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Saint Germain Reveals the Power of the Great Sun Energy Event

Saint Germain Reveals the Power of the Great Sun Energy Event

The great solar and energy event, fed by the central sun, will make people pause and come to their senses.

In a moment that seems infinite, the individual human being will look into the mirror of himself and be asked to make a decision, asked by GOD, who knows his children well and calls his children back into the light. Not all people will follow this call, because for those who still want to experience the third dimensional density of being, even heaven is not a tempting offer. However, all people who complete their incarnation cycle, who complete their journey through time and space and who have exhausted their experiences on this level, will awaken at that one moment when time and space cease to exist!

The last days

Loved people,

You will be given new opportunities to live your life freely. Day after day you can choose between freedom or bondage, between love and fear.

As the wheel of time spins faster and faster, it becomes apparent that the last days have arrived on this plane of being, the last days of a humanity defined by separation and selfishness.

The sacred, the divine, the human has lost all meaning on this level - and so humanity is on a wrong path, a wrong path that is now becoming abundantly clear and leading to the socio-political upheavals to which it must lead.

Above all, the “First World”, which many always spoke of in their arrogance, is experiencing its collapse and downfall. Everything rotten dissolves and is replaced by healthy, nourishing and life-giving activities.

Soon you will no longer recognize the world, because the new level of being will take hold. Not only the “First World” will recover, but the entire world, the entire globe, the entire humanity will have the opportunity to recover and become conscious. A large number of people will also take advantage of this opportunity!

JJK: From today's perspective, that is completely unthinkable. What must or will happen for this to happen?

The Great Awakening

MASTER ST. GERMAN: The great solar and energy event, fed by the central sun, will make people pause and come to their senses. In a moment that seems infinite, the individual human being will look into the mirror of himself and be asked to make a decision, asked by GOD, who knows his children well and calls his children back into the light.

Not all people will follow this call, because for those who still want to experience the third dimensional density of being, even heaven is not a tempting offer.

However, all people who complete their incarnation cycle, who complete their journey through time and space and who have exhausted their experiences on this level, will awaken at that one moment when time and space cease to exist!

This leads to the separation of the worlds and removes some from this scene, while others fall back into oblivion. Ascension occurs after all people have seen their Self through divine grace. Based on this revelation, every person will decide which world corresponds to their soul plan and soul path.

This day of truth and final decision is near and every person is prepared for it in the best possible way by their spiritual helpers and spiritual masters - prepared by their consciousness becoming permeable to the divine light until blockages dissolve so that the view for what you you really are, becomes free.

Now the basis for this decision is laid, because when you look yourself in the eyes on day X, you have to be completely with yourself.

The ascension begins with the encounter with you.

With infinite love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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