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Saint Germain: 6 p.m. Light - Peace & Freedom Flame

Saint Germain: 6 p.m. Light - Peace & Freedom Flame

Create a common energy field of light through a common ritual performed worldwide every day at 6 p.m. local time. Freedom for yourselves and peace for all humanity! This is to symbolize and manifest this light.

The Daily Sea Of Lights Of The People


God is in the world and in the hearts of all people!

God rushes to your aid, is close to you, and breathes through you! YOU and GOD are ONE! Become aware of what spiritual powerhouse you are!

Here and now I remind you of your power. I lead you from the valley to the hill and from the shadow into the light!

By virtue of your love, the earth will be transformed and the power of your light will be born to the new humanity. What you are currently experiencing are the labor pains, is the pain of the miracle that awaits you after work.

A work that consists of connecting more and more deeply with God, giving yourself completely to HIS omnipresent guidance and entrusting yourself unconditionally to HIS work in your life.

Especially in difficult times, it is necessary to trust unconditionally in the power of all life, in the primordial source of being alone, in the mother of all mothers, in the father of all fathers, in the heart of all hearts, in the light in all lights, in love in all that is.

So come, beloved, move, because in the following we bring movement into the affairs that currently dominate life and that weigh heavily on the soul of some.

Not much longer and the time when everything becomes light, beautiful, sublime and luminous again can begin. You are still walking through a tunnel and the light at the end of this tunnel is still shining into the distance. However, this is a mistake, because with every act of light and with every thought of love, the NEW Earth is created and the NEW Man is born.

You are Spirit, from the beginning pure Spirit of God. You are pure life, unlimited and free.

Nothing and no one can limit the divinity within you. Become aware of whose child you are and what power you have.

Let us now move out of the tunnel and create a new reality on this earth at great speed.

For this it is necessary that you connect in spirit through the light.

Create an energy field of light!

Light candles or torches, create fire pits and connect. You are one in the desire for peace and one in the desire for freedom.

Create a common energy field of light through a common ritual performed worldwide every day at 6 p.m. local time.

Your intentions will manifest themselves in this way, for no power can escape the power of awakened people.

If you want your free will and desire for peace and freedom to be recognized, make yourself visible, become audible, and take action.

According to cosmic law, this signal must be respected by all heavenly and earthly powers. If you want freedom, then be it, do you want peace, then realize it, do you want self-determination, then live self-determined.

Freedom for yourself and peace for all humanity – this is what this light is supposed to symbolize and manifest for you.


Proceed as follows:

  1. Light a light every day at 6 p.m. local time, no matter where you are in the world.
  2. Ignite it with the words:

I am the light, I am the love, I am the life. For peace, freedom and forgiveness I light this light. God is my shield and the truth is my sword.

After that, you are welcome to add your own words. Let yourself be inspired by your soul...

No matter where you are, no matter who you are with, no matter what circumstances prevail: Always carry a candle – it can also be a simple tealight – with you and light it daily at 6 pm! If you can't keep the light on for an extended period of time because you're changing locations, then extinguish the flame until the opportunity arises again to light it.

The joint action at 6 pm!

You can put this light visibly in the window or let it burn not visible to second or third parties. Follow your inner promptings, because if you want to be part of this sea of lights, you will be in the right place every day at 6 pm.

Important is the joint action at 6 pm!

Let there be light and it is light and God is with you!

Remember that you are never alone. There are more and more people who want to live and experience peace, freedom and joy – this world, as it is now presented, is a discontinued model for more and more people.

With this action begins the true sea of lights on earth, because you are LIGHT, the neighbor is Light and every person who breathes in this world is pure Light and pure Love.

Memory returns and only a life in action will lead you to awakening.

Create this sea of lights together by reminding each other daily who you are, what you want, and how you can get help and protection.

You have the power. God is with you! You have the power, God is with you!

You are many and you are now becoming the SEA OF LIGHTS!
In infinite love MASTER ST. GERMAIN

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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