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Saint Germain: Embrace Detachment and Transcend Your Chains

Saint Germain: Embrace Detachment and Transcend Your Chains

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I carry in my hands the Violet Flame. And in this moment, I cover each of you with my flame. So that it can transmute you, cleanse you, break all the chains and ties that still bind you to many things.

Now is the time to fully embrace this attachment. Detachment from material goods, detachment from people, detachment from events. Letting go is not an easy time. Letting go is leaving it behind. It's making it just a memory. It is knowing that it will no longer exist.

Many of you wonder, “Why let go? Who guarantees we will lose? Why do we need to do these exercises that are so painful for us?” I can't give a single answer. Only, I can tell each one of you that letting go, little by little, step by step, slowly, without rushing, does not bring suffering. It can bring that little pain in your heart, that pain you feel for losing something, but it passes quickly. Because deep down, you don't believe you're going to lose anything.

Nothing is definitive. Nothing is exactly what is said. But this is an exercise, where the big question, “Why do I need this? What does this effectively bring to me, contributing to my evolution?” Ah, you will definitely find many things. And even those that help you in your evolution should only become a memory. Nothing more.

My brothers, every step of the way, every step taken towards the Light, is a sublime moment. It is a moment where intense thanks must be given, because the evolution of a soul is not easy and not simple. The opportunity is needed; it takes the right moment; correct learning is necessary. This doesn't happen every day. This does not happen, every time in the history of any planet.

Yes, there is the individual evolution of a soul, but when it is freed from the physical body. There, yes, she has the opportunity to learn a lot, however, when she returns to the planet reincarnating, everything is forgotten. So it's not a very valuable learning process. It's a constant learn, forget.

But what you will go through now is a unique moment in the universe. I can guarantee you that if there were televisions in the universe, and if there was a big broadcasting company, you would be a soap opera; and everyone would be following each chapter, with great curiosity to learn everything, what must be done to evolve. Yes, unfortunately there are no televisions in the universe that transmit facts from one planet to another.

But know that the entire universe knows that planet Earth is evolving; it is being reborn; is becoming a Fifth Dimensional planet. And everyone is very curious to know how the beings that live here will go through this process. What will each person's heart be like? What will each person's mind be like? This is the constant question.

So I ask you a question: What do you prefer: Doing the exercise of detachment, little by little, calmly, without much suffering; or lose everything at once? Some of you have had this experience recently; of losing everything, from one moment to the next. Ask these people what their feeling is?

Losing references, losing memories, losing everything; leave only the clothes on your back. Ask these people; What is this moment? I would tell you that these people are more than ready. Some consciences will fall now. Some will realize what they actually went through. Do you understand? Nothing is what it seems. Everything has a reason.

So, my brothers, you still have this chance, to let go little by little. Live with the minimum. Do each of you your part, towards Gaia. And rest assured, every small gesture is not useless, on the contrary, every small gesture towards the planet is felt in the heart of Gaia. And she is so grateful, so flattered, that she gives him gifts. even without you knowing. Because you made a gesture of respect, of love for her.

I understand, my brothers, that many of you prefer that the time comes; let it be all at once. But I assure you, it is not an easy feeling to experience or understand. And, above all, you need to be very careful not to turn the tide; not to jump to the other side of the line and vibrate only revolt and pain; losing everything I had already achieved.

I'm not saying here that you should go live in the middle of the street, without any type of comfort. No. Continue in your homes, living your lives. Just learn detachment and live with as little as possible. Learn to share with those who have nothing, or with those who have less than you. But I prefer that you share it with those who have nothing; it's fairer. Because whoever has little has something; but there are those who have nothing.

So, try to make things reach those who have nothing. Do your part. Start sharing. Start allowing any brother to have everything you have. Don't get attached to anything. Don't suffer for anything. Don't give your blood, as you say, to achieve anything. It's no longer the time.

The moment is to live, the moment. You have to be grateful for everything you have achieved. It is to be grateful to be living in this moment, where you will have the chance to go through the entire process. Ah, you will learn so much, mainly you will learn that everything you hold on to today has no value; nothing has the value you place.

What has value, effectively, is Love in the heart; it is the feeling towards the other; it is detachment, peace, that begins to reign in hearts. This one is priceless. Vibrating peace, vibrating Love, vibrating Light, is priceless. Nothing compares. Nothing replaces it. Nothing adds. It's just a serve. But do not serve him as a lackey, as an employee. No. It is to serve, to contribute, to increase, to share; all being equal. Everyone can feel the same things, the same pleasures. That is, detachment.

Don't take it literally. It's a feeling, it's a way of living, where you still have comfort, but if tomorrow you don't, that's okay too. Because they learned to value other things; to value what is in the heart. That is, detachment. It's taking away the value of each thing. It’s about removing dependence on each thing. It’s getting that phrase: “I can’t live without this!” out of your minds. Yes, you live. Each of you can live by just being you. Nothing being yours. Everything belongs to everyone. You can do it. But learning is necessary. Detachment is necessary.

And finally, there is another point as important as letting go of things: letting go of people. No one is anyone's property. So don't look at those around you as your property. Everyone has a mind and everyone can choose a path, different from the one you think is right.

So you will need to learn to respect each person's path, each person's decision, each person's way of seeing, each person's revolt. Don't think that everyone will walk the way you walked here. No. It will be a very difficult time for the majority of the planet. And you will have to watch everything, impassive, without taking any action, without lifting a finger, for anything. Helping, when your help is requested. Nothing more.

So, don't try to be a prophet. Don't want to be a pastor. Don't want to be the one who leads the masses. No. You will just be, you. The masses will be led by the Beings of Light. These will lead the masses. Leading each person to find the right path, if this is the case.

Do not interfere in the action of the Beings of Light. Much, you will know. Many truths you will know. And they won't be pretty truths. You think you know a lot, but I can tell you that you know nothing. You only see a dot, but the iceberg is much bigger.

So just stay intact, vibrant in Light and Love. And respect other people's decisions. Don't go into that..., that process of thinking that you can prevent that person from going down the wrong path. No, you won't stop anything. Because everyone will make their own choice. And you will see many leave. Yes, you will see, literally.

So, start letting go too. Because they will be dear friends; they will be beloved family members; some very close, others not so much; who will make the choice to leave. They won't have the courage you had to get here. So respect. And how to bear all this? Just understanding that those souls, one day, very soon, you will be able to be with them again. And kill the longing. Not from a physical body, but from the feeling, the connection experienced, the Love exchanged between you. Because nothing ends. The body ends, not the soul.

So respect each decision. Respect each path. And take care that your path is illuminated. And may you continue in the same direction you are walking today. No, I'm not being mean, nor intense; I'm being truthful. Start living like beings who have nothing. And at any moment they could lose everything and everyone around them..

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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