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Saint Germain: Adapting to the New

Saint Germain: Adapting to the New

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

My heart has been very happy, because I realize that many of you are following my words.

They are trying to see the beauty in everything. They are leaving aside what is not beautiful. Not that you start or have started living in the world of the Moon, it's just that you are not focusing on negative things anymore. You are learning to always look on the positive side.

And I tell each one of you that this path will lead you to a smoother life. calmer, more beautiful. I wouldn't say that all the problems will disappear, but when they arrive, you will have much more wisdom to look at them, and the solution will come much more easily. Yes, my brothers, everything is around, ready, beautiful to be seen and admired.

Don't crucify the human race. Don't put all humans on the same pedestal, the pedestal of evil, of violence. Look a few years ago. What was your life like? Many will answer that it was easier. So I will inform you that what you call easiest, I call most delayed.

Because some time ago communications were totally different. And as much as you don't like it, today you benefit from it. Many put the label: “I don’t like it”, because they don’t know it, they don’t want to know it; they don’t like to leave their comfort zone; They always want to remain in that backward and sad little world they lived in, just a few decades ago. And they are content with that.

They criticize the youngest. They say it's no good, but they indirectly benefit from everything that exists today. So I would say to these people, stop criticizing the news. You need to understand that not everything was done for evil. I can say that evolution, your technology today, was created by the Light. Only everything is corrupted and modified by evil, to fulfill their role. But the evolution of the human race was done by the Light, not by them.

So don't put all humans on the same level. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Come out of your cocoons. You don't need to be a doctor in every subject, but you need to appreciate change; You have to appreciate evolution. Because you are living based on it. You today have facilities that you didn't have a while ago. So it really is 100% bad?

Everything you call bad is the focus you put on it, what you look at, what you hear. Because you choose the bad side. Start looking for the positive things that evolution brings. Put it on a scale. Don’t be so stubborn, like angry children who stamp their feet and shout: “I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want, to learn something new.!”

The new is evolution. It's up to you to choose which side of the new you will live. It's up to you to set your own limits. It's up to you to learn what's new. Don't grumble or bother others because you simply decided you don't want to learn anything new. Because you think that others always have an obligation to help you. Because you don't want to learn; You've already decided that you don't want to learn and that's the end of it. So others need to have the patience and time to deal with you. Is this correct? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Think, think hard about this.

This is a moment of learning, of evolution, of Light. So, seek the Light. Seek the new, seek to evolve. Don't depend on anyone for anything. Stop! Get out of that box where everyone has to help you. No! You are the one who has to help yourself. You are the one who has to learn. You are the one who has to evolve. Don't let others carry you on their lap. Think about it.

What stance do you have regarding the evolution of the world? They are sitting in the old, complaining and grumbling that everything new is bad; But life, when it demands that you use something new, you go and bother someone to use it because you don't want to learn. Is that right? Is this how you want to go to a New World? Because it will be a New World.

And what are you going to do? Are you going to keep asking every second what to do for the other person? Or will you seek to learn? Will you try to adapt? Are you going to try to engage in this New World? Think about it. This is a very complex subject, but one that most of you still don't understand. The walk is lonely. There can be no dependence on others; in nothing. Understand this.

So, try to absorb the new. In what way? You will find it. Because when you want it, you always find a way.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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