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Saint Germain: Is God The Center Of Your Life?

Saint Germain: Is God The Center Of Your Life?

The only secret to a successful life lies in an intimate connection and communication with the Source – with God. The closer you are to God, the further away are problems and difficulties.

Now everything comes to you

Loved ones, find your way, even if there is no way to be seen, continue through the labyrinth of time, even if it seems that you have lost your way. Be and remain intrepid light warriors who are a light to men and a support to the earth.


Everything comes to you now! What you have to do is trust yourself and the laws of God.

From unfortunate situations you will be shown a way out and with difficulties that this time raises, you will cope better and better. Now you get direct help from the Source – the primordial source of all being.

The Source intervenes where you are powerless, the Source protects you when you need protection, and it is the Source that shows you the way when the way is no longer visible to you.

Let yourself be guided inwardly, let yourself be moved inwardly in the right direction. With the source you can see the stop signs just as clearly as the hints to the FREE TRACK. Your life will be simple and beautiful.

The only secret to a successful life lies in an intimate connection and communication with the Source – with God. The closer you are to God, the further away are problems and difficulties.

You don't worry unnecessarily when you know that at a certain moment God takes over, and you don't dwell on fears when you're carried away by the certainty that God is protecting you.

The current external circumstances are an invitation to you to invigorate your inner connection with the Source, to activate it – and to try until a living communication is established.

Outside everything is wrong!

On the outside, everything seems wrong, turned to 180 degrees, so that there are no more landmarks for your psyche. On the outside, you can no longer find a foothold, as the reversal creates confusion and chaos.

In a world where good is evil and evil is good, it's hard to keep track. No one sees really well with their eyes.

It is your heart and it is your soul that must be used now if you want to make your way through the thicket of radiation, opinions and manipulations.

Only with the heart you see well! So it's time to rid your heart of everything that weighs on it.

The Violet Flame of Transformation

The Violet Flame of Transformation is my gift to you. Accept it, let the flame of transformation do its work and become whole, conscious, whole and perfect.

Activate the flame and summon me. No one who is ready for transformation in my heart has been waiting for me. A liberated and healed heart is the greatest protection, and it always gives you clarity. It is liberated when your connection to God is constant, alive and intimate – when everyday life no longer keeps you away from God but brings you closer and closer to Him.

If you perceive your Creator in your heart and love it like your dearest person, then you have grasped this message and your longing will surely guide you through this upside-down world.

God is the center of all life. Is God also the center of your life?

I love you infinitely. I am always with you.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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