations of truth, my vibrations of love and magic to you as I continue with our discussion today the Dream of Truth. In part 1, I invited you to be conscious of the vibration of truth within you, and around you, contemplating what your truth is. The feelings and thoughts you experience, your reality and your connection with the Creator, impact your experience of your truth. I spoke about your Dream of Truth within your being from your soul, your soul group, and the Creator. This was a dream of something manifesting for yourself or for the Earth, for reality or ascension. I invited you to ask yourself, to discover your Dream of Truth, in doing so realizing that there may be many dreams within your being. I invited your soul, your soul group, your guides, the Creator to energize, and amplify your Dream of Truth. I stated that your Dream of Truth was a guideline of what your soul wanted you or wants you to experience upon the Earth in this lifetime.
Rainbow of Truth
As we continue with this process maybe you have discovered one or more of your Dreams of Truth. Maybe your Dream of Truth feels impossible, brings up fear or maybe feel inspirational and enlightening to you. Whatever your Dream of Truth is I, Saint Germain, wish to invite you to connect with the Rainbow of Truth. The Rainbow of Truth is a spectrum of light, a spectrum of frequencies and vibrations born from the Creator. This spectrum of light is from the very core of the Creator, it is a multi-dimensional, multifaceted expression of truth. It is the truth of the Creator as expansive, as limitless as you can imagine and so much more. It is a vibration that holds everything, all that you can imagine that is the truth of the Creator, holding wisdom and understanding as well as enlightenment and insights, but also things to manifest and to be experienced.
I invite you to download into your being and to reconnect your being consciously with the Creator's Rainbow of Truth. You can simply allow yourself to sit quietly or peacefully breathing deeply, close your eyes if you wish, and to simply repeat in your mind:
‘I am an expression of the Truth of the Creator.
I am connected with the Rainbow Truth of the Creator.’
Allow yourself to repeat this, to experience it for as long as you wish, then change it.
‘I am the Rainbow Truth of the Creator and I express this now.
Imagine, sense, acknowledge rainbow light flowing over and through your being, entering every cell, every aspect of your being and radiating, pulsating from your being. Fill yourself with this rainbow light, fill the Earth, fill humanity, fill all beings, the sky, every part with the rainbow light. Then allow yourself to repeat:
‘In the presence of the Creator I am Truth.’
Allow yourself to connect deep within your being with the vibration of truth that is really pulsating, growing, and being empowered within your being.
Then remind yourself of your Dream of Truth. Does it still feel appropriate, does it still feel needed? If so, then ask the Rainbow of Truth to energise, to amplify, and to magnify your Dream of Truth, bringing it into manifestation. If it does not feel appropriate change it, connect deeper and invite yourself to discover something different.
The Rainbow of Truth is not the 12 Rays of Light or the 22 Rays of Light, it is a unique spectrum from the core of the Creator. Allow yourself to work intimately with the Rainbow of Truth.
I, Saint Germain, wish to speak about what makes you a being of Truth, it is something I wish you to contemplate and to experience in your reality.
What makes you a being of Truth?
If I, Saint Germain, was invited to answer this question, I would speak for many of your days about what makes you a being of truth. However, this is a question for you to explore and to understand because it is a way of releasing all boundaries, limitations, blockages, and baggage that is stopping you from being a beacon and expression of truth, living a reality of truth. When you truly contemplate what makes you a being of truth then you will let go of everything, becoming that being of Truth. It is so important to contemplate and view this question and your answers from so many different outlooks and perspectives because it allows you to discover yourself, how you see yourself, and how you are a being of truth.
What is a being? What is truth? How does this manifest? How will it appear to you when you live on the Earth as a being of truth? What will you do? What will you experience? How will you interact with others upon the Earth? How will you bring forth healing? How will you bring forth wisdom? What will you be? How will you be in the presence of the Creator, with the presence of the Creator as an embodiment and expression of the Creator? In many ways I have given you the answer just at the end of my questioning.
It is a journey for you to explore and understand, with your personal exploration, understanding, and interpretation you will create a freedom within you, a freedom of expression of your truth. This is essential on the Earth now not only because it is essential for you to live and be as a being of the Creator on the Earth. It is also essential for you to express the Creator to inspire within others the Creator, raising the vibration of the Earth. You will create so many different transformations, healing processes and things that maybe are in your wildest dreams, things that you wish will manifest and be your experience on the Earth. Not only for yourself, but for others as well.
When questioning what makes you a being of truth you may discover the question and answer alters and shifts as you explore it, creating new questions, thus you are walking an ascension pathway of exploring truth. You are connecting with the very essence of the Creator which is so important for your ascension and the world. Of course, it is immensely healing, and I do not give you the answers because it is your journey. I am here to support, guide and assist you in any way you wish. It is now time we create dreams, hopes, and desires upon the Earth for you and all to experience. It is imperative that all achieve this, to create a larger picture of the perfection of the Creator. We can recognize the perfection of the Creator as joy, love, and peace. Through this process you are creating with others a new world, a new Earth and a new process of ascension, development, and truth.
I, Saint Germain am present to support you with every step,
I thank you; I honour you,
I am Saint-Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love.
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