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Master St. Germain: Master Your Everyday Life!

Master St. Germain: Master Your Everyday Life!

Interview with Master St. Germain

Today, your everyday life is the measure of all things and it is not the hours you spend on the meditation carpet.

Whether you act from the center in everyday life or whether you let yourself drift from one place to another like a leaf in the wind, that is crucial now - and for this inner support this gift is now presented to you.

My Gift

Claim the golden-violet flame of transformation! I am with you so that what is ready for transformation may be transformed into the light, what you would like to release into the light of your own free will, and to keep the perspective where it seemed vain so far.

This is my gift with which I have come to you today and which I present to you permanently.

Dear one,

the days on earth pass and events roll off the coil of life.

Everything is about to change fundamentally and change forever. The world as it was years ago no longer exists and the world as it will be in years is still distant and can only be seen with a fine eye. And in between? In between, life happens – your life – and it wants to be experienced, filled with meaning and lived with meaning.

Life awaits you. It awaits you in all your might, in all your strength, in all your fullness and in your humanity.

You were sent to this earth by GOD. Neither a coincidence has brought you here, nor has an ungracious fate set you on earth. With selected entities, with many from our strange family, you have entered this life. You have been chosen and have determined yourself for these adventures. To make your unique and one-of-a-kind contribution in this epoch, to promote the developments that are now coming, that's why you're here.

Your power

What is now triggered in terms of upheavals happens through your creative will, what now gains meaning gains meaning through your presence. Time gets its value – through your life and through your humanity. Past, present and future exist only with you and only through you!

It is a misconception to think that anything on this earth could exist without the consciousness of peace-loving, compassionate and heart-healed people. The earth rotates not only with you, but because of you. Be aware of your role on earth, what you radiate, and the influence you have on ALL THAT IS.

Now it happens that you are often discouraged, that sometimes you neither know what to do nor can you go on. Now it happens that on some days you lack life energy and lack meaningful coincidences.

Now it happens that you look at the world and miss the lightful changes or look for them in vain. You are different, but the world is looking at you as usual. How to deal with it?

What now?

What to do when everything is done and when the positive result of your efforts in the visible world does not and does not want to come – where to travel when you have arrived, where to go when you have found?

Dear one,

then it's time to sink deep and deeper into yourself. Then it's time to shift all your attention from the outside in, then it's time to use spiritual tools and invite spiritual forces in the middle of everyday life! Then it's time for YOU – just for YOU!

This is where I come in and I come to meet you as a well-trusted friend from eternity.

You and I are on a date – an appointment for this time and an appointment when you need me.

We have an appointment when the outside no longer gives answers and the inside consists only of questions. Then I am with you with the golden flame of love and healing and with the violet flame of wisdom and transformation.

Now it's time to engage with this flame in everyday life so that you can find answers and see solutions to unresolved issues. It is about you getting involved with the spiritual light of which I am the guardian at all times, because it is available to you at all times! This is the path and this path is mapped out with the golden-violet flame of transformation and in my presence – mapped out to maneuver the ship of life clearly, safely and safely through this troubled time.

So now I present you with this gift of mine: From now on you can dispose of the golden-violet flame of transformation at any time - anytime and anywhere!

Have the golden-violet flame at your disposal at all times!

You don't have to retreat or go into a silent meditation. At all times – in the midst of life, in the most impossible situations – I am at your side as a guardian of the living flame of transformation and with this divine flame.

Today, life challenges you completely. In the midst of the often turbulent everyday life, quick solutions are required of you. Sometimes you lose track and sometimes you feel cornered. Sometimes you just don't know what to do. So that you can quickly find your way out of these situations and get back into your power, I bring you this gift:

Invoke the golden-violet flame of love and healing, wisdom and transformation at any time and a light will dawn on you – this light will serve you anytime and ever.

It provides protection and illuminates the way to making the right decisions.



You can enrich this invocation with your own words, embellish it or keep it shorter, as it suits you inwardly and as the situation requires. The only important thing is that in difficult situations you remember that you remember that I am with you – and that it only takes a single thought, a single impulse from you to activate the golden-violet flame of transformation.

The time when clarifications and healings were only possible in your meditation room is over.

Discard, accept and grow!

Because the biggest transformation and upheavals are now taking place in the middle of your everyday life.

Problems demand a solution and questions demand answers. Don't tell yourself that you don't have any problems or always have answers to your questions! Look at it, perceive what is, reject or accept it – and grow from it!

Walk through the day with an alert consciousness and I will always walk by your side.

Today, your everyday life is the measure of all things and it is not the hours you spend on the meditation carpet. Whether you act from the center in everyday life or whether you let yourself drift from one place to another like a leaf in the wind, that is crucial now - and for this inner support this gift is now presented to you.

You are the master of your life, you are at the helm of your life, you create the circumstances for your life. Whenever the outer world threatens your inner state, when it whirls you up and you don't know what to do, remember my gift.

Call it up and call me to your side – into your life! No one can call me too often, because I know your heart and before your thoughts form and your lips move, I become active, to the extent that it is appropriate for the soul.

No one walks alone on Earth and it is time for you to remember the light, power and healings that can be accomplished by your brothers and sisters from the other side of the veil. Claim this basic spiritual endowment for a human life: the love and devotion of your families from being.

I am a part of these families, I am from this earth and not from this earth, I live among you and I live on other worlds. I am one of you as you are part of me. We are one cosmic family. The only difference is that I have knowledge of it – and that man searches for this gold in his memory all his life.

Masters of the present

We are in the decisive phase of change. Everything is brought to light. What held the world together so far no longer has any binding force and so disorientation can occur for a short time - you can lose your grip.

Even if you are inwardly well-centered and spiritually trained, every person has days when he reaches his limits, where hope and courage are lost.

That's what my gift is for, because now it's all about practical and immediate support in the middle of everyday life. Some situations require an immediate solution and immediately I am at your side – day and night. Call me with your words, bring me in with your heart. I act out of time, there is no waiting.

Loved one!

Remember your origins, fulfill your missions and complete yourself as a master of the present, because only then will you look forward to the future with joy.

The golden-violet flame now permeates each of your days and when you are between choices, I am in your midst.

In perfect love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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