Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others. Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next, numerology can be a penetrating tool that helps you understand yourself and loved ones better. Numerology presents the whole picture, revealing all the diverse parts of your personality and how they come together to create the person you are. With this complete view, you are able to make the most of your strengths.(credit: astrology.com)
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Crystal Wind wisdom since 2008—Awaken Your Soul!
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11:11:11 Lunar Nodes Change Signs: Grand Cardinal Cross

Have you been feeling the shifts of the nodal axis yet? A few hours ago the Lunar Nodes of the Moon (North Node and South Node) changed signs after 1.5 years, a highly significant shift, since it occurred at the same moment as the Cancer New... Read more
6:6 Jupiter Opposite Mercury: Amazing 6-week transit!

An amazing transit begins TODAY between Mercury and Jupiter. The fastest moving planet (after the Moon), Mercury is about to slow down and station retrograde on September 9. This means that Mercury will be opposite Jupiter - not the usual 2-3 days - but 6... Read more
9:9:9 Moon/Pluto/Mercury Triangle of Deep Empathy

A highly intuitive and transformational celestial event blesses us late Sunday night into Monday. Mercury is exactly opposite Pluto with both at 27°. At the same time the Moon is ALSO at 27° in a beautiful trine to Mercury and sextile to Pluto! Read more
25:25 Imagination Magnification [Neptune to Venus-Sun-Mercur…
![25:25 Imagination Magnification [Neptune to Venus-Sun-Mercury]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.neptunensp_1619.jpg)
Welcome a lovely, spiritual Neptune enhancement from now through Monday. Neptune enhances spirituality, unconditional love, beauty, music, the mysterious and your creative imagination. Today lovely Venus (in Gemini) squares Neptune (in Pisces) with both at 25°. Read more
28:28 Mercury Sextile Pluto: How to RAISE your Frequency

Enjoy the deep, relaxing energy as a gorgeous, liberating celestial transit blesses us this weekend. Mercury sextiles Pluto, exact right now at 28°, a number that reduces to 10/1 – inviting you to manifest new beginnings in how your think about the world and your... Read more
27:27 Mercury and Pluto Join as One

February’s month of 2’s is intensifying, asking you to tune deeply into your intuition (your communication with Source) for guidance. 2 is all about connection and communication. As you trust in Divine guidance, your inspiration and inner peace expand exponentially. Read more
Messages From Merlin: 2.2022 Opposites in Harmony

February’s profound 2.2022 code is a powerful palindrome. This special channeled Star Codes episode will unveil the profound message in February’s 2.2022 code through lens of Merlin – a powerful druid, prophet and adviser to several kings, including King Arthur. Read more
When You Are Thankful For Everything

Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. – a wonderful celebration of gratitude. When your heart is filled with gratitude it begins to vibrate and oscillate, and any other person who is grateful will vibrate at the same time. Just like a roomful of tuning forks. Read more
Equinox Message: The Divine Intelligence Behind All Life

Happy Autumn Equinox and Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere. Today at 3:20 pm EST (12:20 pm PST) the Sun crosses the equator and our day and night are of EQUAL length. No matter where you live, it’s the time of year where all is in... Read more
Equinox Message: The Divine Intelligence Behind All Life (2)

Happy Autumn Equinox and Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere. Today at 3:20 pm EST (12:20 pm PST) the Sun crosses the equator and our day and night are of EQUAL length. No matter where you live, it’s the time of year where all is in... Read more
8:8 Lion’s Gate - Infinite Flow of Creation

This year's 8:8 Lion's Gate celebration on Sunday is extra special… The rising of the star Sirius, the brightest star (becoming visible in the Eastern sky around 8.8 each year), and its alignment with the powerful summer Sun in Leo AND the number 8 in numerology carries highly fortunate symbolism – making August 8 a particularly... Read more
LEO New Moon [Aug 8] 8:8 Finger of God
![LEO New Moon [Aug 8] 8:8 Finger of God](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.new-moon-11nsp_1619.jpg)
The exciting New Moon in Leo on 8.8 with a rare “Finger of God” formation instills your HEART with tremendous COURAGE. (Watch for another Star Codes forecast on the 8.8. Lion's Gate!) This New Moon in Leo is sandwiched between two full moons in Aquarius – sign of our new... Read more
1:1 Aquarius FULL MOON #1 [July 23-24]
![1:1 Aquarius FULL MOON #1 [July 23-24]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.aquarius-full-moon-11nsp_1619.jpg)
We have a double treat of Aquarius adventure energy! On July 23 in the Americas, July 24 Universal Time, the first of TWO Aquarius Full Moons at 1° will stimulate exploration and inspiration. Aquarius’ connects us collectively and seeks to set us free individually. Read more
Pluto Opposite Sun: Opening Lines of Divine Communication [J…
![Pluto Opposite Sun: Opening Lines of Divine Communication [July 17]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.plutonsp_1619.jpg)
On Saturday powerful Pluto will be opposite our star, the Sun. Pluto INTENSIFIES what you focus on. Pluto Uncovers, Purges, and Transforms. Especially regarding issues related to power, truth and control… There is often an unrelenting passion with Pluto, and for this opposition with the Sun the opportunity... Read more
Celestial Messages for the Cancer New Moon [July 9-10]
![Celestial Messages for the Cancer New Moon [July 9-10]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.new_moonnsp_1619.jpg)
New Moons are always a perfect time to start fresh and inject your life with newfound passion and enthusiasm. After the tension created by Mars, Saturn and Uranus, this New Moon and Venus’ lovely conjunction with Mars in Leo – the sign of fun and romance –... Read more
Mars Square Uranus: Fireworks, Innovation and Liberation!

This weekend, Mars creates an exact square to Uranus. When freedom-seeking Uranus squares passionate Mars it has a strongly liberating impact. Tension looking to be released finds a way to do so… often suddenly. Using your intuition (Uranus) coupled with your instinct (Mars) is a must. Read more
Happy July! Gorgeous 12 Universal Month

Welcome JULY, 2021 – a lovely and inspiring 12/3 Universal Month! Any 12/3 cycle helps you to realize that your thoughts create your reality. Everything is created in the mind first, so if your life is not flowing well, notice how you are thinking and change... Read more
3:3 Capricorn FULL MOON - Take LOVING Authority

Every year the Capricorn Full Moon helps us commit to our Soul’s calling and dedicate our resources to manifestation. June 24th's full moon in Capricorn creates a gorgeous trine from the Sun to Jupiter. With the Sun at 3° Cancer and Moon at 3° Capricorn a lovely,... Read more
Uranus Square Saturn: How to Freely Be YOU!

One of the big transits in 2021 is the 90° square between Uranus and Saturn. The first meetup occurred on February 17 – this week the second of three intense experiences is unfolding (it began yesterday, June 14). The final meeting occurs on December 24. The key message with these two... Read more
10:10:10 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse [June 10]
![10:10:10 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse [June 10]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.gemini-new-moonnsp_1619.jpg)
On June 10 a major Gemini activation comes to a head during the Gemini Solar Eclipse. The Sun and Moon in Gemini will be conjunct Mercury Retrograde, ruler of Gemini! June 10 and 19° Sun and Moon create a powerful 10:10:10 code of Instant Manifestation and New Beginnings. Of course, New Moon Solar Eclipses represent new... Read more
June’s 11 Universal Month: Starting Fresh!

June, 2021 brings the blessings of master number 11. This gateway of heightened creativity, intuition and new beginnings merges with Mercury retrograde in Gemini and the Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10. Expect a lot to shift in your life this month! The mix of reflection with starting fresh... Read more
5 Kinds of Thoughts for Divine Inspiration: Gemini Mercury R…

Another round of Mercury retrograde is coming tomorrow – the 2nd of the year! All three Mercury retrogrades in 2021 take place in Air signs – the element aligned with communication, breathing, ideas and intelligence. Welcome to a mindfulness adventure! This retrograde, from May 29 – June 22, unfolds entirely in... Read more
5:5:5 Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius

Welcome an empowering and liberating Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius! This is the first of two eclipses – with an exciting code: The Sun and Moon will both be at 5°. May, 2021 is a 5 Universal Month. 5:5:5 brings shifts, changes, rapid communication – and Freedom from Fear. Read more
11:11:11:11 Taurus New Moon

On May 11 a highly positive Taurus New Moon attracts exciting opportunities for self-growth and expansion in every way. A quadruple 11:11:11:11 code is activated – and opportunities for new beginnings abound! Uranus in Taurus at 11°. Mars and Chiron are both at 11°. Read more
Venus Blessings: Activating Your LOVE Signal

As the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra, Venus governs your values, abundance, pleasure, expressing your gifts, balance and beauty. So when Venus is activated twice in a week, while the Sun is in Taurus – one of Venus’ home signs – blessings are plenty! Venus trines Pluto – May 6th. Venus squares Jupiter – May 8th. Read more
May 2021 Astrology Forecast - CHANGE IS IN THE AIR!

Marvelous May is here! What an action-packed month is ahead of us! There's an abundance of astrological activity. We have a lot of coming and going in the heavens. You'll most likely experience a burst of activity as well. You're most likely feeling change on the horizon. Read more
Sun Conjunct Uranus: Uplift and Shift! [April 30]
![Sun Conjunct Uranus: Uplift and Shift! [April 30]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.tg34nsp_1619.jpg)
The Sun shines the light on Uranus today as both conjunct each other at 10° Taurus. Hours later, on May 1, we begin a powerful 10 Universal Month. 10 births new beginnings through amazing manifestation opportunities. Uranus conjunct the Sun adds excitement and unexpected events to generate... Read more
FULL MOON in Scorpio: Blessings - Boundaries [April 26-27]
![FULL MOON in Scorpio: Blessings - Boundaries [April 26-27]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.scfullmoonnsp_1619.jpg)
An intense Full Moon in Scorpio is upon us and will be exact at 4:31 am UT on March 27 and 11:31 pm EDT, 8:31 pm PDT late on April 26. This Scorpio Full Moon occurs right as Pluto stations retrograde! So Pluto, ruling planet of Scorpio,... Read more
Venus/Jupiter/Sun Gifts of Alchemy and Inspiration

Venus just entered its home-sign of Taurus, symbolizing wealth, pleasure and love. And today, April 15, a magical Star Code activates more bountiful gifts! The Sun sextiles Jupiter – an infusion of delight and joy. April 15 is a day of Spiritual Alchemy, magic and positive outcomes. Read more
Mars Square Neptune - Shattering Illusions!

Mars squares Neptune on April 9 – bringing the planets of Energy and Spirituality in a dynamic aspect to each other! Mars square Neptune shatters illusions. Mars is the planet of fire and action, libido, forward momentum, courage and instinct. Mars is connected to Feelings that propel Action. Read more
Venus Dancing with Mars! [Gift for You]
![Venus Dancing with Mars! [Gift for You]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.venus23nsp_1619.jpg)
On April 6 a wonderful day of love, joy and abundance, Venus and Mars create a beautiful connection: Venus will be sextile to Mars, merging the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine. What a delightful dance in the heavens! Especially since the numerology for April 6 is equally... Read more
8:8:8:8:8:8 Full Moon in Libra: Co-Liberation!

An incredible Full Moon in Libra is unfolding and will be exact tomorrow at 7:48 pm UT March 28 (2:48 pm EDT, 11:48 am PDT). A triple stellium of Sun, Venus and Chiron are all exactly at 8° Aries opposite the Moon at 8° Libra. Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra. Uranus is currently at 8° And... Read more
Venus Conjunct Sun: Mastering Negativity [March 26]
![Venus Conjunct Sun: Mastering Negativity [March 26]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.venus23nsp_1619.jpg)
On March 26, a lovely, joyous conjunction between Venus and the Sun brightens the week: Venus conjunct Sun merges LOVE and LIGHT. You are invited to appreciate the good, lovely, pleasurable, uplifting things in life. Sun conjunct Venus brings love, peace, harmony and beauty, with a focus on... Read more
8:8:8 Mars Sextile Chiron: Everything Is Sacred [March 17 - …
![8:8:8 Mars Sextile Chiron: Everything Is Sacred [March 17 - 21]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.8-8-8-cwnsp_1619.jpg)
Number 8 is in full force during the month of March – an 8 Universal Month. The upcoming Libra Full Moon on March 28 is exact at 8°. Now - on Wednesday and early Thursday - Mars, the energy planet, sextiles Chiron, planet of healing. Both... Read more
Sun Conjunct Neptune: Trusting the Divine Flow

On March 10 the Sun and Neptune conjunct (join together) in Pisces – a few days before the Pisces New Moon! This exquisite merging encapsulates Strength and Surrender. At 20° a lovely 20:20 code of vision, peace and understanding is activated. Read more
March Energy Forecast - Heal Your Heart & Soul

March Energy Forecast – Heal Your Heart & Soul Magical March is here! Our Sun is moving through mystical Pisces until our enchanting equinox on March 20th. Venus and Neptune will be in the sensitive sign of Pisces. This will open your heart and connect your deepest... Read more
8:8:8 Full Moon in Virgo: Make Your Environment Beautiful

A gorgeous Full Moon with the moon in Virgo opposite the sun in Pisces is unfolding and will be exact at tonight. It unleashes an empowering and courageous 8:8:8 leadership code: Moon at 8° Pisces Sun at 8° Virgo Saturn at 8° Aquarius Read more
7:7:7:7 Sun Sextile Uranus, Mars Trine Pluto: Engage Your Se…

What a nice change in the air this week! After the intensity of that mega-stellium of six planets in Aquarius, we are now moving into a time of assimilation and liberation. To help with this shift are two lovely transits on February 24 and 25: Mars trine... Read more
Venus Square Mars: See Beauty in Everyone and Everything

Venus and Mars are in a 90° square today – a strong call to harmonize light and dark, action and reflection… the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Your sensuality is quite enhanced which stimulates passion, creative manifestation and deep intimacy - as long as you... Read more
Uranus Square Saturn - Secret Message for 2021

One of the big transits in 2021 is a square between Uranus and Saturn. This Saturn square Uranus aspect will be going on all year – and now is one of those critical, intense moments. It first comes into exactitude on February 17 and repeats again two more times – June 14 and December... Read more
5:5:5 Aquarius New Moon and 6-Planet STELLIUM [Feb 11]
![5:5:5 Aquarius New Moon and 6-Planet STELLIUM [Feb 11]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.new-moon-aquariusnsp_1619.jpg)
It’s here! Welcome the thrilling and unprecedented Aquarius NEW MOON (Feb 11 at 7:06 pm UT, 2:06 pm EST, 11:06 am PST). Unprecedented because six celestial light bodies are merged in a Stellium! The Sun and Moon are joined together with Venus, Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter and Saturn… Read more
7:7 Triple Venus LOVE & ABUNDANCE Activation

It’s Venus Week! And Venus can only mean... LOVE is on the forefront! Immersing yourself in beauty and pleasurable activities is one way to open your heart. Relaxing into a naturally abundant state enhances healing and joy in your life. Fortunately, this coming weekend we have a special... Read more
February Energy Forecast - Your Higher Purpose Revealed!

Fabulous February is here! Can you believe it? 2021 is going to be FAST! Yet action-packed. It feels like the first day of 2021 was both a year ago and a minute ago. You know what I mean? As quickly as this year is moving this is... Read more
Your Words Have Power - Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

You are a powerful creator, We have been taught that our thoughts create our reality, but it's really our energy. We are energetic beings. That's why it's essential to be aware of who and what you surround yourself with and what you share with others. Read more
Venus at 00° Aquarius: Your Mission to Love

Happy February! Venus enters Aquarius today. Incredibly, Venus joins four other celestial bodies in Aquarius! The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury retrograde are already in Aquarius – now Venus, the Divine Feminine planet, sprinkles the Stellium with love and abundance. Read more
Mercury Retrograde in AQUARIUS [Jan 30 - Feb 20]
![Mercury Retrograde in AQUARIUS [Jan 30 - Feb 20]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.mercury-retro1nsp_1619.jpg)
The first of three Mercury retrogrades this year begins on January 30th. All three Mercury retrogrades in 2021 take place in Air signs – the element aligned with communication. This one takes place in Aquarius, continuing a powerful activation of that sign as a huge stellium... Read more
Jupiter Square Uranus: Healing Division, Expanding Joy

On Sunday January 17, Jupiter squares Uranus – the first major Uranus transit of 2021. Only three days later on January 20th, Mars conjuncts Uranus. (More on that coming soon.) Jupiter enhances, Uranus revolutionizes. Jupiter brings wisdom and justice, Uranus invites breakthroughs and encourages freedom. Freedom is the... Read more
First NEW MOON of 2021 - in Capricorn [January 12/13]
![First NEW MOON of 2021 - in Capricorn [January 12/13]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.new-moon-11nsp_1619.jpg)
Welcome the exciting Capricorn NEW MOON (January 13 at 5 am UT, 12 am EST, and January 12 at 9 pm PST). This is the FOURTH consecutive New Moon at 23° – the Royal Star of the Lion Number symbolizing courage and freedom – and the first of three consecutive... Read more
MARS enters Taurus after 6 months in Aries! [January 6]
![MARS enters Taurus after 6 months in Aries! [January 6]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.uluru-with-stars-at-sunsetnsp_1619.jpg)
Mars has been in Aries, it’s own sign, for over six months. (Usually Mars takes six weeks to move through a sign!) Due to a retrograde from September 9 – November 13, we’ve experienced a long magnification of Mars in Aries – symbol of new,... Read more
Are You Uncertain About Your 2021 Intentions?

In this vast universe full of possibilities, you shine like a star in the heavens. Your unique role is essential to light up this often dark world. You can feel that you're meant for bigger and brighter experiences. You incarnated for a reason. There is pressure... Read more
2021 Year Ahead Energy Forecast

New Frontiers Await You! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 is finally here! Get ready! 2021 will be a wild ride! This dynamic year will be full of excitement and transformational change. As the calendar turns annually, it ushers in a new Universal Year in numerology. The spiritual lessons and... Read more
Happy 2021! 5 Universal Year of Liberation, Truth & Joy

Happy NEW YEAR! Welcome 2021! 2020 was a 4 Universal Year of responsibility, order and work – a year of restriction designed for you to discover your inner resources – a year of finding innovative ways to live fully in the midst of lockdowns and limitations. Now, 2021 will... Read more
Finding Your Personal Year Number for 2021

Here is a formula for finding your Personal Year Number for 2021: To find your Personal Year number, add the month and the day of your birth, plus the Universal Year number. (This formula will work for any year by using the universal year number... Read more
8:8 Full Moon in Cancer - Nurture Your Divine Self [Dec 29-3…
![8:8 Full Moon in Cancer - Nurture Your Divine Self [Dec 29-30]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.cancerfullmoonnsp_1619.jpg)
WELCOME the final Full Moon of 2020 – the Full Moon in Cancer on Dec 29 (Americas), Dec 30 (Universal Time in London). This final lunation of the year brings us full circle with the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer – activating the defining... Read more
5:5 Total Solar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius! [Dec 14]
![5:5 Total Solar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius! [Dec 14]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.solar-eclipse-cwnsp_1619.jpg)
Welcome the exciting Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius! This is the third consecutive New Moon at 23° – the Royal Star of the Lion Number of courage and freedom – and the ONLY Total Eclipse of the Year. The Sun and Moon will be at 23° – reducing to 5. December... Read more
December Energy Forecast - A New Era of HOPE

Woo-hoo! You made it to the last month of 2020! Did you think we would ever get here? This year has been epic. True to form, its final month will be extraordinary. December brings a once-in-a-lifetime planetary connection that will transform our society. 2021 will have a... Read more
8:8 Gemini Full Moon Eclipse: Raise Your Consciousness

Just hours from now Eclipse season arrives with a powerful Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini, stimulating an internal shift of major proportions. Gemini governs facts, the practical mind, media, communication, words. Full moon lunar eclipses shine the light on what is hidden… Gemini and this eclipse are ruled... Read more
11 Portal Opens 20:20:20 Code of Courage

11.20.2020 is a powerful sequence of numbers that will inspire the final 11 days of November. The 11 portal opens up into a triple 20:20:20 code. Never again will this powerful code be activated in this century. 11 is in the same family as 20. Both reduce... Read more
8:8 Mercury Opposite Uranus - Vibrational BALANCE

An opposition between Mercury and Uranus at powerful 8 degrees in play now is supporting your desire to transcend lower vibrational urges and embrace exquisite high vibrational living. Mercury, symbolizing the practical mind of thoughts, words and communication, is getting clarity by balancing with Uranus,... Read more
The Truth about Friday the 13th

To most of the world Friday the 13th has represented what is hidden, secret and dark. Why is this? The suppression of the Divine Feminine came to a head with this combination: Friday and the number 13... 13 is a divine feminine frequency of empowerment through transformation.... Read more
15:15 Scorpio NEW MOON: Liquid Energy in Motion

There’s so much to share with you this week! The star codes are super active right now, creating an unprecedented shift as we close in on a New Age. Between the fortunate, empowering Pluto/Jupiter conjunction (final of three meetups) happening TODAY, Mars finally stationing direct on Friday the... Read more
The Big Shift Is Happening NOW

Many timelines and universal codes are coming to a head right now. And, more than ever, the smallest insight has infinite potential… During the Full Moon in Taurus tomorrow, change-agent Uranus is exactly conjunct the Moon at 8° Taurus with both planets opposite the Sun at... Read more
November Energy Forecast - Positive Changes Ahead

November astrology and numerology reveal some BIG CHANGES ahead. There’s a culmination of energy that will bring clarity for you to move forward. Election Day 2020 has some intense astrology. On November 3, 2020, Mercury is going direct! Our trickster planet might bring some mayhem... Read more
23° LIBRA New Moon: Stunning Star Code

An incredibly dynamic Libra New Moon is exact on October 16. October is the month where we realize we’ve arrived at the point of no return. There’s no turning back. So this New Moon at 23° Libra invokes the strongest number in numerology – symbol of the Royal Star of... Read more
11° Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! Transform & Empower!

Mercury stations retrograde from October 13/14 through November 3 deepening the rapid transformation enveloping humanity right now. This is the final Mercury retrograde of the year – and what powerful code it activates! Given that the final Mercury retrograde of the last decade was in Scorpio and... Read more
Pluto Stations Direct: Everything Changes Now

Pluto just stationed DIRECT at 22° Capricorn. This is the last of three planets in the Capricorn Stellium of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter to station direct, thus indicating the beginning of the final push towards freedom and peace. Pluto INTENSIFIES what you focus on. Pluto Uncovers, Observes and Transforms. Read more
October 2020 Energy Forecast - Reimagine Your Life Purpose

PHEW! October is here and we're in the last quarter of the year! It's 2020 so guess what? We're heading for an intense month. There's a cosmic brew of fiery energy that's about to heat up. We begin this month with an impassioned Full Moon in... Read more
Welcome OCTOBER: This is going to be Intense & exciting!

Welcome October – a thrilling 5 Universal Month! You are now at the precipice of an exciting new adventure! We begin the month with a bang – the Aries Full Moon is exact right on October 1. (See the important Full Moon Star Codes forecast here.) 10.2020 is... Read more
Magnificent and Brilliant - 9:9:9 Aries Full Moon [Oct 1]
![Magnificent and Brilliant - 9:9:9 Aries Full Moon [Oct 1]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.full-octnsp_1619.jpg)
Welcome the invigorating Aries FULL MOON on October 1! Here’s what we cover in the latest Star Codes forecast: The meaning of the code in the date1.2020 Moon conjunct Chiron – a powerful healing shift Sun quincunx Uranus, creating a triple 9:9:9 code Mars retrograde in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn Venus (ruler of Libra Sun) trine Mars (ruler... Read more
Happy Equinox! YOU are the Source of Peace

Happy Autumn/Spring Equinox on 9/22/2020 - code of PEACE. The Sun is now in Venus’ sign of Libra - sign of BALANCE. No matter where you live, it’s the time of year where all energy is in supreme balance… The cycle of Earth’s movement around the Sun... Read more
17° VIRGO New Moon: Leave a Legacy Behind

A highly positive New Moon in Virgo on the special day of September 17 invites you to lay strong foundations through service and healing. A gorgeous, exact trine from the New Moon to Saturn creates opportunities for high vibrational responsibility. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn (and part... Read more
10:10 Manifesting the Divine Feminine

As Venus creates a dynamic square to Uranus right now at 10°, we are experiencing a powerful reminder WHY all is in flux... and shifting... The Divine Feminine Awakening in the New Age of Aquarius is HERE. Uranus square Venus is helping to dislodge the last... Read more
Mars Retrograde - A Call To Action

Mars went retrograde this week. It feels surreal writing about the red planet while fires are raging out of control here in the United States. For the next two months until November 13th, Mars will be retrograde in his home sign of Aries. (And will... Read more
September Energy Forecast - Restore Your Well Being

Sweet September is here! The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons. This is a time to ground yourself and get back to business. We're in Virgo season throughout most of the month. This is Earth... Read more
10:10:10 Pisces FULL MOON: Love - Liberation

September is right around the corner. The last third of 2020 begins with an exciting, truth revealing, highly intuitive Pisces Full Moon. Pisces is the dreamer, the sign of merging all into one, exploring the unseen and mysterious realms. There will be no boundaries on your creative imagination... Read more
Venus opposite Pluto: Purification through LOVE

On August 30 Venus creates an opposition to Pluto helping us to purify and purge old paradigms through beauty, joy and love. Venus is the planet undergoing a major reawakening now along with the neglected number 13. Pluto purges old structures and patterns, making room for the NEW. Together Venus... Read more
Mars, Miracles and the Sacred Masculine

Good news to set the stage for the final week of August. With Saturn creating an exact square to Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are also activated for a dynamic activation of ENERGY. You have the courage to stand up for yourself. You have the confidence to confront... Read more
Mars in Aries: Creating Courageous Beginnings

Mars is the planet of the moment… Having recently moved into its OWN sign of Aries, Mars will remain there for a total of 6 months (due to its upcoming retrograde in Aries). Mars usually moves through each sign in 6 weeks. The last time Mars... Read more
8:8:8:8 LEO New MOON: Stand Up and Be Counted!

A wonderful Leo New Moon instills plenty of courage and feel good energy on August 18 (Americas) / August 19 (rest of the world). Your inner lion/lioness is awakening! You are in the process of passionately engaging your OWN Inner AUTHORITY. We have entered the period of... Read more
3-6-9 Code: Love is Your Guide

In August, 2020 three magnificent days will activate the 3-6-9 Triad of Love. August 6 is the first of those days. Joy and Creative Self Expression, Love and Nurturing, Compassion and Higher Wisdom are blended into this gorgeous code. As we move deeply into embracing Love as... Read more
August Energy Forecast - Rekindle Your Passions

Amazing August is Here! Can you feel the fire? We’re in Leo Season for the first three weeks of the month, which intensifies your passions, brings courage and confidence, and a joyful creativity. In numerology, August 2020 is a 3 Universal Month. Read more
28:28:28 New Moon in Cancer: Shift in Direction

Today at 1:33 pm Eastern and 10:33 am Pacific (6:33 pm in London) we are experiencing the 2nd Cancer New Moon. July 20, 2020 and New Moon number 2 in Cancer… And, the most important transit being activated during this powerful lunation is Saturn opposite the... Read more
20:20:20 New Moon #2 in Cancer! [July 20]
![20:20:20 New Moon #2 in Cancer! [July 20]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.new-moon-cancernsp_1619.jpg)
It’s a rare event when we experience a lunation twice in the same sign! Back on June 21st we had the Solstice Cancer New Moon Eclipse at the beginning of Cancer – 0° Cancer. Now, on July 20th, 2020 we’ll experience the SECOND Cancer New Moon! This code is extremely powerful. Read more
July Energy Forecast - Building Better Boundaries

July is here and we’re halfway through the year! July is here and we’re halfway through the year! This month brings some much-needed closure to some deep-seated karmic patterns. (You didn’t think all this intense inner-work was for nothing, did you?) July 2020 is a Master Number... Read more
Mars/Chiron and Pluto/Sun: Miracles and Magnificence

Another spectacular star code is unfolding this week! We are being showered with healing and confidence boosting heavenly alignments during this tremendous time of changes. July’s magnificent 11 Universal Month continues with two powerful transits: Mars conjunct Chiron Sun opposite Pluto Read more
Mars Activates Mercury Retrograde: Language of Love

Today Mercury Retrograde is creating a dynamic square to Mars. Mars recently entered its own sign of Aries where it will remain for six months (due to an upcoming retrograde which begins in September). Mars represents our passion, energy, drive and libido. Mercury symbolizes communication, words,... Read more
3 Magical Ways Numerology Can Help You

Putting all the efforts and burning midnight oil but still not getting the result? Are you curious about how the future looks like? Do you want to know about your real strengths and weaknesses? If yes, then you’re on the right page. "Numerology" can... Read more
Welcome July! 11 Universal Month: Illusion to Illumination

Happy July, 2020! This is the month that begins the second half of 2020 with an activation of the Master Number 11 for 31 straight days. 11 is all about developing and trusting your intuition – your connection to the LIGHT of Mother/Father/God – Source. July 2020 may... Read more
13:13 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn [July 4/5]
![13:13 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn [July 4/5]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.lunar-eclipsensp_1619.jpg)
On July 4/5, 2020 the final of three consecutive eclipses takes place – a full moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of Commitment and Dedication, Building and Authority. This is the FINAL eclipse since the lunar nodes moved from Capricorn and Cancer into Gemini and... Read more
Cancer SOLAR ECLIPSE: Light of the SOLSTICE [June 21]
![Cancer SOLAR ECLIPSE: Light of the SOLSTICE [June 21]](https://www.crystalwind.ca/modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/stories.awakening.tania_gabrielle.solar-eclipse-cwnsp_1619.jpg)
We’ve arrived at the middle of three eclipse in a powerful ECLIPSE CYCLE a powerful Cancer Solar New Moon Eclipse. This eclipse begins a new season and takes place on a pivotal moment – the SOLSTICE! In this new Star Codes podcast we’ll cover: Read more
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer: Language of Love

Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer on June 18, starting just a couple of days before the Solar Eclipse – also in Cancer! Thus all things Cancer are in the limelight. Mercury retrogrades approximately 3 times a year for 3 weeks at a time. Mercury governs language, how you communicate... Read more
20:20 Neptune-Sun-Mars Awakening

There are times when a slow-moving planet like Neptune receives a celestial boost. One of those moments has arrived: Neptune at 20° Pisces is being squared by the Sun at 20° Gemini right now, opening up a powerful quadruple 20:20:20:20 portal. On Saturday, June 13, Mars and... Read more
Spiritual Sacred Warrior: Mars Conjunct Neptune

A very rare celestial event is evolving at this time and will be exact on June 13, 2020: Mars conjunct Neptune in Neptune’s sign of Pisces. Mars represents our instinctual energy, our ambition and carries tremendous passion. Mars is masculine energy. Neptune is in its native sign of Pisces, governing unconditional, Universal Love, compassion and service, creativity,... Read more
Un-Patterning and Rebirthing: 13° Venus Retrograde Conjunct …

As we move closer to the powerful eclipse cycle that begins on Friday, June 5, Venus retrograde creates another magnificent moment today. Venus retrograde is conjunct the Sun at 13°! 13 and Venus both represent the Divine Feminine, so this connection is absolutely beautiful. Read more
15:15:15:15 Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius

On June 5, 2020 the first of three consecutive eclipses takes place – a full moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This is the first eclipse since the lunar nodes moved from Capricorn and Cancer into Gemini and Sagittarius. What makes it extra potent and powerful is the numerology... Read more
Devotion in Motion - 8:8 Sun Sextile Chiron

With the Sun, Venus retrograde and North Node all recently moved into Gemini, there is so much change and movement in the air! Being open, fluid and curious will help to keep your inner peace at this momentous time. Another wonderful support is today’s blessing between... Read more
Powerful Venus Conjunct Mercury Energy Activation

In a few hours the exciting New Moon in Gemini at 2° on May 22, 2020 (with lots more 2's in play) blesses us with compassion, close communication and enhanced intuition. A beautiful trine to Saturn in Aquarius internalizes and grounds the new,... Read more
Gemini Brings A Breath Of Fresh Air!

Gemini season has officially begun! After a month of introspection in Taurus, the Sun now begins it’s annual sojourn in Gemini. You’ve certainly learned more about what’s dear to you, and are not the same person you were just a short month ago! But breezy... Read more
Jupiter's Shift Lightens and Lifts

It’s a special day when Jupiter stations to a standstill to change direction. That’s because a planet at a pivot point has the greatest impact on us. And when that planet is Jupiter, bringer of Joy, Abundance, Expansion, we are especially blessed! As you may know from... Read more
13:13 Venus Retrograde and the Divine Feminine Awakening

Yesterday, May 11, Saturn stationed retrograde, which happens once a year. Tomorrow, May 13, Venus stations retrograde – a much more rare occasion. And Jupiter joins the retrograde party on Thursday! What an extraordinary week it is. Venus is the planet we are focusing on today. Because Venus is... Read more
Scorpio FULL MOON Star Code Forecast

On May 7, an exciting Full Moon in Scorpio prepares a profound conscious connection to Source. Scorpio feels energy to the core, purges old paradigms, ignites passion, reveals secrets and transforms emotional patterns. This Full Moon creates an emotional Revolution that fires up your ENTHUSIASM! Read more
6:6 Mercury Conjunct Uranus: From Practical to Inspirational

Today a lovely conjunction ends one month and begins another with a delightful infusion of multidimensional energy. Mercury (practical mind) merges with Uranus (inspirational mind)! This conjunction stimulates exciting ideas. You’re inspired to explore creative, unique tangents – and you’ll do so with extra clarity and intuition. Insights... Read more
Taurus New Moon: Liberation Celebration!

On April 22 in the Americas, April 23 universal time, a transformational New Moon in Taurus blesses us with excitement and creativity. A gorgeous numerology code awakens abundance, alchemy and healing. Taurus governs financial flow, values, self worth, sensual pleasure and peace. Read more
11:10:1 - Powerful Momentum for Achievement

This weekend is special. First we have a wonderful meeting between Saturn, which just entered Aquarius and Mercury. Saturn just entered Aquarius – cementing our innate desire for security without the loss of freedom. Aquarius governs the future. Mercury is in Aries, the first sign of forward momentum... Read more
Magnificent Miracles: Venus Trine Jupiter & Pluto!

This final weekend of March is a celebration of blessings in so many ways. Today Venus trines Jupiter. Tomorrow Venus trines Pluto! You feel good, optimistic and wonderfully positive about the future. Venus governs the next two lunations in Libra (full moon) and Taurus (new moon), adding... Read more
Aries New Moon: Fearless Beginnings!

On March 24 a wonderful Aries New Moon ushers in a new sense of confidence and resets our energy to start fresh again. Jupiter, Mars (ruler of Aries) and Pluto create a dynamic, positive triple conjunction setting the stage for a significant rise in positive outcomes! Read more
22:22° Mars conjunct Jupiter, Sun into Aries – Happy SPRING!

There is GOOD news on the horizon, starting with celestial energies building up from now and into April. First, on Friday March 20th Mars (energy and fire) conjuncts Jupiter (expansion, fortune and joy) on the SAME day that the Sun enters ARIES – the sign... Read more
As With All Cycles, This Too Shall Pass...

Saturn is our teacher this year. Currently, there are five planets in Capricorn right now. - whose ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn is known as the taskmaster. He is associated with limitations, restrictions, responsibility, boundaries, and discipline, as well as time, age, older people, patriarchy, and... Read more
COVID-19 Astrology Numerology Healing Update

Welcome to a special elongated episode covering the profound Star Code message surrounding COVID-19. We’ll uncover hidden dynamics, secret symbols, messages and maps by decoding the Astrology and Numerology to help you understand, heal and liberate yourself from fear. You will be able to connect the... Read more
11 Portal: Friday the 13th (1st of the Decade)

Today’s Friday the 13th is the first of our new decade! Friday, March 13, 2020 ads up to an 11 Universal Date creating a double new beginnings 11 portal that opens up profound transformation and intuitive courage! Contrary to what you may have been taught to... Read more
FULL MOON in Virgo: Healing & Hope

On March 9 a Full Moon in Virgo brings profound healing, hope and forward momentum. Mercury (ruler of Virgo) stations direct the SAME day! Plus… Neptune, ruler of Pisces, conjuncts the Sun in Pisces. Venus, ruler of Taurus, conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. 6 planets are in Earth signs along with the Moon... Read more
Welcome MARCH: Epic 7 Month of Miracles

Welcome March – an inspirational breakthrough 7 Universal Month in 2020! Intuitive AHA moments are everywhere. Listen for them, as they give you perfect sight! This is an epic time in human history. And now, brilliant insights that birth new directions are readily available. Read more
Pisces New Moon - Astrology of China

The coming Pisces New Moon is approaching now and is of tremendous impact. We are in the midst of an amazing vibrational alliance between the ethereal realms and practical on-the-ground reality. At the time of the New Moon on February 23, four planets will be in... Read more
February Focus on HEALING: Venus Conjunct Chiron

February is a 6 Universal Month – the number of health, nurturing and healing. Now, Chiron is back in the celestial news, and the timing is good. Venus conjuncts Chiron in Aries today! Venus/Chiron opens our heart to receive sacred healing through love and beauty. Coupled with February’s 6 Universal Month allows... Read more
February 2020: Love, Laughter, Abundance!

Welcome February – a wonderful 6 Universal Month! 6 is the number of love and family, home business, abundance and compassion. Family is on the forefront, as you engage and receive heart-centered nurturing. Loved ones will rely on you more than ever for support. 6 enhances healing... Read more
Awaken Your Spirit With The Aquarius New Moon

Our first New Moon of the year brings healing and hope. It's been a bit of an intense start of the year. You might feel as if you haven't had that "fresh start" feeling of renewal that New Years typically bring. You're certainly in good company. We... Read more
22:22 STELLIUM in Capricorn!

We’ve arrived at the big event: the powerful Stellium in Capricorn with Saturn and Pluto! This meeting in Capricorn hasn’t happened since 1518 – and this time Saturn and Pluto are ALSO merged with the Sun and Mercury to create the stellium: 4 planets merged at the start... Read more
Uranus Moves Direct - The Big Awakening

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius and the New Aquarian Age, stations direct on the SAME day as the Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer on January 10. This change of direction awakens a profoundly intensified focus on FREEDOM. Uranus’ pivot at 2° Taurus indicates a new era of inspiration –... Read more
2020 - A Year Of Karmic Awakening

What a year this has been! It has certainly been rich with spiritual lessons and profound insights. 2019 as a 12 Universal Year was divinely designed for you to help you live more authentically and be true to yourself. 12 is a number that represents life... Read more
Power Surge! Pluto Turns DIRECT!

Two weeks after Saturn changed direction and moved forward again it is Pluto’s turn. Today, Pluto stations direct at 20° in Capricorn. Pluto and Saturn are the two major players in the stunning, rare stellium that comes into exactitude on January 12, 2020. So Pluto’s standstill today as... Read more
We Are All Connected. You Are Never Alone.

We are all connected. You are never alone. One of the many things I learned after doing thousands of psychic readings is that we all have more help than we could possibly realize. No matter how random, painful, or unfair things in the world or your... Read more
Diving Deep Into Spiritual Waters

What a day for dreaming! Our Moon dips into the spiritual waters of Pisces today. There are many other planets dipping into the stream of your psyche. Mercury, the planet that governs your mind, is retrograding back into Cancer today and will remain there throughout the... Read more
555 Angel Number - Get Ready For Change!

555 is a divine message for you! Do you see the repeated number 555 on the clock, license plates, your receipts, and in other seemingly random places? This is not a coincidence. It is a divine synchronicity. 555 is known as an “Angel Number”. If you see 555... Read more
Discover Your Life Lessons With Numerology

With online numerology, you can find out the significance of the numbers in your life and how they impact your personality and relationships. Every number in our life has a magical vibration, and numerology is an accurate way of decoding the meaning of these... Read more
333 Angel Number - A Divine Message of Love

3 is a magic number! Do you see the repeated number 333 on the clock, license plates, or your receipts, and in other seemingly random places? This is not a coincidence. It is a divine synchronicity. If you see 333 repeated in your life, it is a... Read more
Numerology for Relationships - Love by the Numbers

They say opposites attract. Numerology for relationships and love is a powerful tool to help your romantic life. Although it is be fantastic to be in a relationship with someone who understands you completely, you really wouldn’t want to date someone exactly like you. The Universe wants to... Read more
Karmic Debt Numbers In Numerology – A Spiritual Perspective

Karma is not good or evil. Let’s just get that out of the way first. When people hear the word, “karma”, it sends a connotation that you did something bad in a previous life. Well, that’s most likely true. Everyone did things that weren’t perfect... Read more
Numerology for Name Changes - A Psychic’s Perspective

Changing your name is a BIG DEAL. The numerology of your name affects every aspect of your life. Every time you change your name, you change your vibration. If you’re getting married or divorced, or even taking on a nickname or pen-name, it affects how you... Read more
Your Name Number Is Your Destiny

Numerology Numerology is the study of numbers and the divine, mystical meanings they may have. There are many different systems of numerology to predict and determine many different things. Once thought of as a math and science, numerology is now seen as an occult study, used... Read more
Darkness and Light: Eclipse of the Unknown

The powerful Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse a few hours ago is a real reminder of how we need to experience both light and dark in our lives to dive fully into our mission and explore our SOUL to the greatest extent possible. It reminded me of one of my... Read more
Numerology for Your Address – Is Your Home Happy for You?

House numerology can affect your well being. Since numbers are vibrations, your address sets the tone for your entire living space. You want to make sure that your house or apartment number is compatible with you and the others living there, as well as... Read more
Angel Number 1111 – Magical Portal for Manifesting

Have you ever looked up at the clock exactly at 1111? Or perhaps you see this number on license plates, or receipts. Does 1111 follow you everywhere? If so, consider yourself very, very luck! 11:11 is a portal for you to create your hearts desire almost instantly and miraculously.... Read more
Seeing All 4′s – Symbolism of the Number Four and Its Repeti…

Since it has become more than uncanny how many times and at such poignant moments the “4 energy” keeps showing up for me the last several months (and increasing by the hour), I thought I’d delve into more than the simple meanings and symbolism... Read more
What's Your Number? What Your Phone Number Reveals About You

If you’re interested in numerology then you know that numerology would say your house number exerts a huge influence on you, just like your birth number. But what about our phone numbers? We can say we choose the day we incarnate in order to... Read more
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Featured Articles: Numerology
Number Sequences from the Angels Open or Close
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: "We can't write our messages to you in the sky. You've got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life — especially in response to any questions or prayers you've posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!"
Read More - The Esoteric Significance Of Numbers Open or Close
Finding Your Personal Year Number Open or Close
- What's Your Number? What Your Phone Number Reveals About You Open or Close
If you’re interested in numerology then you know that numerology would say your house number exerts a huge influence on you, just like your birth number. But what about our phone numbers? We can say we choose the day we incarnate in order to experience a certain life path and its lessons. The same goes for where we live. Many people believe that houses ‘choose’ their occupants. The energy of a house contains certain experiences and events and the house either wants you to experience that energy – or not. So, where does this leave our phone numbers which are after all, usually randomly assigned by the phone company. This is where synchronicity comes in. Our phone numbers can often reflect our communication energy or what we need to know about communication style. Often spooky synchroncities can be revealed when we work out our phone’s ‘communication number’ as this can often be the same as our birth or life-path number.
Read More- Your Life Path Number – Discover Your Destiny Open or Close
Your Life Path number is similar to your Sun Sign in astrology.
It reveals your life’s purpose including your gifts, challenges, and abilities as well as your talents, inner drives, and how you experience your emotions.
Read More- Numerology for Your Address – Is Your Home Happy for You? Open or Close
House numerology can affect your well being. Since numbers are vibrations, your address sets the tone for your entire living space. You want to make sure that your house or apartment number is compatible with you and the others living there, as well as create an energy that is conducive to your lifestyle.
Although your street address, building address, and zip code certainly have an impact, the most influential number for your well being is your house or apartment number, since that is what is most personal to you.
Read More- Your Name Number Is Your Destiny Open or Close
Numerology is the study of numbers and the divine, mystical meanings they may have. There are many different systems of numerology to predict and determine many different things.
Once thought of as a math and science, numerology is now seen as an occult study, used for astrology and divinatory arts.
Read More- What Does Numerology Predict About 2020? Open or Close
Humans have been trying to predict the future for centuries. After all, having the ability to understand what we can expect in the year or years to come can help us to prepare. Even 500 years later, people still look to the predictions of the 16th-century prophet, Nostradamus, and try to interpret what his readings meant. The British psychic, Craig Hamilton-Parker, recently interpreted Nostradamus’ writings, saying that in 2020 there will be war in the Middle East, and Trump will be re-elected for a second term; however, there will be also be an assassination attempt. Whether these events actually come to pass remains to be seen, one of the most interesting ways of making predictions about the future is by applying numerology. It is something you can do at home and make decisions on your life as you move into 2020.
Read More- Numerology 2024: Harnessing the Power of Number 8 Open or Close
As we step into 2024, we embrace the vibrations and energies of a new year in the realm of numerology.
Read More- 2025 Numerology Secrets: How Numbers Will Shape Your Future and the World Open or Close
The Role of Numerology in 2025: Your Complete Guide to Personal and Global Transformation
The ancient wisdom of numerology has always fascinated humans, serving as a bridge between mathematical precision and spiritual insight.
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- What's Your Number? What Your Phone Number Reveals About You Open or Close
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