Saint Germain: Do You See What Transpires?
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- Written by Chellea Wilder

Blessings, My dear Earth Family,
It has been some time since our last conversation. It is very good to connect with you, Ambassador, and to those who will be hearing and reading are Transmission.
While Disclosure is at the forefront of your current reality, it is imperative to recognize that much of what is being released into the public domain represents merely diluted versions of the truth. This is an attempt to pacify an awakening Collective that is yearning for answers and clarity regarding the deeper mysteries that have long been shrouded in secrecy.
It has become abundantly clear that genuine disclosure will not originate from the very Organizations that have been concealing this information for myriad reasons from the outset. This superficial approach will not suffice for those who are genuinely seeking authentic answers about the long-hidden agendas orchestrated by the Dark controllers. The efforts made by those who wish to conceal the truth and sweep it under the rug will not be tolerated by an increasingly aware populace. There exists a group of individuals in positions of power who are forcefully opposed to the release of real information, as doing so would implicate them in outrageous crimes against Humanity. They have possessed access to this vital information for a considerable amount of time, fully aware that it is destined to be unveiled to the Public. However, this unveiling remains stifled due to the actions of those who still wish to manipulate the narrative surrounding what the Human collective is led to believe constitutes truth.
This ongoing cover-up of truth represents a deliberate deception directed at the American populace, and indeed, toward Humanity as a whole. I implore you to understand this reality. The only truth that exists in your reality is the profound truth of the Light that resides within you. All of this nonsensical drama has continued to unfold in your reality as a means to keep you fixated on the illusion that has been meticulously crafted. Do you see what is transpiring? The more they manage to divert your attention toward false narratives or the Illusion, the more you inadvertently neglect the genuine truth that lies within you. I have reiterated this point numerous times: not everything is as it appears to be. Those who are intent on safeguarding the illusion will go to great lengths to maintain the prison they have constructed for you. This counterfeit system, often referred to as the Matrix, has exerted control over every aspect of your Lives, but it is now crumbling and disintegrating from your existence. It is, indeed, an illusion.
As you observe this transformation taking place, it is crucial to maintain the perspective of the observer, refraining from choosing sides in the complex game that is being played out before you. Imagine yourself as a reporter, equipped with discernment, critically analyzing the actions taken by those in positions of authority and control.
In your role as the Observer, you can perceive through the lenses of truth, enabling you to discern the sources of deception. Resist the temptation to become enmeshed in the elaborate game that is unfolding on your world stage. It is all an extravagant performance designed to obscure your vision of your true reality, your authentic connections with one another, and your Inner truth of God's Infinite Light within you. It is about cultivating the ability to see beyond the illusion, to pierce through the veil, and to embrace the profound truths that await your recognition.
I share with you now, the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you with its healing and Love, allow it to open your eyes to truth, and expand your awareness to new heights. Feel it lift you in knowing that you are Divine, and deserving of Truth.
May peace and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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