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.Divine Cosmic Alchemy

Hello, I AM Denise

It is my Soul Mission to Be of Service – to usher in the New Golden Age and co-create Heaven upon the Earth – as Ambassador of Light, Love and Magic in Divine WHOLENESS.

Divine Cosmic Alchemy is who I AM and how I share my JOY and Divine Magic with others – so you can remember who you truly are as a Divine Being (fully realizing yourself) – and be free once again.  

FREEDOM is the awakening, remembering and connection to your Higher-self – your Divine Creator self.  In this space, you are living your life from your birthrights of joy, bliss and abundance.

And, as you live in alignment with your soul, you experience more ease and grace as you navigate your life.  You recognize the highest purpose of your reason for your incarnation upon the Earth at this time.

Denise Ricard

Here’s what I offer to assist you in reclaiming YOUR freedom:

  • I AM a channel, transmitter and emanator of Source Light Codes via Light Language, and continually evolve and upgrade my system to be receptor of the most highly-evolved energies available to support your continued expansion
  • I AM an Intuitive Soul Path Coach, and I channel and translate the most appropriate and relevant wisdom from your Higher-self, Divine Guides and Akashic Records, to assist you with crystal clarity that reconnects you to your highest path
  • I AM the Galactic Numerologist, and am the steward, activator and transmitter of those Sacred Number Energies, which awakens and reconnects you to the WHOLENESS of your Source Code Origins to support your evolution in consciousness
  • I AM a Sacred Architect and co-creator of powerfully expansive and evolutionary Energy Vortex Templates/Holograms that provide the energetic container and space to support the ALCHEMY of what you’re desiring to create, which adds multidimensionality and expansiveness to all that you actualize

…So you can experience that FREEDOM by being in complete alignment with your soul’s path and purpose – on the wings of abundance – for this lifetime.

I share with you my sacred tools to co-create bespoke experiences so you can manifest your dreams and desires, and be your unique contribution that you came here to BE.


*Wizard and Alchemist of Divine Magic in the Divine Lineage of Merlin/Saint Germain
* Magdalene Love Being * Galactic Scribe * Sacred Architect * Way Shower * Bringer of the Dawn
* Little Ibis * Dragon Friend * Crystal and Elemental Partner * Nature Communicator
*Aoulia (my Cosmic name/how I’m know by Galactic Light Beings)

Pioneering the path to the 7th New GoldenAge in co-creation with Divine Beings of Light including:
Intergalactic Councils, Archangels and Angels, Dragons and Elemental Kingdoms, Ascended Masters,
Divine Lineage of Essenes and Magdalenes, Cosmic Lineages

Activations & Certifications: Ascended Master Lineage of Thoth, Magdalene Love Being, Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, Money Meridians, and Thoth’s Magic Academy via Danille Rama Hoffman of Divine Transmissions

Member:  Order of Bards Ovates & Druids

Appreciation and Testimony:

What Others Are Experiencing:

“​Denise is a brilliant bridge between the galactic, natural and human consciousness. She connects structural work such as galactic numerology with her keen intuitive guidance. This powerful alchemy allows you to become easily and spontaneously immersed in the experience of joy, love and flow. She is a magnifier of multi-dimensional abundance and a great ally on your journey to self-healing. She can also call in her dragon and other higher-dimensional friends to assist you even more on your path. I love working with Denise, because with her, it always turns out to be extraordinary. Thank you, Denise!”

“Denise is a gifted Galactic Numerologist. Her style is potent and direct, and I appreciated the depth of the light language transmissions. It is clear that she has done her own inner work as the frequency she emanates is off the charts. I felt divinely supported as I unraveled limitations with ease and re-calibrated my system with a fresh new vision for this year. I am definitely noticing an expanded sense of Divine Clarity, and I have noticed I am more inward focused. I definitely get the sense I am being “up-leveled” BIG time. I highly recommend working with Denise!”

“More has been revealed about my mission as it pertains to my galactic origins. I experienced a very powerful clearing during the transmission. Many sensations. Tears, heat, energy leaving. In waves. Wow. Looking forward to seeing how this energy integrates in the coming weeks, months, etc. Just based on my experience during the meditation / transmission, I know it will be profound. Denise, it’s such a pleasure working with you and getting to know you and your work!”

“I’ve always been aware of the flow of the universe by seeing synchronicities in my day-to-day life, having thoughts align with later to come actions, etc. After doing the Galactic Numerology Activations, I have gone through many shifts and changes with ease. There is a new flow to my life, a flow that is so deeply ingrained in my DNA. My passions and motives are becoming beautiful actions in my daily life. I no longer have to worry or doubt that there won’t be enough time to fulfill them. My true nature is able to dance through life with joy and gratitude. I am beyond grateful for the changes that came with the work of Galactic Numbers. It has also allowed me to stand in my power in a stronger, more Divine way.”

“I wanted to tell you how lovely and amazing the work that you do is. It is very powerful, but also gentle at the same time. A pure force of love pushing me in perfect velocity and strength forward into the unknown yet feeling safe and held not scared. I feel so much more supported and rooted in the cosmic energies and divine forces of love. Almost like I’m really in there surfing the waves of energy now— IN FLOW! The number 3 started to come in very strong for me, showing up a lot after that. And I also got a download about my soul group’s cosmic lineage connected to Sirius. I am of the alchemists / bringers of light magick (not sure the official words but that is the closest I’m getting now).”

“I have felt as though I have been on a trajectory of change, expansion, hard to put into words and I know Divine Clarity is one of the foundational pillars for all that is unfolding for me at this time. I definitely feel I am at the null/zero point no sense of where I am headed other than I know it is an expansion and more of an unfolding of me. Since our session I feel more self-assured, more removed from the collective chaos and I know Clarity is there with me.”

“Now, with Galactic Numerology energies activated within my energetic system, there’s FLOW in being who I am, and I’m feeling free to express that to others. This is a whole new way of experiencing my connection with Source and that has completely changed how I live my life to being in such an absolute state of trust. Fear no longer guides me, my own connection to Source is my guide.  The clarity that I have now in everyday decision-making has been a game changer! I’m noticing numbers more and how it’s helping to spark the energies, and reminding me to believe in myself and the power within me – it’s the upgrade, the new DNA is activating.”

“Working with Denise is such a joy and has been an absolute game changer! Since Day 1 of working with Denise my entire life has transformed. I have come to a new place of functioning as the Light Being Incarnate that I AM. I’ve realized results like finally leaving the corporate world when it wasn’t aligned to my soul path anymore, selling my home of 22 years as my Higher-self nudged me to relocate and move into an entirely new environment, and stepping into the Truth of who I AM so that I can create the life of my dreams! Each step of the way, the Galactic Numerology Beings of Light have completely supported me in such a magical, mystical way of being “spot on” as far as the Number that we’d be deepening into that week aligning fully with what was actually happening in my life.  I come to each of our session zoom calls with great anticipation and excitement, because the unpacking of what is most important to me -and constant revealing of my soul’s deepest desires and highest truths – is always revealed in such a magnificent alchemical way that is exponential and different each time in the way that is synchronistic and perfect for that time.  With all of this, I cannot imagine having gone through all of this transition and transformation and ascension more joyously and with more ease and grace than has been – and continues to be – offered through Denise’s Activation Transmissions of these new Galactic energies. This is what I mean by “game changer.” Because of this Galactic Numerology and Soul Path Coaching 1:1 Program, I am living each and every now moment more and more from an absolute state of peace and joy and the truth of me.”

See Denise on YouTube Here:  Divine Cosmic Alchemy 
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