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John Cali


In the early 1980s John took a spiritual development course, and was introduced to his first spirit guide, Lydia. After Lydia arrived, three other guides also came to him: Archangel Michael, Tamarra, and Chief Joseph. Today these are John’s four main guides.

Besides his four main ones, John has various other guides. The entire group is really a multidimensional collective consciousness. John refers to the entire group simply as “Spirit.”

You can read more about John here!


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John Cali

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Autism: A Message from Spirit

Autism: A Message from Spirit

Since many people are labeled with autism these days, we think readers might be curious about Spirit’s perspective on this subject... Read more

Bringing Light and Joy to the World: A Message from Spirit

Bringing Light and Joy to the World: A Message from Spirit

About Andre Rieu and the joy he brings to millions of people. Read more

Message From Spirit - The Spirit Cat Follow-up

Message From Spirit - The Spirit Cat Follow-up

In our last post we talked about our encounter with a so-called “spirit cat.” Read more

Message From Spirit - The Mysterious Spirit Cat

Message From Spirit - The Mysterious Spirit Cat

Berna and I took a few days off this past weekend in the northeastern part of The Netherlands. It’s a beautiful rural area, known ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Is Your Life Really Yours?

Message From Spirit - Is Your Life Really Yours?

Today we all live in challenging and often-tragic times. Read more

Message From Spirit - Insights on the End of Life

Message From Spirit - Insights on the End of Life

Over the years Spirit has talked about death many times. Read more

Message From Spirit - Intention

Message From Spirit - Intention

As you perhaps know, we sometimes have question-and-answer sessions with Spirit. Read more

Message From Spirit - Communication with Spirit

Message From Spirit - Communication with Spirit

Since more and more people are awakening, more people are consciously connecting with non-physical sources. Therefore, we thought ... Read more

Message From Spirit - All Is Well Revisited

Message From Spirit - All Is Well Revisited

One of Spirit’s favorite phrases is All is well. In today’s world, we need more reminders that all truly is well, despit... Read more

Message From Spirit - Judge Not, For You Never Know

Message From Spirit - Judge Not, For You Never Know

How often have we (ALL of us) judged another without knowing the pain they were feeling? Read more

Message From Spirit - Good People

Message From Spirit - Good People

In today’s cruel and crazy world, it’s tempting to believe humanity is lost. If you spend much time following the mainstream news ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Experimenting With Human Lives

Message From Spirit - Experimenting With Human Lives

According to Amnesty International, the United States is among the 8 countries who inflict the most death penalties. Read more

Message From Spirit - Alternate Realities

Message From Spirit - Alternate Realities

Recently, Berna and I were having one of our daily chats about spirituality. Read more

Message From Spirit - What Is The Value of A Human Life?

Message From Spirit - What Is The Value of A Human Life?

You may have seen the recent news about possibly hundreds of poor migrants dying in a tragic shipwreck on the Mediterranean Sea. O... Read more

Message From Spirit - How Many Different Worlds Are There?

Message From Spirit - How Many Different Worlds Are There?

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers….you are not here to create one world where everyone is the same….you... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Healing Power

Message From Spirit - Your Healing Power

Healing ourselves is a fascinating, and often contentious, subject. Can we heal ourselves, no matter how minor or serious the issu... Read more

Message From Spirit - Are You Afraid of Dying?

Message From Spirit - Are You Afraid of Dying?

Abraham/Esther Hicks once said The only reason people die is either because they have stopped making decisions about bei... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Mission

Message From Spirit - Your Mission

Jane Roberts’s spirit guide, Seth, once said “There is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of actualization, than the desir... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Right Attitude

Message From Spirit -  The Right Attitude

Last week, we heard a wonderful story about a 102-year-old woman who teaches fitness classes. You read that right—she is 102 year... Read more

Message From Spirit - Oneness Revisited

Message From Spirit -  Oneness Revisited

The legendary Nez Perce Chief Joseph was one of the greatest Native American leaders in the early days of the&... Read more

Message From Spirit - Chief Standing Bear

Message From Spirit - Chief Standing Bear

There was a time in the United States when, unbelievably, Native Americans (and other minorities) did not legally have t... Read more

Message From Spirit - Matters Of The Heart

Message From Spirit - Matters Of The Heart

One of my family has a reputation for being quick to anger. He explodes for the slightest, most insignificant, reason. Read more

Message From Spirit - When Bad Things Happen To Good People

Message From Spirit - When Bad Things Happen To Good People

Shortly after sunrise today, a phone call roused me out of my usual early-morning quiet time. When I answered, I recognized my cou... Read more

Message From Spirit - Evil Spirits

Message From Spirit - Evil Spirits

Berna and I grew up in the Roman Catholic religion. Back in those days, exorcism was defined by the Catholic C... Read more

Message From Spirit - Time and Aging

Message From Spirit - Time and Aging

Humans are endlessly fascinated by time—what it is, how it affects us, how we can use it best, and so on. Read more

Message From Spirit - The Way

Message From Spirit - The Way

Although I’m no longer Roman Catholic, I enjoy keeping up with religious news. I came across an interesting article on Catholic li... Read more

Spirit Message - The True Meaning of Easter

Spirit Message - The True Meaning of Easter

Easter is, obviously, a major religious celebration. It marks Jesus’s resurrection from death. But the true meaning of Easter goes... Read more

Message From Spirit - Women and Men

Message From Spirit - Women and Men

Jesus Christ never deviated from one standard—and that was that women are equal to men in every way. ~ US Preside... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Simple Things of Life

Message From Spirit - The Simple Things of Life

Two of my favorite writers are Henry David Thoreau and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Both preferred the simple life. Read more

Message From Spirit - How Do You Value Yourself?

Message From Spirit - How Do You Value Yourself?

If you know your true worth, you do not need anyone else to confirm it. ~ Alan Cohen, author of the best-selling&... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Happiness

Message From Spirit - Your Happiness

Is happiness an impossible dream? Many humans believe it is. But as Abraham Lincoln said, Most folks are as ha... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Best Medicine

Message From Spirit - The Best Medicine

…(laughter) induces a wide variety of benefits that range from stress reduction and improved breathing to providing an extra boo... Read more

Message From Spirit - The God Within

Message From Spirit - The God Within

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~ Ralph Waldo Emers... Read more

Message From Spirit - Presence

Message From Spirit - Presence

A few weeks ago, a friend, Cathy (not her real name), I’d known all my life died after a painful illness. She and one of her close... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Healing Power of Kindness

Message From Spirit - The Healing Power of Kindness

In today’s world, it often seems kindness is in short supply. But there are as many random acts of kindness as there are acts of c... Read more

Message From Spirit - Life, Death, and Beyond

Message From Spirit - Life, Death, and Beyond

Most humans believe that you come into these bodies and you live for a little while, and you get it right or you don’t, and then y... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Power of Words

Message From Spirit - The Power of Words

If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. ~ Betty Eadie ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Time

Message From Spirit - Time

What is time? I haven’t found many definitions that make much sense to me. One of the best (and funniest) definitions, in my opini... Read more

Message From Spirit - The One True Religion

Message From Spirit - The One True Religion

Some religions claim to be the “one true” religion. Is there any such thing? Read more

Message From Spirit - Merry Christmas

Message From Spirit - Merry Christmas

At the risk of being “politically incorrect,” I want to wish all of you a most Merry Christmas. You do not have to be Christian (I... Read more

Message From Spirit - Peace on Earth

Message From Spirit - Peace on Earth

We don’t often publish one of Spirit’s articles more than once. But, with the USA and Iraq teetering on the brink of war, we thoug... Read more

Message From Spirit - One Day Is Not Enough

Message From Spirit - One Day Is Not Enough

We’ve written about war truces before. But one particular truce stands out in our minds. It was during the brutal, blood... Read more

Message From Spirit - What Good Is Religion?

Message From Spirit - What Good Is Religion?

In my own life, going deep in the Christian religion of my birthhas enabled me to see the same Spirit and Love in other religion... Read more

Message From Spirit - The 10 Ways Gratitude Can Transform Yo…

Message From Spirit - The 10 Ways Gratitude Can Transform Your Life

Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can f... Read more

Message From Spirit - Dogs And Happiness

Message From Spirit - Dogs And Happiness

In Alan Cohen’s long list of great books is one of my all-time favorites, Are You As Happy As Your Dog? For most o... Read more

Message From Spirit - Graveyards Revisited

Message From Spirit - Graveyards Revisited

Three weeks ago, we did a post called Graveyards. It generated some interesting thoughts and comments, on and off our&nb... Read more

Message From Spirit - Do You Want To Be Immortal?

Message From Spirit - Do You Want To Be Immortal?

Celine Halioua is the young founder of a company called Loyal. Her life’s mission is to help dogs live longer lives. If ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Euthanasia Revisited

Message From Spirit - Euthanasia Revisited

We’ve talked about euthanasia a few times over the years. Since all physical life ends in death, euthanasia is... Read more

Message From Spirit - Graveyards

Message From Spirit - Graveyards

When my son was growing up, he and I loved to visit graveyards. Through the years, we visited many. They ranged from the Unit... Read more

Message From Spirit - Bilocation

Message From Spirit - Bilocation

A couple weeks ago, Berna and I visited some of her family. They have a 4-year-old son. The family had just returned from a vacati... Read more

Message From Spirit - It’s Not Your Fault

Message From Spirit - It’s Not Your Fault

Alan Cohen tells an interesting story about the Burning Man festival. It seems an unidentified man went around to v... Read more

Message From Spirit - Do What You Want To

Message From Spirit - Do What You Want To

Humans have been searching for happiness forever. Yet, for many, it seems an impossible dream. Read more

Message From Spirit - The Roman Catholic Church

Message From Spirit - The Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan recently said “…there is only one true religion, whic... Read more

Message From Spirit - God Is All That Is

Message From Spirit - God Is All That Is

Depending on your spiritual/religious beliefs (or lack of them), our title today could have radically different meanings for diffe... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

Message From Spirit - The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

Our title today is an 1839 quotation from 19th-centruy English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton. As you’ve probably heard, the le... Read more

Message From Spirit - What Happens When You Die?

Message From Spirit - What Happens When You Die?

Arguably, one of humanity’s greatest questions—and greatest fears—is What happens when you die? Does anyone really know?... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Inner Voice

Message From Spirit - Your Inner Voice

One day many years ago, I was driving to my office in the Washington, DC suburbs. I had stopped at a red traffic light. When it tu... Read more

Message From Spirit - Joy and Love

Message From Spirit - Joy and Love

A couple weeks ago, Berna and I went to a concert by the legendary Dutch orchestra leader, Andre Rieu. Because it was in... Read more

Message From Spirit - Peace Is Simple

Message From Spirit - Peace Is Simple

In today’s crazy, chaotic world, more and more folks find peace, inner and outer, nearly impossible. There’s a famous story in th... Read more

Message From Spirit - Doomed To Worry

Message From Spirit - Doomed To Worry

Berna and I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. Though we do glance briefly at the headlines so we know what’s ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Lost and Broken

Message From Spirit - Lost and Broken

It’s a tough time to be a human on Planet Earth today. So many are feeling lost and broken. Perhaps you’re one of them. Read more

Message From Spirit - Justifiable Homicide

Message From Spirit - Justifiable Homicide

After all my years of doing this work I am not easily shocked. But I was today when I read about “justifiable homicide.” It seems... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Body

Message From Spirit - Your Body

One of our favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles  is in Lesson 204: I am not a body. I am free. For I... Read more

Message From Spirit - Struggle Is Useless

Message From Spirit - Struggle Is Useless

Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu had an interesting philosophy: Effort and struggle are useless. That’s just the opp... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Power of Doing Nothing

Message From Spirit - The Power of Doing Nothing

Ancient Chinese philosopher and poet Lao-tzu, author of Tao Te Ching, once said, “When nothing is done, n... Read more

Message From Spirit - Who Are God’s Children?

Message From Spirit - Who Are God’s Children?

My first job out of college was as a New York State probation officer in the United States. Though I loved the work, I was young ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Who, What, and Where Is God?

Message From Spirit - Who, What, and Where Is God?

Richard Wagamese was a revered and prolific Canadian indigenous writer. Here’s his definition of God/Creator: Remember that ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Churches At War

Message From Spirit - Churches At War

We realize that might be a crazy-sounding title. Churches don’t go to war. Or do they? Read more

Message From Spirit - Aging and Agelessness

Message From Spirit - Aging and Agelessness

n the book series, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Baird Spalding talks about meeting a beautiful young wom... Read more

Message From Spirit - Guilt

Message From Spirit - Guilt

The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines “guilt” as “feelings of deserving blame, especially for imagined offens... Read more

Message From Spirit - Compassion and Life’s Other Side

Message From Spirit - Compassion and Life’s Other Side

In a recent post we talked about a neighbor who died by euthanasia. Berna and I ran into her widower the other day... Read more

Message From Spirit - Find Freedom Through Forgiveness

Message From Spirit - Find Freedom Through Forgiveness

Over the years, Spirit has talked a lot about forgiveness. In today’s chaotic, often callous, world the subject of forgiveness has... Read more

Message From Spirit - The True Meaning of Easter

Message From Spirit - The True Meaning of Easter

Easter is, obviously, a major religious celebration. It marks Jesus’s resurrection from death. But the true meaning of Easter goes... Read more

Message From Spirit - Death and Life

Message From Spirit - Death and Life

One of the most discussed (and most dreaded) topics, especially in today’s world, is death. Berna and I actually enjoy talking abo... Read more

Message From Spirit - Religion And Fear

Message From Spirit - Religion And Fear

Berna and I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. It’s changed some since those long-ago days. But for better or worse? ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Beyond Death

Message From Spirit - Beyond Death

On one of the popular social discussion websites, a user asked what comes next after death. The answers varied all over the place.... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

Message From Spirit - The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

In today’s partisan, chaotic world, we rush to judgment and are slow to forgive. In Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiog... Read more

Message From Spirit - You Are Not Your Physical Body

Message From Spirit - You Are Not Your Physical Body

Lesson 212 of A Course in Miracles tells us “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Bu... Read more

Message From Spirit ~ Kindness and Caring

Message From Spirit ~ Kindness and Caring

In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out... Read more

Message From Spirit - Reality and Illusion

Message From Spirit - Reality and Illusion

A few weeks ago, Berna and Spirit had a discussion about the question of what is real, and what is illusion. Berna and Spiri... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Best Advisor

Message From Spirit - Your Best Advisor

Back in the late 1800s in the American state of Vermont, a minor family squabble blew up into a major confrontation. One hot-heade... Read more

Message From Spirit - Hard Work

Message From Spirit - Hard Work

I recently read an interview with a millennial worker. (The millennial generation were born in the last two decades of the 20th ce... Read more

Message From Spirit - Darkness And Light

Message From Spirit - Darkness And Light

Some folks I know get depressed as our days grow darker in December with the approaching winter solstice. (In the northern he... Read more

Message From Spirit - Soul Contracts

Message From Spirit - Soul Contracts

If you’ve been on the spiritual path very long, you’ve probably heard of “soul contracts.” But what are they? Spirit There is no... Read more

Message From Spirit - Thoughts and Synchronicity

Message From Spirit - Thoughts and Synchronicity

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines “synchronicity” as the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Your Shadow Self

Message From Spirit - Your Shadow Self

While we are not religious, we do find much wisdom in the Bible, and in the world’s other sacred texts. This is a powerful, ... Read more

Message From Spirit - The New Year

Message From Spirit - The New Year

In 1977, Mother Teresa visited the four founders of the Foundation for Inner Peace. (As you may know, the foun... Read more

Message From Spirit - Savior of the World

Message From Spirit - Savior of the World

Today, as you know, the Christian world celebrates Christmas, the birth of its savior, Jesus Christ. But what is a “savior?” ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Free Will

Message From Spirit - Free Will

Recently, Berna and I were discussing free will. She mentioned that, in fact, we have been given free will to discover that we are... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Magic of Meditation

Message From Spirit - The Magic of Meditation

In my personal life, I’ve found meditation a most powerful tool. I’ve meditated every day over 40 years, cannot imagine life witho... Read more

Message From Spirit - Going Home

Message From Spirit - Going Home

I’m not a country music fan. But there is one hauntingly beautiful song I first heard years ago. The title was “Bringing Ma... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Power of Gratitude

Message From Spirit - The Power of Gratitude

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute w... Read more

Message From Spirit - Religion: Curse Or Blessing?

Message From Spirit - Religion: Curse Or Blessing?

The essential work of religion is to help us recognize and recover the divine image in ourselves and in everything. Whatever we ... Read more

Message From Spirit: The Power of Solitude

Message From Spirit: The Power of Solitude

Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it.~ Deepak Chopra One of people’s greatest... Read more

Message From Spirit: The Magic and Mystery of Time

Message From Spirit: The Magic and Mystery of Time

We’ve talked about time several times over the years—what it is, what it is not, how we can better understand and use it. Here, i... Read more

Message From Spirit - Mother Earth

Message From Spirit - Mother Earth

Steven Charleston is an Episcopal bishop and a member of the Choctaw Native American Tribe. His religious practices... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Power of Self-Love

Message From Spirit - The Power of Self-Love

I have no political convictions nor any interest in politics. However, one politician I’ve long admired is former US President Jim... Read more

Message From Spirit - Life, Death, and Suicide

Message From Spirit - Life, Death, and Suicide

A recent news article talked about a 51-year-old woman who was planning to kill herself last weekend. She has amyotrophic lateral ... Read more

Message From Spirit - Oneness and Separation

Message From Spirit - Oneness and Separation

Spirit How can you become one again if you do not first become fully aware of the many illusions of separation you have imposed u... Read more

Message From Spirit - The Web of Love

Message From Spirit - The Web of Love

“The Web of Love is an energetic web which connects the sacred essence of all beings in our world.”  Source: The Web o... Read more

Message From Spirit - Kindness and Caring

Message From Spirit - Kindness and Caring

In today’s world it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out ... Read more

Spirit Message - What Happens After You Die?

Spirit Message - What Happens After You Die?

On May 25, 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 took off from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. As the plane ro... Read more

Spirit Message - Coronavirus Protection

Spirit Message - Coronavirus Protection

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. Therefore, when a reader sent us a question about spike proteins, I didn’... Read more

Spirit Message - Anger: It’s Time To Let It Go

Spirit Message - Anger: It’s Time To Let It Go

In our modern world there is, arguably, more anger on many fronts than in recent memory. A reader sent us these thoughts: “I ask... Read more

Spirit Message: The Power of Kindness

Spirit Message: The Power of Kindness

In today’s crazy, chaotic world, it can be hard to show kindness to those folks around us. But it always pays off, one way or anot... Read more

Spirit Message: About Prana and Food, Follow-Up

Spirit Message: About Prana and Food, Follow-Up

Question:What is the most effective way to take in prana (God energy)? Read more

Spirit Message: About Prana and Food

Spirit Message: About Prana and Food

Question: If you take in prana (God energy) the right way, do you need food any longer? Spirit: When you bring prana, or God en... Read more

Spirit Message: The Power of Intention

Spirit Message: The Power of Intention

Spirit and Berna had a recent conversation about intention. Her question to them was Can you tell us more about the concept o... Read more

Spirit Message: God and Science

Spirit Message: God and Science

One of our favorite scientists is Carl Sagan. Some people have described him as an atheist. But he denied that label. Spirit... Read more

Spirit Message: Wildfires

Spirit Message: Wildfires

Wildfires are usually highly destructive forces. This is obvious these days in the American state of California, and other pa... Read more

Spirit Message: Sexuality and Religion

Spirit Message: Sexuality and Religion

Father James Martin is an American Jesuit priest. He’s a strong advocate for the LGBT community. Lately, Father Ma... Read more

Spirit Message: Suddenly There Is Winter

Spirit Message: Suddenly There Is Winter

We adapted this week’s post from a piece we wrote many years ago. As often happens, the subject is as timely now as it was when we... Read more

Spirit Message: The Insanity of War

Spirit Message: The Insanity of War

Michelantonio “Tony” Vaccaro was a World War 2 United States Army soldier and photographer. He survived the horrors of that w... Read more

Spirit Message: Contacting Your Spirit Guides

Spirit Message: Contacting Your Spirit Guides

A while ago, a reader asked us this question: How can I contact my spirit guides, or know when they’re there? That’s a good ques... Read more

Spirit Message: God, The World, and You

Spirit Message: God, The World, and You

One of our favorite spiritual teachers is the Franciscan priest, Richard Rohr. In one of Father Richard’s recent messages, he... Read more

Spirit Message: Secret Courage - A True Story

Spirit Message: Secret Courage - A True Story

People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. ~ Herman Hesse, German poet and novelist ~ We’v... Read more

Spirit Message: Teach Only Selfishness

Spirit Message: Teach Only Selfishness

Today we’re revisiting a post we wrote years ago. Spirit How often have you heard it said “Think only of others.” – “Love others... Read more

Spirit Message - Compassion and Connection

Spirit Message - Compassion and Connection

Nothing you can ever do or say – or even think – can be done in a vacuum, if you will. Everything – and every thing – you do, say,... Read more

Spirit Message - What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

Spirit Message - What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

In my younger years, the adults around me often asked what I wanted to do with my life. Sound familiar? Most of our readers probab... Read more

Is the Virus Vaccine Poisoning You?

Is the Virus Vaccine Poisoning You?

One of our readers recently wrote us asking about the possible poisonous effects of the virus vaccine. Since many people have the ... Read more

What Did You Give Up For Lent?

What Did You Give Up For Lent?

Berna and I grew up in religious traditions where “giving up” something for Lent was expected. Many of you probably did ... Read more

Spirit Message - Where Is God?

Spirit Message - Where Is God?

In troubled times, have you ever wondered where God is? Often, it seems, He/She is nowhere to be seen. We feel lost and lonely. S... Read more

Spirit Message - Daylight Saving Time

Spirit Message - Daylight Saving Time

As you probably know, so-called daylight saving time has begun in most of the United States. It began a bit later in Europe. I ha... Read more

Spirit Message - What Masks Are You Wearing?

Spirit Message - What Masks Are You Wearing?

Years ago a good friend asked me, “What masks are you wearing?” A bit startled by her question, I replied, “I’m not wearing any ma... Read more

Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap

Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap

Well, here we go again with another of our weird titles. Many years ago, my fourth grade teacher had us do a brief experiment for... Read more

Spirit Message - Respect For Others’ Opinions

Spirit Message - Respect For Others’ Opinions

We’re living in a contentious era of disrespect and disregard for others’ opinions, especially if they do not agree with ours... Read more

Spirit Message - The Loch Ness Monster

Spirit Message - The Loch Ness Monster

In one of Berna’s recent question-and-answer sessions with Spirit, she asked about the famous Loch Ness monster of Scotland.&... Read more

Spirit Message - Return To Love

Spirit Message - Return To Love

My spirit guides often say nothing you do, say, or think is done in a vacuum. It all ripples out to the whole world and touch... Read more

Spirit Message - You Did Not Come Here To Fail

Spirit Message - You Did Not Come Here To Fail

Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who commits suicide? Spirit Suicide Your society generally condemns s... Read more

Spirit Message - What Is Love?

Spirit Message - What Is Love?

Love does not discriminate. Love does not separate. Love does not attack in any way. It is a peaceful extension of All That Is….Lo... Read more

Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Several people questioned our statement in the Sickness and Healing post a couple weeks ago. The statement: “…as spirit... Read more

Expectations Great and Small - Spirit Message

Expectations Great and Small - Spirit Message

We’ve talked before about how powerful our expectations are. To put it simply, we get what we expect. Spirit Most huma... Read more

Sickness and Healing

Sickness and Healing

A Course in Miracles, in The Manual for Teachers, says this: “The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for... Read more

Dementia: Curse or Blessing?

Dementia: Curse or Blessing?

Berna and I have been discussing dementia lately. We have folks among our family and friends with dementia. It’s so common today,... Read more

I Do Not Know - Spirit Message

I Do Not Know - Spirit Message

Sometimes the wisest way you can answer a question is simply, “I do not know.” Spirit We agree with Johnny. Admitting you do not... Read more

Thanks - Spirit Messages

Thanks - Spirit Messages

How often have you wished someone you helped had said “Thanks,” but they never did? Or how often have you neglected to thank someo... Read more

The Real Christmas - Spirit Messages

The Real Christmas - Spirit Messages

Our title today is taken from a story my son John wrote many years ago, when he was only 8 years old. Spirit Even though many of... Read more

Ask and Receive - Spirit Messages

Ask and Receive - Spirit Messages

Many years ago when I was a young, inexperienced pilot I had a terrifying experience I’ll never forget. It was a sunny Sunday mor... Read more

The Faces of Death - Channeled Message

The Faces of Death - Channeled Message

We realize some of you reading this will find the subject “distasteful”, in Spirit’s words. Or worse. So, without further ado, let... Read more

Befriending Fear - Channeled Message

Befriending Fear - Channeled Message

There’s an old Sioux legend about a time of no rain for many months. Fear grew among the people and spread across their... Read more

Homelessness - Channeled Message

Homelessness - Channeled Message

A prominent stereotype today is homeless people. In several recent conversations I’ve had with folks about homeless people, ... Read more

Behind The Scenes - Channeled Message

Behind The Scenes - Channeled Message

The other day, Berna and I were discussing several families we know with foster or adopted children. The children, for reasons no... Read more

Happiness: An Impossible Dream?

Happiness: An Impossible Dream?

We’ve talked about happiness many times over the years. Probably because it seems an impossible dream for many... Read more

Euthanasia For Animals

Euthanasia For Animals

After our Death and Euthanasia post a few weeks ago, several of our readers asked us to talk about euthanasia as related... Read more

The Voice Inside Your Head

The Voice Inside Your Head

There’s an interesting story about Joan of Arc when she was on trial for heresy. She claimed God spoke to her regul... Read more

Under The Hood

Under The Hood

Back in my aviation days as a flight instructor, we had an expression, “Under the hood.” That was how we trained student... Read more

Death and Euthanasia

Death and Euthanasia

We realize death and euthanasia are are grim-sounding title. But Spirit’s words today are uplifting and joyful, despite the subjec... Read more

You Are Miracle Workers

You Are Miracle Workers

With the pandemic and all the other stresses of today’s world, many folks are facing more physical problems than usual. There’s a... Read more

The Vision, Part 2

The Vision, Part 2

Last week we spoke of a vision Berna and I had about a year ago. This week, Spirit will give us their thoughts about visions—what ... Read more

The Vision, Part 1

The Vision, Part 1

About a year ago, Berna and I were spending the day at a lake up in the hills south of town. I was sitting at a picnic table just ... Read more

Are You A Good Listener?

Are You A Good Listener?

One of the major challenges of today’s world is listening. How good a listener are you? Spirit If you are on a conscious pa... Read more

Love and Religion

Love and Religion

Many years ago, I had a startling experience with love and religion. Still a teenager, I’d joined the US Navy. (Military service ... Read more

The Great Realisation

The Great Realisation

For those of you thinking we misspelled our title above, bear with us. (Of course, if you’re British, there’s no misspelling.) Sp... Read more

Amazing Animal Angels

Amazing Animal Angels

Over the years, we’ve talked many times about animals. It’s a popular subject with you, our readers. So in this time of worldwide... Read more

The Flow of Life

The Flow of Life

Various statistical reports show Americans, and others living in the United States, suffering from an unprecedented degree of ment... Read more

The Dark Side of God

The Dark Side of God

I’m sure our title caught your attention. Does God really have a dark side? We’ve talked before about the legendary Bra... Read more

The Power of One

The Power of One

This is a true story. It happened November 25, 1854 on the shores of Lake Erie, one of the five Great Lakes on the US-Canadian bor... Read more

Your Body: Friend or Foe?

Your Body: Friend or Foe?

In the workbook for A Course In Miracles, one of our favorite lessons is “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God c... Read more

The World of Spirit

The World of Spirit

There’s a saying you’ve probably heard, Seeing is believing. But that’s not true, in our opinion. It’s the reverse: Bel... Read more

Freedom For The Thought We Hate

Freedom For The Thought We Hate

Over the years I’ve been the target of occasional hate mail. That “goes with the territory” when you put yourself into the public ... Read more

The Perfect Person

The Perfect Person

Spirit You’ve probably heard it said, “There is nothing to seek and nothing to find.” (Attributed to Marty Rubin.) Many hum... Read more

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

As I’m sure you’re all aware, “social distancing” has restricted our physical actions around other people. From what we’ve been se... Read more

Love and Politics

Love and Politics

John In this era of bitter partisan politics, while the black cloud of the coronavirus is hanging over our heads, love might seem... Read more

Release and Fly - Spirit

Release and Fly - Spirit

John Many years ago, my local Boy Scout troop went on trip to Philmont, the Boy Scout ranch in northeastern New Me... Read more

Abundance and the Coronavirus

Abundance and the Coronavirus

John Many folks, perhaps including you, are suffering financially because of the coronavirus. Some have lost their jobs, their li... Read more

Question and Answer Series #1 - Protection From Harm

Question and Answer Series #1 - Protection From Harm

Lately, we’ve been talking about the coronavirus. While we do not want to dwell on it too much, we realize it’s been preying on ne... Read more

You Never Walk Alone - Spirit

You Never Walk Alone - Spirit

In this time of fear and isolation due to the coronavirus, many folks are feeling lost and lonely. But you never walk alone. Spir... Read more

Creativity and the Coronavirus

Creativity and the Coronavirus

John You might be wondering what creativity and the coronavirus have to do with each other. Here are some ideas for you to consid... Read more

Soulmate Considerations

Soulmate Considerations

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ~ Oscar Wilde A recurring theme in our conversations with people... Read more

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Tomorrow, various traditions around the world will observe Easter Sunday. What is Easter? Here’s Spirit’s perspective. Spirit Th... Read more

Coronavirus Follow-up

Coronavirus Follow-up

This week, Spirit has a few more words about last week’s coronavirus post. Spirit When the coronavirus is over, you will en... Read more

Coronavirus Cure: Love

Coronavirus Cure: Love

There is no passion so contagious as that of fear. ~ Michel de Montaigne One of our readers asked us what country the coron... Read more

Judgement After Death

Judgement After Death

 The only way you will ever live fully in the visible world is to acknowledge the reality of the invisible world. ~ Spirit A... Read more

Deadly Digital Distractions

Deadly Digital Distractions

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. ~ Eckhart Tolle I started using computers years ago. Back then,... Read more

The Strangest Dream

The Strangest Dream

One of my favorite historical figures is French writer and pioneer aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He once said, “War is no... Read more

The Doors of Perception

The Doors of Perception

Every day you look out at the world around you through the doors of your perception. How real is that perception? What if you... Read more

Victory Over Death

Victory Over Death

(Death) is a condition that we have brought upon ourselves so that we may pass into a greater condition with greater possibiliti... Read more

The Amazing Power of Your Mind

The Amazing Power of Your Mind

You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and  you will find strength. ~ Marcus Aurelius, Roman... Read more

Perfect Oneness

Perfect Oneness

Chief Joseph Highway, Wyoming, USA The great legendary Nez Perce Chief Joseph once said, “All men were made by the ... Read more

Celebrate Your Shadow

Celebrate Your Shadow

The hopeful man sees…sunshine where others see shadows and storm. ~ O.S. Mardenz On a clear sunny day a few weeks ago, I was ... Read more

Q&A: What Can Spirit Guides Do For You?

Q&A: What Can Spirit Guides Do For You?

There is a spirit that guides us, if we will listen. It speaks softly. In order to hear it we must still our thoughts and medita... Read more

2020: The End of An Era

2020: The End of An Era

Spirit Big Changes Are Coming 2020 is the start of your new year, and a new decade. It’s also the end of an era—an era where all... Read more

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness is God’s command. ~ Martin Luther I grew up in an oppressive religious environment, as I know many of you did. I ... Read more

The Shepherd

The Shepherd

Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides o... Read more

Legion of Light

Legion of Light

This is a true story. You might call it a Christmas story. But we’ve changed the names, identities, and other details to protect t... Read more

The True Spirit of Christmas Is Love

The True Spirit of Christmas Is Love

This week we’re featuring an article by my dear friend and brother, Ted Murray. Ted’s an accomplished writer and spiritual te... Read more

Playing Cat and Mouse

Playing Cat and Mouse

One of our readers asked us about this issue:I understand that the rule in the animal world is: eat or be eaten. But I can’t under... Read more

The Joy of Life (and Death)

The Joy of Life (and Death)

On the one hand you take life too seriously, and on the other, you do not take playful existence seriously enough. ~ Seth, ... Read more

Forgiveness and Love

Forgiveness and Love

Learning to forgive is much more useful than merely picking up a stone and throwing it at the object of one’s anger, the more so... Read more

The Master Within

The Master Within

Many of us grew up being taught to always seek help and wisdom outside ourselves. Growing up in a Roman Catholic family, that was ... Read more

Present Moment Awareness

Present Moment Awareness

Presence is when you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this ... Read more

Where Is God?

Where Is God?

God is all that is. ~ Spirit It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our modern world with all its problems and challenges. Many are desp... Read more

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

As some of you know, I live near Yellowstone National Park. The park sits on top of the Yellowstone Caldera, the la... Read more

Old Age

Old Age

“…that condition we know as old age….does not exist in actual form in the scheme of this universe.” ~ Life and Teachings of... Read more

The Most Powerful Person on Earth

The Most Powerful Person on Earth

Power: The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events. ~ Oxford English Dictiona... Read more

The Illusion of Time

The Illusion of Time

Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live. ~ Albert Einstein A couple months ago, I took... Read more

Manifesting Magic

Manifesting Magic

“When you know positively that GOD…does exist and that it is ALL POWER, you can use it to accomplish ALL THINGS. With it you can... Read more

How To Live a Life of Kindness

How To Live a Life of Kindness

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~ Dalai Lama I was going through some old files the other day and came across a... Read more

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz, Poland “Forgive your worst enemies.”~ Eva Kor, Auschwitz survivor Who Is Eva Kor? I don’t pay muc... Read more

There Is No Such Thing As Death

There Is No Such Thing As Death

Our title today is a direct quote from spiritual writer and adventurer Baird T. Spalding’s book,  Life and Teach... Read more

An Ancient Culture of Peace

An Ancient Culture of Peace

Peace of the Himalayas We often speak of creating peace on earth. But how many nations and cultures truly promote peace among all t... Read more

Diversity Revisited

Diversity Revisited

A while ago, we published a post about diversity. With the state of our world today, it’s worth revisiting the subject. We don... Read more

What Is Channeling?

What Is Channeling?

Years ago, when I first started communicating with Spirit, I had my own definition of channeling. It was based on all I had read and... Read more

Happy People

Happy People

People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.United States President Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865 I have a little sign... Read more

Spirit Animal Totem Of The Day!

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Abalone Shell

Abalone Shell

Echos Of The Ancestors Abalone strengthens the structure of the body and th... Read more



CANCER Jun 21 - Jul 22 Read more

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Although in the heat of a Mid-western summer it might be difficult to discer... Read more

Wild Rose

Wild Rose

Wild Rose Fills your life with soft romance. Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus... Read more

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

The god Lugh was worshiped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection... Read more

Sun in Cancer

Sun in Cancer

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Lammas Ritual Celebrated August 1st. Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh, La... Read more

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem Woodpecker Birth dates: June 21 - July 21 Read more

Cancer Mythology

Cancer Mythology

The Hidden Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign Had the Scriptures of Delphi never b... Read more

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian astrology was one of the earliest forms of astrology. The Egyptians... Read more



The Stone Of Orators Chalcedony was very popular as a decorative stone in ant... Read more



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Strong Sun Moon

Strong Sun Moon

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The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Fire Festival Of Lammas Celtic Symbol : The Unicorn And The Flaming Spe... Read more



The Cleansing Stone Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy.... Read more

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